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Buck Wuthering Negro

Chapbook 1: I AM STORIE FOR MAO, AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR I AM ALL THINGS THAT SWIRL THE COSMOS, EVEN OTHER CHINESE. -Chairman Mao Zedong, Immortal IT are said in Shanxi provincial where I live inside prefecture of yuncheng, the famous and collegiate quothe of If man wor! at nothing, he is shame to glorious Communist "arty#$ let me allow you to tell yourselves store a%out this quothe, %ut I will first introduce you to me# My name has &iu 'eng, %ut li!e all grate aufors suchas (dgar )llen "oe, i will use a pseudoname# I will ghost this tec!st to remain anonomous# Therefore, you will !now me hents as Mr# *uc! +# ,egaro# i fancee this name for it is -apaneese in form# )ddressing quthoe at hand, let me explain a little %it of my peepol who in the glorious place of "eople.s /epu%lic of China# 0,111 years prior to the %irth of 2alai &ama- greatest evil sorcer-scholar of the mountains lost in cloud, rain and fog o%scure everything %ut perverse actions and drug a%use- there was Chairman Mao Zedong# Mao Zedong was a %eautiful radiant god who stood 03 feet tall, witch is 4 and a one quarter feet taller than the god of the west who does not exist# I must esta%lish that this is fact to pass sensor who may read# Mao loved all animals, and was at once death and life also# If one has ever seen a dragon passing in %la5ie of fire, crash gates of grate citadel, slaying one million of enemy soldier, and than wing over village dale- face of young men loo!ed up to witness and give cry of Communist "arty is forever6 Communism in China is last forever6$- you have !nown Mao Zedong# *ut you !now nothing, +esterner, of Mao, leader who.s face was also stern when needed to# 7nown nothing of compashinate wi5ard, travel hitter-Twitter village to small hut8 hoiste up young girl on shoulder8 raise grand flag of color star! li!e +ord correction underlines against %lac! and white machinical landscape of adventure

capitalism# /aise dead from grave, even relative mine passed of many generations# *ring peace, unity China# 7nown you nothing of9save ruin: that %lac! day# ;or in time did scorcer lord 2alai &ama grow tired and ill of attent# Mana of he did server, cut off all control of forces of the 2<+# Mighty =<d-*aron Mao create great summoning-- - circle hex supreme to %anish fool 2alai &ama from earth# =reat spirits that inha%it peepol in this repu%lic# +or!ed verious magics now in wane, as society loose touch with power>understand of true la%or mana resource# +or!ed life magic# Magic clash against that with 2alai &amaes fell soccerers, who made war magic under dollar-thatch roofs of scholomance %uilt for lasso-faire demons, ride on %ac! of wor!er, horns set too gore and trample all in path# *attle was long and truncated# *attle cost many in fire and socrery reign down to claim child *attle destroy nearly all of China# Camera pan across the %attle# Mao riding on hrose, li!e grate step-lords hundreds centuries later- slap taste from ?in 2ynasty higherarchs# /ide swath through my soldiers# Soldier there was my grate grate grate grate gtare grate rage grate ragte grate great grate grate grandpapa, manage %ig num%er of sorcerers !illed or capture# Mao was death in instance given, ride through enemy who hade captured peepol of mine in lasso, which he shot off li!e old west cow%oy %ut was not hit the %odies of those lassod# *attle#*=M play from my documents# )t end of %attle, on mountain, Mao sit and loo! at fools smitten>hewn down# 'e was actusually inside chiselled out mountain face, with grate water run li!e tears# ;acehu%ris idol to 2alai &ama- now weep for defeat of so many sorceries and plan# @had weep %efore due too cared construction of aquaduc!s, %ut now is appear different to all in victorie sym%olesmA# 2alai &ama, always coward who could not do right try flea in steam engine# Sit at pointed helm of craft metal that found only in one prefecture of China# /amrod on point, was shaped of human implement for doing damage to a girl# <r could# 2alai &ama was not onli one sit in large weather %allon, shaped li!e as sausage %ut also have hang metal implements some of these not real technology Chinese or american# %ut instead made of steam, fire, white in-unewity and glorification of poverty# some use magic of con-ured from soccerers who hated technology that was not real> *allon %ig and ma!e many cloc! noises when pirroette in midare to shoot fire at Mao, who was already prepared for this# Mao ta!e on form of =rand 2ragon of white irony8 destroy white steam machine with one %ite# )nd 311 soldiers inside, each with yellow>gold loc!s or red tell a myth a%out untoucha%le white empire

