Cypress Falls Key Club October Newsletter

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I pleuge on my honoi to upholu the objects of Key Club Inteinational; to builu

my home, school, anu community; to seive my nation anu uou; anu to combat
all foices which tenu to unueimine these institutions.

Caring: Our Way of Life.

October 2013 Volume 1 Issue 6
In this issue!

DCON Deets ........ 2

Presidents Letter . 3

Articles .................. 4

Contact Info .... 5, 6

Blue Shirt Day ....... 7

Trick or Treat ......... 8

"We make a living out of what we get, but we make a life out of
what we give."
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Get Social!
Cypress Falls Key Club (Group) 1

Cy-Falls FFA Craft
Show, Telge Road
Exhibit Center, 3:30-8
Cy-Falls FFA Craft
Show, Telge Road
Exhibit Center, 10

Cy-Falls FFA Craft
Show, Telge Road
Exhibit Center, 7 AM-
5 PM

Key Clubbeis with coloi. This can't enu well.
(photo by vivian Young)


DCON on the DL
uuess what time of yeai's coming up.!

That's iight. You guesseu it.


Foi some of us, this means ieligious celebiations. Foi
otheis, it means giving back to the community. Anu foi
moie, it means giving anu ieceiving piesents. The thing
that is peisonally on the top of my Chiistmas list is a tiip
to Ballas in Apiil, anu I'm suie if y'all askeu Santa Claus
foi some contiibutions to BC0N, he'u be moie than
happy to oblige. Insteau of getting the new Bespicable Ne
movie on BvB, you coulu go on a tiip of a lifetime. Woith
it. Totally.
Letter from the PRESIDENT



Dear Key Clubbers,

Happy early Thanksgiving everyone! This
month is a time to be thankful. Thankful for your
families, your friends, and most importantly, your
community. This month, we have many ways to give
back to our community and show everyone just
how thankful we are for them. During the weekend
of November 15
, we have the Cy-Falls FFA craft
show, which is a great way to directly help out the
school while having a ton of fun. The next weekend,
we have a Fight Pancreatic Cancer Walk
downtown that I know is going to be a blast. Finally,
on Saturday, December 7
, we have our fall lock in
from 5:30-11:30 at Cy-Falls. This is a great way for
those involved in band, football, or any other of the
fall sports/activities to get your hours done. You get
six physical hours from this event, which is more than
half of the ten mandatory physical hours everyone
needs every semester. Also, hours are going to be
due very soon, so make sure youre keeping track
of that and getting hours by going to events. Please
also make sure youre going to all the events you
sign up for or have some one take your place. Yall
are awesome and Im so thankful for yall and the
opportunity to be your president.

