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Getting Started with SalesForce CRM

Getting Started with SALESFORCE Part VIII

BISP is committed to provide BEST learning material to the beginners and advance learners. In the same series, we have prepared a complete end-to end Hands-on Beginners G ide !or Sales"orce. The doc ment !oc ses on #ata $anagement and #ata %oader sing import wi&ard. 'oin o r pro!essional training program and learn !rom e(perts.


Version #$% #$% Description Change Initia" Dra&t Re+iew,% A thor P !"ish Date Chandra Pra'ash Shar(a %#th ) "y *#%* A(it Shar(a %#th ) "y *#%*

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+ontents.......................................................................................................................... , #ata $anagement in Sales"orce .................................................................................#i!!erences between Import .i&ard and #ata %oader..................................................Similarit) between Import .i&ard and #ata %oader /...................................................+ stom 0b1ect Import .i&ard/...................................................................................... How to Import + stom 0b1ect/.................................................................................. +S2 "ormat "ile/ .......................................................................................................... 3

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Data -anage(ent in Sa"esForce

Sales"orce provide ver) power ! ll tools #ata $anagement, 4dministrator can ta5e bac5 p all data and pload b l5 data b) sing Import .i&ard and #ata loader.

.here are two too"s a+ai"a!"e &or

*. Import .i&ard. ,. #ata %oader.

p"oading data :

Di&&erences !etween I(port /i0ard and Data Loader I(port /i0ard :

*. Import .i&ard/ web bead tools. ,. Import wi&ard ma(im m handle 67777 records. -. Import wi&ard se !or onl) insert record.

Data "oader :
*. #es5top based e(ternal tool. ,. #ata loader handled 6 million record ma(im m. -. #ata loader se !or insert, pdate, psert, e(port and delete record.

Si(i"arity !etween I(port /i0ard and Data Loader :

In Import .i&ard and #ata %oader Importing or e(porting o! records will happen in .+S2 !ormat8comma separated val e9 !ile.

C sto( O!1ect I(port /i0ard:

B) sing Import .i&ard to import and or pdate c stom ob1ects. in sales! administrator to se this wi&ard.

How to Import Custom Object:

+lic5 to Set p -: Data -anage(ent -: +lic5 on I(port C sto( O!1ects Then )o can see below 4!ter That +lic5 to Start I(port /i0ard2 %in5.

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Step % :3
.hen )o clic5 to Start I(port /i0ard2 %in5 Then on new web page open )o can see below. Select an) + stom ob1ect name 8E( /- Position 9 and clic5 to 4e5t b tton.

Step * :3
I! )o want insert d plicates val es allow to insert clic5 to <es radio b tton i! not allow d plicate val e clic5 to =o radio b tton. 4!ter selection clic5 to 4e5t b tton.

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Step 6 :3
which ser !ield are )o incl de in )o r !ile to designate record owners Select an) one option and clic5 to =e(t b tton.

Step 7 :3
+lic5 to 8rowse b tton and select )o .+S2 !ormat !ile. 4ote :3 *. $a5e s re in .+S2 !ile completel) match data t)pe to )o given on c stom ob1ect in Sales"

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,. I! )o given wrong val e in .+S2 !ile, .+S2 !ile not ploaded s ccess! ll) and he gives error.

Step 9:3
I! need map Import "ield to Sales" !ield to select val e b) dropdown and )o can mapped this !ield. I! not re? ired to map this !ield clic5 to =e(t b tton contin e this steps.

Step ::3
+lic5 to I(port 4ow2 b tton.

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Step ;:3
I! )o want to see Import A e e !or $) 0rgani&ation clic5 to Import A e eB lin5 and clic5 them Finish b tton. and all so )o got mail !rom Sales!

Step < :3
clic5 to I(port = e e2 lin5 then )o can see the Import A e e !or $) 0rgani&ation there is )o can see Action, Fi"ena(e, S !(itted 8y, Records, S !(itted, Stat s, Stared, Co(p"eted, I(port .ype.. There is )o can see Stat s is +ompleted.

Step > :3
4!ter that )o can see how man) !ield increase in )o r c stom ob1ect8E( /- position9 +lic5 to Position tab and clic5 to Go b tton then )o can see list o! !ield. see below. There )o can see that, I am add three !ield dot net developer, oracle admin, and php these are !ield add s ccess! ll).

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CSV For(at Fi"e:

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