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e: m: +94 075 25 24 796


Qualified Teacher and Administrative officer with many years of varied instructional experience and a creative, resourceful one with proven ability to enhance employers performance and possess a positive and effective workingstyle with the willingnessto workaboveandbeyondthe call of duty.


Name Address Date f !irt"

: Umaru Lebbe Nifras : #156/6, RDS Road,Irakkamam 08 : 1#88$De% 1#88 : (a)e : 88+6,0#-6. : Si'/)e : Is)am

&e'der NI* (arita) Status Re)i/io'

Professional Qualifications Educational Qualifications Computer Literacy

Following Higher National Diploma in English Language at Hardy ATI. Completed Diploma in Computer Studies at IIIT !adampe "#$# Completed Certi%i&ate Course in 'ournalism &ondu&ted (y !uslim !edia Forum in "##)

Completed *ostal Certi%i&ate in English Language Completed +a&helor o% Arts ,-.sool , ud/ deen0 at Islahiyya Ara(i& &olleg !adampe "#$$ Completed +a&helor o% Arts , .ni1ersity o% *eradeniya "#$2 -E3ternal0 ,Await results Completed AL/Aalim E3amination -"nd Le1el0 &ondu&ted (y Department o% !uslim Cultural A%%airs Sri Lan4a on "##5 6eneral Certi%i&ate in Edu&ation -Ad1an&ed Le1el0 Department o% E3aminations Sri Lan4a , "##7 April 6eneral Certi%i&ate in Edu&ation -8rdinary Le1el0

E3&ellent hands on E3perien&e in !S Suite "##7 E3&ellent hands on Typing in English Ara(i& and Tamil


!other Tongue9 Tamil 6ood at English Tamil and %air in Sinhala.

&ea$ing "'ea(ing )ri#ing

Tamil %nglish "inhala


Ser0ed as t"e S%"oo) 1refe%t of A) As"araf (us)im *e'tra) *o))e/e,Irakkamam (ember of S%"oo) S%out 2eam Ser0ed as a' r/a'i3er Is)ami% Stude't (o0eme't,Irakkamam !ra'%" ,01, 1arti%i4ated i' Ramad"a' Semi'ar i' Is)ami% Studies %o'du%ted b5 A(6S i' ,000 1arti%i4ated i' A''ua) S%out *am4 "e)d at 1ottu0i) *e'tra) *o))e/e i' ,00, Su%%essfu))5 1assed 7i'a) 89ami'atio' i' (us)im Da"am




Arabic Lang age

2011Jun 2011 Dec

Manbaul Khairath Arabic College , Akkaraipattu.


!slamic "# $ies

2012 Jan 2013 Jan

ilal Ahadhiyya !chool "rakkkamam.

Mas$idul !alaam, %ile &actory 'oad, "rakkamam

2012 Feb 2013 Jul 1

+a$h(al l , ran,, ran +a$rasa for -hil$ren !ra((amam


2012 +arch4 2013 5 l1

+in$rich -ollege,22.2 "#a#ion &oa$,/ehi0ala

2013 A g #ill no0

" hereby certify that the abo)e details furnished by me are true and correct to the best of my kno*ledge. %hanking you, !incerely +ours, 1L.2ifras

Two Non- Related Referees : Mr S.L Hamza Grama Niladhari, Irakkamam. Contact No. 0773672733 Mr A.K.Az ar !A "Hon#$, %&#tic' () *'ac' "+hol' I#land $ Am,ara -oad, Irakkamam. .mail / aka# Con. No . 0773324644

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