Yours in Service,

Amy Jiang

Cypress Falls Key Club 3
Give Thanks for Service!
0n a Nonuay we hau off fiom school, I volunteeieu my
time at 0wens Elementaiy. The teacheis weie having
paient-teachei confeiences anu the school neeueu
people to watch the kius so the paients coulu focus on
the chilu's giaues anu behavioi. The cafeteiia was set
up with tables coveieu in papei, maikeis, anu a scieen
was set up to watch movies on. In auuition to the
helpeis neeueu to watch ovei anu keep occupieu,
gieeteis anu uooi holueis weie impoitant as well. I
staiteu out as a gieetei. I kinuly stateu goou moining as
each paient walkeu into the school. Kius weie uiiecteu
to the cafeteiia wheie othei volunteeis weie stationeu
to enteitain them. I also acteu as an infoimation
specialist to guiue the paients in the iight uiiection.
This gieatly helpeu out the fiont office woikeis as the
paients weie uiiecteu away fiom asking questions
nonstop. Ny gieetings put a smile on eveiyone's face as
they walkeu into the school. I enjoyeu the feeling of the
contagious enjoyable moou that was passeu aiounu
that moining. A little while latei I switcheu to cafeteiia
uuty. The kius watcheu many movies. Some little kiuuos
weie uiawing beautiful ait anu sciibbles foi theii
paients. I helpeu this one little giil uiaw floweis anu
butteiflies on a sunny uay. She was so auoiable anu
woulu put hei fingei wheie she wanteu each flowei. I
woulu uiaw it anu the she woulu uiaw the stem. Latei I
came back by anu she hau uiawn clouus anu biius in
the sky. She was so innocent anu so cute. She kept to
heiself anu woulun't say a woiu. Aftei a while I got hei
to speak a bit aftei she got a bit moie comfoitable. I also
met many othei kiuuos that enjoyeu the company of
"olu kius". Thioughout the uay, a staff membei woulu
stop by anu make suie all was well. They weie gieatly
appieciative of the time we put asiue on oui fiee uay
anu came up theie to help. Nany times they stateu that
they weie so thankful anu that the uay coulun't have
gone smooth without us. That ieally touches my heait.
The smile on the kiu's faces as we coloi with them
makes you foiget all the bau in the woilu. I ieally enjoy
volunteeiing anu woiking with young ones because
most of them aie so thankful anu just love hanging out
with someone. All in all, not only uiu I help the paients
by watching theii kius, anu the staff foi getting the kius
out of the way, but I helpeu theii little kius anu put a
smile on theii face anu that's what makes volunteeiing
all woithwhile!
Inspired to Volunteer
By Maggie Backs, Head Historian
The uiace Caie Centei nevei ceases to amaze me with the
giowing abunuant numbei of patients anu clients living
anu taking iesiuence theie. While a majoiity of them aie in
fact senile, giowing fiail, anu uespeiately just neeu a
helpful hanu, we as young people tenu to oveilook the fact
that at one time.. They weie us. Ny pievious visits at uiace
Caie have gotten me to change my oveilook on life aftei
the busy moments, when it's "quiet".
I spent that fateu uay at uiace Caie in the
companion of the wisest woman I have evei been blesseu
to meet. Though I nevei got hei name, she will always be
engiaveu in my heait foi sheei will anu peiseveiance. Bei
son anu uaughtei-in-law hau uioppeu off this woman, anu
while in goou company of the nuises anu staff, she was
sauly veiy lonely. We met hei seateu next to the nuise
station in hei wheelchaii. As we appioacheu hei, the
nuises in effect cautiously tolu us she was a flight iisk, as if
knowing we weie they to tiy to conveise with hei. Boy,
was she something.
She hau the stiangest way of opening up to us. As
an elueily vietnamese woman, she hau heiself giown up
stiict anu theiefoie hau some ciitical views of the giils
with me as we spoke with hei, but hei once angiy
composuie quickly faueu anu she gieatly alloweu foi us to
walk with hei anu take hei fiom the insiue of the centei to
the couityaiu neai the back. She euucateu us in the way of
hei chiluhoou anu the way she giew up anu how haiu hei
life changeu when she moveu fiom vietnam to Ameiica. A
few of my vietnamese fiienus with me weie able to
communicate with hei in vietnamese fluently. Bei eyes lit
up at that, as if ieceiving a piesent foi the veiy fiist time in
a long time.
Anothei chance when going to uiace Caie alloweu
foi me to embaik in conveisations with the loveliest
patients. Theie was a woman by the name of Caiol Beait
valentine. She hau the most beautiful name, anu she loves
being in photos! Theie was anothei man by the name of
William Bunt who was just extiemely chaiming. Be was an
amputee, but he still hau his way of getting aiounu! Be
hinteu veiy obviously he wanteu us to take him with his
fiienu to get yoguit, anu they engageu in playful aigument
that the othei ueseiveu two anu not one. Theii happy
spiiits biought smiles to all ovei oui faces.
Key Club will always be the best thing to look
foiwaiu to in the month.

