Mtech Thesis Gen Instrs

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The aim of the Thesis Part II is to promote Research and to emphasis its

its importance in experiential learning. These experiential learning attributes through Thesis Part II include:

Intellectual ability, Professional judgment and decision making ability, Inter-disciplinary approach, Skills for data handling, Ability in written and oral presentation, Sense of responsibility Developing professional Skills Application of theory, concepts in given industry /practical / field scenario

Objective: Thesis PartI will provide students an opportunity in exercising their mind


innovatively in practical application of the technical knowledge gained and boost their self-confidence in developing technical projects.

Methodology: Conduct: Thesis PartII will be carried out by individual student in the


institution/with industry. Thesis PartI carries 30 credits.



The THESIS PART II can be done at the Institution or outside facilities as per the nature of the course/choice of student.

b) c)

The Institution NTCC Committee (INC) will decide the place of work. The student is given the choice to either arrange the external organisation for THESIS PART II on his own or avail the institutional facilities.


If the training/project etc is organized by the institution in an industry etc, then the student has to undertake his THESIS PART II in the assigned organisation.


The student can arrange outside organisation for THESIS PART II on his /her own also. In such cases the student has to take permission from INC at least three months prior to the commencement of the THESIS PART II course so that Bonafide Student Letter (maximum seven organisations chosen by the student) can be given to students by the institution as per guidelines of the university.




The students are required to register on-line on AMIZONE for the Thesis Part II. The student should have identified the broad area of research prior to registration.


A student having genuine reason may be permitted for late registration on following grounds:

i) Ill health - provided the student has informed the institution on time and had taken sick leave from HoI.

ii) Institution arranged the internship, but awaits confirmation provided the student did not opt for self arrangement, initially.

iii) Student is on approved Official Duty, representing university/ institution in competitions, seminars, placements activities etc.


The student will be allowed to register late for Thesis Part II at AUUP or approved external organisation upto a certain period with late registration charges as per following conditions:

i) Upto 10 days after the date of registration for course with late registration Charges of 500/- . ii) From 11th day to 15th day of the date of Registration with late registration charges of 1000/-. iii) 16th day to 20th day of Registration with late registration charges of 2000/- provided student meets the requirement of minimum duration of the courses iv) After 21st day to 30 days of Registration with late charges of 5000/provided student meets the requirement of minimum duration of the courses.


The students who have not registered for the Thesis Part II course as per regulations will not be permitted to submit any report and will be treated as having failed in the course.


Students will not be awarded the Degree if he/she has failed in Thesis Part II.


Allocation of Faculty Guide

a) Each student shall be assigned a faculty guide for the Thesis Part II by the INC.

b) Incase a student is undertaking Thesis Part II outside in an industry or research lab or other university, the students will have two guides a faculty guide from the institution and an external guide from the concerned organisation. In Such cases of joint guidance, the main guide will be faculty guide.

c) The external guide will be provided with brief guidelines for performance monitoring and assessment of the student of Thesis Part II.

d) The faculty guide from Amity will closely interact with the external guide and monitor the progress of the student in Thesis Part II at the host institution/ industry/ research lab etc.


Briefing Sessions/ Tutorials/Gap Lectures for students

Briefing Sessions / Tutorial / Gap Lectures are very important for undertaking the Thesis Part II. Therefore, it is mandatory for the students to attend the same whenever institution/faculty guide have scheduled the same: During such sessions students should expect to: discuss ideas and concerns. be guided on resources and the development of a topic / area, be provided with direction to help them to manage the process, to be provided with advice on academic style, format and the scope of the Thesis Part II. be provided with general feedback, be provided with feedback on their Thesis Part II and apply the comments they receive through processes of reflection and actionplanning to other parts of their development work.

