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Certificate Acknowledgement
Training at BTPS 1. Introduction 2. 3. NTPC Badarp r T!ermal Power Station

Operation Electrical Maintenance Division I "T#$T Switc! Gear "T#$T Motor%& T r'ine ( Boiler% Side C"P#NC"P


Electrical Maintenance Division II Generator Tran%former ( Switc!)ard Protection $ig!ting EP


T!i% i% to certif) t!at *oge%! + mar& %t dent of 'ac!elor of Tec!nolog)& E$ECTRICA$ ENGG,& -rd *ear& .CRUST M rt!al& Sonipat& "ar)ana !a% % cce%%f ll) completed !i% ind %trial Training at Badarp r T!ermal Power Corporation& New .el!i for /0 da)% from 1 t! of 2 l) to /3t! 2 l) /455, "e !a% completed t!e w!ole training a% per t!e training report % 'mitted ') !im,

Training Incharge BTPS#NTPC& Badarp r& New .el!i

6it! profo nd re%pect and gratit de& I take t!e opport nit) to con7e) m) t!ank% to complete t!e training !ere, I do e8tend m) !eartfelt t!ank% to M%, Rac!na Sing! for pro7iding me t!i% opport nit) to 'e a part of t!i% e%teemed organi%ation, I am e8tremel) gratef l to all t!e tec!nical %taff of BTPS # NTPC for t!eir co9operation and g idance t!at !a% !elped me a lot d ring t!e co r%e of training, I !a7e learnt a lot working nder t!em and I will alwa)% 'e inde'ted of t!em for t!i% 7al e addition in me, I wo ld al%o like to t!ank t!e training inc!arge and all t!e fac lt) mem'er% of o r college& NPTI& Badarp r& for t!eir effort of con%tant co9 operation& w!ic! !a7e 'een a %ignificant factor in t!e accompli%!ment of m) ind %trial training,

)O(ES* %+M$" B,Tec! :Electrical Engg,;

Training at BTPS
I wa% appointed to do /0 .a)% training at t!i% e%teemed organi<ation from 0t! 2 l) to /3t! 2 l)& /455, I wa% a%%igned to 7i%it 7ario % di7i%ion of t!e plant& w!ic! were, Electrical Maintenance .epartment 95 :EM.9 5; Electrical Maintenance .epartment 9/ :EM.9 /; T!e%e /0 .a)% training wa% a 7er) ed cational ad7ent re for me, It wa% reall) ama<ing to %ee t!e plant ') )o r%elf and learn !ow electricit)& w!ic! i% one of o r dail) re= irement% of life& i% prod ced, T!i% report !a% 'een made ') m) e8perience at BTPS, T!e material in t!i% report !a% 'een gat!ered from m) te8t'ook& %enior %t dent report% and trainer% man al% and power >o rnal% pro7ided ') training department, T!e %pecification and principle% are a% learned ') me from t!e emplo)ee% of eac! di7i%ion of BTPS,


NTPC $imited toda) i% one of t!e large%t companie% in India in term% of Market Capitali<ation and t!e %ingle large%t pla)er in power %ector catering to appro8imatel) -4? of co ntr)@% power need%, Set p in 53A0 ') Go7ernment of India& toda) it i% a Na7ratna PSU wit! a %trong workforce of /1&11A power profe%%ional% and an ann al t rno7er of R%,/B& A04,A Crore%, T!e Compan) !a% 51 coal 'a%ed and A ga% 'a%ed power plant% acro%% India wit! a total in%talled capacit) of /C&141 M6, Se7eral new pro>ect% are nderwa) a% t!e compan) !a% am'itio % plan% of ac!ie7ing A0&444 M6 in%talled capacit) ') /45A, NTPC i% pro7iding power at t!e c!eape%t a7erage tariff in t!e co ntr), 6it! it% e8perience and e8perti%e in t!e power %ector& NTPC i% e8tending con% ltanc) %er7ice% to 7ario % organi<ation% in t!e power ' %ine%%, NTPC !a% entered into a >oint 7ent re wit! Al%tom& German) for reno7ation and moderni<ation of power

plant% in India,

NTPC i% committed to t!e en7ironment& generating power at minimal en7ironmental co%t and pre%er7ing t!e ecolog) in t!e 7icinit) of t!e plant%, It !a% ndertaken ma%%i7e affore%tation in t!e 7icinit) of it% plant%, Plantation% !a7e

increa%ed fore%t area and red ced 'arren land, T!e ma%%i7e affore%tation ') NTPC in and aro nd it% Ramag ndam Power %tation :/544 M6; !a% contri' ted red cing t!e temperat re in t!e area% ') a'o t -Dc, NTPC !a% al%o taken proacti7e %tep% for a%! tili<ation, In 5335& it %et p A%! Utili<ation .i7i%ion to manage efficient %e of t!e a%! prod ced at it% coal %tation%, T!i% = alit) of a%! prod ced i% ideal for %e in cement& concrete& cell lar concrete& ' ilding material, A ECentre for Power Efficienc) and En7ironment Protection :CENPEEP;E !a% 'een e%ta'li%!ed in NTPC wit! t!e a%%i%tance of United State% Agenc) for International .e7elopment, :USAI.;, Cenpeep i% efficienc) oriented& Eco9friendl) and Eco9 n rt ring initiati7e 9 a %)m'ol of NTPC@% concern toward% en7ironmental protection and contin ed commitment to % %taina'le power de7elopment in India, A% a re%pon%i'le corporate citi<en& NTPC i% making con%tant effort% to impro7e t!e %ocio9economic %tat % of t!e people affected ') it% pro>ect%, T!ro g! it% Re!a'ilitation and Re%ettlement programme%& t!e compan) endea7or% to impro7e t!e o7erall %ocio9economic %tat % of Pro>ect Affected Per%on%, It wa% among t!e fir%t P 'lic Sector Enterpri%e% to enter into a Memorand m of Under%tanding :MOU; wit! t!e Go7ernment in 53BA9BB, T!e de7elopment of power in t!e co ntr) wa% ac!ie7ed t!ro g! State Electricit) Board% :SEBS; d ring t!e fir%t t!ree decade% after independence, T!e o tla) for power d ring 7iii9plan wa% R%,-1/A4 crore% again%t R%,-3- crore% d ring t!e fir%t plan period, T!e o tla) for power remained 539/4? d ring all plan period% o t of total o tla), Fi%ionG ETo 'e one of t!e worldH% large%t and 'e%t power tilitie%& powering growt!E, India@%

NTPC@% 7i%ion for t!e new millenni m i% in%pired ') a glorio % pa%t& 7i'rant pre%ent and a 'rilliant f t re, Mi%%ionG 5; Make a7aila'le relia'le and = alit) power in increa%ingl) large = antitie% at appropriate tariff%& and en% re timel) reali<ation of re7en e%, /; Speedil) plan and implement power pro>ect%& wit! contemporar) tec!nologie%, -; Implement %trategic di7er%ification% in t!e area% of R(M& ")dro& $NG and non9con7entional and eco9friendl) f el% and e8plore new area% like tran%mi%%ion& information tec!nolog) etc,

Badarp r t!ermal power %tation %tarted working in 53A- wit! a %ingle 30 mw nit, T!ere were / more nit% :30 M6 eac!; in%talled in ne8t / con%ec ti7e )ear%, Now it !a% total fi7e nit% wit! total capacit) of A/4 M6, Owner%!ip of BTPS wa% tran%ferred to NTPC wit! effect from 45,4C,/44C t!ro g! GOIH% Ga<ette Notification ,Gi7en 'elow are t!e detail% of nit wit! t!e )ear t!e) are in%talled,

Addre%%G Telep!oneG Ja8G In%talled Capacit) .erated Capacit) $ocation Coal So rce 6ater So rce Beneficiar) State% Unit Si<e% Unit% Commi%%ioned

Badarpur, Ne- Del.i / 110 0!! :ST.9455; I /C3130//C3130-/ A/4 M6 A40 M6 New .el!i 2!aria Coal Jield% Agra Canal .el!i -K30 M6 /K/54 M6 Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit I9 30 M6 9 2 l) 53AII9 30 M6 A g %t 53A1 III9 30 M6 Marc! 53A0 IF 9 /54 M6 .ecem'er 53AB F 9 /54 M6 9 .ecem'er 53B5

Coal from t!e coal wagon% i% nloaded wit! t!e !elp of wagon tippler% in t!e C,",P, t!i% coal i% taken to t!e raw coal ' nker% wit! t!e !elp of con7e)or 'elt%, Coal i% t!en tran%ported to 'owl mill% ') coal feeder% w!ere it i% p l7eri<ed and gro nd in t!e powered form, T!i% cr %!ed coal i% taken awa) to t!e f rnace t!ro g! coal pipe% wit! t!e !elp of !ot and cold mi8t re P,A fan, T!i% fan take% atmo%p!eric air& a part of w!ic! i% %ent to pre !eater% w!ile a part goe% to t!e mill for temperat re control, Atmo%p!eric air from J,. fan in t!e air !eater% and %ent to t!e f rnace a% com' %tion air, 6ater from 'oiler feed p mp pa%%e% t!ro g! economi<er and reac!e% t!e 'oiler dr m , 6ater from t!e dr m pa%%e% t!ro g! t!e down comer% and goe% to t!e 'ottom ring !eader, 6ater from t!e 'ottom ring !eader i% di7ided to all t!e fo r %ide% of t!e f rnace, . e to !eat den%it) difference t!e water ri%e% p in t!e water wall t 'e%, T!i% %team and water mi8t re i% again taken to t!e 'oiler dr m w!ere t!e %team i% %ent to % per !eater% for % per !eating, T!e % per !eater% are located in%ide t!e f rnace and t!e %team i% % per !eated :014 degree Cel%i %; and finall) it goe% to t!e t r'ine, J el ga%e% from t!e f rnace are e8tracted from t!e ind ced draft fan& w!ic! maintain% 'alance draft in t!e f rnace wit! J,. fan, T!e%e f el ga%e% !eat energ) to t!e 7ario % % per !eater% and finall) t!ro g! air pre !eater% and goe% to electro%tatic precipitator% w!ere t!e a%! particle% are e8tracted, T!i% a%! i% mi8ed wit! t!e water to from %l rr) i% p mped to a%! period,

T!e %team from 'oiler i% con7e)ed to t r'ine t!ro g! t!e %team pipe% and t!ro g! %top 7al7e and control 7al7e t!at a tomaticall) reg late t!e % ppl) of %team to t!e t r'ine, Stop 7al7e% and control% 7al7e% are located in %team c!e%t and go7ernor dri7en from main t r'ine %!aft operate% t!e control 7al7e% t!e amo nt %ed, Steam from controlled 7al7e% enter !ig! pre%% re c)linder of t r'ine%& w!ere it pa%%e% t!ro g! t!e ring of 'lade% fi8ed to t!e c)linder wall, T!e%e act a% no<<le% and direct t!e %team into a %econd ring of mo7ing 'lade% mo nted on t!e di%c %ec red in t!e t r'ine %!aft, T!e %econd ring t rn% t!e %!aft a% a re% lt of force of %team to t!e %tationar) and mo7ing 'lade% toget!er, M$IN (ENE"$TO"

Ma8im m contin o % +FA rating Ma8im m contin o % +6 Rated terminal 7oltage Rated Stator c rrent Rated Power Jactor E8citation c rrent at MCR Condition Slip9ring Foltage at MCR Condition Rated Speed Rated Jre= enc) S!ort circ it ratio Efficienc) at MCR Condition .irection of rotation 7iewed P!a%e Connection N m'er of terminal% 'ro g!t o t

/1A44+FA /54444+6 50A04F 3404 A 4,B0 lag /C44 A -54 F -444 rpm 04 "< 4,13 3B,1? Anti Clockwi%e .o 'le Star 3: C ne tral and p!a%e;


