Shelter ShortNovember 2013 Bevs Edition

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Shelter Shorts November 2013 SHELTER SHORTS is a monthly newsletter intended to keep Rivers and Bluffs Animal Shelter

volunteers and supporters connected !ith everyone"s hectic schedules# we know it is often difficult# if not impossible to attend monthly meetin$s or to work at all of our fundraisers %veryone is invited to submit articles for the newsletter &o do so# please call Bev at '0()32')2*1+ or email her at wyalusin$2012,$mail com Monthly meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of every month at the Prairie du Chien City Hall. -eetin$s be$in at '.00 p m /lease use the back door %veryone is welcome and encoura$ed to attend &he ne0t meetin$ will be held on &hursday# November 21st Dog O edien!e Classes " &he intent was truly there to start do$ classes on Saturdays in November# but two of the four Saturdays became filled 1 will now table classes until 2anuary !ith the holidays 3ust around the corner# it will be too busy for many people to $ive the time necessary for classes #$i% Tri& 'as Card Sales from September 1* throu$h 4ctober 15th 62#227 00 for a profit of 6227 70 &his is a new low for a month since we started sellin$ the cards two years a$o A$ain# thanks to those of you who continue to support RABAS with little or no effort# other than buyin$ somethin$ you need 8 $as and food 9our support is $reatly appreciated /lease remember# that this is an easy way for those who want to help our very worthwhile cause /urchasin$ $as usin$ the :wik &rip cards is very convenient 8 you can swipe the card ri$ht at the pump# thus savin$ time by not $oin$ into the store and possibly savin$ money by not bein$ tempted to buy the :& donuts that are sittin$ near the cash re$ister As we hopefully reach our $oal of land ac;uisition by the end of this year# :wik &rip card sales will play an important part in our fund raisin$ for a buildin$ 1f you want to help us reach our $oal of an animal shelter by purchasin$ the :wik &rip cards# please reply to this email or contact 2ill# <onna or myself before fillin$ your tank A reply to this email or a phone call will result in delivery of your cards on the same day or the ne0t =2ill 8 32')+(50# <onna 8 '0()35*)2112 or myself 8 32')2*1+ or 30')12'0> A$ain# thanks to everyone who supports Rivers and Bluffs Animal Shelter throu$h the purchase of these cards 1f you have purchased them in the past# but no lon$er do so# would you please reconsider doin$ so a$ain? M!'regor (rts and Craft )air in O!to er * Shihata+s (&&lefest )oodstand 8 &hanks to everyone who helped in anyway with any of these events Between the 2 art and craft fairs the first 2 weekends in 4ctober and Shihata"s# we made over 61*00 00 <onations alone for both weekends totaled 67'7 00 which tells me that we do have a lot of support in this area for the shelter 1t always seems interestin$ to me that as people walk past# they may not even look at the items we have# but all we have to say is @!e are raisin$ money for an animal shelterA and their heads turn and they will either buy somethin$ or drop a few bucks in the donation 3ar A special thanks to Randi : for volunteerin$ to help with setup# takedown and stora$e of items between the weekends $reat opportunity and their support Phoneraiser "&hanks to everyone who saves their ink3et cartrid$es and old cell phones for RABAS &hanks also to <onna Beilmann who takes care of shippin$ these items to /honeraiser on a re$ular basis

Dr. Donna Higgins ,-./ 0ildlife Calendars are still available for sale at <onna"s office &hey make e0cellent Christmas presents for mail carriers# hair dressers# teachers# or 3ust to have on hand for that last minute $ift &hey were a popular item at -cDre$or once a$ain this year <onna donated the entire cost of the calendars ) 67 8 to RABAS 4nce a$ain# <onna# thank you for the $reat opportunity to raise funds for RABAS throu$h your beautiful wildlife calendars Me1i!an 2uffet at Hu!%le erry+s Restaurant was held this past !ednesday# 4ctober 30 &he turnout was less than e0pected 8 we served 71 people &he Bucket Raffle was ;uite popular# with many uni;ue ideas &he basket raffle raised about 62*0 with a total profit for the evenin$ at about 6++0 4nce a$ain# thanks to everyone who baked# made a basket=s># promoted this event or came out to eat and buy tickets for the basket raffle !e heard many favorable comments about the e0cellent food As an afterthou$ht# maybe tacos were not the ideal choice for the meal 8 maybe ne0t year we could try a chiliEchicken noodle soup dinner or a baked potato bar 1 still want to try the potato bar as a fund raiser at some time (do&tions3 Losses3 Peo&le Loo%ing for a 4e$ Pet3 Pets in 4eed of a )orever Home 4nce a$ain# Randi :luesner came throu$h for a litter of kittens that was born under the deck of /atricia <illman /atricia told Brenda !ilson who su$$ested that /atricia call Randi &he rest is history 8 the kittens are healthy# safe and happy at &ender Care Animal Bospital awaitin$ their forever homes 1f there is anyone who is lookin$ for a cute# lovin$ kitten# please stop in at &ender Care Thera&y Dog Teams :athy /aske and <i$$er and /aula DutFmer and -a$$ie continue their re$ular visits to /rairie -aison %veryone at the hospital as well as /rairie -aison is so e0cited and happy to see the do$s 1 think the staff en3oys the visits as much as the residents and patients <eb Cross and her Doldens Sami and 2aF have resumed weekly visits to -s :rachey"s class at Bluffview School 1 re$ret to say that my do$s and 1 have not done any therapy work since Au$ust -y do$s and 1 will visit Bead Start on <ecember 1( and soon hope to visit the 4pportunity Center Land (!5uisition " Nothin$ new to report 1 will keep you informed of any news !e do know that the City Attorney has the information about the land# but we have not heard if he has decided on the proper Fonin$ for an animal shelter /lease keep your fin$ers crossed that he will decide in our favor by choosin$ a$ricultural Fonin$ Pounds Off Peo&le and Poo!hes 6POPP7 0ee%ly Dog 0al%s " <o$ walks are done for this year Bopefully they will start up a$ain in the sprin$ 0a%e 8& Santa will be held in the Community Room of City Ball on Saturday# <ecember 5th 4nce a$ain we will need help with this !e will decorate the hall prior to the event 8 either &hursday or Griday 1t seems as if we lost the bo0 of Christmas tree ornaments after last year"s event Somehow it never made its way to the shed and no one knows what happened to it !e have the bo0 cover# but not the bo0 with the ornaments &his is one of our annual events that 3ust seem to come to$ether as we have been doin$ it for a number of years !e may need donations of pancake mi0 and syrup 1 will put the word out once we take stock from what is left from last year 1f you can help# please let me know by replyin$ to this email or callin$ me at 32')2*1+

