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Enable Remote Desktop Connection on Vista Home Premium frans goes blog

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Enable Remote Desktop Connection on Vista Home Premium

August 30th, 2007 | DIY, technology

Edit: I have now made a patch zip file for Vista SP1 available here: fransblog/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/ (hope it works for you, it did ok for my Home Premium SP1.) There are many nice, but also quite many really irritating aspects to Windows Vista.

Some are due to Microsoft intentionally crippling their own products. One of the most tiresome has been the disabling of Remote Desktop Connection. If you have to run down the stairs every time to check whether a particular process has ended or not, it gets old really quick, and double so when you realise that Vista Home Premium actually includes fully-featured Remote Desktop service, it is just broken by design. Here are the instructions to turn it back on thanks a lot, guys! Steps to Add Remote Desktop to Vista Home Premium: 1. Download here 2. Extract to a temp directory 3. Start Command Prompt in Administrator mode (Run As Administrator) 4. Run the corresponding batch file for your Vista edition 5. Allow TCP Port 3389 on Windows Firewall or any other firewall product. (1 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

Enable Remote Desktop Connection on Vista Home Premium frans goes blog

6. Done

Listened in
See: TonyChan.Org Blogs - Remote Desktop on your Windows Vista Home Premium.
This entry was posted on Thursday, August 30th, 2007 at 23:40 and is filed under DIY, technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.




on 31.08.07 at 18:13

Thats great, Frans. I have to admit I didnt even know there was a Windows solution like that to begin with. Ive been using RealVNC to connect to my media PC. A Google search shows that a MS client could be installed on my desktop, but no sofware for my server as they both run on the ancient W2k Pro. Now let me count how many OS generations Im already behind ;)



on 31.08.07 at 19:16

Well, VNC connections run nicely as well, to my experience. I use it to access my server too, as it runs on Linux. Some say that in a Windows

machine VNC takes up more resources than RDC though, but I have not compared them side-by-side. It was just easier to get this Vista workstation to enable its broken RDC service than get it to allow incoming VNC connections, or that was how it was for me.

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on 30.10.07 at 21:11

Amazing! You have saved me. I was wondering how the hell am I going to do now.. Already tried XP but no hardware support for my new HP laptop. Tried also ubuntu but still need some Windows programs.

Doctor Okells Wondrous Beer Translation

Happy vappu Jyvskyl (2 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

Enable Remote Desktop Connection on Vista Home Premium frans goes blog

Thank you!

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on 11.11.07 at 6:40

I just tried this on the version of vista home premium on my new toshiba a210. When I ran the install for the toshiba it created a user with administrator rights. However when I tried the above, I get permission denied on every step. Seeing this, Im guessing vista has another user level or the administrator rights are not full for everything?



on 21.11.07 at 0:24

Actually, the block you are seeing is the User Account Control. Microsoft put this on the system to stop users from running commands they might want to make without first accepting every step. Gotta love the intricacies. Frans, you made a great breakthrough here and I cannot wait

to get home and push this to my vista mce. Might modify it to stop the system from breaking the original login by limiting user sessions, but. Anyways, not I just gotta figure out how to force-limit listening to a

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single IP for RDP, searching on.

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John D

on 28.11.07 at 21:33

I was so happy to see this posting since my new computer came with Vista Home Premium and the only service it didnt have that I really wanted was Remote Desktop sharing. Ive downloaded the zip and followed the instructions and it does appear that the service is running on port 3389 but no computer on my network can connect to it. There is no error, the client just seems to give up after a few seconds of trying to connect. I disabled my firewall and AV to make sure they werent interfering but it made no difference. Are there further steps to follow (3 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

Enable Remote Desktop Connection on Vista Home Premium frans goes blog

that Ive missed?



on 29.11.07 at 14:10

John, this sounds weird Id suggest going directly to Tony Chans site ( or some other, really tech savvy sites. I would just be guessing.


John D

on 29.11.07 at 19:38

It appears that the termsrv.dll wasnt copying over properly (even though Im pretty sure it said it did in the cmd window). Anyway, I copied the file manually and started it up and its working great now! Thanks for pointing me to Tonys blog.


Trinh Thanh Su

on 15.12.07 at 22:31

theres an error: Source Folder is C:\DATA\termsrv\ Taking ownership of C:\Windows\System32\termsrv.dll ERROR: The current logged on user does not have administrative privileges. Granting Administrators rights C:\Windows\System32\termsrv.dll: Access is denied. Successfully processed 0 files; Failed processing 1 files Stopping Terminal Services System error 5 has occurred. Access is denied. Access is denied. 0 file(s) copied. Copying C:\DATA\termsrv\termsrv.dll to C:\Windows\System32\ Access is denied. (4 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

Enable Remote Desktop Connection on Vista Home Premium frans goes blog

0 file(s) copied. Importing Registry Keys Enabling RDP ERROR: Access is denied. Setting fSingleSessionPerUser to 1 ERROR: Access is denied. Setting LimitBlankPasswordUser to 1 ERROR: Access is denied. Configuring Remote Desktop in Windows Firewall Starting Terminal Services System error 5 has occurred. Access is denied. Pausing 5 seconds to give service time to start listening Checking if Service is listening on port 3389 TCP TrinhThanhSu:0 LISTENING TCP [::]:3389 TrinhThanhSu:0 LISTENING Service is listening Done Press any key to continue . . . I used an administrative account. Whats wrong?



on 16.12.07 at 11:34

Sorry Trinh, I have no idea what is wrong in your case; I can only suggest you keep on trying, and search for other forums for help. The patch seems to work in most cases, though.