Rated o tp t of T r'ine Rated %peed of t r'ine Rated pre%% re of %team 'efore emergenc) Stop 7al7e rated li7e %team temperat re

/54 M6 -444 rpm 5-4 kg#cmL/ 0-0 degree Cel%i %

Rated %team temperat re after re!eat at inlet 0-0 degree Cel%i % to receptor 7al7e Steam flow at 7al7e wide open condition CA4 ton%#!o r

Rated = antit) of circ lating water t!ro g! /A444 cm#!o r conden%er 5, Jor cooling water temperat re :degree /1&/A&-4&-Cel%i %; 5,Re!eated %team pre%% re at inlet of /-&33&/1&/5&/1&13&/1 ,B/ CB&C10&C0/&CC/

interceptor 7al7e in kg#cmL/ ABS /,Steam flow re= ired for /54 M6 in ton#!o r

-,Rated pre%% re at e8!a %t of $P t r'ine in 53,3&00,0&C0,1&CA,A mm of "g

T*E"M$' PO&E" P'$NT

A T!ermal Power Station compri%e% all of t!e e= ipment and a % '%)%tem re= ired to prod ce electricit) ') %ing a %team generating 'oiler fired wit! fo%%il f el% or 'efo l% to dri7e an electrical generator, Some prefer to %e t!e term ENERG* CENTER 'eca %e % c! facilitie% con7ert form% of energ)& like n clear energ)& gra7itational potential energ) or !eat energ) :deri7ed from t!e com' %tion of f el; into electrical energ), "owe7er& PO6ER P$ANT i% t!e mo%t common term in t!e %tation% are mo%t nited %tateM 6!ile PO6ER STATION pre7ail% in man) Commonwealt! co ntrie% and e%peciall) in t!e United +ingdom,S c! power % all) con%tr cted on a 7er) large %cale and de%igned for contin o % operation, 5, Cooling water p mp /, T!ree9p!a%e tran%mi%%ion line -, Step p tran%former 1, Electrical Generator 0, $ow pre%% re %team C, Boiler feed water p mp A, S rface conden%er B, Intermediate pre%% re %team t r'ine 3, Steam control 7al7e 54, "ig! pre%% re %team t r'ine 55, .eaerator Jeed water !eater 5/, Coal con7e)or 5-, Coal !opper 51, Coal p l7eri<er 50, 'oiler %team dr m 5C, Bottom a%! !oper 5A, S per !eater 5B, Jorced dra g!t:draft; fan 53, Re!eater

/4, Com' %tion air intake /5, Economi<er //, Air pre!eater /-, Precipitator /1, Ind ced dra g!t:draft; fan /0, J el ga% %tack

T!e de%cription of %ome of t!e component% written a'o7e i% de%cri'ed a% follow%G

1.Cooling to-ers
Cooling Tower% are e7aporati7e cooler% %ed for cooling water or ot!er working %e medi m to near t!e am'i7alent we'9' l' air temperat re, Cooling tower water

e7aporation of water to re>ect !eat from proce%%e% % c! a% cooling t!e circ lating %ed in oil refinerie%& C!emical plant%& power plant% and ' ilding cooling& nit% to 7er) large p to /44 meter% tall and 544 meter% in for e8ample, T!e tower 7ar) in %i<e from %mall roof9top !)per'oloid %tr ct re% t!at can 'e

diameter& or rectang lar %tr ct re t!at can 'e o7er 14 meter% tall and B4 meter% long, Smaller tower% are normall) factor) ' ilt& w!ile larger one% are con%tr cted on %ite, T!e primar) %e of large & ind %trial cooling tower %)%tem i% to remo7e t!e !eat %ed in power plant% & a'%or'ed in t!e circ lating cooling water %)%tem%

petrole m refinerie%& petroc!emical and c!emical plant%& nat ral ga% proce%%ing plant% and ot!er ind %trial facilitie% , T!e a'%or'ed !eat i% re>ected to t!e atmo%p!ere ') t!e e7aporation of %ome of t!e cooling water in mec!anical forced9draft or ind ced draft tower% or in nat ral draft !)per'olic %!aped cooling tower% a% %een at mo%t n clear power plant%,

2.T.ree p.ase trans1ission line

T.ree p.ase electric po-er i% a common met!od of electric power %ed to power motor% and %e% le%% cond ctor material to tran%mi%%ion, It i% a t)pe of pol)p!a%e %)%tem mainl) man) ot!er de7ice%, A T!ree p!a%e %)%tem

tran%mit electric power t!an e= i7alent %ingle p!a%e& two p!a%e& or direct c rrent %)%tem at t!e %ame 7oltage, In a t!ree p!a%e %)%tem& t!ree circ it% reac! t!eir in%tantaneo % peak 7al e% at different time%, Taking one cond ctor a% t!e reference& t!e ot!er two c rrent are dela)ed in time ') one9t!ird and two9t!ird of one c)cle of t!e electrical c rrent, T!i% dela) 'etween Np!a%e%O !a% t!e effect of gi7ing con%tant power tran%fer o7er eac! c)cle of t!e c rrent and al%o make% it po%%i'le to prod ce a rotating magnetic field in an electric motor, At t!e power %tation& an electric generator con7ert% mec!anical power into a %et of electric c rrent%& one from eac! electromagnetic coil or winding of t!e generator, T!e c rrent are %in %oidal f nction% of time& all at t!e %ame fre= enc) ' t off%et in time to gi7e different p!a%e%, In a t!ree p!a%e %)%tem t!e p!a%e% are %paced e= all)& gi7ing a p!a%e %eparation of one9t!ird one c)cle, Generator% o tp t at a 7oltage t!at range% from ! ndred% of 7olt% to -4&444 7olt%, At t!e power %tation& tran%former%G %tep9 pO t!i% 7oltage to one more % ita'le for tran%mi%%ion, After n mero % f rt!er con7er%ion% in t!e tran%mi%%ion and di%tri' tion network t!e power i% finall) tran%formed to t!e %tandard main% 7oltage :i,e, t!e N!o %e!oldO 7oltage;, T!e power ma) alread) !a7e 'een %plit into %ingle p!a%e at t!i% point or it ma) %till 'e t!ree p!a%e, 6!ere t!e %tep9down i% - p!a%e& t!e o tp t of t!i% tran%former i% % all) %tar connected wit! t!e %tandard main% 7oltage 'eing t!e p!a%e9ne tral 7oltage, Anot!er %)%tem commonl) %een in Nort! America i% to !a7e a delta connected %econdar) wit! a center tap on one of t!e winding% % ppl)ing t!e gro nd and ne tral, T!i% allow% for /14 F t!ree p!a%e a% well a% t!ree different %ingle p!a%e 7oltage%: 5/4 F 'etween two of t!e p!a%e% and ne tral & /4B F 'etween t!e t!ird p!a%e : known a% a wild leg; and ne tral and /14 F 'etween an) two p!a%e; to 'e a7aila'le from t!e %ame % ppl),

3.Electrical generator
An Electrical generator i% a de7ice t!at con7ert% kinetic energ) to electrical energ)& generall) %ing electromagnetic ind ction, T!e ta%k of con7erting t!e

electrical energ) into mec!anical energ) i% accompli%!ed ')

%ing a motor, T!e

%o rce of mec!anical energ) ma) 'e a reciprocating or t r'ine %team engine& & water falling t!ro g! t!e t r'ine are made in a 7ariet) of %i<e% ranging from %mall 5 !p :4,A0 k6; nit% :rare; %ed a% mec!anical dri7e% for p mp%& compre%%or% %ed and ot!er %!aft dri7en e= ipment & to /&444&444 !p:5&044&444 k6; t r'ine% t r'ine%, Steam t r'ine% are %ed in all of o r ma>or coal fired power %tation% to dri7e t!e generator% or alternator%& w!ic! prod ce electricit), T!e t r'ine% t!em%el7e% are dri7en ') %team generated in PBoiler%H or P%team generator%H a% t!e) are %ometime% called, Electrical power %tation %e large %tem t r'ine% dri7ing electric generator% to prod ce mo%t :a'o t BC?; of t!e worldH% electricit), T!e%e centrali<ed %tation% are of two t)pe%G fo%%il f el power plant% and n clear power plant%, T!e t r'ine% %ed for electric power generation are mo%t often directl) co pled to t!eir9 generator% ,A% t!e generator% m %t rotate at con%tant %)nc!rono % %peed% according to t!e fre= enc) of t!e electric power %)%tem& t!e mo%t common %peed% are -444 r#min for 04 "< %)%tem%& and -C44 r#min for C4 "< %)%tem%, Mo%t large n clear %et% rotate at !alf t!o%e %peed%& and !a7e a 19pole generator rat!er t!an t!e more common /9pole one, Energ) in t!e %team after it lea7e% t!e 'oiler i% con7erted into rotational energ) a% it pa%%e% t!ro g! t!e t r'ine, T!e t r'ine normall) con%i%t% of %e7eral %tage wit! eac! %tage% con%i%ting of a %tationar) 'lade :or no<<le; and a rotating 'lade, Stationar) 'lade% con7ert t!e potential energ) of t!e %team into kinetic energ) into force%& ca %ed ') pre%% re drop& w!ic! re% lt% in t!e rotation of t!e t r'ine %!aft, T!e t r'ine %!aft i% connected to a generator& w!ic! prod ce% t!e electrical energ),

to generate electricit), T!ere are %e7eral cla%%ification% for modern %team

!.Boiler 2eed -ater pu1p

A Boiler feed water p mp i% a %pecific t)pe of p mp

%ed to p mp water into a

%team 'oiler, T!e water ma) 'e fre%!l) % pplied or ret ning conden%ation of t!e %team prod ced ') t!e 'oiler, T!e%e p mp% are normall) !ig! pre%% re nit% t!at %e % ction from a conden%ate ret rn %)%tem and can 'e of t!e centrif gal p mp t)pe or po%iti7e di%placement t)pe,

Construction and operation

Jeed water p mp% range in %i<e p to man) !or%epower and t!e electric motor i% % all) %eparated from t!e p mp 'od) ') %ome form of mec!anical co pling, $arge ind %trial conden%ate p mp% ma) al%o %er7e a% t!e feed water p mp, In eit!er ca%e& to force t!e water into t!e 'oilerM t!e p mp m %t generate % fficient pre%% re to o7ercome t!e %team pre%% re de7eloped ') t!e 'oiler, T!i% i% % all) accompli%!ed t!ro g! t!e %e of a centrif gal p mp, Jeed water p mp% % all) r n intermittentl) and are controlled ') a float %witc! or ot!er %imilar le7el9%en%ing de7ice energi<ing t!e p mp w!en it detect% a lowered li= id le7el in t!e 'oiler i% % '%tantiall) increa%ed, Some p mp% contain a two9%tage %witc!, A% li= id lower% to t!e trigger point of t!e fir%t %tage& t!e p mp i% acti7ated, I f t!e li= id contin e% to drop :per!ap% 'eca %e t!e p mp !a% failed& it% % ppl) !a% 'een c t off or e8!a %ted& or it% di%c!arge i% 'locked;M t!e %econd %tage will 'e triggered, T!i% %tage ma) %witc! off t!e 'oiler e= ipment :pre7enting t!e 'oiler from r nning dr) and o7er!eating;& trigger an alarm& or 'ot!,