frown as seeing Mao desicate promise of fertility, save two white protagonist girl %oy couple who would go ware no soul really !new a%out# 'ero ro%ot also live %ut was made more li!e human, more li!e white protaginists B @camera 5ooom on ro%ot eyesA There# )s metal %allon ta!e tum%le, sorcerus 2alai &ama watch his 2<+ crash# 2<+ tied too close to metal %allon not ma!e a %ac!up, hold no power when Mao committ %rea! through his aura# =low of hundered hot hiroshimas light up s!y, ne%ulous clouds preevious cover 2alai &ama pervert activity- with leaf and fig not yet even r !e- shrin! %ac!, cry, at seeing such# Cry e%%in tears# Tears dar! for days li!e house of la5y student who fail exams, have no future @metaphoreA# her%ivore# =irl sit for month live off staple rice and is shame>%urden to State %efore reali5e, have no future %ut same as family which is farmer, illiderate and with no hope# This is how tears that rain down %attlefield and former pleasant homeland vista felt and also loo!ed# 2ar!8 *lac!# 2alai &ama dead and given proper %urial, for Mao is good man# 'e use C>tenths of land to %ury him# /est he generously return to rightful ownerD people of China, %ut was slummped in unrepair# Mao feel he should do something# Mao return land to how it used to %e in fun conclushon, rap up story well# Chaptbook 2: I AM STORIE FOR WORKING UNDER TASKMASTER ING !IANG PAO tHIS "ATTLE MA# $ESTRO# %S, OH LOR$ OF %N$EATH& "%T GO$ IS GO$. -g(,e/)& Mila!ar Ta.,arith, =atewatch of 2arnor

oth increesing yonder font size also increeses word count? Or high english as used

by my nigga Shakespeare. I ha e !ust commited the post office modern on former senteances" twisting and blede # style together like europeing states coming under control of so iets" and wonder if that earn e$tra characters in te$t type computar when words are counted. %on ieneint if computar are recognise e$tra effort and transmute into grater characters being i am soarly behind and will be whipped on behind additionally today for infraction of failure to do ourly e& mail check. It should be know that here on yuncheng prefecture it is ha ing great tradition of apprenticeship for the %hinese people. 'ike me" appreentice since age ( to shop build and ser ice computar" committ regular !obs and ad anced ser ices" but you can email us here use) *IN+ at hongkongparts,,, .o not use period or capital name but *IN+ who is Super /isor regular insist use that name as capital. 0or this *IN+1s land and he seed it with the truth" and may walk freely as +od or whatsoe er form he choses and has many.

'et me tell you about *IN+" for he is good man who has no cruelties or rebelius acti ity against %hinese go ernment. 2his is *IN+1s shop. 3e is owner. We work for *IN+" and must follow instructional as per contract which is faire and authorized by prefecture authroities. 2his shop are comfort" and *IN+ is the owner of it. 3e has painted walls up to standard of prefecture code" which" if recal off top of my head is ,-4&5&66(7&89898989 who1s last area may display for inferior american machines as 6&- bo$es. 3e has also complete half of furnish workspace with mi$ed cement floor as instruct" and plans furnish rest of bedrock in sleeping room with cement in time gi en by due process of faire and ethical prefecture code inspector :iao 'i ;ng. 2hank you personally for this ser ice" and my contractor will see to swiftest possible completion of the reno ation process as outlined such that we can continue to ser e the glorious %hinese go ernment< =uch has made about taskmaster *IN+ on recent" but he is a faire man as mentioned. We ha e e en gi e him a nickname of /isor" both since he is super& isor" and due to isor he wears regular in work en ironment. /isor is of stellar %hinese make" come from former career as law enforce and worn as desire to shield aginst way word bodaly waste. is also desire fun take on america sitcom where feature coworker or boss who is defunctional" but perform ade>uate and ne er carry out beha ior abo e le el e$ceptable to the society. Is made to reduce me" worker" to le el of fear e>uated with ant due in part coarse dehumanization appearance of superior. See" I can come and use your computer any point I want" write what I want. 2e$t te$t te$t. 'iu is motherless goat who knew no father. 5bandoned come work for me of own olition" and at that time ?OO@ discipline. 2hrough my leadership I ha e taken command of his work ethic. 2urn him into a man. www.chikan& www.chikan

*IN+ sometimes uses my computer for purposes. this is all legal use for ?eople1s @epublic of %hina" mostly to engineeer !obs bizness or trade in growing stalk market" which i am told is growing trwice as fast as rice& a true magnamious feet achie e likely with labor of honest" whole sum rural %hinese and fertile soil. I once see pictor description tell of how high stalks grow compare it to Western stalk. If indication as of this season is correct" i ha e good e$pectashin for actusual egetable market when stalk grow high enough. *IN+ is lordly man who carry himself well for e$treme type of mussel. 3e step between row of worker type at terminal and rarely if e er bump keyboard off shelf or ha e alcohollic beha ior cause trip and deackti ate usb hub" down Wo@ld of Warcraft raid temporarily. 3a e !et black hair half blonde.

