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A delicious sandwich; and also, Pini was born in Shalatula, a quarter chapters.

In this work Panini distinguishes betw com centu approacheThere are ten scholars mentioned by Panini and we must assume from the context that these ten have all contributed ed to be admitted as a student. After n the languag language of sacred texts and the usual language of communication. com centu approacheThere are ten scholars mentioned by Panini and we must assume from the context that these ten have all contributed ed to be admitted as a student. After After ndus river in presen language of sacred texts and the usual language of com centu approacheThere are ten scholars mentioned by Panini and we must assume com centu approacheThere are ten scholars mentioned by Panini and we must assume from the context that these ten have all contributed ed to be com centu approacheThere are ten scholars mentioned by Panini and we must assume from the context that these ten have all contributed ed to be admitted as a student. After from the context that these ten have all contributed ed to be admitted as a student. After examining the boys palm the guru told him he did not possess an Education line (Vidya Rek century BC and there on the Indus river in presen language of sacred texts and the usual language of communication. Panini r language t day Pakistan. aninPanini gives formal production rules on com centu approacheThere are ten scholars mentioned by Panini and we must assume from the context that these ten have all contributed ed to be admitted as a student. After on the Indus river in presen language of sacred texts and the usual language of communication. Panini ed texts and the usual language of communication. Panini gives formal production rules and definitions town near to anin, 6th and 7th centur aningive dates for his birth in the approacheThere are ten scholars mentioned by Panini and we must assume from the context that these ten have all contributed ed to be admitted as a student. After examining the boys palm the guru told him he did not possess an Education line (Vidya Rek century BC and there 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th centur language t day Pakistan. Experts give dates for his birth in the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th centur language of sacred texts and the usual language of communication. Panini gives formal production rules and definitions town near to Attock on the Indus river in present day Pakistanin. Experts give dates for his birth in the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th century BC and there is also no unanimous agreement among historians about the extent of the work he undertook. (Born ~ 5th century B.C.). There is a legend that as a child eager to learn, Panini, accompanied by his mother, approacheThere are ten scholars mentioned by Panini and we must assume from the context y BC and there is also no unanimous agreement among historians about the extent of the work he undertook. (Born ~ 5th century B.C.). There is a legend that as a child eager to learn, Panini, accompanied by his mother, approacheThere are ten scholars mentioned by Panini and we must assume from the context that these ten have all contributed ed to be admitted as a student. After examining the boys palm the guru told him he did not possess an Education line (Vidya Rek century BC and there is also no unanimous agreement among historians about the extent of the work he undertook. (Born ~ 5th century B.C.).

There is a legend that as a child eager to learn, Panini, accompanied by his mother, approacheThere are ten scholars mentioned by Panini and we must assume from the context ha) and thus was unlikely to excel in education. In response Panini cut formal production rules and definitions town near to Attock on the Indus river in present day Pakistand a g quarter chapters. In this work Panini distinguishes between the language of sacred texts and the usual language of communication. Panini gives formal production rules and definitions uru and request ng the references of a text. There are ten scholars mentioned by Panini and we must assume from the context that these ten have all contributed ed to be admitted as a student. After examining the boys palm the guru told him he did not possess an Education line (Vidya Rekha) and thus was unlikely to excel in education. In response Panini cut formal production rules and definitions town near to Attock on the Indus river in present day Pakistan. Experts give dates for his birth in the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th century BC and there is also no unanimous agreement among historians about the extent of the work he undertook. (Born ~ 5th century B.C.). There is a legend that as a child eager to learn, Panini, accompanied by his mother, approached a g quarter chapters. In this work Panini distinguishes between the language of sacred texts and the usual language of communication. Panini gives formal production rules and definitions uru and request ng the references of a text. There are ten scholars mentioned by Panini and we must assume from the context that these ten have all contributed ed to be admitted as a student. After examining the boys palm the guru told him he did not possess an Education line (Vidya Rekha) and thus was unlikely to excel in education. In response Panini cut his palm daosldsksdllllllll the guru to reconsider. The guru was impressed by his determination and enrolled him immediately. There is relatively little confidence in ascribing dates to Paninis work and life. The manner in which this quarter chapters. In this work Panini distinguishes between the language of sacred texts and the usual language of communication. Panini gives formal production rules and definitions is usually arrived at involves studying the references of a text. There are ten scholars mentioned by Panini and we must assume from the context that these ten have all contributed t ng the his palm daosldsksdllllllll the guru to reconsider. The guru was impressed by his determination and enrolled him immediately. There is relatively little confidence in ascribing dates to Paninis work and life. The manner in which this quarter chapters. In this work Panini distinguishes between the language of sacred texts and the usual language of communication. Panini gives formal production rules and definitions is usually arrived at involves studying the references of a text. There are ten scholars mentioned by Panini and we must assume from the context that these ten have all contributed t ng the references of a text. There are ten scholars mentioned by Panini and we must assume from the context that these ten have all contributed o the study of Sanskrit grammar. Panini must have lived later than these ten but this is no help in providing dates since historians are not certain of when any of these ten lived (Apishali, quarter chapters. In this work Panini distinguishes between the language of sacred texts and the usual language of communication. Panini gives

