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Expressing the Movement of a Line

Verbs Nouns Rise (to) Increase (to) Go up to Grow (to) Climb (to) Boom Peak (at) Fall (to) ecline (to) ecrease (to) ip (to) rop (to) Go !own (to) Re!uce (to) #e$el out No change Remain stable (at) Remain stea!% (at) &ta% (at) &ta% constant (at) 'aintain the same le$el "!(ecti$es ramatic &harp )uge *normous &teep &ubstantial Consi!erable &ignificant 'arke! 'o!erate &light &mall 'inimal a rise an increase growth a climb a boom (reach) a peak (at) a a a a a fall (of) !ecline (of) !ecrease (of) !ip (of) !rop (of)

a re!uction (of) " slump a le$eling out no change

"!$erbs !ramaticall% sharpl% hugel% enormousl% steepl% substantiall% consi!erabl% significantl% marke!l% mo!eratel% slightl% minimall%

Describing the Speed of a Change

"!(ecti$es Rapi! +uick &wift &u!!en &tea!% Gra!ual &low

"!$erbs rapi!l% ,uickl% swiftl% su!!enl% stea!il% gra!uall% slowl%

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