Types of Test Questions and Examples of Each Type

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Types of Test Questions and Examples of Each Type

1. Essay a. What should be the response of DOH towards the problem of lack of supply to the health centers around the Philippines? b. Do you think that the budget for the health care delivery system in the Philippines should be increased? Explain why. c. If you are the primary health care provider in a poorly supplied health center what actions should you take to somehow increase the efficacy and efficiency of care? d. Given the chance to create a program for health in your own community, what would it be and why? e. As a health care provider what can you contribute to your own community to help the needy and the sick? 2. Multiple Choices a. Which of the following is considered to be a tertiary health facility? a. Barangay Health Clinic c. Birthing Clinic b. National Kidney Institute d. Diagnostic Laboratories b. Among the following which one is the direct authority in a barangay health center? a. BHW c. Midwife b. Nurse d. student interns c. During health visits the nurse brings an umbrella, for which of the following reason? a. To protect himself from the UV rays of the sun c. To protect himself from dogs b. To minimize the heat of the sun d. To prevent skin cancer d. While taking vital signs of a patient in the health center where should the BHW or the nurse position himself? a. At the back b. At the front c. At the side d. Most comfortable corner e. This is one of the most important thing to do before performing any procedure to the patient to secure his/her cooperation; a. secure an informed consent b. get the SO c. maintain privacy d. handwashing 3. True or False Write true or false at the space provided a. ______ The diastole is the first sound heard from the stethoscope when taking a BP. b. ______ The temperature of the neonate is assessed at the axillary upon birth. c. ______ To check the tightness of the BP calf four fingers should fit before inflating. d. ______ The HR of 160 bpm on a neonate is considered as tachycardia. e. ______ Apnea is the characterized by a rapid and shallow breathing. 4. Modified True or False Write true or false, if the answer is false underline the incorrect word and supply the correct answer on the space provided. a. Systole - The diastole is the first sound heard from stethoscope when taking a BP. b. Rectum - The temperature of the neonate is assessed at the axillary upon birth. c. Two - To check the tightness of the BP calf four fingers should fit before inflating.

d. normal - The HR of 160 bpm on a neonate is considered to be tachycardia. e. Tachypnea - Apnea is the characterized by a rapid breathing above 25 cpm.

5. Matching type ___1. Antibiotic ___2. Diuretic ___3. Anxiolytic ___4. Anti-coagulant ___5. Antipyretic a. Paracetamol b. Diazepam c. Warfarin d. Furosemide e. Cephalosporin

6. Identification 1. __________ - Characterized by rod shape with pinkish to reddish in color and scattered. 2. __________ - Spherical shaped and gram positive bacteria, grow in chains or pairs. 3. __________ - Spiral in shape bacteria and is the agent for syphilis. 4. __________ - Comma shaped bacteria causing cholera. 5. __________ - A gram negative cocci causing gonorrhoea.

7. Enumeration (1 12) List the twelve cranial nerves in order (13 15) Three main parts of the brain (16 19) Name the four main chambers of the heart (20 28) List the palpable pulse sites (29 31 ) Enumerate the main blood vessels

8. Fill in the Blank/s 1. Before performing rescue breathing in CPR make sure that the airway is open, to do this the _________ tilt chin lift maneuver is done. 2. The best place for compression on a neonate is in the center of the chest _________ line. 3. The ratio in performing a CPR is _____ chest compression is to _____ rescue breaths. 4. The ________________ maneuver is done in choking cases with your arms under the persons axillary while pushing in an inward and upward motion. 5. Assessment is the first and very important step before doing a lifesaving procedure the three main areas that should be checked are the ____________ , breathing, and ____________; also termed as the ABC of first aid.

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