3. Stea1 po-ered pu1ps

Steam locomoti7e% and t!e %team engine% %it ation& t!o g!& t!e p mp wa% often powered ran %ed on %!ip% and %tationar) %ing a %mall %team engine t!at application% % c! a% power plant% al%o re= ired feed water p mp%, In t!i% %ing t!e %team prod ced ') t!e 'oiler, A mean% !ad to 'e pro7ided& of

co r%e& to p t t!e initial c!arge of water into t!e 'oiler:'efore %team power wa% a7aila'le to operate t!e %team9powered feed water p mp;,t!e p mp wa% often a

po%iti7e di%placement p mp t!at !ad %team 7al7e% and c)linder% at one end and feed water c)linder% at t!e ot!er endM no crank%!aft wa% re= ired, In t!ermal plant%& t!e primar) p rpo%e of % rface conden%er i% to conden%e t!e e8!a %t %team from a %team t r'ine to o'tain ma8im m efficienc) and al%o to con7ert t!e t r'ine e8!a %t %team into p re water %o t!at it ma) 'e re %ed in t!e %team generator or 'oiler a% 'oiler feed water, B) conden%ing t!e e8!a %t %team of a t r'ine at a pre%% re 'elow atmo%p!eric pre%% re& t!e %team pre%% re drop 'etween t!e inlet and e8!a %t of t!e t r'ine i% increa%ed& w!ic! increa%e% t!e amo nt !eat a7aila'le for con7er%ion to mec!anical power, Mo%t of t!e !eat li'erated d e to conden%ation of t!e e8!a %t %team i% carried awa) ') t!e cooling medi m :water or air; %ed ') t!e % rface conden%er,

4. Control valves
Control 7al7e% are 7al7e% %ed wit!in ind %trial plant% and el%ew!ere to control operating condition% % c! a% temperat re&pre%% re&flow&and li= id $e7el ') f ll) partiall) opening or clo%ing in re%pon%e to %ignal% recei7ed from controller% t!at compare% a N%et pointO to a Nproce%% 7aria'leO w!o%e 7al e i% pro7ided ') %en%or% t!at monitor c!ange% in % c! condition%, T!e opening or clo%ing of control 7al7e% i% done ') mean% of electrical& !)dra lic or pne matic %)%tem%

5. Deaerator
A .earator i% a de7ice for air remo7al and alternate wo ld 'e t!e %ed to remo7e di%%ol7ed ga%e% :an %e of water treatment c!emical%; from 'oiler feed water

to make it non9corro%i7e, A dearator t)picall) incl de% a 7ertical domed deaeration %ection a% t!e deaeration 'oiler feed water tank, A Steam generating 'oiler re= ire% t!at t!e circ lating %team& conden%ate& and feed water %!o ld 'e de7oid of di%%ol7ed ga%e%& partic larl) corro%i7e one% and di%%ol7ed or % %pended %olid%, T!e ga%e% will gi7e ri%e to corro%ion of t!e metal, T!e %olid% will depo%it on t!e !eating % rface% gi7ing ri%e to locali<ed !eating and t 'e r pt re% d e to o7er!eating, Under %ome condition% it ma) gi7e to %tre%% corro%ion cracking,

.eaerator le7el and pre%% re m %t 'e controlled ') ad> %ting control 7al7e%9 t!e le7el ') reg lating conden%ate flow and t!e pre%% re ') reg lating %team flow, If operated properl)& mo%t deaerator 7endor% will g arantee t!at o8)gen in t!e deaerated water will not e8ceed A pp' ') weig!t :4,440 cm-#$;

6. #eed -ater .eater

A Jeed water !eater i% a power plant component %ed to pre9!eat water deli7ered to a %team generating 'oiler, Pre!eating t!e feed water red ce% t!e irre7er%i'le in7ol7ed in %team generation and t!erefore impro7e% t!e t!ermod)namic efficienc) of t!e %)%tem,Q1R T!i% red ce% plant operating co%t% and al%o !elp% to a7oid t!ermal %!ock to t!e 'oiler metal w!en t!e feed water i% introd ce% 'ack into t!e %team c)cle, In a %team power : % all) modeled a% a modified Ranking c)cle;& feed water !eater% allow t!e feed water to 'e 'ro g!t p to t!e %at ration temperat re 7er) grad all), T!i% minimi<e% t!e ine7ita'le irre7er%i'ilit)H% a%%ociated wit! !eat tran%fer to t!e working fl id :water;, A 'elt con7e)or con%i%t% of two p lle)%& wit! a contin o % loop of material9 t!e con7e)or Belt I t!at rotate% a'o t t!em, T!e p lle)% are powered& mo7ing t!e 'elt and t!e material on t!e 'elt forward, Con7e)or 'elt% are e8ten%i7el) %ed to tran%port ind %trial and agric lt ral material& % c! a% grain& coal& ore% etc,

7. Pulveri8er
A p l7eri<er i% a de7ice for grinding coal for com' %tion in a f rnace in a fo%%il f el power plant,

10. Boiler Stea1 Dru1

Steam .r m% are a reg lar feat re of water t 'e 'oiler%, It i% re%er7oir of water#%team at t!e top end of t!e water t 'e% in t!e water9t 'e 'oiler, T!e) %tore t!e %team generated in t!e water t 'e% and act a% a p!a%e %eparator for t!e %team#water mi8t re, T!e difference in den%itie% 'etween !ot and cold water !elp% in t!e acc m lation of t!e N!otterO9water#and %at rated I%team into %team

dr m, Made from !ig!9grade %teel :pro'a'l) %tainle%%; and it% working in7ol7e% temperat re% -34HC and pre%% re well a'o7e -04p%i :/,1MPa;, T!e %eparated %team i% drawn o t from t!e top %ection of t!e dr m, Sat rated %team i% drawn off t!e top of t!e dr m, T!e %team will re9enter t!e f rnace in t!ro g! a % per !eater& w!ile t!e %at rated water at t!e 'ottom of %team dr m flow% down to t!e m d9dr m #feed water dr m ') down comer t 'e% acce%%orie% incl de a %afet) 7al7e& water le7el indicator and f %e pl g, A %team dr m i% %ed in t!e compan) of a m d9dr m#feed water dr m w!ic! i% located at a lower le7el, So t!at it act% a% a % mp for t!e %l dge or %ediment% w!ic! !a7e a tendenc) to t!e 'ottom,

11. Super *eater

A S per !eater i% a de7ice in a %team engine t!at !eat% t!e %team generated ') t!e 'oiler again increa%ing it% t!ermal energ) and decrea%ing t!e likeli!ood t!at it will conden%e in%ide t!e engine, S per !eater% increa%e t!e efficienc) of t!e %team engine& and were widel) adopted, Steam w!ic! !a% 'een % per!eated i% logicall) known a% super.eated stea19 non9% per!eated %team i% called saturated stea1 or -et stea1 M S per !eater% were applied to %team locomoti7e% in = antit) from t!e earl) /4t! cent r)& to mo%t %team 7e!icle%& and %o %tationar) %team engine% incl ding power %tation%,

12. Econo1i8ers
Econo1i8er, or in t!e U+ economi<er& are mec!anical de7ice% intended to red ce energ) con% mption& or to perform anot!er %ef l f nction like pre!eating a fl id, T!e term economi<er i% %ed for ot!er p rpo%e% a% well, Boiler& power % all) water& p to ' t not normall) plant& and !eating& 7entilating and air conditioning, In 'oiler%& economi<er are !eat e8c!ange de7ice% t!at !eat fl id% & 'e)ond t!e 'oiling point of t!e fl id, Economi<er% are %o named 'eca %e t!e) can make %e of t!e ent!alp) and impro7ing t!e 'oilerH% efficienc), T!e) are a de7ice fitted to a 'oiler w!ic! %a7e% energ) ') to pre!eat t!e cold water %ing t!e e8!a %t ga%e% from t!e 'oiler %ed t!e fill it :t!e feed water;, Modern da) 'oiler%&

% c! a% t!o%e in cold fired power %tation%& are %till fitted wit! economi<er w!ic! i% decedent% of GreenH% original de%ign, In t!i% conte8t t!e) are t r'ine% 'efore it i% p mped to t!e 'oiler%, A common application of economi<er i% %team power plant% i% to capt re t!e wa%te !it from 'oiler %tack ga%e% :fl e ga%; and tran%fer t! % it to t!e 'oiler feed water t! % lowering t!e needed energ) inp t & in t rn red cing t!e firing rate% to accompli%! t!e rated 'oiler o tp t , Economi<er lower %tack temperat re% w!ic! ma) ca %e conden%ation of acidic com' %tion ga%e% and %erio % e= ipment corro%ion damage if care i% not taken in t!eir de%ign and material %election,

13. $ir Pre.eater

Air pre!eater i% a general term to de%cri'e an) de7ice de%igned to !eat air 'efore anot!er proce%% :for e8ample& com' %tion in a 'oiler;, T!e p rpo%e of t!e air pre!eater i% to reco7er t!e !eat from t!e 'oiler fl e ga% w!ic! increa%e% t!e t!ermal efficienc) of t!e 'oiler ') red cing t!e %ef l !eat lo%t in t!e f el ga%, A% a con%e= ence& t!e fl e ga%e% are al%o %ent to t!e fl e ga% %tack :or c!imne); at a lower temperat re allowing %implified de%ign of t!e d cting and t!e fl e ga% %tack, It al%o allow% control o7er t!e temperat re of ga%e% lea7ing t!e %tack,

1!. Precipitator
An Electro%tatic precipitator :ESP; or electro%tatic air cleaner i% a partic late de7ice t!at remo7e% particle% from a flowing ga% :% c! A% air; %ing t!e force of an ind ced electro%tatic c!arge, Electro%tatic precipitator% are !ig!l) efficient filtration de7ice%& and can ea%il) remo7e fine partic late matter % c! a% d %t and %moke from t!e air %team, ESPH% contin e to 'e e8cellent de7ice% for control of man) ind %trial partic late emi%%ion%& incl ding %moke from electricit)9generating tilitie% :coal and oil fired;& %alt cake collection from 'lack li= or 'oiler% in p mp mill%& and catal)%t collection from fl idi<ed 'ed catal)tic cracker% from %e7eral ! ndred t!o %and ACJM in t!e large%t coal9fired 'oiler application,

T!e original parallel plate96eig!ted wire de%ign :de%cri'ed a'o7e; !a% e7ol7ed a% more efficient : and ro' %t; di%c!arge electrode de%ign% were de7eloped& toda) foc %ing on rigid di%c!arge electrode% to w!ic! man) %!arpened %pike% are attac!ed & ma8imi<ing corona prod ction, Tran%former Irectifier %)%tem% appl) 7oltage% of 049544 +ilo7olt% at relati7el) !ig! c rrent den%itie%, Modern control% minimi<e %parking and pre7ent arcing& a7oiding damage to t!e component%, A tomatic rapping %)%tem% and !opper e7ac ation %)%tem% remo7e t!e collected partic late matter w!ile on line allowing ESPH% to %ta) in operation for )ear% at a time,

13. #uel gas stac:

A J el ga% %tack i% a t)pe of c!imne)& a 7ertical pipe& c!annel or %imilar %tr ct re t!ro g! w!ic! com' %tion prod ct ga%e% called f el ga%e% are e8!a %ted to t!e o t%ide air, J el ga%e% are prod ced w!en coal& oil& nat ral ga%& wood or an) ot!er large com' %tion de7ice, J el ga% i% % all) compo%ed of car'on dio8ide :CO/; and water 7apor a% well a% nitrogen and e8ce%% o8)gen remaining from t!e intake com' %tion air, It al%o contain% a %mall percentage of poll tant% % c! a% partic late% matter& car'on mono o8ide& nitrogen o8ide% and % lf r o8ide%, T!e fl e ga% %tack% are often = ite tall& p to 144 meter% :5-44 feet; or more& %o a% to di%per%e t!e e8!a %t poll tant% o7er a greater aria and t!ere') red ce t!e concentration of t!e poll tant% to t!e le7el% re= ired ') go7ernmental en7ironmental policie% and reg lation%, 6!en t!e f el ga%e% e8!a %ted from %to7e%& o7en%& fireplace% or to a% c!imne)%, ot!er %mall %o rce% wit!in re%idential a'ode%& re%ta rant% & !otel% or ot!er %tack% are referred

Electrical Maintenance di7i%ion I
I wa% a%%igned to do training in Electrical maintenance di7i%ion I from 3t! 2 l) /455 to 50t! 2 l) /455, T!i% two week 9 training in t!i% di7i%ion were di7ided a% follow%, "T#$T %witc!gear "T#$T Motor%& T r'ine (Boiler %ide C"P#NC"P Electrical EMD 1 i% re%pon%i'le for maintenance ofG 5, Boiler %ide motor% /, T r'ine %ide motor% -, O t%ide motor% 1, Switc!gear 0, A,C, MOTORS INTRO.UCTION ( PRINCIP$E OJ OPERATIONG A% in a mac!ine i% %impl) an electric tran%former w!o%e magnetic circ it i% %eparated ') an air gap into two relati7e mo7a'le portion%& one carr)ing t!e primar) and ot!er %econdar) windingM t!en t!e latter i% %!ort circ ited or clo%ed t!ro g! e8ternal impedance, T!e electromagnetic force% corre%ponding to t!e power t! % tran%ferred acro%% t!e air gap ') ind ction prod ce relati7e motion 'etween t!e primar) and %econdar) %tr ct re,

1. Boiler side 1otors; #or 1, units 1, 2, 3

1.1D #ans 2.#.D #ans 3.P.$.#ans !.Mill #ans 3.Ball 1ill 2 in

no. 2 in no. 2 in no. 3 in no. 3 in no. 3 in no. 3 in no. 2 in no. ! in no. 1 in no. ! in no.

