Extreme - More Than Words: Cover Versions

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Extreme - More Than Words <iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/UrIi !

g5"#$%re&=0" frameborder="0" a&&owfu&&scree'(</iframe( More Than Words is a ba&&ad writte' a'd origi'a&&y )erformed by the roc* ba'd Extreme. It is bui&t arou'd acoustic guitar wor* by +u'o ,ette'court a'd the !oca&s of -ary .hero'e /with harmo'y !oca&s from ,ette'court0. 1e&eased i' 1220 o' the a&bum 34treme II5 6or'ograffiti7 the so'g mar*ed a de)arture from the fu'* meta& that had )ermeated the ba'd8s sty&e )re!ious to its re&ease. 9he so'g was described by ,ette'court as a so'g war'i'g that the )hrase "I &o!e you" was becomi'g mea'i'g&ess5 "6eo)&e use it so easi&y a'd so &ight&y that they thi'* you ca' say that a'd fi4 e!erythi'g7 or you ca' say that a'd e!erythi'g8s :;. #ometimes you ha!e to do more a'd you ha!e to show it<there8s other ways to say 8I &o!e you.8" :' =arch 237 12217 "=ore 9ha' >ords" e'tered the U.#. ,i&&board ?ot 100 at 'umber "1 a'd soo' after reached 'umber o'e. It a&so reached 'umber two i' the U'ited ;i'gdom7 where the grou) had success before its @merica' brea*through. 9hough they had made a few 3uro)ea' charts before7 this brought the ba'd to their first mai'stream success i' the U'ited #tates. 34treme fo&&owed "=ore 9ha' >ords" with a'other )ower ba&&ad7 "?o&e ?earted"7 which was s&ight&y faster )aced tha' "=ore 9ha' >ords"7 but 'e!erthe&ess to))ed at 'umber four i' the U'ited #tates a'd 'umber three i' .a'ada. Cover versions A&i) Ba #cri) i' 122C sam)&ed the so'g i' their 122C si'g&e "I +e!er 9o&d $ou". ,,=a* i' 1222D20007 o' their first a&bum7 re&eased i' @sia i' 12227 a'd as a bDside i' 1222 for the U; ",ac* ?ere" si'g&e. >est&ife i' 12227 o' their first a&bum7 >est&ife. Ba!id .assidy i' 2003 for the a&bum @ 9ouch of ,&ue. +atura&&y C i' 2003 a ca))e&&a for the a&bum >hat is It%. :we' i' 20047 as a Ea)a'ese bo'us trac* o' his a&bum I Bo 6ercei!e. Ara'*ie E i' 20057 as the third si'g&e from his a&bum 9he :'e. mi'*7 a Ea)a'eseD;orea' si'ger7 did a bossa 'o!a !ersio' o' her first a&bum mi'* F)ro&ogueF. @&oha #e4 Euice )erformed i' ?awaiia' i' the 200" fi&m Aorgetti'g #arah =arsha&&. "9he -a'g" from It8s @&ways #u''y i' 6hi&ade&)hia sa'g the &ast !erse i' a ca)e&&a whi&e ta*i'g shots i' their #outh 6hi&&y bar i' the seaso' two e)isode7 "9he -a'g -oes Eihad". 1ube' #tuddard co!ered the so'g o' his 2002 a&bum7 o!e Is. =i*e ;i'se&&a of :we' has )erformed co!ers of the so'g &i!e7 with !ersio's a))eari'g o' the Ea)a'ese im)ort of I do )ercei!e a'd o' 9he #easide 36 i' 2002.

=i*e =yers )erforms the so'g a&o'g with =a'u +araya' i' the fi&m 9he o!e -uru7 i' a !ersio' featuri'g a sitar. @mateur 9ra's)&a'ts recorded a )arody of the so'g e'tit&ed "+orther' ,irds". 9o'y ucca a'd E. .haseG i' 12217 )erformed the so'g o' the =ic*ey =ouse .&ub. >a&ters H ;aGha )erformed it i' 2005 as a &i!e )erforma'ce. #erbia' si'ger a'd )artici)a't of rea&ity/ta&e't show :)eraciIa triIumf7 Ju*aKi' ,raIiL7 has su'g this so'g twice at the show8s ga&a e!e'i'gs. Jarsity Aa'c&ub )osted a co!er o' their $ou9ube cha''e&. ,raGi&ia' si'ger I!ete #a'ga&o co!ered the so'g at her show i' 1oc* i' 1io IJ i' #e)tember 307 2011. 6erformed i' the ,roadway musica& 1oc* :f @ges. @)o&ogetiM )arodied the so'g as N=ore tha' >or*sO. -&ee7 a' @merica' 9J series7 co!er the so'g i' fourth seaso' e)isode #hooti'g #tar. 9he co!er is )erformed by ?eather =orris a'd .hord :!erstreet 6ab&o @&bora' #)a'ish #i'ger a'd #o'g >riter. ?as co!ered the so'g i' &i!e co'certs. Jideos a!ai&ab&e o' $ou9ube. #him .ha'gmi' of 9JMP has co!ered the so'g i' &i!e co'certs. Jideos a!ai&ab&e o' $ou9ube. The Lyrics5 #ayi'g I &o!e you Is 'ot the words I wa't to hear from you It8s 'ot that I wa't you +ot to say7 but if you o'&y *'ew ?ow easy it wou&d be to show me how you fee& =ore tha' words is a&& you ha!e to do to ma*e it rea& 9he' you wou&d'8t ha!e to say that you &o!e me 8.ause I8d a&ready *'ow >hat wou&d you do if my heart was tor' i' two =ore tha' words to show you fee& 9hat your &o!e for me is rea& >hat wou&d you say if I too* those words away 9he' you cou&d'8t ma*e thi'gs 'ew Eust by sayi'g I &o!e you =ore tha' words +ow that I8!e tried to ta&* to you a'd ma*e you u'dersta'd @&& you ha!e to do is c&ose your eyes @'d Iust reach out your ha'ds a'd touch me ?o&d me c&ose do'8t e!er &et me go =ore tha' words is a&& I e!er 'eeded you to show 9he' you wou&d'8t ha!e to say that you &o!e me 8.ause I8d a&ready *'ow >hat wou&d you do if my heart was tor' i' two =ore tha' words to show you fee& 9hat your &o!e for me is rea&

>hat wou&d you say if I too* those words away 9he' you cou&d'8t ma*e thi'gs 'ew Eust by sayi'g I &o!e you =ore tha' words

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