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Certified Mail Article Number: Common Law Trust Authentic Act Defined Public Notice/Public Record AUTH NT!

C ACT defined: ci"il law# contracts# e"idence$ The authentic act is that which has been e%ecuted before a notar& or other 'ublic officer authori(ed to e%ecute such functions# or which is testified b& a 'ublic seal# or has been rendered 'ublic b& the authorit& of a com'etent ma)istrate# or which is certified as bein) a co'& of a 'ublic re)ister$ No"$ *+# c$ ,- Code# *# .,- /- !d$ 0# ,1- Di)$ ,,# 0$ ,$ !n Louisiana# the authentic act# as it relates to contracts# is that which has been e%ecuted before a notar& 'ublic or other officer authori(ed to e%ecute such functions# in 'resence of two witnesses# free# male# and a)ed at least fourteen &ears# or of three witnesses# if the 'art& be blind$ !f the 'art& does not 2now how to si)n# the notar& must cause him to affi% his mar2 to the instrument$ Ci"il Code of Lo$# art$ ,,+1$ +$ The authentic act is full 'roof of the a)reement contained in it# a)ainst the contractin) 'arties and their heirs or assi)ns# unless it be declared and 'ro"ed to be a for)er&$ !d$ art$ ,,++$ 3ide Merl$ Re'$ h$t$ A Law Dictionar& Ada'ted To The Constitution and Laws of the United 4tates of America and of the 4e"eral 4tates of the American Union b& 5ohn 6ou"ier Re"ised 4i%th dition# 17./ AUTH NT!C defined: This term si)nifies an ori)inal of which there is no doubt$ A Law Dictionar& Ada'ted To The Constitution and Laws of the United 4tates of America and of the 4e"eral 4tates of the American Union b& 5ohn 6ou"ier Re"ised 4i%th dition# 17./ AUTH NT!CAT!8N defined: 'ractice$ An attestation made b& a 'ro'er officer# b& which he certifies that a record is in due form of law# and that the 'erson who certifies it is the officer a''ointed b& law to do so$ ,$ The Constitution of the U$ 4$# art$ 0# s$ 1# declares# 9:ull faith and credit shall be )i"en in each state to the 'ublic acts# records and ;udicial 'roceedin)s of e"er& other state$ And con)ress ma& b& )eneral laws 'rescribe the manner in which such acts## records and 'roceedin)s shall be 'ro"ed# and the effect thereof$9 The ob;ect of the authentication is to su''l& all other 'roof of the record$ The laws of the United 4tates ha"e 'ro"ided a mode of authentication of 'ublic records and office 'a'ers- these acts are here transcribed$ +$ 6& the Act of Ma& ,/# 1*<=# it is 'ro"ided# 9That the act of the le)islatures of the se"eral states shall be authenticated b& ha"in) the seal of their res'ecti"e states affi%ed thereto: That the records and ;udicial 'roceedin)s of the courts of an& state shall be 'ro"ed or admitted# in an& other court within the United 4tates# b& the attestation of the cler2# and the seal of the court anne%ed# if there be a seal# to)ether with a certificate of the ;ud)e# chief ;ustice or 'residin) ma)istrate# as the case ma& be# that the said attestation is in due form$ And the said records and ;udicial 'roceedin)s# authenticated as aforesaid# shall ha"e such faith and credit )i"en to them# in e"er& court within the United 4tates# as the& ha"e# b& law or usa)e# in the courts of the state from whence the said records are# or shall be ta2en$9 0$ The abo"e act ha"in) 'ro"ided onl& for one s'ecies of record# it was necessar& to 'ass the Act of March ,*# 17=0# to 'ro"ide for other cases$ 6& this act it is enacted# 4ec$ 1$ 9That# from and after the 'assa)e of this act# all records and e%em'lifications of office boo2s# which are or ma& be 2e't in an& 'ublic office of an& state# not a''ertainin) to a court# shall be 'ro"ed or admitted in an& other court or office in an& other state# b& the attestation of the 2ee'er of the said records or boo2s# and the seal of his office thereto anne%ed# if there be a seal# to)ether with a certificate of the 'residin) ;ustice of the court of the count& or district# as the case ma& be# in which such office is or ma& be 2e't or of the )o"ernor# the secretar& of state# the chancellor or the 2ee'er of the )reat seal of the state# that the said attestation is in due form# and b& the 'ro'er officer and the said certificate# if )i"en b& the 'residin) ;ustice of a court# shall be further authenticated b& the cler2 or 'rothonotar& of the said court# who shall certif&# under his hand and the seal of his office# that the said 'residin) ;ustice is dul& commissioned and >ualified- or if the said certificate be )i"en b& the- )o"ernor# the secretar& of state# the chancellor or 2ee'er of the )reat seal# it shall be under the )reat seal of the state in which the said certificate is made$ And the said records and e%em'lifications# authenticated as aforesaid# shall ha"e such faith and credit )i"en to them in e"er& court and office within the United 4tates# as the& ha"e b& law or usa)e in the courts or offices of the state from whence the same are or shall be ta2en$9 .$?,$ That all the 'ro"isions of this act# and the act to which this is# a su''lement# shall a''l&# as well to the 'ublic acts# records# office boo2s# ;udicial 'roceedin)s# courts# and offices of the res'ecti"e territories of the United 4tates# and countries sub;ect to the ;urisdiction of the United 4tates# as to the 'ublic acts# records# office boo2s# ;udicial 'roceedin)s# courts and offices of the se"eral states$9 /$ The Act of Ma& 7# 1*<,# s$ 1,# 'ro"ides: That all the records and 'roceedin)s of the court of a''eals# heretofore a''ointed# 're"ious to the ado'tion of the 'resent constitution# shall be de'osited in the office of the cler2 of the