2ans 4."C 2eeders 5.Slag Crus.ers 6.DM Ma:e up Pu1p 7.PC #eeders 10.&or1 Conve<or 11.#urni:ets

#or stage units 1, 2, 3

1.I.D #ans 2.#.D #ans 3.P.$ #ans !.Bo-l Mills 3.".C #eeders 4.Clin:er (rinder 2 2 2 4 in in in in no. no. no. no.

4 in no. 2 in no.

5.Scrapper 6.Seal $ir #ans 7.*<dra8in e and P.osp.orou s Do8ing 1. CO$' *$ND'IN( P'$NT =C.*.P> 2. NE& CO$' *$ND'IN( P'$NT =N.C.*.P>

2 in no. 2 in no. 2 in no.

T!e old coal !andling plant cater% to t!e need of w!erea% t!e latter % pplie% coal to

nit% /&-&1&0 and 5 %a'le form to

nit% 1 and F,O,C,",P, % pplie% coal

to %econd and t!ird %tage% in t!e ad7ent coal to to f rnace, Ma?or Co1ponents 1. &agon Tippler;

:cr %!ed; form it% raw form and %end it to ' nker%& from w!ere it i% %end

6agon% from t!e coal )ard come to t!e tippler

and are emptied !ere, T!e proce%% i% performed ') a %lip Iring motor of ratingG 00 +6& 150F& 51B4 RPM, T!i% motor t rn% t!e wagon ') 5-0 degree% and coal fall% directl) on t!e con7e)or t!ro g! 7i'rator%, Tippler !a% rai%ed lower %)%tem w!ic! ena'le% i% to %witc! off motor w!en re= ired till i% wagon 'ack to it% original po%ition, It i% titled ') weig!t 'alancing principle, T!e motor lower% t!e !anging 'alancing weig!t%& w!ic! in t rn tilt% t!e con7e)or, E%timate of t!e weig!t of t!e con7e)or i% made t!ro g! !)dra lic weig!ing mac!ine,

2. Conve<or;

T!ere are 51 con7e)or% in t!e plant, T!e) are

n m'ered %o t!at t!eir f nction can 'e ea%il) demarcated, Con7e)or% are made of r ''er and more wit! a %peed of /049-44m#min, Motor% emplo)ed for con7e)or% !a% a capacit) of 504 "P, Con7e)or% !a7e a capacit) of carr)ing coal at t!e rate of 144 ton% per !o r, Jew

con7e)or% are do 'le 'elt& t!i% i% done for imp, Con7e)or% %o t!at if a 'elt de7elop% an) pro'lem t!e proce%% i% not %talled, T!e con7e)or 'elt !a% a %witc! after e7er) /09-4 m on 'ot! %ide% %o %top t!e 'elt in ca%e of emergenc), T!e con7e)or% are 5m wide& - cm t!ick and made of c!emicall) treated 7 lcani<ed r ''er, T!e ma8 ang lar ele7ation of con7e)or i% de%igned % c! a% ne7er to e8ceed !alf of t!e angle of re%pon%e and come% o t to 'e aro nd /4 degree%,

3, @ero Speed S-itc.G9It i% %afet) de7ice for motor%& i,e,& if 'elt i%

not mo7ing and t!e motor i% on t!e motor ma) ' rn, So to protect t!i% %witc! c!eck% t!e %peed of t!e 'elt and %witc!e% off t!e motor w!en %peed i% <ero,

!. Metal Separators;

A% t!e 'elt take% coal to t!e cr %!er& No

metal piece% %!o ld go along wit! coal, To ac!ie7e t!i% o'>ecti7e& we %e metal %eparator%, 6!en coal i% dropped to t!e cr %!er !oot%& t!e %eparator drop% metal piece% a!ead of coal, It !a% a magnet and a 'elt and t!e 'elt i% mo7ing& t!e piece% are t!rown awa), T!e capacit) of t!i% de7ice i% aro nd 04 kg, ,T!e C"P i% % ppo%ed to tran%fer C44 ton% of coal#!r& ' t practicall) onl) -449144 ton% coal i% tran%fer

3. Crus.er;

Bot! t!e plant%

%e TATA cr %!er% powered ') B"E$,

Motor%, T!e cr %!er i% of ring t)pe and motor rating% are 144 "P& C4C +F, Cr %!er i% de%igned to cr %! t!e piece% to /4 mm %i<e i,e, practicall) con%idered a% t!e optim m %i<e of tran%fer 7ia con7e)or, 4. "otator< Brea:er; OC"P emplo)% me%! t)pe of filter% and allow%

particle% of /4mm %i<e to go directl) to RC ' nker& larger particle% are %ent to cr %!e%, T!i% lead% to fre= ent clogging, NC"P %e% a tec!ni= e t!at cr %!e% t!e larger of !arder % '%tance like metal imp ritie% ea%ing t!e load on t!e magnetic %eparator%,

1. "C Bun:er; i% 54m, 2. "C #eeder; It tran%port% pre cr %t coal from raw coal ' nker to Raw coal i% fed directl) to t!e%e ' nker%, T!e%e are -

in no, per 'oiler, 1 ( S ton% of coal are fed in 5 !r, t!e dept! of ' nker%

mill, T!e = antit) of raw coal fed in mill can 'e controlled ') %peed control of a7iator dri7e controlling damper and a7iator c!ange, 3. Ball Mill; T!e 'all mill cr %!e% t!e raw coal to a certain !eig!t and

t!en allow% it to fall down, . e to impact of 'all on coal and attraction a% per t!e particle% mo7e o7er eac! ot!er a% well a% o7er t!e Armor line%& t!e coal get% cr %!ed, $arge particle% are 'roken ') impact and f ll grinding i% done ') attraction, T!e .r)ing and grinding option take% place %im ltaneo %l) in%ide t!e mill, !. Classi2ier; It i% an e= ipment w!ic! %er7e% %eparation of fine

p l7eri<ed coal particle% medi m from coar%e medi m, T!e p l7eri<ed coal along wit! t!e carr)ing medi m %trike% t!e impact plate t!ro g! t!e lower part, $arge particle% are t!en tran%ferred to t!e 'all mill, 3. C<clone Separators; c)clone %eparator%, It %eparate% t!e p l7eri<ed coal from

carr)ing medi m, T!e mi8t re of p l7eri<ed coal 7apo r cater% t!e

4. T.e Tturni:et; t rniket% per 'oiler,

It %er7e% to tran%port p l7eri<ed coal from c)clone

%eparator% to p l7eri<ed coal ' nker or to worm con7e)or%, T!ere are 1

5. &or1 Conve<or;

It i% e= ipment %ed to di%tri' te t!e p l7eri<ed

coal from ' nker of one %)%tem to ' nker of ot!er %)%tem, It can 'e operated in 'ot! direction%, 6. Mills #ans; It i% of - t)pe%G

Si8 in all and are r nning condition all t!e time, =a> ID #ans; T)pe9radical Speed95134 rpm Rating9-44 +6 Foltage9C,C +F $ 'rication9') oil =A> #D #ans; .e%igned to !andle %econdar) air for 'oiler, / in n m'er $ocated 'etween electro%tatic precipitator and


and pro7ide ignition of coal, T)pe9a8ial Speed9334 rpm Rating9114 +6 Foltage9C,C +F :c>Pri1ar< $ir #ans; ' rner% to firing, .e%igned for !andling t!e atmo%p!eric air p to

04 degree% Cel%i %& / in n m'er, And t!e) tran%fer t!e powered coal to

T)pe9.o 'le % ction radial Rating9-44 +6 Foltage9C,C +F $ 'rication9') oil T)pe of operation9contin o % 7. Bo-l Mill; One of t!e mo%t ad7anced de%ign% of coal p l7eri<e%

pre%entl) man fact red, Motor %pecification I%= irrel cage ind ction motor Rating9-14 +6 Foltage9CC44+F C rreen915,AA Speed93B4 rpm Jre= enc)904 "< No9load c rrent95095C A

1. &agon Tippler; Motor Speci2ication :i; ",P :ii; Foltage :iii; Speed :i7; Jre= enc) :7; C rrent rating 2. Coal 2eed to plant; #eeder 1otor speci2ication :i; "or%e power :ii; Foltage :iii; Speed :i7; Jre= enc) 3. Conve<ors; 54A& 54B 55A& 55B 5/A& 5/B 5-A& 5-B 51A& 51B 50A& 50B 5CA& 5CB 5AA& 5AB 5BA& 5BB !. Trans2er Point 4 50 "P 150F&- p!a%e 51B4 rpm 04 "< A0 "P 150& - p!a%e 51B4 rpm 04 "< 54/ A

3. Brea:er *ouse 4. "e?ection *ouse 5. "eclai1 *ouse 6. Trans2er Point 5 7. Crus.er *ouse 10. EBit T!e coal arri7e% in wagon% 7ia railwa)% and i% tippled ') t!e wagon tippler% into t!e !opper%, If coal i% o7er%i<ed :T144 mm %=; t!en it i% 'roken man all) %o t!at it pa%%e% t!e !opper me%!, Jrom t!e !opper me%! it i% taken to t!e tran%fer point TPC ') con7e)or 5/A &5/B w!ic! take% t!e coal to t!e 'reaker !o %e & w!ic! render% t!e coal %i<e to 'e 544mm %=, t!e %tone% w!ic! are not a'le to pa%% t!ro g! t!e 544mm %= of !ammer are re>ected 7ia con7e)or% 5BA&5BB to t!e re>ection !o %e , E8tra coal i% to %ent to t!e reclaim !opper 7ia con7e)or 5C, Jrom 'reaker !o %e coal i% taken to t!e TPA 7ia Con7e)or 5-A& 5-B, Con7e)or 5AA& 5AB al%o % pplie% coal from reclaim !opper& Jrom TPA coal i% taken ') con7e)or% 51A& 51B to cr %!er !o %e w!o%e f nction i% to render t!e %i<e of coal to /4mm %=, now t!e con7e)or la'or% are pre%ent w!o%e f nction i% to recogni<e and remo7e an) %tone% mo7ing in t!e con7e)or% , In cr %!er 'efore it enter% t!e cr %!er, After 'eing cr %!ed& if an) metal i% %till pre%ent it i% taken care of ') metal detector% emplo)ed in con7e)or 54,