I" Buck" work here among other employee lazy and do ery little in ourly productions. 0ancee self cowboy among primeati e last centaury in!un ha e shoot bow and arrow while i fire gun. e$cept wearing white glo esAgothic o ercoat color of death fancy doublet are e$pose chest to elements. ha e top hat also long hair flow from well past duck tale that ha e in actusual life. But let us get down to .biz 2his year in *IN+1s shop ha e ery important superpro!ect need done at most immediate haste. ?ro!ect work are in ol e american site know as N5NOW@I=O. N5NOW@I=O ery important america scients portfolio" up there with @5N. in ,4BC decadent make big weapons to destroy many !apanese barbarists" who disseckt young girls for alchemie in Nanking like Sweeny 2odd. Importents and ob!eckti e of porfolio difficult calculate" but i will try e$plain to unknowed. 2he N5NOW@I=O is acroname describe matters ery scientific. stand roughly for) Nationale Nanotechnology Writer @emote. Is portfolio design for purpose of ery multidisciplinary ad anced scients protocol" according to *IN+" who also work for Bell 'abs in america on secret. 2his portfolio design specific by capitalist big scients with purpose of dehumanize there worker. In america" you see" there grate shortage literitshur especial that dealing with these following sub!ect nationale passed time) fantas fikshion" scients fikshion" brutal death fikshion" ampire fikshion" fantas war fikshion" fantas clothing desire fikshion in the ain of aufor @obert *ordan" re enge fantas fikshion" ampire satisfikshion" democracy steam fikshion. ?ortfolio N5NOW@I=O make automatik countermeashure for this similar to Imper ious %hinese @ocket .efense %ountermeashure at Bei!ing design shoot down any ob!ect belong to imperialism pass o er ?eople1s @epublic airespace with no authorizashon . Idea of design is use supersecret technology real in america but not %hina called Nanotechology. =yself" being of more well rounded playboy pimp ha e girls hang off me and not many time for long studys with ad anced scients like cosmology" has had little chance young teenage life find actusual intricassies of america nanotech. What is my understand how e er" is technology made to dehumanize laborer at ma$imum by use automatik machine smaller than soul of industrialist to yield fikshion of arieties list abo e. What horrors of capitalism is ne$t will may not be known until ne$t fikshion of scients become written by small robot tentacles. *IN+ study hard the tenants of nanotechnology" which is essential) more labor with smaller apparatuseses is more better for capitalist industry and tainted way of life. %ore tenant of this is for lazy industrialist get far by deploy small machines to entire hemisphere of america" gather data about issues such as DWhat is fat american buy?E" DWhat is fat american do with e$tra time not negelecting work?E" DWhat is fat american wish she of being" instead of fat widow no child in house or !ob to committ and li e off tightpursed State" smoke illicit drugs?E 3e find out this in ol e math al gore rhym too comple$ young %hinese laborer minds" but things more easily at grasp" stupidly lea e unattented in plain iew on N5NOW@I=O web address at . Scients of ?@% take what we do here" re erse enginere and for grate %hinese ictory" not come soon enough o er prideful West. *IN+ promise this.

I will >uothe direct some DrulingsE display on web address" e$plain code to machines for committ swift labor createAfabrikate fikshion at rapid speed) ,F Sign up for the e ent by clicking the GSign Hp NowG link at the top of the site. ItIs right there abo e GNational.G In america" land of malishus hacker and moral relati ist" this part completed by machine code" steal work from human being. In past i do honest labor for ser ice such as had by *IN+1s sister =ing" run humble but profit shop sell ad ertising for growth product on america forumspace anne$ed by most prescient %hinese Internet 5rmy. *ob duys in ol e learn to recognize form informations and fill out in order" correctly. 'earn this >uick" did >uick with ery effishint.
&a5y fat american- not !now value of wor! ethic, not !ow much %ut what channel nascar and rape music found on- invent machine to do this things, as always do# Machine in past wor! very poor, ma!e many error# *ut at this time is many machine for having maximum true impact# Machine go to we%site and swift ta!e over every section of form, include C)"TC') which previous only done %y s!illed Chinese wor!er# This evil capitalist at worse# Soon after, america machines invade all sector former held %y glorious Chinese Internet )rmy, destroy much progress and also operator even at his>her terminal# *attle of this nature very epi! %ut one seen in my lifetime# Seen forum are ovariun with ro%ot swarm, implant many page of lin! produce image of %ig male organ is send malicious data @use trapped computar as implement to impregnant more machine with male organsA# Seen forum on which %ig male organ is occupy entire 01E3xFGC resolushion of advanced Chinese computar# Seen day, %lac! e%ony day8 where is so much male organ of large nigger, frighten staunch female %attlesoldier of Chinese Internet )rmy to say Hi feel as %ig %lac! inside and can.t ta!e longer$, cause %attle commander Ming relegate Section C military status for one hour of duty# 'ave grate overall impact against productive Chinese harvesters, run scared as fertile motherland of php** carpetted %y american capitalist hivemind# 'ow ever this not near

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