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Sitapatr School Anuban Weekly Outline

Teacher: Melissa Class: EP1 Rainbow Week: 2 Dates: 11/11 15/11

This week we are learning:

Circle Time Review
Again this week we will review a few topics from last term a da so the st!dents feel well prepared for the !pcoming term" Monday: Fruit and Prepositions: fr!it# eat# delicio!s# apple# orange# banana# grape# strawberr # cherr # watermelon# mango# papa a# pineapple# pear# kiwi# rose apple# mangosteen# peach# pl!m# dragon fr!it# g!ava# star fr!it# in# on# !nder# in front of# b # behind# in between Tuesday: Colours and Body Parts: red# orange# ellow# green# bl!e# p!rple# pink# gre # black# white# brown# head# hair# face# e es# ears# mo!th# nose# teeth# chin# neck# arms# sho!lders# elbows# fingers# hands# t!mm # b!m# hips# legs# knee# feet# toes Wednesday: Feelings and Family happ # sad# scared# angr # hot# cold# h!ngr # thirst # sick# sleep # famil # m!m# dad# brother# sister# bab # granddad# grandmother" Thursday: $o circle time Friday: Animals cow# horse# sheep# goat# hen# chicken# pig# d!ck# goose# rabbit# cat# dog# fish# bird# lion# tiger# bear# shark# whale# peng!in# koala bear# panda# elephant# giraffe# kangaroo# wolf# cow# horse# sheep# goat# hen# chicken# pig# d!ck# goose# rabbit# cat# dog# fish# bird#

Numbers 0-30
Activity Time

ocabulary: n!mber# %ero# one# two# three# fo!r# five# si&# seven# eight# nine# ten# eleven# twelve# thirteen# fo!rteen# fifteen# si&teen# seventeen# eighteen# nineteen# twent # twent one# twent two# twent three# twent fo!r# twent five# twent si&# twent seven# twent eight# twent nine# thirt " !entence !tructures: Question: 'ow man bears are there( Response: )here are *five+ bears" ,et-s co!nt" !ongs: We will continue singing: .o!nting /ong *1021+# Peel 2ananas /ong $ew /ong3 2oom .hicka 2oom "ames: $!mber '!nt3 $!mbers will be placed in random spots aro!nd the classroom" )he )eacher will call o!t a n!mber and st!dents will have to find it in the classroom" 4ce .ream $!mber /tack3 )his game helps with n!mber recognition" 4ce cream scoops with n!mbers on them are laid on the floor" /t!dents have to find the correct n!mber and stack the n!mbers in order on the cone" Arts and Cra#ts: /ponge Painting $!mbers3 /t!dents will fill in n!mbers with sponge painting" $ookwork:

)his week we will contin!e to review all so!nds from the alphabet and blending the first si& so!nds from the 5oll Phonics program" 2lended so!nds incl!de3 at# an# ap# as# in# it# is# ip"

%ew &letters'sounds'vocabulary(
Provided last week-s review and blending of the first si& 5oll Phonics so!nds goes well we will begin blending the second set of 5oll Phonics so!nds" ,etter so!nds incl!de3 ccc/kkk# eee# hhh# rrr# mmm# ddd" 2lended so!nds incl!de3 er# eh# em# ed"

Writing )ractice
)his week we will contin!e to practice dot to dot n!mbers and letters" 6e are !p to the letter r and n!mber 11" 6e will aim to complete letters r and s this week as well as the n!mber 11"

!ight Words
)he st!dents are not c!rrentl doing sight words"

)arent Follow *+ ' *se#ul Websites ' ,omework:

'ello Parents# 4 hope ever one is ad7!sting back into their school ro!tine" Please contin!e to practice n!mbers and co!nting at home" An bit of help makes a difference" )hank o! for ever thing8

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