S&ITC* (E$"
5, Isolation;

It make% or 'reak% an electrical circ it,

A de7ice w!ic! 'reak% an electrical circ it w!en %ed in

circ it i% %witc!ed on to no load, I%olation i% normall) re= ired for maintenance, /. S-itc.ing Isolation;

7ario % wa)% for p rpo%e of i%olating a certain portion w!en

It i% capa'le of doing t!ing% like interr pting

tran%former magneti<ed c rrent& interr pting line c!arging c rrent and e7en perform load tran%fer %witc!ing, T!e main application of %witc!ing i%olation i% in connection wit! tran%former feeder% a% nit make% it po%%i'le to %witc! o t one tran%former w!ile ot!er i% %till on load, -. Circuit Brea:ers; One w!ic! can make or 'reak t!e circ it on load tili<ed for

and e7en on fa lt% i% referred to a% circ it 'reaker%, T!i% e= ipment i% t!e mo%t important and i% !ea7) d t) e= ipment mainl) 'reaker% in%talled are accompanied ') i%olator% 1. 'oad Brea: S-itc.es; T!e%e are t!o%e interr pting de7ice% w!ic! protection of 7ario % circ it% and operation% on load, Normall) circ it

can make or 'reak circ it%, T!e%e are normall) on %ame circ it& w!ic! are 'acked ') circ it 'reaker%, 0, Eart. S-itc.es; .e7ice% w!ic! are %ed normall) to eart! a

partic lar %)%tem& to a7oid an) accident !appening d e to ind ction on acco nt of li7e ad>oining circ it%, T!e%e e= ipment% do not !andle an) apprecia'le c rrent at all, Apart from t!i% e= ipment t!ere are a n m'er of rela)% etc, w!ic! are %ed in %witc!gear,

'T S-itc.gear ;

It i% cla%%ified in following wa)%G9

5. Main S-itc.;

Main %witc! i% control e= ipment w!ic! control% or

di%connect% t!e main % ppl), T!e main %witc! for - p!a%e % ppl) i% a7aila'le for t!a range -/A& C-A& 544A& /44U& -44A at 044F grade, /, #uses; 6it! A7er) !ig! generating capacit) of t!e modern power

%tation% e8tremel) !ea7) carnet% wo ld flow in t!e fa lt and t!e f %e clearing t!e fa lt wo ld 'e re= ired to wit!%tand e8tremel) !ea7) %tre%% in proce%%, It i% %ed for % ppl)ing power to a 8iliarie% wit! 'ack p f %e protection, Rotar) %witc! p to /0A, 6it! f %e%& = ick 'reak& = ick make and do 'le 'reak %witc! f %e% for C-A and 544A& %witc! f %e% for /44A& 144A& C44A& B44A and 5444A are %ed, 3. Contractors; 9 AC Contractor% are - pole% % ita'le for .,O,$ Starting of motor% and protecting t!e connected motor%, !. Overload "ela<; Jor o7erload protection& t!ermal o7er rela) are

'e%t % ited for t!i% p rpo%e, T!e) operate d e to t!e action of !eat generated ') pa%%age of c rrent t!ro g! rela) element, 3. $ir Circuit Brea:ers; pre%% re i% It i% %een t!at %e of oil in circ it 'reaker

ma) ca %e a fire, So in all circ it% 'reaker% at large capacit) air at !ig! %ed w!ic! i% ma8im m at t!e time of = ick tripping of contact%, T!i% red ce% t!e po%%i'ilit) of %parking, T!e pre%% re ma) 7ar) from 049C4 kg#cmL/ for !ig! and medi m capacit) circ it 'reaker%,

*T S&ITC* (E$";
1. Mini1u1 oil Circuit Brea:er; T!e%e %e oil a% = enc!ing medi m, It compri%e% of %imple dead tank row p r% ing pro>ection from it, T!e mo7ing contract% are carried on an iron arm lifted ') a long

in% lating ten%ion rod and are clo%ed %im ltaneo %l) pne matic operating mec!ani%m ') mean% of ten%ion% ' t t!row off %pring to 'e pro7ided at mo t! of t!e control t!e main c rrent wit!in t!e controlled de7ice, T)pe9"+" 5/#5444c Rated Foltage9CC +F Normal C rrent95/04A Jre= enc)90"< Breaking Capacit)9-,1V+A S)mmetrical -,1V+A A%)mmetrical -C4 MFA S)mmetrical Operating Coil%9CC //4 F#.C JC //4F#.C Motor Foltage9//4 F#.C In t!i% t!e compre%%ed air pre%% re aro nd 50

2. $ir Circuit Brea:er; kg per cmL/ i%

%ed for e8tinction of arc ca %ed ') flow of air aro nd pper opening, 6!en

t!e mo7ing circ it , T!e 'reaker i% clo%ed ') appl)ing pre%% re at lower opening and opened ') appl)ing pre%% re at 'lown t!e arc, It !a% t!e following ad7antage% o7er OCBG9 i, Jire !a<ard d e to oil are eliminated, ii, Operation take% place = ickl), iii, T!ere i% le%% ' rning of contact% %ince t!e d ration i% %!ort and con%i%tent, i7, Jacilit) for fre= ent operation %ince t!e cooling medi m i% replaced con%tantl), Rated Foltage9C,C +F C rrent9C-4 A contact% operate& t!e cold air r %!e% aro nd t!e mo7a'le contact% and

A 8iliar) c rrent9//4 F#.C 3. S#4 Circuit Brea:er; T!i% t)pe of circ it 'reaker i% of con%tr ction

to dead tank ' lk oil to circ it 'reaker ' t t!e principle of c rrent interr ption i% %imilar o t!at of air 'la%t circ it 'reaker, It %impl) emplo)% t!e arc e8ting i%!ing medi m namel) SJC, t!e performance of ga% , 6!en it i% 'roken down recon%tit te it%elf Circ it Breaker%9"PA Standard95 EC 0C Rated Foltage95/ +F In% lation $e7el9/B#A0 +F Rated Jre= enc)904 "< Breaking C rrent914 +A Rated C rrent95C44 A Making Capacit)9554 +A Rated S!ort Time C rrent 5#-% 914 A Ma%% Appro8imation95B0 +G A 8iliar) Foltage Clo%ing Coil9//4 F#.C Opening Coil9//4 F#.C Motor9//4 F#.C SJC Pre%% re at /4 .egree Cel%i %94,/0 +G SJC Ga% Per pole94,/0 +G It work% on t!e principle t!at 7ac m i% nder an electrical %tre%%, It will = ickl)

!. Cacuu1 Circuit Brea:er;

%ed to %a7e t!e p rpo%e of in% lation and it implie% t!at pr, of ga% at w!ic! 'reakdown 7oltage independent of pre%% re, It regard% of in% lation and %trengt!& 7ac m i% % perior dielectric medi m and i%

'etter t!at all ot!er medi m e8cept air and % lp! r w!ic! are generall) %ed at !ig! pre%% re, Rated fre= enc)904 "< Rated making C rrent954 Peak +A Rated Foltage95/ +F S ppl) Foltage Clo%ing9//4 F#.C Rated C rrent95/04 A S ppl) Foltage Tripping9//4 F#.C In% lation $e7el9IMP A0 +FP Rated S!ort Time C rrent914 +A :- SEC; 6eig!t of Breaker9B +G

Electrical Maintenance di7i%ion II
I wa% a%%igned to do training in Electrical maintenance di7i%ion II from 50t! 2 l) /454 to /3t! 2 l) /455, T!i% two week of training in t!i% di7i%ion were di7ided a% follow%,

Generator ( Tran%former Switc!)ard Protection $ig!ting

(enerator and $uBiliaries

T!e tran%formation of mec!anical energ) into electrical energ) i% carried o t ') t!e Generator, &or:ing Principle T!e A,C, Generator or alternator i% 'a%ed pon t!e principle of electromagnetic ind ction and con%i%t% generall) of a %tationar) part called %tator and a rotating part called rotor, T!e %tator !o %ed t!e armat re winding%, T!e rotor !o %e% t!e field winding%, .,C, 7oltage i% applied to t!e field winding% t!ro g! %lip ring%, 6!en t!e rotor i% rotated& t!e line% of magnetic fl 8 :7i< magnetic field; c t t!ro g! t!e %tator winding%, T!i% ind ce% an electromagnetic force :e,m,f,; in t!e %tator winding%, T!e magnit de of t!i% e,m,f, i% gi7en ') t!e following e8pre%%ion, E 4 J N J 6!ere P n W 1,11 #O JN 7olt% W W W W W W Strengt! of magnetic field in 6e'erH%, Jre= enc) in c)cle% per %econd or "ert<, N m'er of t rn% in a coil of %tator winding Jre= enc) W Pn#5/4 N m'er of pole% re7ol tion% per %econd of rotor,

Jrom t!e e8pre%%ion it i% clear t!at for t!e %ame fre= enc)& n m'er of pole% increa%e% wit! decrea%e in %peed and 7ice 7er%a, T!erefore& low %peed !)dro t r'ine dri7e% generator% !a7e 51 to /4 pole% w!ere a% !ig! %peed %team t r'ine dri7en generator% !a7e generall) / pole%, Pole rotor% are %ed in low %peed generator%& 'eca %e t!e co%t ad7antage a% well a% ea%ier con%tr ction,

(enerator co1ponent
"otor ;
T!e electrical rotor i% t!e mo%t diffic lt part of t!e generator to de%ign, T!e rotor m ltiplicit) ') 'e!a7ior magnetic c rrent 'ecome temperat re wo ld and ma8im m 6it! t!i% amo nt good t!ro g! %o down& introd ce wo ld of de%ign It pro'lem i% of a pec liar %trengt! t!e !ig!& re7ol7e% of complicated differential %tr ct re to in mo%t modern generator% at a %peed of -&444 re7ol tion% per min te, g aranteeing t!e d)namic %trengt! and operating %ta'ilit) of % c! a ') t!e fact t!at a ma%%i7e non9 niform %!aft % '>ected to a %tre%%e% m %t operate in oil l 'ricated %lee7e 'earing% % pported mo nted on fo ndation% all of w!ic! po%%e%% comple8 d)namic 'e t!em%el7e%, It i% al%o an electromagnet and to gi7e it t!e nece%%ar) t!e winding% m %t carr) a fairl) !ig! c rrent, T!e pa%%age of t!e winding% generate% !eat ' t t!e temperat re m %t not 'e allowed to ot!erwi%e diffic ltie% will 'e e8perienced wit! in% lation, To keep t!e t!e cro%% %ection of t!e cond ctor co ld not 'e increa%ed ' t t!i% anot!er pro'lem%, In order to make room for t!e large cond ctor%& 'od) ca %e mec!anical weakne%%, T!e pro'lem i% reall) to get t!e copper into t!e winding% wit!o t red cing t!e mec!anical %trengt!,

and great care in con%tr ction t!i% can 'e ac!ie7ed, T!e rotor i% a ca%t %teel ingot& and it i% f rt!er forged and mac!ined, Fer) often a !ole i% 'ored t!ro g! t!e centre of t!e rotor a8iall) from one end of t!e ot!er for in%pection, Slot% are t!en mac!ined for winding% and 7entilation, "otor -inding; Sil7er 'earing copper i% %ed for t!e winding wit! mica a% t!e

in% lation 'etween cond ctor%, A mec!anicall) %trong in% lator % c! a% micanite i% %ed for lining t!e %lot%, $ater de%ign% of winding% for large rotor incorporate com'ination of !ollow cond ctor% wit! %lot% or !ole% arranged to pro7ide for circ lation of t!e cooling ga% t!ro g! t!e act al cond ctor%, 6!en rotating at !ig! %peed, Centrif gal force trie% to lift t!e winding% o t of t!e %lot% and t!e) are contained ') wedge%, T!e end ring% are %ec red to a t rned rece%% in t!e rotor 'od)& ') %!rinking or %crewing and % pported at t!e ot!er end ') fitting% carried ') t!e rotor 'od), T!e two end% of winding% are connected to %lip ring%& and mo nted on in% lated %lee7e%, % all) made of forged %teel&