Mal Bridgeman

on 21.12.07 at 11:43

Trinh - you need to disable UAC: Launch Control Panel Type UAC in the search box at the upper-right hand corner of the (5 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

Enable Remote Desktop Connection on Vista Home Premium frans goes blog

window The option to disable UAC is the first search result. the rerun the batch file .. you then need to edit the firewall to add an entry for port 3389 and open it. HTH Mal



on 25.12.07 at 5:16

Unfortunately SP1 (rc1) current disables this RDP hack, mainly cause they say they have upgraded the algorithm of RDP. Any ideas anyone?



on 25.12.07 at 21:18

Hmm. Thanks Ed for the information. It looks like we have basically two options: to postpone upgrading to SP1 (if you want to have RDC available), or upgrade, and just hope and wait that an updated hack comes available soon..?


dan see

on 29.12.07 at 22:45

Had a few problems so I tried UltraVNC. There is a guide with graphical install guide: I tried with vista home premium it works.



on 30.12.07 at 16:42

Dan, yes, VNC works, and it has the benefit of being platform (6 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

Enable Remote Desktop Connection on Vista Home Premium frans goes blog

independent. On the other hand, many of us still prefer to use RDC in Windows-to-Windows situations, since it is a faster solution. And that is where SP1 upgrade seems to create problems in Vista. I established today a Mac-to-Vista connection from my livingroom Mac Mini, and rather than using the native Mac VNC implementation, or the open source version (Chicken of the VNC), I ended up using RealVNC for this (launch it in server, rather than service form in Vista, then install and use the Mac version of RealVNC viewer, available from: http://www. macosx ).



on 03.01.08 at 5:38

I have found that you cannot use it on Vista Basic. Will give the permission errors that Trinh received. Apart from that it works fine, there is one for XP as well, you can get it from



on 06.01.08 at 10:45

What is a command prompt?



on 06.01.08 at 22:11

Wizard: ok, I didnt realise anyone would try to apply these Home Premium specific instructions on a Vista Basic, though. Ruth: command prompt is the text-only mode of using a computer operating system. In Windows versions you usually launch cmd.exe to get to it, in other systems you might need an access to terminal, console or something like that. (7 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

Enable Remote Desktop Connection on Vista Home Premium frans goes blog



on 30.01.08 at 23:39

how to you run a batch file in command prompt?



on 01.02.08 at 13:23

Danny, you need to know how to use basic DOS commands like cd, navigate to the correct directory and then write the name of the bat file, and press enter, to run it.



on 05.02.08 at 14:54

Any updates for Vista SP1. Since this hack does not work anymore on Vista with SP1



on 05.02.08 at 20:58

Currently it looks like you can acquire Vista SP1 only in March, or April, if you are using non-English versions. I wouldnt hurry. But no: I do not know of any hacks yet that would work with the (soon-to-be-released) SP1 upgraded versions of Vista. Lets see and wait.



on 07.02.08 at 0:55

Props to you frans! I really needed RDC for my desktop! Thanks so much :)



on 07.02.08 at 4:33 (8 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

Enable Remote Desktop Connection on Vista Home Premium frans goes blog

Hmm whats wrong with your installment trinh, is that you forgot to run it as administrator. Right click on it and say run as administrator that should fix the problem if you are the administrator.



on 08.02.08 at 20:51

Great, thanks got this working (Vista Premium NOT SP1) 1) Disable UAC ( htm) 2) Reboot 3) Follow instructions at the top of this blog



on 17.02.08 at 3:50

thx for the file tipfixed me up. MAKE SURE YOU SAVE THIS PAGE TO YOUR FAVORITES .. THIS WILL REQUIRE A RESTART AND YOU WILL NEED TO FIND THIS PAGE AGAIN EASY. SO YOU CAN COMPLETE THE PROCESS. step 1. First disable uac, click the start button, then click your picture in the top right of the menu (whatever picture you chose, flower, chess, fireworks..etc) this is a shortcut for going to user accounts in the control panel. Once you have clicked start, your login icon, then the last sentence on the right you will see (Turn User Account Control on or off) choose this option. Then take the check out of (Use User Account Control UAC to help protect your computer) click ok. Note that if you dont have a check in the UAC then continue to Step 2 without restarting. You will have to restart if you removed the check from UAC. After restart continue to step 2. Step 2. Click on start (round little windows icon in bottom left of your screen), Click on text (control panel),Top left click on text (Control Home).Then (9 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