Certified Mail Article Number: su'reme court of the United 4tates# who is hereb& authori(ed and directed to )i"e co'ies of all such records and 'roceedin)s# to an& 'erson re>uirin) and 'a&in) for the same# in li2e manner as co'ies of the records and other 'roceedin)s of the said court are b& law directed to be )i"en- which co'ies shall ha"e li2e faith and credit as all other 'roceedin)s of the said court$9 *$ 6& authentication is also understood whate"er act is done either b& the 'art& or some other 'erson with a "iew of causin) an instrument to be 2nown and identified as for e%am'le# the ac2nowled)ment of a deed b& the )rantor- the attestin) a deed b& witnesses$ , 6enth$ on "$ 00<$ A Law Dictionar& Ada'ted To The Constitution and Laws of the United 4tates of America and of the 4e"eral 4tates of the American Union b& 5ohn 6ou"ier Re"ised 4i%th dition# 17./ :A!TH defined: Probit&- )ood faith is the "er& soul of contracts$ :aith also si)nifies confidence# belief- as# full faith and credit ou)ht to be )i"en to the acts of a ma)istrate while actin) within his ;urisdiction$ 3ide 6ona fide$ AUD!T8R defined: An officer whose dut& is to e%amine the accounts of officers who ha"e recei"ed and disbursed 'ublic mone&s b& lawful authorit&$ 4ee Acts of Con)ress# A'ril +# 171*- + 4tor&@s Laws U$ 4$ 1/+=- and the Act of :ebruar& ,0# 171<# + 4tor&@s L$ U$ 4$ 1*,,$ A Law Dictionar& Ada'ted To The Constitution and Laws of the United 4tates of America and of the 4e"eral 4tates of the American Union b& 5ohn 6ou"ier Re"ised 4i%th dition# 17./ T8 C8UNT R: !T defined: criminal law$ To ma2e somethin) false# in the semblance of that which is true- it alwa&s im'lies a fraudulent intent$ 3ide 3in$ Ab$ h$t$ :or)er&$ A Law Dictionar& Ada'ted To The Constitution and Laws of the United 4tates of America and of the 4e"eral 4tates of the American Union b& 5ohn 6ou"ier Re"ised 4i%th dition# 17./ :AL4!:A!NB A R C8RD defined: !t is a crime# under state and federal statutes# for a 'erson# 2nowin) that he has no 'ri"ile)e to do so# to falsif& or otherwise tam'er with 'ublic records with 'ur'ose to decei"e or in;ure an&one or to conceal an& wron)doin)$ 4ee# e$)$# Model Penal Code# C ,,0$0- 17 U$4$C$A$ CC 1.=/# ,=*1# ,=*+$ 6lac2Ds Law Dictionar& 4i%th dition E'a)e /=+F :AL4!:A defined: To counterfeit or for)e- to ma2e somethin) false- to )i"e a false a''earance to an&thin)$ To ma2e false b& mutilation# alteration# or addition- to tam'er with# as to falsif& a record or document$ The word 9falsif&9 ma& be used to con"e& two distinct meanin)s either that of bein) intentionall& or 2nowin)l& untrue# made with intent to defraud# or mista2enl& and accidentall& untrue$ Gasher "$ 6an2 of America Nat$ Trust H 4a"in)s Ass@n# ,1 CaL,d 7,,# 1+/ P$,d ,<*# +=1$ 4ee also Alteration- Counterfeit- :alse:or)er&$ To dis'ro"e- to 'ro"e to be false or erroneous- to a"oid or defeat$ 4'o2en of "erdicts# a''eals# etc$ 6lac2Ds Law Dictionar& 4i%th dition E'a)e /=+F 4ui 5uris# 2nown as: 5ohn# of the )enealo)& of Doe freeborn s'iritual bein) on the land state the facts contained herein are true# correct# com'lete# and not misleadin)# to the best of m& 'ersonal first hand 2nowled)e and belief$ 6ein) of sound mind# com'etent# o"er the a)e of 17$ This m& free will# "oluntar& act and deed to ma2e# e%ecute# seal# ac2nowled)e and deli"er under m& hand and seal with e%'licit reser"ation of all m& unalienable ri)hts and m& s'ecific common law ri)ht not to be bound b& an& contract or obli)ation which ! ha"e not entered into 2nowin)l&# willin)l&# "oluntaril&# and without misre'resentation# duress# or coercion# whereb& ! did not si)n nor consent$ ! am not now nor ha"e e"er been a U$4$ Citi(en or a :ourteenth Amendment :ederal Citi(en or m'lo&ee# ! am not bound b& sworn oath or oath of office$ Ghereas ! hereb& disclaim Clauses 8ne and Two of 4ection 8ne to the :ourteenth Amendment# to)ether with Article :our 4ection Three Clause Two$ Nemo# aliens: rei# sine satisdatione# de fensor idonens intelli)itur defined: No man is considered a com'etent defender of anotherDs 'ro'ert&# without securit&$ A rule of the Roman law# a''lied !n 'art !n admiralt& cases$ 1 Curt$ ,=,$ Nemo est sn'ra le)es defined: No one is abo"e the law$ Lofft# 10,$ Nemo alieno nomine le)e a)e re 'otest defined: No one can sue in the name of another$ Di)$ .=# 1*# 1,a$

