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2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts


Music and Arts

'unctional !iteracy for All

no and Participating in Artistic $ultural Performances

Self De(elopment) Promoting $ultural Identity and &nhancing *ne+s ,orld "ision
Performing (Singing/Playing/ Acting/Dancing) $reating $omposing Music and other Arts

Reading/ Analyzing

!istening/ "ie#ing

Teaching for Musical and Artistic nderstanding Disciplined %ased Art &ducation (D%A&) Social $onstructi(ism Theory $ogniti(e Apprenticeship !earning Multiple Intelligences Theory

Schema Theory

2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

$onceptual 'rame#or- of Music and Arts

The central goal of Philippine basic education is functional literacy for all !unctional "iteracy means that all indi#iduals should possess a complete range of s$ills and competencies% &hich &ill enable them to' li#e and &or$ as human persons% de#elop their potentials% ma$e critical and informed decisions% and function effecti#ely in society &ithin the conte(t of their en#ironment and that of the &ider community to impro#e the )uality of their li#es and that of the society * "iteracy Coordinating Council% September 1++,The ma.or indicators of functional literacy are communication s$ills% critical thin$ing and problem sol#ing% sustainable use of resources/producti#ity% de#elopment of self and sense of community% and e(panding one0s &orld #ision To contribute to this goal in Music and Arts% functional literacy is obser#ed through participation in artistic and cultural performances either as a performer or a consumer of art for self de#elopment% promotion of cultural identity and e(pansion of one0s &orld #ision The s$ills to be de#eloped are reading/analy1ing% listening/#ie&ing% performing *singing% playing% acting% and dancing- and creating and composing music and arts 2ne of the approaches to be used is Teaching for Musical 3nderstanding by 4ac$ie 5iggins in &hich students construct understandings as a result of e(perience Another approach is Disciplined 6ased Arts Education of 7etty Center for Education in the Arts in &hich emphasis on art history% aesthetics and art criticism is encouraged in line &ith art ma$ing The third is Cogniti#e Apprenticeship "earning in &hich learners need to engage in real8life problem sol#ing situations The philosophical foundation of these approaches are the Schema Theory% a frame&or$ for understanding ho& $no&ledge is constructed and utili1ed by the mind9 Social Constructi#ist theory &hich pro#ides a frame&or$ for understanding ho& learning occurs in human society% and the Multiple :ntelligences Theory of ;o&ard 7ardner

2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Music and Arts

Program Standard' The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and principles of music and arts through acti#e participation in artistic and cultural performances for self de#elopment% promotion of cultural identity% and e(pansion of one0s &orld #ision

.eneral Standard 'irst /ear The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and principles of fol$ songs and arts of the Philippines and the &orld% through acti#e participation in artistic and cultural performances for self de#elopment% promotion of cultural identity% and e(pansion of one0s &orld #ision

.eneral Standard Second /ear The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and principles of Asian music and arts through acti#e participation in artistic and cultural performances for self de#elopment% promotion of cultural identity% and e(pansion of one0s &orld #ision

.eneral Standard Third /ear The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and principles of music and arts of the different periods *<enaissance% 6aro)ue% Classical/=eo classical and <omantic periods-% through acti#e participation in artistic and cultural performances for self de#elopment% promotion of cultural identity% and e(pansion of one0s &orld #ision

.eneral Standard 'ourth /ear The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and principles of music and arts of the 20th and 21st centuries through acti#e participation in artistic and cultural performances for self de#elopment% promotion of cultural identity% and e(pansion of one0s &orld #ision

2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

$oncept Matri0 'irst /ear Philippine !ol$ Songs And Art !ol$ Songs and Art of Asia and Africa !ol$ Songs and Art of Europe% Australia and America Dance Drama on Myths and "egends Second /ear Music and Arts of Southeast Asia Music and Arts of East Asia Third /ear Music and Arts of the <enaissance and 6aro)ue Music and Arts of the Classical/ =eoclassical Period Music and Arts of the <omantic Period Musical Play 'ourth /ear Music and Arts of the th 20 Century Music and Arts of the st 21 Century Philippine 20th and 21st Century Music and Arts Multimedia Theater