8. Approval of Topic, Synopsis and Work Schedule a) Student will finalise the broad area /topic, synopsis and work schedule of his / her THESIS PART II in consultation with the faculty guide. If the student is undertaking the THESIS PART II outside Amity, he/she will provide broad area of THESIS PART II course at the time of Registration. However, within ten days after the registration / joining the organisation, whichever is earlier, the student will work on the topic, synopsis and work Schedule of his/her project /training/ dissertation under the guidance of external supervisor and faculty guide.

b) The student will send the synopsis along with work schedule duly approved and signed by external guide to his faculty guide as per attached format. He will also update the details on AMIZONE for

approval of faculty guide. If faculty guide feels certain lacuna in the synopsis and work schedule, he / she will discuss with the external guide and finalise same in order to meet the Course Objectives (COs) and Learning Outcomes (LOs) in accordance with Programme Learning Objectives (PLOs).

c) The work / project Schedule (Project Plan) to be prepared using GANTT or PERT chart as per attached appendix.

d) The area/topic, work schedule of THESIS PART II will be approved by the Institution THESIS PART II Committee (INC). The student will make a presentation before the Institute THESIS PART II Committee on specified date, time and venue. The final list cleared by the Institute THESIS PART II Committee and approved by HOI will be sent to Academic Office in AUUP HQ and CoE, before the date of first Weekly Progress Report.


Conduct and Progress Monitoring of THESIS PART II

a) The students will undertake THESIS PART II as per the course requirement and work schedule.

b) The students will report to their faculty guide every week and submit their Weekly Progress Report (WPR) as per format attached.

c) The student is required to send regularly Weekly Progress Report (WPR) even if he/she is working outside Amity under the supervision of external Guide.

d) Faculty guide will mark the status of Weekly Progress Report (WPR) received and quality of work done on AMIZONE. Faculty guide will also give feedback to students.

e) The student will also maintain daily diary of the work done which need to be submitted to the faculty guide.

f) The student will maintain the record of interaction and feedback by Faculty Guide.

g) Two Periodic progress Reviews by a faculty board will be done, for which the institution will announce the dates at the time of registration for the course. The institution must chalk out the plan (Skype presentation etc) for periodic progress review of the students who are working out of country/station.




The assessment will have clearly defined Continuous Internal Assessment and Final Assessment weightage, which have various components to assess various learning outcomes.


The weightage of CIA and Final Assessment will be of 50% each.


The breaks up (components and their weightage) of continuous internal assessment are given as under:

S. No. 1 2

Title Timely Registration Topics & Synopsis Approval WPRs

Marks (CIA = 50%) 01 02

(No. of WPR Submitted) (Satisfactory WPR)

10 10 08 01 01

4 5 6 7

2 Periodic Progress Review by a board of faculty through presentation 1st Draft on time 2nd Draft on time

Final Report (Plagiarism Report with 01

<10% Plagiarism) 8 9 Final Report timely submission Final Report Assessment 01 15


In case the THESIS PART II is under joint supervision of faculty guide and external guide, the weightage of Continuous Internal Assessment will be equally divided between both the supervisors (faculty guide and external guide) as per following:

i) The faculty guide will give the CIA marks as per the university guidelines.

ii) The marks provided by external guide will be converted into 50 on CIA norms.

iii) The average of marks given by faculty guide and converted marks of external guide shall be treated as final CIA marks for THESIS PART II.

iv) It is the responsibility of the student and faculty guide to ensure the external guide sends the assessment on time. 11. Project Report Assessment:

The faculty guide will assess the project report as part of CIA as under:

S.No. Parameter Introduction Problem Review of Literature: Methodology/methods/Approach Data Collection, Analysis, Results and Statement of the

Weightage (10) 1.5 1.5 1 3 1 1

1. 2. 3 4 5 6

findings/Outcomes and conclusions Future scope and Limitations outlined Quality of work and written expression

Student Learning Outcomes


a) The Thesis Part II report must be written in students own words. However, if required to cite the words of others, all the debts (for words, data, arguments and ideas) have to be appropriately acknowledged.

b) It is mandatory that each project report shall be checked for plagiarism through Turnitin or similar software before submission. The content which is based on existing published work must come from properly quoted material and from the references cited section. After checking the accuracy of the citations and references of such content the plagiarism report should not return similarity index of more than 15% in any circumstance. However, if the matching text is one continuous block, the index of 15% could still be considered plagiarism. Any report with higher than this percentage matching must be explained by the student. The details of copy rights, professional ethics are given in Plagiarism Prevention Policy of the University.



