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Amanda McBroom the Golden Globes Winner for the Rose Goes All Out

Amanda McBroom tells her secrets about why she wrote The Rose

By Solveig Furberg

The Rose by Amanda McBroom. Amanda McBroom has one a Golden Globes award this has made her famous for her version of The Rose. She is famous all around the world especially in South-East Asia. Not only is she a songwriter and a singer also an actor on Broadway.

What is your message, what do you think other people would think what your message is? My message is that love is very hard and though but when you want to be loved then it will come out like when you are watering a rose. I think that other people would think that my poems message is that love is still small inside you but it will become big if you want it to. Love is like a flower if there is some one that loves you it will grow like a flower if it gets water it will become big.

What did you want the reader to feel? I wanted the reader to feel sad but happy at the same time and understand that in life love is something that everyone needs. Without love it is like emptiness in your heart and you will all ways feel this emptiness and this will is in the winter as it is a place where love will not come out.

Now, that we know what you wanted us to feel, why did you write the poem? I wrote the poem because I knew that love is an important thing to have in your life. Also it is hard not having love as it is all around us. It came one day when I thought that I am lucky to have someone that I love my heart out. The hard memories of the cold, lonely and long nights in the winter as I had no one to be with me through this time.

By now we have understood a lot about your poem but now we want know the details. When you were writing this poem how did you feel?

When I was writing this poem I felt happy because I knew that I had someone that loved me for who I am and in my life I would not need to worry about that I will not be lonely just happy with my love of the life. Also I felt sad because it gave back my memories of the time

when I did not have any one that I could not share my love with. I was lonely and sad all the time especially through the times where no one was talking to me as I was not in love When the night has been too lonely and the road has been too long, and you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong.

Lastly can you please summarize your poem? My poem is all about that love is hard and though to get but everyone has love somewhere even if it is small there is love and it can grow if you want it too. I decided to call my poem the rose because it is a flower and my poem is all about that love is like a flower it will grow if you water it.


CRITERION B: Organization
You rarely employ the organizational organizational structures2 of an interview. Your interview is disorganized, unclear, and/or incoherent. You employ the critical apparatus3 inappropriately or not at all. You sometimes employ the organizational structures2 of an interview. Your interview shows the beginnings of organization but lacks coherence. You employ the critical apparatus3 with limited success. You usually employ the organizational structures2 of an interview. Your interview is generally organized, clear, and coherent. You generally employ the critical apparatus3 correctly You consistently employ the organizational structures2 of an interview. Your interview is usually wellorganized, clear, and coherent, and the ideas build on each other. You employ the critical apparatus3

You show little or no evidence of a register and style appropriate for an interview. You have very frequent errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling that persistently hinder communication. You show some evidence of a register and style appropriate for an interview. You have frequent errors in grammar, punctuation or spelling that hinders communication. You often use a register and style appropriate for an interview. Grammar, punctuation and spelling are generally accurate. Occasional errors sometimes hinder communication. You consistently use a register and style appropriate for an interview. Grammar, punctuation and spelling are accurate. Occasional errors rarely hinder communication.

You demonstrate a very limited understanding of the poems meaning, organization and mood as well as how this is achieved. You give few or no examples and details to support your thinking. You are missing poetic terminology1.


You demonstrate a limited understanding of the poems meaning, organization and mood as well as how this is achieved. You give some examples and details, but they are insufficient to support your thinking. Your use of poetic terminology1 is sometimes accurate and appropriate.


You demonstrate a sufficient understanding of the poems meaning, organization and mood as well as how this is achieved. You give adequate examples and details, and they are sufficient to support your thinking Your use of poetic terminology1 is usually accurate and appropriate. You demonstrate a good understanding of the poems meaning, organization and mood as well as how this is achieved. You give substantial examples and details to support your thinking (you include the words/phrases from the poem). Relevant poetic terminology1 is used accurately and appropriately.



You demonstrate a perceptive understanding of the poems meaning, organization and mood as well as how this is achieved. You consistently use illustrative details an examples to support your thinking (include the words/phrases from the poem) You show a sophisticated command of relevant poetic terminology1.

You make sophisticated use of the organizational structures2 of an interview. Your interview is consistently wellorganized, clear, and coherent, and the ideas build on each other in a sophisticated manner. You integrate the critical apparatus3 correctly and effectively.

You demonstrate a mastery of a register and style appropriate for an interview. Grammar, punctuation and spelling are accurate. Very infrequent errors do not hinder communication.



You have made massive improvements to your interview, Solveig! This shows a much better understanding of the poem. Well done.

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