.rading Period >1



Music and Arts of Central and South Asia Music Theaters of Asia


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Music and Arts I

.eneral Standard for 'irst /ear1 The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and principles of fol$ songs and arts of

the Philippines and the &orld% through acti#e participation in artistic and cultural performances for self de#elopment% promotion of cultural identity% and e(pansion of one0s &orld #ision
2uarter I 3 'ol- Songs and Arts of the Philippines (Music) Stage 41 Results/*utcomes STA6DARDS &SS&6TIA! Content Performance Understanding Question
The learner demonstrates understanding of musical concepts used in Philippine fol$ songs as influenced by history and culture The learner performs e(amples of Philippine fol$ songs alone and &ith others in clear tone and correct pitch% rhythm% e(pression and style Singing Playing/:mpro#ising !ol$ songs #ary in style through the #aried &ays in &hich the musical elements are combined Philippine fol$ songs communicate fundamental ideas about human e(perience and help us understand people0s ideas% emotions and beliefs ;o& do fol$ songs #ary in styleA

Product/ Performance
:ndi#idual and group performance of Philippine !ol$ Songs Singing Playing and :mpro#ising Accompaniments

Stage 51 Assessment At the le(el of Understanding Performance

&0planation E(plain ho& the different elements of music are used to con#ey the message of a specific fol$ song $riteria1 Accurate description of the different elements 3se of appropriate terminologies Interpretation :llustrate through mo#ements ho& the different elements of music are used in a selected fol$ song to communicate ideas and e(periences E#aluation of indi#idual and group performance of Philippine fol$ Songs based on the follo&ing criteria' Clear tone )uality Correct e(pression and style Correct pitch Correct rhythm E#aluation of Created Accompaniment based on the follo&ing criteria' Easy to follo& Standard/7raphic =otation Appropriateness of symbols used Appropriate rhythm/ chord

Do you thin$ fol$ songs are still rele#ant todayA 5hyA ;o& is culture reflected in our fol$ songsA

Product' Created Accompaniment *Standard/7raphic =otation-

2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Stage 41 Results/*utcomes 2 STA6DARDS &SS&6TIA! Content Performance Understanding Question

Philippine 'olSongs !ocal 'ol- Songs1 "u1on% Bisayas% Mindanao

Product/ Performance

Stage 51 Assessment At the le(el of Understanding Performance

$riteria1 Clear illustration of mo#ements sho&ing characteristic musical elements Meaningful illustration of mo#ements Appropriate e(pression and technical accuracy Application Create an accompaniment to a selected Philippine fol$ song using standard or graphic notation applying under standing of musical concepts $riteria1 Appropriateness to the song Correctness of rhythm/chordal accompaniment

6allad and =arrati#e Song "ullaby "o#e and Courtship Song !riendship and Con#i#iality Song 5or$ Songs <itual Songs

&lements of Music Timbre <hythm Melody ;armony/Te(ture !orm

2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Stage 41 Results/*utcomes 2 STA6DARDS &SS&6TIA! Content Performance Understanding Question

Product/ Performance

Stage 51 Assessment At the le(el of Understanding Performance

Perspecti(e :f you are a fol$ singer% up to &hat e(tent &ill you moderni1e your rendition of a fol$ songA $riteria1 :nsightful Critical 3nusual <e#ealing &mpathy 5al$ in the shoes of a member of a cultural community ;o& &ould you feel &hen your fol$ song is performed in the 5estern styleA $riteria1 2pen Percepti#e <esponsi#e Sensiti#e Tactful

2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Stage 41 Results/*utcomes 2 STA6DARDS &SS&6TIA! Content Performance Understanding Question

Product/ Performance

Stage 51 Assessment At the le(el of Understanding Performance

Self 7no#ledge 5rite your reaction on fusion of 5estern elements to our fol$ songs $riteria1 :nsightful <eflecti#e Self8ad.usting