Tra!tor Su&&ly 2a%e Sale 8 !e typically have a bake sale and $ift wrappin$ at &ractor Supply durin$ the holidays &he purpose of this is two fold 8 to raise fund throu$h the bake sale as well as to provide a venue for pick up of !ake Hp Santa /ictures &his has not been booked yet &he date will be Saturday# <ecember 21 st if we can pull it off 1s there anyone who will be willin$ to bake for this and $ive up a few hours on Saturday# <ecember 21st and possibly the 22nd 1 know it is very close to Christmas /lease reply to this email or call me at 32')2*1+ if you can bake or work for a few hours Santa 9isits 8 our very own Santa on loan for the holiday season to the /dC Area recently reminded me that we are now into November and this is the time to start plannin$ for the Christmas season Santa loves to make special visits to schools# business parties# homes# and nursin$ homes &o book your special visit with the 2olly 4ld %lf# please call his hotline at 2'2)3(()2'7+ 9olunteer hours will be collected by Randy / at monthly meetin$s or you can email your hours to Randy at repaske,$mail com 1 would like to thank everyone who has helped us this past month and to those who continue to volunteer and support us financially throu$h donations and memberships 1 know it seems that 1 am continuously askin$ for your help with bakin$# $as cards# volunteerin$ at various fund raisers and supplyin$ thin$s for silent auctions 9our help is much appreciated and $reatly needed if we are ever $oin$ to have an animal shelter for this area 1f more people could offer to help with 3ust one fund raiser or bake one batch of cookies# it would certainly help relieve the workload of the ones who help with every fund raiser and event -y drivin$ force is the number of phone calls and emails that 1 receive on a weekly basis from desperate pet owners who have pets in need of a forever home or from people who have found stray animals and have no means to help these animals in need &hey have now where to turn and 1 wonder what happens to the cats# kittens# do$s and puppies in need -any of these people are $ood people forced to make difficult decisions /lease help us to help them by volunteerin$ in any way that you can so Rivers and Bluffs Animal Shelter will become a reality :n Memoriam " 4n 4ctober 22# we lost a true friend <eb <wornik died at her home with her lovin$ husband /hil# her parents# her sister &ina and her 2 beloved do$s at her side She will be missed by many 1 personally am proud to say that <eb and 1 became friends because of our love for pets# especially those in need Gor <eb# 1 know &he Rainbow Brid$e has been fulfilled and she is with all of her pets who have $one before her# never to suffer a$ain Treasurer+s Re&ort Current Balance as of September 1*th# 2013 8 6132#10* 25# which includes a total of 6125#5+7 21 in + C<s at /eoples State Bank Mem ershi& Rene$als Betty I %ric Grydenlund 8 Gamily -ike I -ary 2ane Gaas 8 Gamily Bev /oFe$a ) Sin$le 4e$ Mem ers <eb Juebker ) Sin$le Donations -ist)ified 8 /amperin$ for /ets <on I %ileen :latt 8 -onthly <onation

:risty Nelson 8 Candle /arty 1rma :oonce

<onna Bi$$ins 8 Calendars

All membership payments and donations are current throu$h 4ctober 15th
Reminder; (nnual mem ershi&s should e rene$ed . year from the month in $hi!h you <oined.

Than%s to everyone $ho volunteered this month. Than%s to everyone $ho su&&orted us through donations3 and mem ershi&s. There are many <o s that !ontinue to get done $ithout re!ognition. River and 2luffs (nimal Shelter Mem ershi& )orm Student ) 67 00 KKKK Sponsor ) 670 00 KKKKK 1ndividual ) 617 00 KKKK /atron ) 6100 00 KKKKK Gamily ) 627 00 KKKK Benefactor ) 6700 00 1 would like to make a monthly pled$e of . ======== per month for a total of 6KKKKKKK per year 4ame;=================================== (ddress;================================= City>State>?i&============================= Email;==================================== Phone 4um er;====================== Please mail mem ershi& form to; River and 2luffs (nimal Shelter PO 2o1 /,.3 Prairie du Chien3 0: @3A,.

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