"otor Aalancing;
6!en completed t!e rotor m %t 'e te%ted for mec!anical 'alance& w!ic! 7i'ration, nlikel) are mean% To t!at t!erefore do a'o t it% t!at p to normal t!i% central a8i% and a %peed it it i% t!i% mo%t wit!o t c!eck i% made to %ee if it will r n wo ld !a7e to 'e niform

will 'e %o to t!e degree nece%%ar) for perfect 'alance, Arrangement% made in all de%ign% to fi8 ad> %ta'le 'alance weig!t% aro nd t!e

circ mference end,



Stator frameG T!e %tator i% t!e !ea7ie%t load to 'e tran%ported, T!e ma>or part of t!i% load i% t!e %tator core, T!i% compri%e% an inner frame and o ter frame, T!e o ter frame i% a rigid fa'ricated %tr ct re of welded %teel plate%& wit!in t!i% %!ell i% a fi8ed cage of girder ' ilt circ lar and a8ial ri'%, T!e ri'% di7ide t!e )oke in t!e compartment% t!ro g! w!ic! !)drogen flow% into radial d ct% in t!e %tator core and circ late t!ro g! t!e ga% cooler% !o %ed in t!e frame, T!e inner cage i% % all) fi8ed in to t!e )oke ') an arrangement of %pring% to dampen t!e do 'le fre= enc) 7i'ration% in!erent in / pole generator%, T!e end %!ield% of !)drogen cooled generator% m %t 'e %trong eno g! to carr) %!aft %eal%, In large generator% t!e frame i% con%tr cted a% two %eparate part%, T!e fa'ricated inner cage i% in%erted in t!e o ter frame after t!e %tator core !a% 'een con%tr cted and t!e winding completed, Stator coreG T!e %tator core i% ' ilt p from a large n m'er of @p nc!ingE or %ection% of t!in %teel plate%, T!e %e of cold rolled grain9oriented %teel can contri' te to red ction in t!e weig!t of %tator core for two main rea%on%G a;T!ere i% an increa%e in core %tacking factor wit! impro7ement in lamination cold Rolling and in cold ' ilding% tec!ni= e%, '; T!e ad7antage can 'e taken of t!e !ig! magnetic permeance of grain9oriented %teel% of work t!e %tator core at comparati7el) !ig! magnetic %at ration wit!o t fear or e8ce%%i7e iron lo%% of two !ea7) a demand for e8citation ampere t rn% from t!e generator rotor, Stator &indings; Eac! %tator cond ctor m %t 'e capa'le of carr)ing t!e rated c rrent wit!o t o7er!eating, T!e in% lation m %t 'e % fficient to p from copper %trip% wo nd wit! nder 7ac m pre7ent leakage c rrent% flowing 'etween t!e p!a%e% to eart!, 6inding% for t!e %tator are made in% lated tape w!ic! i% impregnated wit! 7arni%!& dried

and !ot pre%%ed to form a %olid in% lation 'ar, T!e%e 'ar% are t!en place in t!e %tator %lot% and !eld in wit! wedge% to form t!e complete winding w!ic! i% connected toget!er at eac! end of t!e core forming t!e end t rn%, T!e%e end t rn% are rigidl) 'raced and packed wit! 'lock% of in% lation material to wit!%tand t!e !ea7) force% w!ic! mig!t re% lt from a %!ort circ it or ot!er fa lt condition%, T!e generator terminal% are % all) arranged 'elow t!e %tator, On recent p from copper t 'e% generator% :/54 M6; t!e winding% are made

in%tead of %trip% t!ro g! w!ic! water i% circ lated for cooling p rpo%e%, T!e water i% fed to t!e winding% t!ro g! pla%tic t 'e%,

(enerator Cooling S<ste1 G

T!e /44#/54 M6 Generator i% pro7ided wit! an efficient cooling %)%tem to a7oid e8ce%%i7e !eating and con%e= ent wear and tear of it% main component% d ring operation,

"otor Cooling S<ste1

T!e rotor i% cooled ') mean% of gap pick9 p cooling& w!erein t!e !)drogen ga% in t!e air gap i% % cked t!ro g! t!e %coop% on t!e rotor wedge% and i% directed to flow along t!e 7entilating canal% milled on t!e %ide% of t!e rotor coil& to t!e 'ottom of t!e %lot w!ere it take% a t rn and come% o t on t!e %imilar canal milled on t!e ot!er %ide of t!e rotor coil to t!e !ot <one of t!e rotor, . e to t!e rotation of t!e rotor& a po%iti7e % ction a% well a% di%c!arge i% created d e to w!ic! a certain = antit) of ga% flow% and cool% t!e rotor, T!i% met!od of cooling gi7e% niform di%tri' tion of temperat re, Al%o& t!i% met!od !a% an in!erent ad7antage of eliminating t!e deformation of copper d e to 7ar)ing temperat re%,

*<drogen Cooling S<ste1

")drogen i%

%ed a% a cooling medi m in large capacit) generator in

7iew of it% !ig! !eat carr)ing capacit) and low den%it), B t in 7iew of it% forming an e8plo%i7e mi8t re wit! o8)gen& proper arrangement for filling& p rging and maintaining it% p rit) in%ide t!e generator !a7e to 'e made, Al%o& in order to pre7ent e%cape of !)drogen from t!e generator ca%ing& %!aft %ealing %)%tem i% %ed to pro7ide oil %ealing, T!e !)drogen cooling %)%tem mainl) compri%e% of a ga% control %tand& a drier& an li= id le7el indicator& !)drogen control panel& ga% p rit) mea% ring and indicating in%tr ment%& T.e s<ste1 is capaAle o2 per2or1ing t.e 2ollo-ing 2unctions ; Jilling in and p rging of !)drogen %afel) wit!o t 'ringing in contact wit! air, Maintaining t!e ga% pre%% re in%ide t!e mac!ine at t!e de%ired 7al e at all t!e time%, Pro7ide indication to t!e operator a'o t t!e condition of t!e ga% in%ide t!e mac!ine i,e, it% pre%% re& temperat re and p rit), Contin o % circ lation of ga% in%ide t!e mac!ine in order to remo7e an) water 7apo r t!at ma) 'e pre%ent in it, Indication of li= id le7el in t!e generator and alarm in ca%e of !ig! le7el,

Stator Cooling S<ste1

T!e %tator winding i% cooled ') di%tillate, 6!ic! i% fed from one end of t!e mac!ine ') Teflon t 'e and flow% t!ro g! t!e re= ire water cooling arrangement o7er and a'o7e t!e pper 'ar and % al !)drogen ret rn% 'ack t!ro g! t!e lower 'ar of anot!er %lotX T r'o generator% cooling arrangement, T!e %tator winding i% cooled in t!i% %)%tem ') circ lating deminerali%ed water :.M water; t!ro g! !ollow cond ctor%, T!e cooling water %ed for cooling %tator winding call% for t!e %e of 7er) !ig! = alit) of cooling water, Jor t!i% p rpo%e .M water of proper %pecific re%i%tance i% %elected, Generator i% to 'e loaded wit!in a 7er) %!ort period if t!e %pecific re%i%tance of t!e cooling .M water goe% 'e)ond certain pre%et 7al e%, T!e %)%tem i% de%igned to maintain a con%tant rate of cooling water flow to t!e %tator winding at

a nominal inlet water temperat re of 14 deg,C,

"ating o2 73 M& (enerator

Man fact re ') B!arat !ea7) electrical $imited :B"E$; Capacit< Coltage Speed *<drogen Po-er 2actor Stator current #reEuenc< Stator -dg connection 115300 %C$ 10300C 3000 rp1 2.3 %gDc12 0.63 =lagging> 4!53 $ 30 *8 3 p.ase

"ating o2 210 M& (enerator

Man fact re ') B!arat !ea7) electrical $imited :B"E$;

Capacit< Coltage =stator> Current =stator> Coltage =rotor> Current =rotor> Speed Po-er 2actor #reEuenc< *<drogen Stator -dg connection Insulation class

2!5000 %C$ 13530 C 7030 $ 310 C 2400 C 3000 rp1 0.63 30 *8 3.3 %gDc12 3 p.ase star connection B


A tran%former i% a de7ice t!at tran%fer% electrical energ) from one circ it to anot!er ') magnetic co pling wit! o t re= iring relati7e motion 'etween it% part%, It % all) compri%e% two or more co pled winding%& and in mo%t ca%e%& a core to concentrate magnetic fl 8, An alternating 7oltage applied to one winding create% a time97ar)ing magnetic fl 8 in t!e core& w!ic! incl de% a 7oltage in t!e ot!er winding%, Far)ing t!e relati7e n m'er of t rn% 'etween primar) and %econdar) winding% determine% t!e ratio of t!e inp t and o tp t 7oltage%& t! % transforming t!e 7oltage ') %tepping it 'etween circ it%, B) tran%forming electrical power p or down to a !ig!9

7oltage&Ylow9c rrent form and 'ack again& t!e tran%former greatl) red ce% energ) lo%%e% and %o ena'le% t!e economic tran%mi%%ion of power o7er long di%tance%, It !a% t! % %!ape t!e electricit) % ppl) ind %tr)& permitting generation to 'e located remotel) from point of demand, All ' t a fraction of t!e worldH% electrical power !a% pa%%ed tro g! a %erie% of tran%former ') t!e time it reac!e% t!e con% mer,

"ating o2 trans2or1er
Man fact red ') B!arat !ea7) electrical limited No load voltage =.v> No load Coltage =lv> 'ine current =.v> 'ine current =lv> Te1p rise Oil Euantit< &eig.t o2 oil Total -eig.t Core F -inding P.ase #reEuenc< 3 30 *8 227 %C 10.3 %C 313.2 $ 653.2 $ !3 Celsius !0160 lit 3!763 %g 1!5523 %g 6!323 %g

$ig!ting incl de% 'ot! artificial lig!t %o rce% % c! a% lamp% and nat ral ill mination of interior% from da)lig!t, $ig!ting repre%ent% a ma>or component of energ) con% mption& acco nting for a %ignificant part of all energ) con% med worldwide, Artificial lig!ting i% mo%t commonl) pro7ided toda) ') electric lig!t%& ' t ga% lig!ting& candle% or oil lamp% were %ed in t!e pa%t& and %till are %ed in certain %it ation%, Proper lig!ting can en!ance ta%k performance or ae%t!etic%M w!ile t!ere can 'e energ) wa%tage and ad7er%e !ealt! effect% of lig!ting