2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Music and Arts I

.eneral Standard for 'irst /ear1 The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and principles of fol$ songs and arts of

the Philippines and the &orld% through acti#e participation in artistic and cultural performances for self de#elopment% promotion of cultural identity% and e(pansion of one0s &orld #ision
2uarter I 3 'ol- Songs and Arts of the Philippines (Arts) Stage 41 Results/*utcomes STA6DARDS &SS&6TIA! Content Performance Understanding Question
The learner demonstrates understanding of media techni)ues and processes and the elements and principles of arts used in Philippine fol$ arts as influenced by history and culture% The learner creates an e(ample of Philippine fol$ art applying $no&ledge of media techni)ues and processes% elements and principles of art to communicate ideas% e(periences and stories Philippine fol$ art reflects nature and the life of the common fol$ through #arious media techni)ues and processes based on the factors of time% climate% resources% ideas and historical and cultural conte(t ;o& does Philippine fol$ art reflect nature and the life of the common fol$A

Product/ Performance
Created E(amples of Philippine fol$ art representing the different regions

Stage 51 Assessment At the le(el of Understanding Performance

&0planation E(plain the different media techni)ues and processes and ho& the elements and principles of art &ere used to reflect nature and fol$ in Philippine fol$ arts $riteria1 Clear Accurate description of the different elements used 3se of appropriate terminology Interpretation :llustrate through a media techni)ue of your choice ho& factors of time% climate% resources% ideas and historical and cultural conte(t influence a specific fol$ art E#aluation of a created art &or$ based on the follo&ing criteria' Authenticity Clarity of Message Creati#ity

2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Stage 41 Results/*utcomes 2 STA6DARDS &SS&6TIA! Content Performance Understanding Question

Philippine 'olArts "ocal !ol$ Arts of "u1on% Bisayas Mindanao Media Techni8ues And Processes Car#ing 5ea#ing Pottery Physical 2rnaments &lements of Art "ine Shape and !orm Balue Color Te(ture Space

Product/ Performance

Stage 51 Assessment At the le(el of Understanding Performance

$riteria1 Meaningful <e#ealing illustrati#e Application Apply $no&ledge of media techni)ues and processes and the elements and principles of art in creating an e(ample of fol$ art using local resources $riteria1 Appropriateness of' materials used media techni)ues elements and principles of art Creati#ity Perspecti(e Criti)ue t&o different #ersions of a specific art &or$ as regards to media techni)ues and principles used% materials% ideas and historical and cultural conte(t critical insightful re#ealing


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Stage 41 Results/*utcomes 2 STA6DARDS &SS&6TIA! Content Performance Understanding Question

Principles of Art 3nity and Bariety 6alance Emphasis/ !ocal Point <hythm/ Pattern Proportion/ Scale Mo#ement

Product/ Performance

Stage 51 Assessment At the le(el of Understanding Performance

&mpathy Assume the role of a fol$ artist in a specific region in creating a sample fol$ art applying a chosen media techni)ue and processes and the elements and principles of art Describe ho& you felt as a fol$ artist $riteria Sensiti#e 2pen <esponsi#e <ecepti#e Self 97no#ledge E(plain ho& you came to understand the culture of a specific cultural group in the Philippines through their use of the different media techni)ues and processes and the elements and principles of art $riteria :nsightful <eflecti#e Self8ad.usting


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Music and Arts I

.eneral Standard for 'irst /ear1 The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and principles of fol$ songs and arts of

the Philippines and the &orld% through acti#e participation in artistic and cultural performances for self de#elopment% promotion of cultural identity and e(pansion of one0s &orld #ision
2uarter II3 'ol- Songs and Arts of Asia and Africa (Music) Stage 41 Results/*utcomes STA6DARDS &SS&6TIA! Content Performance Understanding Question
The learner demonstrates understanding of musical concepts used in Asian and African fol$ songs as influenced by history and culture 'ol- Songs of1 Asia Africa 6allad and =arrati#e Song "ullaby "o#e and Courtship Song Singing Playing/:mpro#ising The learner performs e(amples of Asian% and African fol$ songs alone and &ith others in clear tone and correct pitch% rhythm% e(pression and style 1 The #aried &ays in &hich the musical elements are combined gi#e a uni)ue style to a specific fol$ song Asian fol$ music encompasses numerous styles originating from a large number of Asian cultures African fol$ songs are mostly functional in nature9 they are an integral part of all areas of daily acti#ities of the entire community ;o& do Asian% and African fol$ songs #ary in styleA 5hy do Asian and African fol$ songs #ary in styleA