Enable Remote Desktop Connection on Vista Home Premium frans goes blog

click on text (SECURITY) First Colum, second row, on right side. Once in Security: Far right, second category, last choice, click (Allow a program through windows firewall) Windows firewall settings will come up. Close to the bottom you will see some buttons, the second button close to the bottom is (Add Port) click. Add port box will popup, enter the following. Name: remotePort Port Number: 3389 (Leave the protocol at TCP) (click OK) in port popup (click OK) in windows firewall settings popup Note that if you have Norton firewall, Kapersky, AVG Firewall or anyother THRID PARTY firewall you will need to go to there website and search for (ALLOWING PORTS). step 3. (Start, All Programs, Accessories, Command prompt) right click this icon and choose (Run as Administrator). Once at black screen called command prompt. We need to navigate to the file. The way we will do that is copying the address once we have unziped the file. (I have found the eaisest way to navigate to the file is when you unzip the file you downloaded choose for it to open the folder that the file you unziped is in. Or you can open Windows Explorer (start, computer) click. Once you are in the folder with the unzipped term files click in the address bar (just like in internet explorer and copy the directory link .. example (C:\Users\perry\Downloads\termsrv) this may or may not be different with youit depends on where you choose to save your download. after you copy this link go back to the black screen program (command prompt) and paste it by (right click black screen, left click paste) once pasted, type the version of vista you have. EXAMPLE (C:\Users\perry\Downloads\termsrv\premium) EXAMPLE (C:\Users\perry\Downloads\termsrv\business) EXAMPLE (10 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

Enable Remote Desktop Connection on Vista Home Premium frans goes blog

C:\Users\perry\Desktop\termsrv\premium EXAMPLE C:\Users\perry\Desktop\business Remeber the last word in the address is the version of vista you have. Press enter on the keyboard. If you follow these directions exactly and get no errors and still cannot use Remote desktop, you may one of the following issues. Your router is blocking RDC and you need to allow it Your software firewall is blocking it like Zonealarm Or you have corrupted files All of which are out of the scope of this article of which i have no more time for sorry. God Bless. If this doesnt work dont email me and yell pray to Jesus Christ for wisdom. Thats what i did. =) And he gave it to me by helping me find this site \o/ Romans 3:12, Romans 10:9



on 17.02.08 at 20:00

Corrosione - thanks, your instructions are probably most detailed process description so far. No news on a SP1 hack yet, though.



on 24.02.08 at 9:46

I tried, but some other prob When i enter my Credentials on the other computer, (from which im trying to access my own computer, both running Home Premium), it says that login failed.(and yes, im sure the password and username are correct).Any guesses?



on 24.02.08 at 14:22

I just wanted to add my thanks as well, I had just bought Vista Home Premium for testing our websites on the latest OS and couldnt believe I (11 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

Enable Remote Desktop Connection on Vista Home Premium frans goes blog

didnt have a Remote Connection! Thanks very much!



on 28.02.08 at 4:08

I just installed SP1 and it broke the RDC capability. So if anyone figures it out PLEASE let us all know. Thanks, R



on 05.03.08 at 19:45

I think there are people in this thread who claim to have successfully patched SP1 (could anyone verify this works?): http://thegreenbutton. com/forums/permalink/210408/242073/ShowThread.aspx#242073



on 05.03.08 at 20:53

i have tryed installing this program, realy want it to work but the only problem that i have is that the port 3389 dose not listen. iv tryed fixing it but cant get it to work.


Roderic Dohleman

on 05.03.08 at 22:11

UPDATE: I did find the fix to make RDC work after SP1 patch install. Of course, now I need to go back and relocate the docs and bits and post it.



on 06.03.08 at 2:51 (12 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

Enable Remote Desktop Connection on Vista Home Premium frans goes blog

Same Issue as Synergy Letting me port 3389 isnt listen.. Home Basic



on 12.03.08 at 19:45

Instead of disabling UAC, just *run* the command prompt as Administrator. Its much easier, and in some peoples option, a better option to disabling UAC. Open the Start menu and look for the Command Prompt icon. If you dont see it, open and close a command prompt window first (type cmd in the start search field, then type exit once the command window is open). Right click on the Command Prompt Icon and select Run as administrator in the context menu. The batch file should run fine. This was tested on Vista Premium Home. Jimbo



on 13.03.08 at 20:25

Got remote desktop to work but how do I move files between computers



on 14.03.08 at 14:07

In Remote Desktop Connection Dialog, click Options>Local Resources>More and check the box Drives Now, connect.After you get the Remote computers Desktop started, goto its My Computer, and youll see your drives displayed there. Now use usual Cut,Copy,Paste procedures (13 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

Enable Remote Desktop Connection on Vista Home Premium frans goes blog


Andrei Goga

on 18.03.08 at 15:59

Roderic Dohleman or Frans, quick question all setup worked fine, no errors, I get to the logon screen, but it says wrong username or pwd I checked several times, and no luck any ideas? (I only have 1 username defined, and it works ok to login with it on the vista home premium itself. tried removing the pwd and adding it back, no luck). thanks a lot! Andrei


Andrei Goga

on 18.03.08 at 16:15

quick update i tried the SP patched version of the termsrv.dll from ShowThread.aspx#242073 but that didnt seem to work either with tihs DLL, it just doesnt connect at all I might not have the SP1 then (sorry about that) so i put it back to the original nonsp1 dll, and that does work up to prompting for password.. but again, it just doesnt accept the pwd (the correct pwd). thanks again!! Andrei



on 18.03.08 at 18:11

Dear Andrei, I did have the same problem as you, but fixed mine out. (u can read my post above) Heres what happened to me, while installing Windows, my manufacturer set my name as user and then, at my home, i changed it to Hunny. Actually, the name originally set (user in my case) cannot be actually changed (according to what i know), Hunny is just shown by Windows, but the network username remains the same.(user in my case) So,to check if your havin same case,goto C:\Users and check the folders, there will be a Public folder, and a folder which is your personal (14 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