220 %C S&ITC*)$"D
B+S B$"S; T!e arrangement in t!e //4kF %witc!)ard compri%e% of a //4kF do 'le ' % 'ar %)%tem& wit! a ' % co pler and a ') pa%% ' %, 6it! t!i% arrangement it i% po%%i'le to take o t an) one 'reaker for maintenance wit!o t interr ption of % ppl), In t!e e7ent alit) of a ' % 'ar or a circ it 'reaker fa lt t!e period for w!ic! % ppl) i% interr pted i% t!e time taken to tran%fer t!e feeder% from t!e fa lt) ' % to t!e !ealt!) one or replacing t!e fa lt) circ it 'reaker ') t!e ')9pa%% 'reaker, It i% onl) in t!e ca%e of a line fa lt t!at % ppl) cannot 'e re%tored to t!e feeder ntil t!e fa lt i% rectified, Jor maintenance of a partic lar ' % all feeder% connected to t!e ' % re= iring t!e maintenance %!all 'e tran%ferred to t!e ot!er ' % ') clo%ing one ' % i%olator and opening t!e ot!er, T!e ' % co pler %!all 'e tripped and t!e eart!ing %witc! clo%ed, After t!e maintenance work i% o7er& t!e eart!ing %witc! m %t 'e opened 'efore t!e re%pecti7e ' % 'ar i% energi<ed, Jor maintenance of t!e ')9pa%% ' %& it %!o ld 'e en% red t!at ')9pa%% 'reaker i% open and all t!e ') pa%% i%olator% of 7ario % 'a)% are open, 220%C CI"C+IT B"E$%E"S; T!ere are two t)pe% of //4kF 'reaker% 'eing %ed in BTPS %witc!)ardG Air 'la%t cir it 'reaker SJC circ it 'reaker T!e%e 'reaker% operate wit! %e= ential i%olator% and % ita'le for t!ree9p!a%e a to9reclo%ing facilit), T!e%e 'reaker% can 'e operated from t!e %witc! )ard

control 'oard, In ca%e of fail re& emergenc) man al !andle% are pro7ided in t!e control kio%k, #eeder Area:er; 6!en it i% re= ired to maintain eit!er a line or a generator or a tran%former 'reaker& t!e feeder i% tran%ferred to t!e ')9pa%% 'reaker, T!e eart!ing %witc!e% on i%olator% m %t 'e eart!ed 'efore maintaining t!e 'reaker, B< pass Area:er; t!e main p rpo%e of t!e ') pa%% 'reaker i% to facilitate maintenance#repair of ot!er //4 kF 'reaker% wit!o t t!e nece%%it) of tripping o t t!e a%%ociated circ it, Bus coupler Area:er; T!e two ' % 'ar% can 'e kept co pled t!ro g! ' % co pler%, T!e ') pa%% 'reaker cannot act a% a % '%tit te for ' % co pler 'reaker w!en t!e ' % co pler 'reaker i% 'eing maintained, If ' %e% I and II are paralleled ') mean% of ' % co pler and ') pa%% 'reaker t!en in order to maintain t!e ' % co pler 'reaker all feeder% m %t 'e tran%ferred to one ' % depending pon t!e pre7alent load, "$TIN(S O# CI"C+IT B"E$%E"S; 1. $I" B'$ST CI"C+IT B"E$%E" =B*E'> Colts; //4 kF $1peres; 5/44A Brea:ing capacit<; %)mmetrical /C,-5 kA E= i7alent 54444 MFA A%)mmetrical -/,5 kA Ma:ing capacit<; peak CA,5 kA S.ort circuit ti1e; - %ec, /C,- kA Closing coil voltage; //4F .C Tripping coil voltage; //4F .C &or:ing pressure; Ma8, /B,5 kg#cm/9g Min, /C,4 kg#cm/9g 'oc:out pressure; /5,5 kg#cm/9g 2. $I" B'$ST CI"C+IT B"E$%E" =$BB> Colts; /10 kF $1peres; 5/44A

Brea:ing capacit<; %)mmetrical -5,0 kA A%)mmetrical -B,1 kA S.ort circuit ti1e; - %ec, -5,0 kA Closing coil voltage; //4F .C Tripping coil voltage; //4F .C "I' at 30 *8; 1B4 kF CI i1pulse; 5,/#04% 5404 kF per %ec, + s-itc.ing i1pulse; fir%t pole to clear 5,Mass; 5B-4 +g &or:ing pressure; ma8, /A,-5 kg#cm/9g

3. $I" B'$ST CI"C+IT B"E$%E" =B*E'> Colts; /10 kF $1peres; /444A S.ort circuit ti1e; - %ec, /C,- kA Closing coil voltage; //4F .C Tripping coil voltage; //4F .C &or:ing gas pressure; C,5 kg#cm/9g at /44c "ated 2reEuenc< and voltage 2or auBiliar<; 150AC 04"< Total -eig.t o2 gas; -344 +g "ated operating sc.e1e; O94,-%ec9CO9- min,9CO "ated lig.tening i1pulse -it.stands voltage; 5404 kFp "ated s.ort circuit Area:ing current; 14 kA "ated operating pressure; 50 kg#cm/9g #irst pole to clear 2actor; 5,"ated duration o2 s.ort circuit current; 14 kA for - %ec "ated line c.arging Area:ing current; 5/0 A (as -eig.t; /5 kg ISO'$TO"S; T!e%e are %ingle 'reak& %ingle pole i%olator% % pplied ') M#%,

"7elm limited& Madra%, T!e%e are pne maticall) operated at a pre%% re of 50 kg#cm/, T!e%e i%olator% and eart!ing %witc!e% are interlocked wit! eac! ot!er and

wit! t!e circ it 'reaker% to pre7ent mal9operation, No interlocking arrangement% are pro7ided for t!e ' % eart!ing %witc!e%, Main Aus isolators; to maintain t!e main ' % i%olator% t!e corre%ponding ' % !a% to 'e %! t down ') tran%ferring load% to ot!er ' %& ' % eart!ed and circ it 'reaker and i%olator opened& after tran%ferring t!e re= i%ite feeder on to t!e ') pa%% 'reaker and t!e eart!ing %witc!e% are clo%ed, B< pass isolator; to maintain t!e ')9pa%% i%olator% t!e ')9pa%% ' % !a% to 'e %! t down& i%olator% opened and t!e eart!ing %witc!e% are clo%ed, #eeder isolators; w!en t!e feeder i% working on ' % I or ' % II& t!e eart!ing %witc!e% on 'ot! %ide% of t!e i%olator are clo%ed after opening t!e 'reaker and i%olator% and %! tting down t!e feeder, PT isolators; T!e corre%ponding ' % m %t 'e %! t down and eart!ing %witc!e% on t!e i%olator clo%ed for maintenance, PNE+M$TIC S)STEM; T!i% %)%tem con%i%t% of %e7en compre%%or% wit! one %pare air compre%%or, All t!e %e7en compre%%or% are connected to two wet air c)linder%& w!ic! are co pled to eac! ot!er, T!i% wet air i% dried t!ro g! an air drier and fed into %i8 dr) c)linder% di7ided into a two gro p% eac! !a7ing t!ree dr) c)linder%, T!e dr) air t!ro g! t!e%e two gro p% i% pa%%ed t!ro g! two %eparate air drier for f rt!er dr)ne%% of air p to a dew point of 9A4 C, T!e dried air from t!e%e two dr)er% i% fed into two %eparate dr) c)linder% w!ic! feed dr) air into pre%% re red cer%, Jrom t!e%e pre%% re red cer% t!e pre%% ri<ed dr) air i% % pplied to air 'la%t circ it 'reaker%, "ig! pre%% re and low9pre%% re alarm% are arranged on t!e pre%% re ga ge% and an) mal9operation noticed m %t 'e rectified immediatel), PO&E" 'INE COMM+NIC$TION EG+IPMENT; To maintain t!e power line carrier comm nication e= ipment like wa7e trap or co pling capacitor t!e

condition% wo ld 'e %ame a% t!o%e of maintaining t!e concerned feeder i%olator, .epending pon w!et!er inter9circ it co pling or p!a%e to gro nd co pling i% %ed eit!er 'ot! t!e circ it% or t!e %ingle circ it m %t 'e %! t down along wit! t!e feeder i%olator, 220%C C+""ENT T"$NS#O"ME"S; T!e //4kF %ingle p!a%e 1 core c rrent tran%former% % pplied ') "ind %tan Brown Bro7eri $td, :Baroda;, T!e tran%formation ratio 5/449C44#5#5#5#5 amp% are %ed in Tie in tran%former&

generator and tran%mi%%ion line 'a)% and ' % co pler 'a), T!e %econdar) winding% of t!e%e CT% are connected to protection and mea% rement circ it%, 220%C POTENTI$' T"$NS#O"ME"S; T!e%e %ingle p!a%e potential

tran%former% % pplied ') "E:I; $td,& B!opal are connected to //4kF ' %e%, T!e%e are re= ired for mea% rement and protection p rpo%e%, T!e main PT% are of ratio //444#0-#554#0- 7olt% and t!e a 8iliar) PT% are of ratio C/,0#C-,0 7olt%, T!e a 8iliar) PT% will operate in con> nction wit! t!e main PT to pro7ide one more %econdar) winding, Con%e= ent ') t!e com'ined %et of main and a 8iliar) PT% will pro7ide to %econdar) winding eac! of 554#0- 7oltage rating%, 'I(*TIN( $""ESTO"S; T!e%e !a7e 'een % pplied ') M#%, 6,S, in% lator% of India $td, :Madra%;, T!e%e are in%talled for protection of tran%former% and ot!er electrical e= ipment% again%t 7oltage % rge%, One %et of lig!ting arre%tor% !a7e 'een pro7ided on eac! power tran%former%& tie in tran%former% and to t!e ' % PT%, T!e 530kF& 54444 amp% %ingle pole !ea7) d t) %tation cla%% SFS t)pe %elf % pporting $,A, compri%e% of one metal top and metal 'a%e& !a7ing mo'ile arc& pre%% re relief and a tran%fer de7ice, T!e mo'ile arc gap a%%em'l) con%i%t% of a permanent ceramic ring magnet& radiall) magneti<ed& m %erie% wit! air gap, T! % it pro7ide% a con%tant magnetic field in t!e air gap w!ic! i% alwa)% pre%et at f ll %trengt! regardle%% of t!e c rrent of t!e di%c!arge& w!en lig!ting wa7e di%c!arge% t!ro g! it& t!e %park di%c!arge take% place in t!e ann lar %pace& ca %ing an arc at rig!t angle% to t!e magnetic field, T!i% field force% t!e arc to

%pin aro nd t!e gap electrode % rface%, Pre%% re relief de7ice i% pro7ided to take care of t!e ga% formed at t!e time of %!ort circ it w!en t!e arre%tor i% damaged, 6!en t!e diap!ragm ' r%t% d e to a ga% pre%% re& t!e ioni<ed ga%e% come o t and are 7ented t!ro g! t!e e8!a %t port%, T!e ga% from t!e top of t!e deflected downward and t!at from t!e 'ottom i% deflected o t%ide in le%% t!an !alf c)cle of fa lt c rrent, 220%C 'INES; all t!e feeder% from t!e //4 kF ' % 'ar% are %!own in t!e diagram on t!e pre7io % page, All t!e metering and protection %!o ld normall) 'e connected onl) to t!e ' % FT % pplie%, "owe7er w!en nece%%ar) CFT% can 'e %ed for metering and protection, nit i% pward, T!e ga%

%team% meet and tran%fer t!e fa lt c rrent i% from in%ide t!e arre%tor to t!e

B %95 5, Gen9Tr95 /, Gen9Tr9-, Gen9Tr90 1, IP line I 0, Me!ra li line I C, Balla'gar! line I A, Alwar line B, Ok!la line95 3, Stn Tr95 54, Stn Tr9-

B %9/ 5, Gen9Tr9/ /, Gen9Tr91 -, IP line I 1, Me!ra li line II 0, Balla'gar! line II C, Noida line A, Ok!la line95I B, Stn Tr9/ 3, B % co pler 54, B) pa%% 'a)