Product/ Performance
:ndi#idual and group performance of e(amples of Asian and African !ol$ Songs

Stage 51 Assessment At the le(el of Understanding Performance

&0planation E(plain ho& the different elements of music are used in Asian and African fol$ songs $riteria Accurate description of the different elements 3se of appropriate terminology Interpretation :llustrate through mo#ements ho& the different elements of music &ere used in a selected fol$ song to communicate ideas and e(periences E#aluation of Performance of Asian and African fol$ songs based on the follo&ing criteria' Clear tone )uality Correct e(pression and style Accurate pitch Accurate rhythm E#aluation of Created Accompaniment based on the follo&ing criteria'


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Stage 41 Results/*utcomes 2 STA6DARDS &SS&6TIA! Content Performance Understanding Question

!riendship and Con#i#iality Song 5or$ Songs <itual Songs Culture is reflected in fol$ songs through the intonation of language% rhythm of speech% en#ironmental sounds and other aspects of life all of &hich are culturally based ;o& is culture reflected in fol$ songsA

Product/ Performance

Stage 51 Assessment At the le(el of Understanding Performance

$riteria Meaningful <e#ealing illustrati#e Application Create a one 8stan1a song in the style of Asian% or African fol$ song $riteria appropriate style reflects intonation of a specific culture reflects en#ironmental sounds and other aspects of life of a specific culture Perspecti(e 5rite a criti)ue on the style of an Asian% and African fol$ song on ho& the elements of music &ere used to reflect language% rhythm of speech% en#ironmental sounds and other aspects of life Easy to !ollo& Standard/7raphic =otation Appropriateness of symbols used Appropriate rhythm/chord

Elements of Music Timbre <hythm Melody ;armony/Te(ture !orm


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Stage 41 Results/*utcomes 2 STA6DARDS &SS&6TIA! Content Performance Understanding Question

Product/ Performance

Stage 51 Assessment At the le(el of Understanding Performance

$riteria Critical :nsightful <e#ealing &mpathy 5al$ in the shoes of an African or other Asians through a performance of their fol$ songs $riteria Sensiti#e 2pen <esponsi#e <ecepti#e Self 97no#ledge 6eing an Asian% &rite your reali1ation about other Asian music and that of the Africans on the &ay the elements of music are used $riteria :nsightful <eflecti#e Self8ad.usting


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Music and Arts I

.eneral Standard for 'irst /ear1 The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and principles of fol$ songs and arts of

the Philippines and the &orld% through acti#e participation in artistic and cultural performances for self de#elopment% promotion of cultural identity% and e(pansion of one0s &orld #ision
2uarter II 3 'ol- Songs and Arts of Asia and Africa (Arts) Stage 41 Results/*utcomes STA6DARDS &SS&6TIA! Content Performance Understanding Question
The learner demonstrates understanding of media techni)ues and processes and the elements and principles of arts used in Asian and African fol$ arts as influenced by history and culture% The learner creates an e(ample of Asian and African fol$ art applying $no&ledge of media techni)ues and processes% elements and principles of art to communicate ideas% e(periences and stories Asian and African fol$ arts reflect nature and the life of the common fol$ through #arious media techni)ues and processes based on the factors of time% climate% resources% ideas and historical and cultural conte(t ;o& do Asian and African fol$ arts reflect nature and the life of the common fol$A

Product/ Performance
E(amples of Asian and African fol$ art

Stage 51 Assessment At the le(el of Understanding Performance

&0planation E(plain ho& nature and fol$ life are reflected in Asian and African arts through the use of #arious media techni)ues and processes $riteria Clear Accurate description of the different elements used 3se of appropriate terminology E#aluation of a created art &or$ and the &hole festi#al based on the follo&ing criteria' Authenticity Clear Message Creati#ity