Enable Remote Desktop Connection on Vista Home Premium frans goes blog

folder (in my case, its user not Hunny). Now,note the name of that folder and try it as your logon at Remote Desktop Logon. Hope it worksLemme Know



on 18.03.08 at 18:19

Oh more thing, Alternatively, to know your username, goto Task Manager and Click Users tab, there check your username displayed. All the best


Andrei Goga

on 18.03.08 at 19:06

Shantanu youre absolutely right!! WOW! I was now able to login with the User username and my usual pwd how silly is this!! Thank you very much for letting me know!! Much appreciated! Andrei



on 18.03.08 at 19:21

Youre welcome, well, causes to problems are silly in computer science, because anyway, humans made them, who like to make silly mistakes Well, coming back to our other concern, any news of crack for SP1 ??


Andrei Goga

on 18.03.08 at 19:35

what I understand from the link that frans posted earlier (see message in thread above), is that it actually does work. personally I tried tested it (15 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

Enable Remote Desktop Connection on Vista Home Premium frans goes blog

but it wouldnt work as I believe I dont have SP1 installed (on my Vista Home Premium). However the messages on that forum seem to confirm that it does work. Cheers, Andrei



on 18.03.08 at 19:59

Shantanu, Andrei this looks promising, thank you very much. So, we can all be confident and go along with the SP1 update when it comes available through the Windows Update? Great!



on 18.03.08 at 20:01

frans, i tried but the service didnt start, (i have SP1) tried some manual reg editing but to no avail.



on 18.03.08 at 23:45

Shantanu: well, I decided to go for it in any case (SP1 arrived today into Update service); after this we will at least have more people trying to figure this thing out, I guess. ;-)



on 19.03.08 at 20:58

Guys, quick question: The patch for the SP1 is called termsrv.sp1. patched.dll. Do I just copy it in the System32 folder, or do I have to rename it termsrv.dll to replace the old one? Thanks for your help. (16 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

Enable Remote Desktop Connection on Vista Home Premium frans goes blog


Andrei Goga

on 19.03.08 at 21:47

Larry, you do need to rename it and replace the existing one from System32\drivers but you wont be able to as its locked by default as the service is running. so you could stop the terminal services services (I think) then replace it, etc, however it would be much simpler to just use the batch file that frans is mentinonig as it will do it for you (take ownership, stop the service, etc, and replace the file). good luck! Andrei PS. in the meantime, I reverted back to XP Vista was much too slow when running VMWare Workstation on my laptop inspite of the 2Gb memory



on 20.03.08 at 12:47

Snx for you job! It has very much helped me!



on 20.03.08 at 15:51

Hey people, i am on a college network which blocks sharing sites like rapidshare. So, i couldnt download the SP1 hack from http://rapidshare. com/files/90325478/termsrv.sp1.patched.dll.html does anyone has any alternative link?



on 20.03.08 at 16:31 (17 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

Enable Remote Desktop Connection on Vista Home Premium frans goes blog

Thank you all for the valued info. Using Home Premium SP1 the patched dll works great. Shantanu, I have put it up on my skydrive heres a link sp1.patched.dll Thanks to all!



on 20.03.08 at 18:48

Hi the DLL file should also be available through this site here: http:// dll


edo san

on 23.03.08 at 2:47

This fix is GREAT. I thought i couldnt use RD with Vista premium. Does anyone have any advice for what to do when your normal passwd does not work?? Ive got RD to connect just fine but RD does not seem to see up to date user names. I does find the admin name correctly but does not accept the correct password. Ive checked SHantanus fix for this- the username is right- but I cant get RD to take the right Admin password. Could I have some password I dont know about. Should i rerun the batch with UAC turned ON?? I turned it off for the initial install of termsrv.dll thansk edo


Nick Mooney

on 24.03.08 at 11:35 (18 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

Enable Remote Desktop Connection on Vista Home Premium frans goes blog

Thanks for this. I recently upgraded to Vista (Home Premium) SP1 so was expecting this to get broken. The URL pasted up there ^^ somewhere does indeed work. I downloaded the patched .dll, downloaded your original files, renamed the old & patched DLLs and ran it - works perfectly. And, RDC does seem to work a lot more swiftly over my home network on my two Home Premium computers now, but still cant get sound working which isnt the end of the world!



on 24.03.08 at 16:19

Thanks for the SP1 patch. Its working perfectly..



on 24.03.08 at 19:49

The patched SP1 version of the zip file should now be available here: zip


David T.

on 25.03.08 at 2:09

You dont need to disable UAC if you run from an elevated command prompt. (Start>All Programs>Accessories the right-click command prompt and choose Run as Administrator) Disabling UAC is a bad idea, and if you plan to stick with Windows you need to learn how to work with it and around it.


edo san

on 25.03.08 at 5:43

Right- UAC does not need to be disabled to do any of this. (19 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