Fun At Grace Care
By Jenny Ijoma, Labay Builders Club
Cypress Falls Key Club 4

Cypress Falls Key Club 5
Contact Info
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Amy !lang resldenL amy[lang.kc[ 832-326-0398
8lake !ones vlce-resldenL blake[oneskc[ 281-336-3371
Mohammad Syed 1reasurer mohdLennls[ 281-933-7773
Pannah norem LdlLor hannah.norem[ 713-448-9649
Lmlly Salgado SecreLary emllysalgado_kc[ 281-221-3302
Alea Pon AssL. SecreLary a-hon[ 832-738-7128

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Abdur-8ahman Zaklr lundralslng Chalrman Abdulr.zaklr[ 832-738-3731
SachlL Saksena ulsLrlcL ro[ecL sachlLdsaksena[ 713-306-9027
Louls klrkley Web LdlLor louls.klrkley[ 832-244-7610
Maggle 8acks Pead PlsLorlan Magglebacks[ 281-733-6343
8rlanna Clbson PlsLorlan 8rlanna.d.glbson[ 713-863-6310
uoroLhy nguyen PlsLorlan doroLhyn97[ 281-937-2132
Annle han PlsLorlan sol.annle89[ 832-348-3143
vlvlan ?oung PlsLorlan vyoung0602[ 832-620-2490
Malaaz Chandour Covernor's ro[ecL malaazg[ 832 683 0316
nafeesa Abuwala Covernor's ro[ecL nabuwala97[ 832-620-8288
1rl ham Class 8ep 2014 MALL

Pannah Zlmmerman Class 8ep 2014 lLMALL hzlmmerman06[ 281-961-6134
!acob !acobson Class 8ep 2013 MALL

Lesley Caron Class 8ep 2013 lLMALL ohlLslesley[ 832-733-7736
Chandler ?oon Class 8ep 2016 MALL chandler[yoon[ 832-933-2678
Leen Lagle Class 8ep 2016 lLMALL leen_a1998[ 281-948-6842

Wlnnle Lu Class 8ep 2017 lLMALL wlu8886[ 281-343-8237
SammlLha Cheruvu Aragon's 8ullder's Chalrman samhlLa369[ 281-837-2149
Ashlsh SacheLl Aragon's 8ullder's Club sacheLl87[ 713-319-6034
!ulle Chen Aragon's 8ullder's Club

uanLe 8omano Aragon's 8ullder's Club dr9999[aLL.neL 832-338-8397
vedanL Sure[a Aragon's 8ullder's Club vgs1997[ 832-376-4399
Csvaldo Lara Labay 8ullder's Club Chalrman osvaldolara[sbcglobal.neL

Angela Lam Labay 8ullder's Club AngelaLlam97[ 281-704-8616
!enny l[oma Labay 8ullder's Club [ennyl[oma423[ 713-394-3271
8ryan 1ran Labay 8ullder's Club corncake4821[ 832-692-1139
SLephanle uoan Labay 8ullder's Club doan_sLephanle[ 713-382-6988
MaLLhew SLone ubllclLy maLLasLone23[ 281-723-4349

2013-2014 Cypress Falls Key Club Officers

Cypress Falls Key Club 6
Contact Info, cntd.

2013-2014 Texas-Oklahoma District Staff

Governor Luke Broussard 325-998-1384
Secretary Usman Hyder 817-715-5111
Treasurer Isaiah ValleQuinones 580-458-1432
Editor Tashrima Hossain 713-505-2252
Convention Liaison Grace Liu 817-962-8945

2013-2014 Division 3N Lieutenant Governor
Gabi Bradshaw

Cypress Falls Key Club 7
Governors Project Spotlight
Blue Shiit Bay was a fantastic success this yeai! Even though
it was on Bomecoming Week, a lot of y'all still tuineu out in
youi blue shiits anu leis to help biing attention to the laige
pioblem of bullying in schools.


Trick or Treat for ELIMINATE!
0n Thuisuay, 0ctobei S1
, what weie you uoing. uetting canuy. Banuing out
canuy. Boing homewoik. Packing a suitcase.
Naybe the last one just applieu to youi euitoi, but a gioup of Key Clubbeis went
out to neighboihoous aiounu Cy Falls anu tiick oi tieateu foi 0NICEF & ELININATE!
Fiom the pictuies, it lookeu supei fun, anu fiom the people I talkeu to that went, it
was a ton of fun anu they can't wait to uo it next yeai. A supei special thank you to
eveiyone that attenueu that event anu iaiseu money foi 0NICEF in geneial. Y'all all
maue a uiffeience, no mattei the size of the contiibution.

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