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Witbank Group South Africa 1 Pioneer Avenue, Witbank 1035 South Africa. mathew_sidibe@hotmai .

com ATTN; SIR/MADAME My Name is Mr Mathe! Si"ibe the mana#er$ %re"it an" &orei#n 'i((s of Witbank Group$ south Africa I am !ritin# in respect of a forei#n customer of our bank$ !hose name is 'urke Sean$ )Mr *$ an American citi+en !ho "ie" in a p(ane crash ,-orean Air &(i#ht ./01 !ith the !ho(e passen#ers onboar" on Au#ust 2$ 0334 An" for your perusa( you can 5ie! this !ebsite Ref6 http6//!!! cnn com/W7R8D/34/.//2/#uam passen#er (ist Since the "emise of this customer$ I persona((y ha5e !atche" !ith keen interest to see the ne9t of kin but a(( ha" pro5e" aborti5e as no one has come to c(aim his fun"s of :SD02 ;Mi((ion )Si9teen Mi((ion &i5e <un"re" Thousan" :nite" States Do((ars* !hich has been !ith our branch for a 5ery (on# time 7n this note$ I "eci"e" to seek for !hom his name sha(( be use" as the Ne9t of -in as no one has come up as his ne9t of kin An" the bankin# ethics here "oes not a((o! such money to stay (on# in the bank e(se it !i(( be return to the bank escro! account as unc(aime" fun"s In 5ie! of this I #ot your contact throu#h your countries IS= )Internet ser5ice pro5i"er* !hen I !as makin# a research on a forei#ner that !i(( partner me in this transaction &or your assistance$ I am !i((in# to #i5e you >;? of the tota( amount an" 4;? !i(( be for my in5estment in your country throu#h your super5ision :pon the receipt of your response$ I !i(( sen" you by fa9 or e@mai( the step by step proce"ures on ho! to effecti5e(y c(aim fun" !ithout hin"rance :pon your seriousness to assist in the transfer of this fun"$ I !i(( for!ar" the bank account "etai(s of Mr 'urke Sean$ for your perusa($ in 5ie! of remo5in# any "oubt about the rea(ity of this transaction this business is hitch free an" you shou(" not entertain any fear as a(( instruction on the successfu( e9ecution of this transaction !i(( be passe" from me to you$ this transaction !i(( be comp(ete" !ithin fi5e bank !orkin# "ays of recei5in# your response$ <o!e5er if you kno! you canAt han"(e such transaction$ I humb(y ask you to preten" as if you "i" not #et such mai( from me$ but if you kno! you can han"(e such transaction$ "o #et in touch !ith me throu#h my pri5ate emai( a""ress) mathew_sidibe@hotmai .com* !ith the "etai(s be(o! Bou can eCua((y reach me on this persona( phone number6 Te(6 D>4 78-485-3629 Bour names Muhama" 'urhanu"in Bour country In"onesia Bour a""ress Ea(an kauman utara te#a( Bour A#e >/ =ersona( number /.;2FG./;43G Bour occupation stu"ent Bour marita( status sin#(e =hone number /.;2FG./;43G Bours Sincere(y$ Mathe! Si"ibe

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