Enable Remote Desktop Connection on Vista Home Premium frans goes blog

But still having a similar problem with the RD log on password prompt. Very similar to post #43 but the password is the issue. THe username matches. I do not have a password assigned to the administrator user yet it wants a password i dont knoe. I changed user passwords back and fourth on the remote machine to no avail. Does anybody know how to determine or reset this unknown password on the remote computer. I have spent some time reinstalling with sp1 and non sp1 batch file so I have determined that that this is not the issue. forever thankfull



on 26.03.08 at 6:33

edo san: I have an interesting problem where I can log into RD successfully when Im on my LAN, but when I try to connect remotely, it rejects my password. My hunch at this point is that there is some setting in Windows that is blocking remote access from outside the network, but I have no idea where to start looking.



on 26.03.08 at 6:53

edo san: That didnt take me nearly as long as I thought it would. Open up regedit on the machine running terminal server and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Terminal Server. Look for the AllowRemoteRPC key and set it to a value of 1 (instead of 0). This fixed my problem. (20 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

Enable Remote Desktop Connection on Vista Home Premium frans goes blog



on 27.03.08 at 0:47

Anyone else have a problem with the terminal services service not starting? Is this supposed to work on Home Premium x64? I tried starting the service manually and get an error that states Windows could not start the Terminal Services on Local Computer Error 193:0xc1 When the batch file is trying to finish, I get the below error: Starting Terminal Services The Terminal Services service is starting. The Terminal Services service could not be started. A system error has occurred. System error 193 has occurred. *** is not a valid Win32 application. Pausing 5 seconds to give service time to start listening Checking if Service is listening on port 3389 Service is not listening Done Press any key to continue . . .


edo san

on 28.03.08 at 4:47

TravisP: Thank you for that tip, I have not tried to log on RD from an outside IP but plan to tommorrow to test the registry change you describe above. Regarding my original problem: Turns out that I had a mistake in my username afterall, it had been renamed (just like the problem and solution articulated in post #40). There was a blank password assigned (not allowed by RD) preventing RD log on. (21 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

Enable Remote Desktop Connection on Vista Home Premium frans goes blog



on 28.03.08 at 16:13

tried your sp1 script but with no joy - the batch file appeared to run through successfully, but when I go to remote settings there are stil no rdc options on the dialog. any suggestions what to try?



on 28.03.08 at 16:34

tried again and this time the change is allowing me to access the Vista Home Premium PC from my XP Pro PC - but still dont see the options in the Remote Settings. But who cares! It works, thanks for this fix



on 28.03.08 at 16:48

lloyd: that is true, Vista remote settings does not show those extra options for me either, but the patch seems to make the system accept incoming RDC client connections in any case.


Roderic Dohleman

on 28.03.08 at 20:06

I managed to get this to work a few weeks back but have noticed some odd behaviour. User account specific functions and features are often mishandled by the OS. For example, when I use my PDA to activesync if the other user account is logged in concurrently it will try to sync with that users information and not the other user account. Also, I find the HP services for my printer/scanner all in one device crashes all the time and I need to stop and restart all the relevant services. This all started after SP1 ): (22 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

Enable Remote Desktop Connection on Vista Home Premium frans goes blog



on 31.03.08 at 3:08

Im having the same trouble you are Grimb. I installed first with the non sp1 patch it didnt work so I read all these comments. Since then Ive downloaded and tried the sp1 patch but I now get what you are getting Grimb. I cant get the service to stay started and when the batch file listens on the port it finds its not listening. Event log says the following: Log Name: System Source: LSM Date: 3/30/2008 5:04:07 PM Event ID: 1048 Task Category: None Level: Error Keywords: Classic User: N/A Computer: holtzman Description: Terminal Service start failed. The relevant status code was The remote procedure call failed. . Any ideas anyone?



on 31.03.08 at 4:04

Im having the same problem. I used this before SP1 and it worked like a charm. Now after I got SP1 and have tried installing the new termsrv.dll (using the premium.bat) i get the Service is not listening at the end of the command prompt. Any ideas anyone? (23 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

Enable Remote Desktop Connection on Vista Home Premium frans goes blog



on 02.04.08 at 12:45

NON-ENGLISH USERS: Change Administrators to its translation in your own language. Example: Administradores in Spanish. It drove me crazy until I realized that was preventing the patch to work in my Vista Home Premium Spanish version. Thanks Frans for your efforts!



on 02.04.08 at 22:29

How do you manually add the service if you get the Service is not listening message?



on 03.04.08 at 0:11

Same here - service not Listening on Vista Premium SP1 :(



on 03.04.08 at 7:03

me too, not listening on premium sp1, :(


Shantanu Tushar

on 03.04.08 at 8:26

Its strange, because the new patch works fine on my Vista Home Premium SP1 Make sure youre running Premium.bat in elevated mode, i.e.Right (24 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

Enable Remote Desktop Connection on Vista Home Premium frans goes blog

Click>Run As Administrator If still it says service not listening, goto Start>Run and type services. msc and press enter. Check if the Terminal Services is set to Automatic and is Running. Further u can also try typing C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe -k NetworkService in Start>Run and pressing enter, though im not sure itll work or not, but is worth a try



on 03.04.08 at 23:21

I did the Run as Administrator before. I went into services.msc and Terminal Services was and is set to automatic and is started. Also, I just re-ran the premium.bat and noticed a new line that says The Terminal Services service is stopping The Terminal Services service could not be stopped. (5 minutes later:) Ok, I now see what the problem is but have absolutely no idea what to do. I went into Services and clicked on Terminal Services and then clicked Stop the Service. It took at least two minutes for the bar to go all of the way across and then it brought up an error saying: Windows could not stop the terminal Services service on Local Computer. Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion. WHAT DO I DO? Also, should Terminal Services be running and set to automatic as well? Because it wasnt before this ordeal, but I recently set it too to automatic. Good idea?