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Stage 41 Results/*utcomes 2 STA6DARDS &SS&6TIA! Content Performance Understanding Question

'ol- Arts of Asia and Africa Car#ing 5ea#ing Pottery Physical 2rnaments Asian fol$ arts encompass numerous styles originating from a large number of Asian cultures African fol$ arts are mostly functional in nature9 they0re an integral part of all areas of daily acti#ities of the entire community 5hy do Asian fol$ arts differ in styleA

Product/ Performance

Stage 51 Assessment At the le(el of Understanding Performance

Interpretation :llustrate through a media techni)ue of your choice ho& factors of time% climate% resources% ideas and historical and cultural conte(t influence a specific fol$ art Criteria Meaningful <e#ealing illustrati#e Application Apply $no&ledge of media techni)ues in creating an e(ample of an Asian or an African fol$ art Criteria Appropriate use of' materials Appropriate media techni)ues Creati#ity

5hy are African fol$ arts mostly functional in natureA

&lements of Art "ine Shape and !orm Balue Color Te(ture Space


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Stage 41 Results/*utcomes 2 STA6DARDS &SS&6TIA! Content Performance Understanding Question

Principles of Art 3nity and Bariety 6alance Emphasis/ !ocal Point <hythm/ Pattern Proportion/ Scale Mo#ement

Product/ Performance

Stage 51 Assessment At the le(el of Understanding Performance

Perspecti(e 5rite a criti)ue on ho& the relationship of human and nature is sho&n in an e(ample of Asian and African fol$ art through their use of different media techni)ues and processes% and the elements and principles of art $riteria critical insightful re#ealing &mpathy E(perience directly and see the relationship of human and nature in creating e(amples of Asian and African fol$ arts $riteria Sensiti#e 2pen <esponsi#e <ecepti#e


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Stage 41 Results/*utcomes 2 STA6DARDS &SS&6TIA! Content Performance Understanding Question

Product/ Performance

Stage 51 Assessment At the le(el of Understanding Performance

Self 7no#ledge 5rite your reali1ation on ho& fol$ artists of Asia and Africa differ as regards to media techni)ues and processes and the use of the elements and principles of art $riteria :nsightful <eflecti#e Self8ad.usting


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Music and Arts I

.eneral Standard for 'irst /ear1 The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and principles of fol$ songs and arts of

the Philippines and the &orld% through acti#e participation in artistic and cultural performances for self de#elopment% promotion of cultural identity and e(pansion of one0s &orld #ision
2uarter III3 'ol- Songs and Arts of &urope) Australia and America (Music) Stage 41 Results/*utcomes STA6DARDS &SS&6TIA! Content Performance Understanding Question
The learner demonstrates understanding of musical concepts used in European% Australian and American fol$ songs as influenced by history and culture 'ol- Songs of1 &urope Australia America 6allad and =arrati#e Song "ullaby The learner performs e(amples of European% Australian and American fol$ songs alone and &ith others in clear tone and correct pitch% rhythm% e(pression and style Singing Playing/:mpro#ising The #aried &ays in &hich the musical elements are combined gi#e a uni)ue style to a specific fol$ song 5hy do European% Australian and American fol$ songs #ary in styleA ;o& do European% Australian and American fol$ songs #ary in styleA

Product/ Performance
:ndi#idual and 7roup Performance of European% Australian and American !ol$ Songs

Stage :1 !earning Plan At the le(el of Understanding Performance

&0planation E(plain ho& the different elements of music are used in European% Australian and American fol$ songs $riteria Accurate description of the different elements 3se of appropriate terminology Interpretation :llustrate through mo#ements ho& the different elements of music &ere used in a selected fol$ song to communicate ideas and e(periences E#aluation of a Performance of European% Australian and American fol$ songs based on the follo&ing criteria' Clear tone )uality Correct e(pression and style Accurate pitch Accurate rhythm E#aluation of Created Accompaniment based on the follo&ing criteria'