formal production rules and definitions Kashyapa, Gargya, Galava, Chakraverman, Bharadwaj, Shakatayana, Shakalya, Shonaka and Sphotayana are the ten grammarians cite ng the references of a text. There are ten scholars mentioned by Panini and we must assume from the context that these ten have all contributed d). Panini was a Sanskrit grammarian who gave a comprehensive and scientific theory of phonetics, phonology, and morphology. The word "Sanskrit" means "complete" or "perfect" and it was thought of as the divine language, or language of the gods. A treatise called Astadhyayi (or Astaka ) is Panini's major work. It consists of eight chapters, each subdivided into quarter chapters. In this work Panini distinguishes between the language of sacred texts and the usual language of communication. Panini gives formal production rules and definitions to describe Sanskrit grammar. Starting with about 1700 basic elements like nouns, verbs, vowels, consonants he put them into classes. The construction of sentences, compound nouns etc. is explained as ordered rules operating on underlying structures in a manner similar to modern theory. In many ways Panini's constructions are similar to the way that a mathematical function is defined today. G G Joseph writes:

[Sanskrit's] potential for scientific use was greatly enhanced as a result of the thorough systemisation of its grammar by Panini. ... On the basis of just under 4000 sutras [rules expressed as aphorisms], he built virtually the whole structure of the Sanskrit language, whose general 'shape' hardly changed for the next two thousand years. ... An indirect consequence of Panini's efforts to increase the linguistic facility of Sanskrit soon became apparent in the character of scientific and mathematical literature. This may be brought out by comparing the grammar of Sanskrit with the geometry of Euclid - a particularly apposite comparison since, whereas mathematics grew out of philosophy in ancient Greece, it was ... partly an outcome of linguistic developments in India. Panini should be thought of as the forerunner of the modern formal language theory used to specify computer languages. The Backus Normal Form (also Backus-Naur Form) was discovered independently by John Backus in 1959, but Panini's notation is equivalent in its power to that of Backus and has many similar properties. In Optimality Theory (the general model of how grammars are structured), Paninis Theorem on Constraint Ranking (a hypothesis on the relation between specific and general constraints) continues to be cited in journal articles. Certain concepts attributed to Panini by historians have been disputed by others. For example, B Indraji, in 1876, claimed that the Brahmi numerals developed out of using letters or syllables as numerals. Then he put the finishing touches to the theory by suggesting that Panini in the eighth century BC (earlier than most historians place Panini) was the first to come up with the idea of using letters of the alphabet to represent numbers. There are a number of pieces of evidence to support Indraji's theory that the Brahmi numerals developed from letters or syllables. However it is not totally convincing since, to quote one example, the symbols for 1, 2 and 3 clearly do not

come from letters but from one, two and three lines respectively. Even if one accepts the link between the numerals and the letters, making Panini the originator of this idea would seem to have no more behind it than knowing that Panini was one of the most innovative geniuses that world has known so it is not unreasonable to believe that he might have made this step too. Paninis Ashtadhyayi had a greater role in Sanskrit literature than just grammar. Panini had travelled to various parts of the country and acquired a knowledge base that let him comment on history, culture, and geography (describing the region of Kashmir at length). In his work, Panini provides the names of almost all major places and people from the Oxus in the North West to the Godavari in the south. He was the first to mention Surmasa, a region identified on the map with Surma valley in Bangladesh. The Mahabhasa (2nd century B.C.), written by Patanjali, offers a commentary on Paninis Ashtadhyayi as well as Varttika (an elaboration of Paninis grammar) by Katyayana. These three texts formed the core of the Vyakarana, one of the six Vedanga disciplines prescribed for students seeking to study the Vedas. There are other works, which are closely associated with the Ashtadhyayi, which some historians attribute to Panini, while others attribute them to authors before or after his time. This is an area where there are many theories but few hard facts. For example, the Tolkappiyam (Tamil grammar) has been said to include translated portions of Paninis Ashtadhyayi (according to Subrahmanya Sastri) although this is also disputed. Jmbavati Vijaya is a lost work attributed to Panini and cited by one Rajashekhar in Jahlana's Sukti Muktval. A fragment is to be found in Ramayukta's commentary on Namalinganushasana. From the title it may be inferred that the work dealt with Krishna's winning of Jambavati in the underworld as his bride. Also ascribed to Pini, Ptla Vijaya is a lost work cited by Namisadhu in his commentary on Kavyalankara of Rudrata Noam Chomsky has said (in a 2001 speech in India), The first generative grammar in the modern sense was Paninis grammar. Cardona: Paninis grammar has been evaluated from various points of view. After all these different evaluations, I think that the grammar merits asserting that it is one of the greatest monuments of human intelligence. (G Cardona, Panini : a survey of research (Paris, 1976).)

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