on 03.04.08 at 23:54 (25 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

Enable Remote Desktop Connection on Vista Home Premium frans goes blog

At the end of my previous post, I meant to say Terminal Services CONFIGURATION at the end. Not Terminal Services. That was already started and on automatic. But the Terminal Services Configuration was stopped, so I recently started it and made it also be automatic. What does it do? Do I need it? Should I stop it?



on 04.04.08 at 5:34

I used termsrv before SP1 and it worked, until I read this forum I did not know that SP1 could clobber RDP server, it did. Downloaded and ran termsrv.sp1 worked perfectly first time. RDP server is now working on my Vista Home Prem SP1. Thanks for the excellent work.



on 04.04.08 at 6:44

Terminal Services seem to be making problems for few people you might take a look at discussions in these sites; please tell us if there are any hints:


Shantanu Tushar

on 04.04.08 at 8:21

cboy007, as i said, its getting weird. as the service is not stopping, i think that u shud try what i call a partial rollback of premium.bat notice the line in premium.bat :BACKUPTERMSRVDLL copy %SystemRoot%\System32\termsrv.dll %SystemRoot%\System32 \*.*.bak (26 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

Enable Remote Desktop Connection on Vista Home Premium frans goes blog

so, replace the cracked version of termsrv.dll with ur original SP1 termsrv.dll (which is termsrv.dll.bak renamed to termsrv.dll).You might need to use safe mode for this operation. Now, in normal windows mode, check services.msc to see if u can start and then stop Terminal Services.If you succeed, try running premium.bat again.And report back if it works. Regarding the TRMSRV CONFIGURATION Service, windows shows that RDC doesnt depend on it, but still im seeing it Enabled, Manual so, change it to manual and start it. Good luck



on 05.04.08 at 0:33

SUCCESS! Thanks to everyone here! Heres what I did: I tried deleting the termsrv.dll file from the system folder but I got an error. So I then typed in command prompt and ran these commands: cd C:\Windows\System32 ren termsrv.dll termsrvBAD.dll ren termsrvbackup.dll termsrv.dll I then went into services.msc and tried restarting the service (I never restarted computer), and I got the error..I dont remember it but I got an error. After that, I saw that the Terminal Services was now STOPPED, so I simply ran the premium.bat as Administrator, and SUCCESS! I havent tested it yet, but according to the messages in the .bat, everything should work fine - it says its listening. Also, I followed Shantanu Tushars advice and turned Terminal Service Configuration to Started and I set it on Manual. Thanks again to everyone here! I hope this helps other people that have this problem! (27 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

Enable Remote Desktop Connection on Vista Home Premium frans goes blog



on 05.04.08 at 21:34

Just to clear a few things up, I am on Remote Desktop now. Also, for anyone wondering, I needed to restart for whatever reason after installing the patch in order for it to work. Now everything is working the same (or better) than it was than before SP1. Thanks for everyones help and if you have any problems/questions, email me at cboy007@gmail. com.



on 06.04.08 at 10:00

cboy007 great to know you got it working, too. And thanks for all the advice you are spreading!



on 06.04.08 at 14:53

Hello, Is it possible to connect to my main account, rather than having to create an entire new account for remote desktop to connect to? Im not a professional, however I have seen my co-workers remote into their main computers from home So again, is it possible to connect to my main useraccount (while its logged in at home?) Thanks for the great tweak by the way :)


Shantanu Tushar

on 06.04.08 at 15:48

Yes, you can. Infact, if you create a new account B while another account A is logged in, and you try RDC with account A, youll have to click Yes (28 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

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on a confirmation dialog at the computer (physically) that you (B) want to disconnect As session. So, in order to avoid this, try using RDC using same account thats already logged in.



on 06.04.08 at 18:26

Hi Shantanu, I found out that the problem was caused by the fact that my main account did not have a password on it. Vista refuses to allow a connection if an account is passworded. So i put a password on my main account, then tweaked Windows to allow auto-login (so i dont have to log in when my computer turns on). Now remote desktop works fine Thanks :)



on 08.04.08 at 19:58

Please help. i encounter error as below when i try to connect Terminal server with Remote Desktop. i use Vista home premium Error message : The remote session was disconnected because there are no Terminal Server client access licenses available for this computer. Please contact the server administrator After contact the server guy, they suggest i go REGEDIT , delete the Folder MSLicensing from Folder HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE then restart my laptop. However, the same error prompt after i restart the laptop Hope expert could help me on this.. (29 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

Enable Remote Desktop Connection on Vista Home Premium frans goes blog



on 08.04.08 at 20:03

FYI, i could connect successfully everytime this error happens recentlyi wonder whether due to Windows Update ??



on 10.04.08 at 7:51

Its working fine for me. Thanks Antonio for the advice about non-English versions. I had tried this hack before SP1, but didnt work. I just discovered yesterday that it was an issue with port 3389, I had to change it. Maybe my ISP is blocking it, cause a couldnt open it, but it works with another one. I just have one question, does this hack allow multiple concurrent connections? I need to access my home pc while im at work, but without disconnecting other users logged locally. I havent tried it yet, because there is nobody at home right now, but what I have discovered is that I cannot change to another user (at the remote pc) while using remote desktop. Thanks frans! GREAT JOB :)



on 12.04.08 at 12:42

I have Home Premium in Italian, and the program gave errors Terminal server not found on stopping and starting the service. I solved by opening premium.bat and substituing Terminal Server with Servizi terminal. Its a shame they used language-specific strings to identify services.