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Stage 41 Results/*utcomes 2 STA6DARDS &SS&6TIA! Content Performance Understanding Question

"o#e and Courtship Song !riendship and Con#i#iality Song 5or$ Songs <itual Songs Elements of Music Timbre <hythm Melody ;armony/ Te(ture !orm The culture of a specific country is recogni1ed in their fol$ songs through the intonation of language% rhythm of speech% en#ironmental sounds and other aspects of life all of &hich are culturally based ;o& do &e recogni1e the culture of a specific country through their fol$ songsA

Product/ Performance

Stage 51 Assessment At the le(el of Understanding Performance

$riteria Meaningful <e#ealing :llustrati#e Application Create a one8stan1a song in the style of European% Australian or American fol$ song $riteria appropriate style reflects intonation of a specific culture reflects en#ironmental sounds and other aspects of life of a specific culture Perspecti(e 5rite a criti)ue on the style of a selected fol$ song on ho& the elements of music &ere used to reflect language% rhythm of speech% en#ironmental sounds and other aspects of life Easy to !ollo& Standard/7raphic =otation Appropriateness of symbols used Appropriate rhythm/chord


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Stage 41 Results/*utcomes 2 STA6DARDS &SS&6TIA! Content Performance Understanding Question

Product/ Performance

Stage 51 Assessment At the le(el of Understanding Performance

$riteria Critical :nsightful <e#ealing &mpathy 5al$ in the shoes of an European% Australian and American through a performance of their fol$ songs $riteria Sensiti#e 2pen <esponsi#e <ecepti#e Self 7no#ledge After learning representati#e fol$ songs of the &orld% &rite your reali1ations $riteria :nsightful <eflecti#e Self8ad.usting


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Music and Arts I

.eneral Standard for 'irst /ear1 The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and principles of fol$ songs and arts of

the Philippines and the &orld% through acti#e participation in artistic and cultural performances for self de#elopment% promotion of cultural identity and e(pansion of one0s &orld #ision
2uarter III3 'ol- Songs and Arts of &urope) Australia and America (Arts) Stage 41 Results/*utcomes STA6DARDS &SS&6TIA! Content Performance Understanding Question
The learner demonstrates understanding of media techni)ues and processes and the elements and principles of arts used in European% Australian and American fol$ arts as influenced by history and culture% The learner creates an e(ample of European% Australian and American fol$ art applying $no&ledge of media techni)ues and processes% elements and principles of art to communicate ideas% e(periences and stories European% Australian and American fol$ arts reflect nature and the life of the common fol$ through #arious media techni)ues and processes based on the factors of time% climate% resources% ideas and historical and cultural conte(t ;o& do European% Australian and American fol$ art reflect nature and the life of the common fol$A

Product/ Performance
E(amples of European% Australian and American fol$ art

Stage 51 Assessment At the le(el of Understanding Performance

&0planation E(plain ho& nature and fol$ life are reflected in European% Australian and American fol$ arts through the use of #arious media techni)ues and processes $riteria Clear Accurate description of the different elements used 3se of appropriate terminology E#aluation of a created art &or$ and the &hole festi#al based on the follo&ing criteria' Authenticity Clear Message Creati#ity


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Stage 41 Results/*utcomes 2 STA6DARDS &SS&6TIA! Content Performance Understanding Question

'ol- Arts of Europe% Australia and America Car#ing 5ea#ing Pottery Physical 2rnaments 6ecause of the large number of cultural groups in Europe and Australia% a #ariety of styles are found in their fol$ arts The enormous ethnic di#ersity caused by migrations of people from all o#er the &orld resulted in a mi(ture of se#eral types of American fol$ arts% 5hy is it impossible to describe a typical American% European and Australian fol$ artA

