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Campus Connexion

West Africa Advanced School of Theology November 2 !"

Congratulations to WAAST's 40th Graduating Class
The WAAST International Chapel was filled on Saturday, November 2, as family, friends, church leaders, members, and government representatives honored the Class of 2 !"# Ninety$nine students from !" nations made up this % th graduating class, receiving the &ost$secondary 'iploma ()* +achelor of Theology degree (,,*, and -aster of Arts in -issiology degree (!%*# &astor Israel N.Sembe (Class of !//,, former general superintendent, Assemblies of 0od, '1 Congo* preached the graduation message# In 2eeping with their class theme 34mpowered Servants for -issio 'ei,5 class spea2ers Alain 6ouag (Cameroon* and Christian 0ahi7 (0uinea$Cona2ry* e8horted their mates to continue 0od.s mission in the power of the Spirit# 0raduation photos9 http9::on#fb#me:!frt"m;# +an<uet photos9 http9::on#fb#me:!ae=S&>#

Events on Campus
This Se,ester
" #ov.$% &ec. P'ThS Session

&ecem!er (, " a.m. 4ntrance 48am for +Th J -A (must preregister* )an ary *+,School ;ffices Closed .e!r ary *, / *( 1egistration .e!r ary *-$'pril *% +Th:'iploma Sessions May *01*2 -eeting of the 48ecutive Committee of the +oard of 0overnors

Building Up
A lea2ing roof and a need for classroom and office space are two reasons to renovate and enlarge the former library on the central campus# This wee2 the foundation will be assessed? plans are to replace the metal roof with a flat cement roof and to add several floors as funds permit# &lease pray for 0od.s wisdom in planning and for 6is provision# 'onations are welcome and can be given directly to WAAST, mar2ed 3WAAST:&AThS -ultipurpose +uilding#5 In the @#S#, contributions can be made at http9::bit#ly:6;u%Au? please write 3&ro>ect B !C 2/5 in the Comments bo8#

Please Pra- . . .

for the new graduates, that they may effectively apply their training for the glory of 0od# for rapid progress on the renovation pro>ect on Pentecostal Teaching Resources 4very month Acts in Africa Initiative offers a short, free download$able boo2 for &entecostal the central campus# for e8tension centers teachers and preachers# =ind more free resources at http9::decadeofpentecost#org:# The Classroom of the Holy Spirit. &aul +# Dor29 bit#ly:!ae%yD> as they hold courses in Training Pentecostal Ministers. 'enEil -iller9 bit#ly:!cFGuGF 'ecember, Fanuary, and Leading Believers into the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. 'enEil -iller9 bit#ly:6In!C0 =ebruary# &ray that the September 2 !" Spiritual 4mphasis -essages, &astor -itr7 '>a2outi9 bit#ly:!,et!cH Hord will meet every need for those who are Extension Center e!s called to study# C"TE #'$%"$RE& This center is growing as more pastors see2 to further their studies#
Coordinator 'r# 6onor7 ;uentchist as2s us to pray for the provision of a second classroom and the furnishings needed to accommodate more students# &lease pray also for the opening of a much$needed third +ible institute, and for peace and true reconciliation in this land# 'A#AGASCAR& This island nation lies in the Indian ;cean, far from WAAST or any of its e8tensions# There has been no advanced training available for pastors in =rench# WAAST has responded to their appeal for help, and Iice &resident Fean +and7 will teach the first session in this new center in 'ecember# &lease pray for the 2! students and for &astor +and7#


B.P. /010 (o,23 Togo 4//56 // /7 08 80 ne!s9!

(i)e WAAST on *ace+oo)& See more photos, news, and prayer req ests on o r
Facebook page. S !scri!e to the Jumaa Prayer Bulletin at

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