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I, Marilou C. Cagujas, 35 years of age, a resident of San Benito Norte, Aringay, La Union, do hereby and repose that: Sometime on March 2013, I came to one Janeth Farinas Plandez to ask for help so that I can employ work abroad. I came to know her because Ms. Plandez has been one the lessees of Leopoldo Garcias since December 2012 to which my sister, Marife C. Dacanay is the caretaker. Ms. Plandez posed herself to us as a Certified agent of two different recruitment agencies by showing supporting documents of her capacity to recruit and deploy persons abroad. Relying to her established reputation, she had gained my trust. When I came to her, Ms. Plandez assured that she will be the one who will take charge of the processing of documents I needed for my application. She demanded the amount of P 6,500.00 for the processing of my passport and medical check-up. Thereafter, I and Ms. Plandez went to Manila sometime on April 2013 for my Medical Check-up and to avail my passport. Ms. Plandez left me in her boarding house in Manila while she went home to La Union. Without my knowledge, she solicited money from Marife C. Dacanay, my sister, the amount of P 14,000.00 for my training and Visa going to Guam. According to my sister, Ms. Plandez told her that the result of my Medical check-up was good and I am fit for work. After successfully obtaining money from my sister, Ms. Plandez went back to Manila to pay for my VISA and for my training. I was able to sign my VISA at Whocking Restaurant. However, there was no training happened. Later, I went back home to La Union. Subsequently, Ms. Plandez again demanded the amount of P 5,000.00 from me in order to facilitate the fast processing of my papers. Ms. Plandez did not issue any receipt of every transaction we have made. Ms. Plandez promised me that I can be deployed abroad as soon as early as two months from such date. However, when the time has arrived, I was not able to go abroad. From then on, we went again to Manila for my appearance to avail my passport, to attend my training and to take necessary examinations. When we reached Manila, we did not do anything. It came to my knowledge that my other co-applicants were also there to follow-up their applications. When I came to realize all of the money my family had spent, I again talked to Ms. Plandez if I can change my application from Guam to Kuwait because it is easier to go there. Ms.

Plandez then agreed to what I asked for but I needed to give another amount of P 5000.00 for another set of Medical Check-up for my application to Kuwait. Thereby, I went for series of medical examinations. Later, we went to two different recruitment agencies and there Ms. Plandez introduced me to her niece in order to smoothen the progress of my application. Series of problems arouse. I was not able to receive any of the documents Ms. Plandez promised to process for my application to wit included my NSO birth certificate which is necessary for me to avail my passport. Then, I went to the Civil Registrar of Baguio City to fix the entry of my name in my birth certificate. Later, to administer my passport application, Ms. Plandez volunteered to handle my passport application so I gave her an authorization letter to enable her to avail my NSO birth certificate and I even handed her my Voters Identification. Until now, there was no accomplishment of anything what she promised me. I tried to contact her but to no avail I cannot reach her to any of the contact numbers she had given me for me to retrieve full amount I have given her.
That I am executing this Affidavit to attest to the truth and veracity of the foregoing and in support for the filing of the Position Paper with the NLRC-RAB 1. Further, this Affidavit is executed for all legal intents and purposes it may well served. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this _______ day of May 2013, at City of San Fernando, La Union, Philippines.

Marilou C. Cagujas AFFIANT

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