At the end, students are required to produce a quality report. In order to be able to do this the following must be ensured:-

a) The student will start the project report / dissertation right at the beginning and simultaneous to review of literature and collection of data as per the prescribed guidelines b) The students will submit hard copy of the 1st draft of the report to the guide for guidance.

c) The final report shall be submitted after checking plagiarism through Turnitin or any other format subscribed by University. Copying material

should not be more than 10% provided source is mentioned in the report along with proper acknowledgement and referencing as per plagiarism policy of the university.

d) Following will be submitted along with final report,: o WPR o THESIS PART II Dairy o Plagiarism Report

e) A student will be eligible to submit his report provided he/she meets following conditions:

and final assessment

a. Online Registration for the THESIS PART II course b. Approval of Topic, Synopsis and Project Plan by the guide c. 90 % of WPR were submitted d. 80% of the WPR were satisfactory e. Similarity index not more than 15 % as per Plagiarism Prevention Policy.



a) The final assessment of THESIS PART II will to be done only of those students who have qualified on the basis of CIA

b) The Final assessment will be treated as end semester examination. It is mandatory for the students to appear for final assessment as per scheduled date and time. If they fail to appear in the students final assessment as per schedule, he/she will treated as absent. For such cases same rules will be applicable as those for theory examination. The assessment of I category students will be done within one month of final assessment of the batch.



The final report is important component of all THESIS PART II. It should consist of 12000 to 15000 words and two hardbound copies of the same must be submitted along with a soft copy on a CD.



Language Paper size Margins

English (unless other wise specified in the course curriculum) A4 The text of the document must be justified.

The left and right margin of 1.25 inches. The top and bottom margin of 1.00 inch. Typing On One side of page only. The text will follow line spacing of 1.5 lines. Table and figures, tabular material as necessary and appendix material as appropriate may be single space. Centered material is to be centered between the left and right margins. The first line of all paragraphs of running text will be indented 0.5inches. Pagination Each page must be numbered, except the Title Page. The pre pagesincluding the Copyright Page, Faculty Guide Approval Page, Acknowledgement, Table of Contents, List of Tables, List of Figures and Abstract (if any) will be numbered with lower-case Roman numerals (ii, iii, iv, etc.) centered from the bottom edge of the page. The first page that will show a page number is page ii.

All remaining pages carry consecutive numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.). The page number will be placed in the upper right-hand corner of the page, right aligned.

Arrangement Contents

of Every THESIS PART II Project Report should have three parts: the pre pages, the main text, and the reference material.

Each part has several sections, which are normally arranged in the order as discussed below.

1. Preliminary Pages a. Title page b. Declaration c. Faculty Guide Approval page d. Acknowledgement(s) e. Table of Contents f. List of Tables g. List of Figures h. Abstract 2. Text (usually divided into chapters and sections) 3. Reference Material a. References b. Appendix Tables and figures Each table of figure should be placed immediately after the paragraph in which it is mentioned. If it has a separate page, this page should be the one following the page on which the table/figure was first mentioned.

Tables and figures that must be positioned horizontally (landscaped) will face the outer edge of the page, with the widest margin at the binding edge.

Tables and figures are numbered in separate series. Each table and figure, including any in the appendices, has a number in its own series. Each series is numbered consecutively within chapters (e.g., Figure 10.1, Figure 10.2, and Figure 10.3).

Each table and figure will be separately numbered.

All titles/captions of Table & Figures will appear in the pre pages in the List of Tables and List of Figures.


In the text, give the surname and date in parentheses, e.g. (Edwards, 2010). At the end of the study, provide a section headed References in which the references are listed alphabetically by family name. Include references for electronic sources of information e.g. web pages. For further detail, see Appendix 6.

Any books, articles, websites or other published sources (retrievable data) that have been used (cited in the text) either in direct quotation or by reference, must be listed in the References. Personal interviews/raw data (not retrievable) do not appear in the reference list.

The first line of the citation starts at the left margin and the second and subsequent lines of that citation are indented 0.5 inches.

The referencing style to be used as per the forma. The format for the references shall be given separately by each faculty of Study/institution. Appendices Appendices contain supplementary or illustrative material or explanatory data too lengthy to be included in the text or not immediately essential to the readers understanding of the text.

Appendices should be lettered in the order in which they are referred to in the text.

Each appendix will be listed with its title in the Table of Contents (e.g., APPENDIX A. TITLE OF THE APPENDIX).

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