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Why did we wait until now?

1) We hau to secuie oui Su1(c)S status. We have this thiu fiscal

sponsoiship fiom Chuich of the Rock in St. Alban's veimont.
This enables us to opeiate oui own non-piofit bank account anu
issue tax-ueuuctible ieceipts!

2) We hau to focus oui time anu eneigy to ensuie that this was a
sustainable mouel anu that the Caf was heie to stay. That
incluueu secuiing oui legal status with the Town, establishing a
conuitional use peimit, secuiing a long-teim low-oveiheau lease,
anu testing oui mouel.

S) We wanteu to wait until we hau immeuiate neeus foi which to
funuiaise, so we coulu best use youi uonateu uollais.

What are those immediate needs?

We aie staiting small. !"#$% "$ '()*+$ ,(#$-*). /0*1#)"$"*2
3)4,)"2* -/ 56788895:7888 /#-4 *-; 0*%". <=)*>$2"?"*2
@)A B86CD We hope to have him woik full time as the ueneial
Nanagei of the Caf thiu }anuaiy 2u14, with the goals listeu to
the left.

'(3-*17 ;(+.. E( 1-"*2 ) 3#-;1 /0*1"*2 3)4,)"2* %-
3-44"$$"-* ) BF /--% EA G /--% 40#). -* %=( -0%$"1( -/ %=(
H)/I E0".1"*2. 0ui intent is foi this to be a libeiation themeu
muial, with a commission piice up to $S,uuu. We hope it
becomes pait of the fabiic of Buiham anu the Seacoast foi
uecaues to come.

<="#17 ;( )#( =-,"*2 %- .)0*3= ) 2(*(#). /0*1#)"$"*2
3)4,)"2*7 3-4,.(%( ;"%= !#((1-4 H)/I E#)*1(1 2()# foi you
to claim foi youiself anu get in on the local expiession of the
Anti-tiafficking movement!

'()*+$ J-).$ %=#0 6KC6K6CLL

! Expanu Netwoik of Paitneiships
fiom S to Su.

! Set up 1u speaking engagements

! Finu S-1u potential Boaiu of
Biiectoi membeis

! uet the 2uuuth like on Facebook

! Establish potential ievenue stieams

! Establish pioceuuie foi selecting
new Planning Team Nembeis
! Plan anu iun oui fiist Stiategic
Planning Session on Sat. }an. 11
With Planning Team anu potential
Boaiu of Biiectois

! uet fiist phase of website up anu

',#"*2 B86C P.)**"*2N
! Set Calenuai of Events
! Set volunteei Calenuai
! Set 0pen Bouis foi Spiing

! Aiu in Nuial Ciowu Funuing anu the
Nuial Competition.
! Be intentional about leaining moie
about human tiafficking anu slaveiy.

**If we fail to ieach the iobust $S,uuu
funuing, these goals will be scaleu back
To Family, Supporters, and Friends of the
Freedom Caf:

!"#$ &''( ) *')+ ,( "-' .)/,(01 &2" "-' 3+''45. 6)7' 57 82+-). ,$
(59 +')4* "5 )::';" 45()",5($ 9,"- 52+ (5(<;+57," $")"2$= >2+ 7,+$"
05)? ,$ "5 72(4 @')(1 52+ A'('+)? B)()0'+1 72??<",.' "-+520-
C)(2)+*= !"# %& "&&# '()* +&,-.

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