on 12.04.08 at 13:42

For the persons of which RDP is not listening: is the port 3389 open in (30 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

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your (Windows) firewall AND router ?



on 16.04.08 at 3:24

OMG, I battled this all day and then found this page. It was fixed within 30 seconds after finding this page. THANK YOU!



on 16.04.08 at 19:04

I was frustrated too that I could not remote from my laptop with vista premiun to my desktop with ultimate. I could remote the other way of course. Last night I forwarded udp and tcp ports 3389 on my router using the desktops address and was able to remote to my desktop from my laptop using the free rdc download from microsoft. Hope this helps someone else.



on 17.04.08 at 1:47

I experienced the same things that most have indicated in this blog. RDT worked before, then it didnt after SP1 install. The patch (termsrv_SP1. zip) that frons offers seems to work well if done properly, though. The one thing that I notice most people are missing is: 1. You need to copy the new termsrv.dll file to the c:\Windows\System32 directory. In most cases you can not do this because the service is already running or you need to take ownership of the termsrv.dll file in order to have permission to rename it. In short, follow the directions below and type the commands in SAFE MODE. Good luck and I it works for you. I found this originally at - php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1220&Itemid=232 - But dont use the files on this page because they are the Pre-SP1 tweak. 1. Now, Vistas security needs a little massaging to allow you to modify the original termsrv.dll file, found in C:\Windows\System32, so. 2. Click Start, then type cmd in the search box & hit enter. This will (31 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

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launch the Command prompt Type the following & hit enter: takeown /f C:\Windows\System32\termsrv.dll 3. Then type this & hit enter (NOTE: Replace USERNAME with YOUR USERNAME!! If your name has a space in it, enclose it with quotes, like Mike Garcen): cacls C:\Windows\System32\termsrv.dll /G USERNAME:F 4. Then go to your Windows Explorer, and go to C:\Windows\System32 Rename the original termsrv.dll to something else, like termsrv.dll. ORIGINAL, just in case *NOTE* If you are unable to do the above, try rebooting into SAFE MODE Then copy & paste the Hacked DLL into the C:\Windows\System32 folder And voila!



on 17.04.08 at 1:55

PS - Thanks for the SP1 patch frons.



on 17.04.08 at 11:31

Hi, Thanks for guide, it worked perfect for me. But i have a problem. I cant seem to get file transfer to work. Ive enabled file transfer, and selected the appropriate HDDs, but they dont show up on my remote computer. Does it not work with this hack? Thanks.



on 17.04.08 at 23:52

James: (32 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

Enable Remote Desktop Connection on Vista Home Premium frans goes blog

Are you trying to drag and drop thru RDT?



on 17.04.08 at 23:56

..and are you remoting in from a work PC on a domain, because there may be Network secuity that pevents you from doing that. Need more details.



on 18.04.08 at 20:04

Dear dude, Thanks so much for making this and putting it into a easy file to run. I am running Skype autoanswer as a skype conference server for about 30 gaming buddies. This allows me to remote desktop multiple times into my vista basic box, running multiple skype instances, and manage the callers. Ive got a single box serving 30 skype callers at once. I did have to run the script as administrator to make it work properly.. Again THANKS!



on 19.04.08 at 10:38

AaronHolio, do not thank me, thank everyone who has contributed in making this hack possible. =) Jarrett001, thanks for providing an alternative setup procedure. For me, the SP1_patch worked fine without any extra steps, but those might be necessary in some cases, though.



on 20.04.08 at 13:26

Access denied problem can be solved by setting read permission for termsrv.dll for USERS GROUP (33 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

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on 20.04.08 at 19:40

Will this work for home basic too, because i need to connect my mac to my widows machine for work



on 21.04.08 at 1:18

Just want to let you know.the advise given on this website is great. Thanks all!



on 21.04.08 at 10:28

Thanks for all your help, I can RDP into my Vista box. How do add a Standard user to the remote users group under Vista Home premium? Currently, only admin level users can only connect through TS sessions.


Shantanu Tushar

on 21.04.08 at 14:43

@trobs I dont think it works on Vista Basic @Vas Currently, as you know, we cant access the permissions dialog for RDC, because though it works, were still unable to get the RDC section in System>Remote tab. So, with the info we currently have, u cant grant RDC permission to standard users



on 21.04.08 at 17:40

Thank you very much. I applied the batch file for Vista Home Premium in (34 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

Enable Remote Desktop Connection on Vista Home Premium frans goes blog

an SP1 installation, using the new file, followed the simple instructions on the beginning of this thread, and it worked like a charm (I just need an extra step: allow port 3389 for the notebook in my router). I am typing this from a remote connection TO my notebook!! Thank you again for your kindness in sharing your knowledge.



on 23.04.08 at 9:13

Thanks so much! groetjes, Mirella :) (via Remote Desktop again :))


Ben Dilts

on 24.04.08 at 19:46

Thanks! Works great, posting this through remote desktop on Vista Home Premium :-)

The Obsessed Programmer Blog Archive Remote


Desktop (Terminal Services) Server in Vista Home Premium

24.04.08 at 20:08

[...] Read this post. One of my major reservations getting Vista Home Premium was that Remote Desktop Server was not included. But I could not justify the price of the upgrade when you can install UltraVNC as a system service for free. [...]



on 27.04.08 at 12:11

Hello everyone, I have a windows vista home premium SP1 computer and a macbook pro. I downloaded the RDC for mac. How can I connect to my windows vista home premium computer? I have tried the patch as described above. Maybe the patch does something else? Also, the mac and the pc (35 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

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arent on the same network. I try to connect from the mac to the pc using thing. What should I do? Thanks, ILoveIsrael.