Certified Mail Article Number: !n m& Pri"ate Ca'acit& as Beneral Administrator of said account Droit# Droit# This ser"es Notice that &our offer has been Acce'ted as 3aluable Consideration and Returned for 3alue$ This 'ro'ert& is %em't from Le"&$ Please Ad;ust this Account for the Proceeds# Products# Accounts and :i%tures and Release The 8rderEsF of The Court to Me !mmediatel&$ Ma2e ad;ustment and close this account immediatel&# with 're;udice$ ! acce't &our 8ath# 8ath of 8ffice 4ecurit& A)reement# Constitutions as b&?laws# and Malfeasance 6ond and 'lace &ou in the Pri"ate commencin) this self?e%ecutin) bindin) contract between &ou and !$ :urther# ! a''oint &ou trustee on &our honor and solemn 8ath to 'erform &our obli)ations and duties to Protect M& un?a?lien?able Ri)hts in &our :iduciar& Ca'acit& a)ainst an& and all claims# le)al actions# orders# warrants# ;ud)ments# demands# liabilities# losses# foreclosure# de'ositions# summonses# lawsuits# costs# fines# liens# le"ies# 'enalties# ta%es# dama)es# interests# and e%'enses whatsoe"er# both absolute and contin)ent# as are due and as mi)ht become due# now e%istin) and as mi)ht hereafter arise# and as mi)ht be suffered b&# im'osed on# and incurred b& Debtor for an& and e"er& reason# 'ur'ose# and cause whatsoe"er$ Please honor 8bli)ation of Bood :aith in Performance of &our Duties$ Iuid Pro Iuos# an e>ual e%chan)e or substitution$ This m& free will# "oluntar& act and deed true and lawful attorne&?in?fact to ma2e# e%ecute# seal# ac2nowled)e and deli"er under m& hand and seal# e%'licitl& reser"in) all ri)hts without 're;udice6&:JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 4ui 5uris 2nown as- 5ohn of the )enealo)& of Doe 6ailor for 58HN D8 6ailee JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 5ane# Roe Third Part& Gitness 94ealed and deli"ered in the 'resence of us$9 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ Ran# Roe Third Part& Gitness 94ealed and deli"ered in the 'resence of us$9 4TAT 8: !LL!N8!4 F F 44: C8UNTA 8: C88K F C RT!:!CAT 8: ACKN8GL DBM NT 8n this date the indi"idual named abo"e# in his/her stated ca'acit&# 'ersonall& a''eared before me to e%ecute this ac2nowled)ement that this instrument was si)ned# sealed# and deli"ered as their free will# "oluntar& act and deed to ma2e# e%ecute# seal# ac2nowled)e and deli"er under their hand and seal "erified and authenticated for the uses and 'ur'oses therein mentioned$ JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ DAT A::!L N8TARA 4 AL !: R IU!R D JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 4i)nature of N8TARA PU6L!C Date Commission %'ires JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ

N8T!C : Public acts defined: are those which ha"e a 'ublic authorit&# and which ha"e been made before 'ublic officers# are authori(ed b& a 'ublic seal# ha"e been made 'ublic b& the authorit& of a ma)istrate# or which ha"e been e%tracted and been 'ro'erl& authenticated from 'ublic records$ 6lac2Ds Law Dictionar& 4i%th dition E'a)e ,/F

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