Product/ Performance

Stage 51 Assessment At the le(el of Understanding Performance

Interpretation :llustrate through a media techni)ue of your choice ho& factors of time% climate% resources% ideas and historical and cultural conte(t influence a specific fol$ art $riteria Meaningful <e#ealing illustrati#e Application Apply $no&ledge of media techni)ues in creating an e(ample of fol$ European% Australian and American fol$ art Criteria Appropriate use of' materials Appropriate media techni)ues Creati#ity

&lements of Art "ine Shape and !orm Balue Color Te(ture Space


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Stage 41 Results/*utcomes 2 STA6DARDS &SS&6TIA! Content Performance Understanding Question

Principles of Art 3nity and Bariety 6alance Emphasis/ !ocal Point <hythm/ Pattern Proportion/ Scale Mo#ement

Product/ Performance

Stage 51 Assessment At the le(el of Understanding Performance

Perspecti(e Compare and contrast the different styles of European% Australian and American fol$ arts $riteria critical insightful re#ealing &mpathy Assume the role of a fol$ artist from a specific cultural group in Europe% Australia or America in creating a sample fol$ art $riteria Sensiti#e 2pen <esponsi#e <ecepti#e Self 7no#ledge 5rite your reali1ation after learning the fol$ arts of Europe% Australia and America $riteria :nsightful <eflecti#e Self8ad.usting


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Music and Arts I

.eneral Standard for 'irst /ear1 The learner demonstrates understanding of basic concepts and principles of fol$ songs and arts of

the Philippines and the &orld% through acti#e participation in artistic and cultural performances for self de#elopment% promotion of cultural identity and e(pansion of one0s &orld #ision
2uarter I"3 Dance Drama on Myths and !egends Stage 41 Results/*utcomes STA6DARDS &SS&6TIA! Content Performance Understanding Question
The learner demonstrates understanding of ho& elements of sound% music% gesture% mo#ements and costume affect the creation and communication of meaning in a dance drama as influenced by history and culture% The learner' creates appropriate scenario/storyline based on myths and legends of a particular culture Creates/impro#ise appropriate sound% music% gesture% mo#ements and costume for a dance drama Through organi1ed gestures and mo#ements accompanied by recurring tension and release and the up and do&n mo#ement of pitches in music based on a scenario/storyline an idea or theme is communicated in a dance drama ;o& is an idea or theme communicated through abstract mo#ements in a dance dramaA

Product/ Performance
Scenario or Storyline based on a specific Myth or "egend Performance of Created Dance Dramas on Myths and "egends of the 5orld

Stage 51 Assessment At the le(el of Understanding Performance

&0planation E(plain ho& an idea or theme is communicated in a dance drama through the different elements of sound% music% gesture% mo#ements and costume $riteria Clear Accurate description of the different elements used 3se of appropriate terminology Interpretation :llustrate ho& the different elements used in a dance drama contribute in communicating meaning E#aluation of a Performance of <epresentati#e Dance dramas of the 5orld based on the follo&ing criteria' Appropriate mo#ements Appropriate sound and music Appropriate costume Culturally based


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Stage 41 Results/*utcomes 2 STA6DARDS &SS&6TIA! Content Performance Understanding Question

The learner' demonstrates mastery of mo#ement se)uences in a dance drama &ith accurate rhythm and appropriate mo#ements

Product/ Performance

Stage 51 Assessment At the le(el of Understanding Performance

$riteria Meaningful <e#ealing illustrati#e Application Create dance mo#ements to communicate a particular scene in a dance drama Criteria Appropriate mo#ements Culturally based Creati#e Perspecti(e 5rite a criti)ue on t&o presentations of a dance drama based on ho& &ell a myth or legend is communicated $riteria critical insightful re#ealing


2010 SEC Curriculum Documents Music and Arts

Stage 41 Results/*utcomes 2 STA6DARDS &SS&6TIA! Content Performance Understanding Question

Product/ Performance

Stage 51 Assessment At the le(el of Understanding Performance

&mpathy E(press directly ho& other cultures e(press themsel#es through mo#ements $riteria Sensiti#e 2pen <esponsi#e <ecepti#e Self 7no#ledge Self assess your performance in class acti#ities $riteria :nsightful <eflecti#e Self8ad.usting


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