DJ Rogue

on 28.04.08 at 10:06

Using the sp1 patch file worked like a charm on the first try! MANY thanks!



on 29.04.08 at 19:38

Hi, i followed the steps above and it works in my Vista Home Premium. However, I get no audio output device is installed. I wonder anyone having this problem.


Roderic Dohleman

on 29.04.08 at 19:53

I get no audio either. There are some other funky issues too like syncing my PDA while the system is connected via RDC. It wont work.



on 29.04.08 at 20:07

engowen -> I also have this same problem, no audio device when connected. I havent tried to find a solution (if at all possible) because I mostly dont care about it but I understand that having no audio may frustrate some people. roderic -> why in this world are you syncing your PDA via RDC? (just kidding :-) (36 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

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Roderic Dohleman

on 29.04.08 at 20:21

When I try to SYNC the PDA - if I have connected RDC from my laptop and then try to sync the PDA it will not sync up. I have to disconnect the RDC and then it will work.


Shantanu Tushar

on 29.04.08 at 21:00

About PDASync, try Options>Local Resources>More and deselect everything (including Clipboars in Local Resources dialog). Audio, i think it might be a limitation of this crack.



on 30.04.08 at 6:54

Here are two more little issues that I have with my RDC: 1 - Although I set color depth to 24 bit, I only get 16 bit when connected. 2 - Although I set up username and password, I always end up starting at the login screen of Vista, and so the information is not actually used. I dont know if these issues are really issues or if they are supposed to happen when RDCing from a Windows XP to a Windows Vista. Also, I believe that issue 1 may be due to lack of support of my notebooks video card for this specific situation (the video card is pretty capable of 32 bit color when in regular use though). Again, these two issues dont bother me, considering that the other options would be not to have RDC to the notebook at all or pay $160 to upgrade to the Ultimate version.



on 30.04.08 at 16:48 (37 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

Enable Remote Desktop Connection on Vista Home Premium frans goes blog

You saved me a lot of trouble. Thanks for this (lets call it) VISTA FIX. Its stupid of microsoft of cutting their own products. Money sure can make do some crazy stuff



on 04.05.08 at 6:52

Works perfectly for my Home Premium SP1 Portuguese (Brazil) version. I had to do small changes on the premium.bat because of administrator and service name translations. Also I had to open manually the port3389 in the windows firewall. Probably because of translations the patch did not open automaticaly. Thanks!!!!!


Shouting Duck

on 05.05.08 at 19:51

You Beauty! Worked perfectly for me! THANKS!!!!!



on 05.05.08 at 20:07

Marcelo, could you send me your modified premium.bat? I want to install it in a PT-BR Vista Premium also. Obrigado! email = av at ig dot com dot br And I found another little issue that may be related to this. Whenever I connect TO the notebook, after, when I log to the notebook without being in a remote session, USB mouse is not working. I need to disconnect and reconnect the mouse. (38 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

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on 06.05.08 at 17:50

Hi! Ive been trying to get this to work for som hours now and when i finally came around the errors in the install of termsrv by reinstalling windows the next problem appeard. When i connect from 32-bit Vista Business laptop to my HTPC (Home premium 64-bit) either by entering the htpc IP or computer name i get to enter my username (Fredrik nothing else right) and password for my account on the HTPC witch is the as my username and password on my laptop(Shouldnt mather???) but then NOTHING happens the connection button fades out for a couple of seconds but thats it. My computers are behind the same router, in the same workgroup, the port in the firewall is open I just dont understand it??? It drives me crazy! I dint even get an error message


Sam Long

on 07.05.08 at 20:51

Ive been trying to get this to work on my Vista premium 64 sp1 for some hours, and when I finally came around the errors and the install of termsrv, I get the problem that: service is not listening and windows firewall is enabled on port 3389



on 08.05.08 at 5:06



Filipe Fumaux

on 09.05.08 at 19:29 (39 of 43) [5/14/2008 2:40:21 PM]

Enable Remote Desktop Connection on Vista Home Premium frans goes blog

It works fine to me. Im using Vista SP1 on HP pavilion. Just used premium.bat and every thing goes OK



on 12.05.08 at 8:11

this works Great!! Many thanks!!


Lukas Labryszewski

on 12.05.08 at 19:52

Thank you so much for this I thought I would have to buy ultimate for my new laptop but this saved me a lot of money! :)



on 14.05.08 at 1:31

Just to note to others that may be having troubles with this, ensure you have downloaded Service Pack 1. I tried without service pack 1 and this didnt work for me. Terminal Services never respond during the check when running the batch file.

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