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There are two ways to handle the old fibre ropes, which are either reuse or recycle them.

Reusing the fibre ropes is more preferable because it is less costly as it consumes less time, energy and resources. A fibre rope can be converted easily into jumping ropes, dog leashes, rope rugs, or hammocks.

The ropes that can't be reused will be sent to an efficient recycling expert that grinds up, melts down, then re pelleti!es the polymer materials. There is a wide range of products made from recycled plastic. This includes polyethylene bin liners and carrier bags" #$% sewer pipes, flooring and window frames" building insulation board" video and compact disc cassette cases" fencing and garden furniture" water butts, garden sheds and composters" seed trays" anoraks and fleeces" fibre filling for sleeping bags and duvets" carpet fibre, telephones, coat hangers, children's toys and a variety of office accessories. %urrently, recycled plastics are rarely used in food packaging the biggest single market for plastics because of concerns about food safety. A method of addressing this problem is by enclosing the recycled plastic between layers of virgin plastic to ensure the packaging conforms to hygiene standards. These multi layered containers are now being used in some drinks bottles, but recycling cannot eliminate the colours from plastics so they cannot be used in transparent or light coloured applications. Another constraint on the use of recycled plastics is that, to be economically viable, plastic processors re&uire large &uantities of recycled plastics, manufactured to tightly controlled specification at a competitive price in comparison to that of virgin polymer. This is a challenging task, particularly in view of the diversity of sources of waste plastics, the wide range of polymers used and the high potential for contamination of plastics waste.

There are four major materials used in our fibre ropes which can be recycled' 1. Polyester (PET)

#olyethylene terephthalate, commonly known as #(T or #(T(, is marked with the number ), and is the most commonly recycled type of plastic. #(T can be recycled and used to make fibres, then fabrics.

1.1 Pillow Fill

#(T pillow fill creates a fluffy, bounce back filling that holds up and gives you a comfortable rest night after night. #illow fill can also stuffed into soft toys.

1.2 Fabrics

#(T fibre ropes are shredded, rinsed, and converted back into polyester resin. Then, the polyester can be spun into yarn and woven into cloth, from which light, soft, warm recycled blankets are made. #(T fibre produces stain resistant fabric and what little dirt manages to stay on the fabric can be easily removed with a little sprinkling of water. There is therefore less need to wash the cloth, which saves water, electricity and detergent. This fabric is &uick to dry too. *ince some of our fibre ropes are coloured, we can simply produce a coloured #(T fabric cloth. +nlike dyed fabrics, the colour of the cloth will never fade because the colour is an intrinsic part of the material. ,yeing the fabrics can also be an option but dyeing the recycled #(T will use a prodigious amount of water. The thin #(T fabric cloth is able to keep its wearers warm by trapping their own body heat. These thermal fibres have several potential applications. -e can make the dry suit" less bulky clothing would also make the athletes more mobile and agile.

T!u %hi .oundation / 0 has actually produce the thermal wear and blankets from recycled #(T bottles to help in keeping the disaster victims warm without resorting to external heat sources, such as heaters or fires, which are usually scarce in a disaster area. 1t is also working on other uses for the reclaimed cloth' volunteer uniforms, hospital bed sheets, and gowns for physicians and nurses. 2outube video T!u %hi .oundation3s 4reen 1nitiatives in ,isaster Relief' ate!

#(T fibre can produce a very thin sheet of water impenetrable, yet very breathable fabric. This can make the wearer won3t get overheated while wearing this kind of fabric, making it ideal for clothes, e.g., raincoats and overshoes, that need to keep out water but let in air. 1ts permeability to air makes it superior to a plastic sheet. The fabric is not only machine washable, but it washes clean, eliminating those unwanted odours.

2. High Molecular Polyethylene (HMPE) Recycled 56#( plastic can be converted into ground protection plates. They are designed to protect the ground underneath from foot and vehicle traffic. The ground protection plate can sustain a high load of over )7 tonnes. -e can make the plates as the flooring mat in our warehouse so that our wire ropes do not abrade with the ground during uncoiling process. The plates can be laid onto uneven ground, although the plates should be supported underneath by wooded blocks or additional plates on excessively uneven ground. .or maintenance purposes, we can always sweep and clean the protection plates with water.

Attention should be given when using the ground protection plates where they should not be installed over boggy ground or where there is an excess of water. They should not be installed onto slopes or banks either. $ehicles should never exceed 8 mph when traversing the plates.

3. Polypropylene (PP)

-hile 56#( is used to make a heavy load ground protection plates, ## can be used to make the light to medium load plate. A ## plate can sustain loads below )7 tonnes. *ince polypropylene has a high melting point and durability against oil, it can be recycled into battery cases or other molded automobile parts. 9esides, ## is also a common choice for several items" including oil funnels, landscaping borders, serving trays and battery cables. :n the other hand, ## can also be recycled to produce the eco friendly bags. The recycled polypropylene bags helps in promoting a greener environment as an alternative to using the plastics bags. 1t is strong and durable enough to be used as a daily shopping bag. #olypropylene is a highly recyclable plastic where they can be easily broken down

to create other useful things. 1t is very cheap to manufacture, and thus can be mass produced to completely replace the usual plastics we see in the supermarkets.

4. Polyami e! "ylon (P#)

#olyamide ropes can be twisted or braided to make the trawling or fishing net.

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