S)NC*"ONISIN(; %)nc!roni<ing facilit) wit! c!eck feat re !a% 'een pro7ided for all //4+F 'reaker%, 6!ene7er a 'reaker i% propo%ed to 'e clo%ed& it% %)nc!roni<ing %witc! %!o ld 'e nlocked and %)nc!roni<ing c!eck rela) ') pa%% %witc! i% in circ it po%ition, It i% en% red t!at 7oltage and fre= enc) of t!e incoming and r nning % pplie% are nearl) %ame& and t!e red Po t of %)nc!roni%m lamp i% not contin o %l) on, After t!e 'reaker !a% 'een clo%ed& it% %)nc!roni<ing %witc! %!o ld 'e ret rned to off po%ition and locked, S)nc!roni<ing c!eck rela) S+E pre7ent% clo%ing of a 'reaker w!en incoming and r nning % pplie% are o t of %)nc!roni%m, T!i% rela) !a% to 'e ')pa%%ed w!en clo%ing a 'reaker one %ide of& w!ic! i% dead, $NN+NCI$TION S)STEM; all N'reaker trippedO alarm% !a7e 'een cla%%ed a% emergenc) alarm%, 6!ene7er a 'reaker trip%& t!e N'reaker trippedO facia#fla%!e% and a %eparate ' <<er %o nd% to draw immediate attention of operator to tripping of a 'reaker, 6!ene7er an alarm initiating contact clo%e%& t!e corre%ponding facia of t!at alarm %tart% fla%!ing, Sim ltaneo %l)& t!e 'ell #' <<er %tart% ringing, Ringing of ' <<er %top% a tomaticall) after a pre%et time, Jla%!ing contin e% nit accept% p %! ' tton pre%%ed& w!ere pon facia 'ecome% %teadil) lig!ted if t!e initiating contact i% %till clo%ed, Jacial lamp% %!o ld 'e te%ted for operation reg larl) ') pre%%ing Nlamp te%tO ' tton& pro7ided %eparatel) for eac! control panel


5, *ig. speed Aiased di22erential rela<; t!e .M" t)pe rela) pro7ide% !ig! %peed 'ia%ed differential protection for two or t!ree winding tran%former%, T!e rela) i% imm ne to !ig! inr %! c rrent and !a% a !ig! degree of %ta'ilit) again%t t!ro g! fa lt%, It re= ire% a ma8 of two c)cle% operating time for c rrent a'o7e twice rela) rated c rrent, In%tantaneo % o7er c rrent protection clear% !ea7) internal fa lt% immediatel), T!i% rela) i% a7aila'le in two form%,

Jir%tl) for

%e wit! time Ct%& t!e ratio% of line w!ic! are matc!ed to t!e load nder normal working condition%, %e wit! %tandard line

c rrent to gi7e <ero differential c rrent c rrent tran%former% of an) ratio,

Secondl) wit! tapped interpo%ing tran%former% for

/, Directional inverse ti1e over current and eart. 2ault rela<s; t!e C.. t)pe rela)% are applied for directional or eart! fa lt protection of ring main%& parallel tran%former% or parallel feeder% wit! t!e time graded principle, It i% ind ction di%c t)pe rela) wit! ind ction c p %ed to add directional feat re, -, Instantaneous voltage rela<; t!e t)pe FAG rela) i% an in%tantaneo % protection again%t a'normal 7oltage condition% % c! a% o7er 7oltage& w!en %ed wit! a timer, It i% an attracted armat re t)pe rela), 1, $uBiliar< rela<s; t!e FAA#CAA t)pe a 8iliar) rela)% are applied for control alarm& indication and ot!er a 8iliar) d tie% in AC or .C %)%tem%, CAA i% a c rrent operated and FAA i% a 7oltage operated rela),, it i% attracted armat re t)pe, 0, *ig. speed tripping rela<sG t!i% FA2" t)pe rela) i% emplo)ed wit! a !ig! %peed tripping d tie% w!ere a n m'er of %im ltaneo % %witc!ing operation% are re= ired, T!i% i% a fa%t operating m lti contact attracted armat re rela), C, De2inite ti1e dela< rela<; t!i% FAT t)pe rela) i% %ed in a to reclo%ing and nder 7oltage or no 7oltage in AC and .C circ it% and for definite time operation

control %c!eme% and to pro7ide a definite time feat re for in%tantaneo % protecti7e rela), It i% an Electro mec!anical definite time rela), It !a% two pair of contact%, T!e %!orter time %etting i% pro7ided ') a pa%%ing contact and longer time %etting ') t!e final contact,

A, Trip circuit supervision rela<; t!i% FAK rela) i% applied for after clo%ing or contin o % % per7i%ion of t!e trip circ it of circ it 'reaker%, T!e) detect t!e following condition%G a; Jail re of trip rela) '; Open circ it of trip coil c; Jail re of mec!ani%m to complete t!e tripping operation B, Instantaneous over current and eart. 2ault rela<; an in%tantaneo % p!a%e or eart! fa lt protection and for definite time operation w!en %ed wit! a timer, It i% a CAG 5/#5/G %tandard attracted armat re rela) wit! ad> %ta'le %etting%, It ma) 'e a %ingle pole or triple pole rela), 3, Inverse ti1e over current and eart. 2ault rela<; t!i% C.G 559t)pe rela) i% applied for %electi7e p!a%e and eart! fa lt protection in time graded %)%tem% for AC mac!ine%, Tran%former%& feeder% etc, t!i% i% a non9directional rela) wit! a definite minim m time w!ic! !a% an ad> %ta'le in7er%e time#c rrent c!aracteri%tic%, It ma) 'e a %ingle pole or triple pole rela), 54, #use 2ailure rela<; t!i% FAP t)pe rela) i% %ed to detect t!e fail re or

inad7ertent remo7al of 7oltage tran%former %ec, f %e% and to pre7ent incorrect tripping of circ it 'reaker, It i% t!ree t)pe rela) t!e coil of eac! %econdar) f %e% nit%& in%tantaneo % attracted armat re nit connected acro%% one of t!e FT%, T!e

nder !ealt!) condition%& t!e coil i% SC ') f %e% and canHt 'e

energi<ed, B t one or more f %e% 'low t!e coil i% energi<ed and rela) operate%, 55, Instantaneous .ig. staAilit< circulating current rela<; it i% %ed to

%er7e t!e following t!ree p rpo%e% a; .ifferential protection of Ac mac!ine% & reactor% a to tran%former% and ' % 'ar% '; Balanced and re%tricted eart! fa lt protection of generator of generator and tran%former winding% c; Tran%7er%e differential protection of generator% and parallel feeder%,

T!i% CAG t)pe rela) i% a %tandard attracted armat re rela), In circ lating c rrent protection %c!eme%& t!e % dden and often a%)mmetrical growt! of t!e %)%tem c rrent d ring e8ternal fa lt condition% can ca %e t!e protection c rrent tran%former% to go into %at ration& re% lting in !ig! to in% re %ta'ilit) nder t!e%e condition%, n'alance c rrent

T!e modern practice i% to %e a 7oltage operated !ig! impedance rela)& %et to operate at a 7oltage %lig!tl) !ig!er t!an t!at de7eloped ') CT nder ma8 fa lt condition%, "ence t!i% t)pe of rela) i% %ed wit! a %ta'ili<ing re%i%tor,


'ocal Area:er Aac: up rela<; t!i% i% a CTIG t)pe t!ree p!a%e or two nit intended for %e wit! a time

p!a%e eart! fa lt in%tantaneo % o7er c rrent

dela) nit to gi7e 'ack p protection in t!e e7ent of a circ it 'reaker fail re, 5-, Pol< p.ase directional rela<; t!e PG. rela) i% a !ig! %peed ind ction nit %ed to gi7e directional propertie% to t!ree p!a%e I.MT o7er9c rrent

c p

rela)%& for t!e protection of parallel feeder%& inter connected network% and parallel tran%former% again%t p!a%e to p!a%e and t!ree p!a%e fa lt%, Owing to low %en%iti7it) on p!a%e to eart! fa lt% t!e rela) i% %olidl) eart!ed %)%tem%, %ed wit! di%cretion on


$uto reclose rela<; fi7e t)pe% of a to reclo%e rela)% are a7aila'le

a; C$"21 gi7ing one reclo% re, T!e dead time and reclaim time are ad> %ta'le form 0 to /0 %ec%, If t!e circ it 'reaker reopen% d ring reclaim time& it remain% open and locked o t, '; C$"!1B i% a %ingle %!ot %c!eme for air 'la%t circ it 'reaker%, Reclaim time i% fi8ed at 'etween 50 to /4 %ec%, .ead time ad> %tment i% from 4,5 to 5,4 %ec of w!ic! fir%t -44 milli%ec will 'e circ it 'reaker opening time,

c; C$" !2 gi7ing fo r reclo% re, It i% preci%ion timed from 4 to C4 %ec, it can 'e %et for ma8 fo r enclo% re% at min inter7al% of 54 %ec and in%tantaneo % protection can 'e % ppre%%ed after t!e fir%t reclo% re %o t!at per%i%tent fa lt% are referred to time graded protection, d; C$" 51 gi7ing %ingle %!ot medi m %peed reclo% re wit! alarm and locko t for circ it 'reaker, T!i% allow% p to 54 fa lt% clearance 'efore initiating an alarm, T!e alarm i% followed ') locko t if %elected no, of fa lt% clearance% e8ceed, If t!e circ it 'reaker reopen% d ring reclaim time& it remain% open and locked o t, It offer% dela) in reclo%ing %e= ence, In%tantaneo % locko t on low c rrent eart! fa lt and % ppre%%ing in%tantaneo % protection d ring reclamation time, e; Car61 i% a %ingle %!ot !ig!9%peed reclo% re wit! alarm and locko t for circ it 'reaker T!i% allow% p to 54 fa lt% clearance 'efore initiating an alarm, "E$CT$NCE DIST$NCE SC*EME; t!i% %c!eme con%i%t% of t!e following rela)%& KCG//9- for p!a%e to p!a%e and - for p!a%e to gro nd& *CG5A& m!o %tarting nit one in eac! place& FAT05 along wit! timing and FAA-5, T!e%e% %c!eme% pro7ide t!ree <one p!a%e and eart! fa lt protection %ing nit for <one / and -& BC9K a 8, tripping rela) and -4G& "& and 2 for 5 %t& /nd and -rd, Zone indication FAA05& CAG5/

reactance rela)% t)pe KCG// and al%o %tarting rela)% *CG5A, T!e) are applica'le to important line %ection% w!ere !ig! 7al e% of arc re%i%tance wo ld ot!erwi%e effect t!e acc rac) of mea% rement and w!ere !ig! %peed tripping i% e%%ential, "ig!9%peed protection i% pro7ided for p!a%e and eart! fa lt% on B4934? of t!e line %ection and fa lt% on t!e remaining %ection are cleared in %econd <one& time, T!e t!ird <one pro7ide% 'ack p protection after f rt!er time inter7al, Eac! m!o %tarting nit *- and it% a 8iliar) *- K i% a%%ociated wit! one p!a%e and operate% for all fa lt% in7ol7ing t!i% p!a%e, Eac! reactance circ it acro%% t!e polari<ing coil% nit K i% connected to mea% re p!a%e or eart! fa lt di%tance& ' t i% pre7ented from operating ') %!ort







T.e principle o2 distance sc.e1e is s.o-n in t.e aAove Aloc: diagra1


PHASE FAULT REACTANCE UNIT X1 Under t!e p!a%e fa lt condition%& t!e *- K reactance nit% n'lock t!e appropriate K5

nit%& w!ic! initiate tripping immediatel) for fa lt% wit!in t!eir %etting, nit% for mea% rement of eart! fa lt%, T!e reac! of TRIP REINFORCING 86X

Operation of t!e eart! a 8iliar) rela) C1 in con> nction wit! t!e *- K nit% %elect% t!e appropriate reactance


nit% i% e8tended ') t!e timer& / after % cce%%i7e inter7al% to co7er

fa lt% in <one / and -, .i%crimination i% not affected ') c!anging fa lt%& for e8ample a <one / eart! fa lt w!ic! de7elop% into a do 'le p!a%e to eart! fa lt will 'e cleared correctl) ') t!e K5 :p!a%e fa lt; nit% in <one / time, In t!e rare e7ent of two fa lt% occ rring %im ltaneo %l) at different point% on t!e lineM t!e %c!eme will mea% re to a di%tance appro8, !alf wa),

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