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So"#$d %& AMBER SHAHEEN Qu$stion No' 1 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ First computer network was ___________. NSFNET FIRSTNET AR,ANET ORPHANET Qu$stion No' . ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ In a good presentation eac s!ide s ou!d contain____________. /$)din! P rases not sentences Sentences not p rases Heading" sentences not p rases Qu$stion No' 0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ A #unction is a!so ca!!ed __________. Su$%program Procedure Su$%routine A"" o1 t-$ !i#$n o tion Qu$stion No' 2 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ A sing!e pi&e! can ac'uire appro&imate!( ___________ co!or sc emes. ) mi!!ion * mi!!ion )+ mi!!ion 13 mi""ion Qu$stion No' 4 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , ic o# t e #o!!owing is NOT a -oop statement. For , i!e S5itc /o%, i!e

Qu$stion No' 3 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , ic one o# t e #o!!owing is NOT a component o# Ru!e 0ased S(stem. 6 Ru"$ Com i"$r Ru!e Interpreter Ru!es 0ase ,orking 1emor( Qu$stion No' 7 (M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

Spread s eet is a t(pe o# _______________. 6 ,roducti#it& so1t5)r$ Engineering so#tware 1at ematica! so#tware 0usiness so#tware

Qu$stion No' 8 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ A com$ination o# word processing and grap ic design is 2ore! /raw D$s*to ,u%"is-in! Paint ,ordPad Qu$stion No' 9 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ To store rounded num$er o# 3.4 in a 5aria$!e ca!!ed 6r_num$er6" we write _____________. r_num$ers71at s.rounds83.49 r_num$er71at .rounds83.49 r:num%$r;M)t-<round(8<3+ r_num$er71at s.round83.49 Qu$stion No' 10 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , ic o# t e #o!!owing is a true statement. F!at%#i!e storage is $etter t an ta$u!ar storage. T)%u")r stor)!$ is %$tt$r t-)n 1")t-1i"$ stor)!$.

F!at%#i!e storage is $etter t an re!ationa! storage. None o# t e gi5en options Qu$stion No' 11 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e po!itica! process is a!so in#!uenced $( t e use o# ___________. /iscussion #orums Newsgroups 1ai!ing !ists A"" o1 t-$ !i#$n o tions Qu$stion No' 1. ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e s(stem t at manages re!ationa! data$ase" is ca!!ed ______________. None o# t e gi5en options /ata$ase 1anagement S(stem /ata 1anagement S(stem 6 R$")tion)" D)t)%)s$ M)n)!$m$nt S&st$m Qu$stion No' 10 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ ____________ /01S supports data in tera$(tes. Persona! /esktop Ent$r ris$ Sing!e%user Qu$stion No' 12 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Trinoo is a __________ so#tware. DoS Scanning :ti!it( None o# t e gi5en options Qu$stion No' 14 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , at is t e ma;or pro$!em wit #!as $ased we$site. 6 Its t5o -$)#& 2annot $e inde&ed -ess attracti5e Inaccessi$!e Qu$stion No' 13 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e organi<ation is t e co!!ection o# ____________. ,$o "$s Pro#essiona!s Teams Indi5idua!s Qu$stion No' 17 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

T e tasks per#ormed to determine t e e&istence o# de#ects is ca!!ed _______ /e$ugging T$stin! Repairing 2oding Qu$stion No' 18 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ 1an( de5e!opers write t e _________ #irst and t en incrementa!!( con5ert eac !ine into _________. Rea! code = Pseudo code ,s$udo cod$ = R$)" cod$ Rea! code = Arti#icia! code None o# t e gi5en options Qu$stion No' 19 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Forms can $e su$mitted t roug _______ = _______ met ods IN2-:/E" POST IN2-:/E" >ET GET> ,OST SEN/" POST Qu$stion No' .0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ I# an a!gorit m is s(ntactica!!( correct" $ut semantica!!( incorrect t en t is situation is ?er( good situation V$r& d)n!$rous situ)tion Not 5er( $ad Neutra! situation Qu$stion No' .1 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Heuristics _______ !ead to t e $est resu!ts. Sometimes /o not Occasiona!!( Not )"5)&s Qu$stion No' .. ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ In T2PIP communication #ragmentation is responsi$i!it( o# T2P IP 6 ?ot- TC, )nd I, Internet Qu$stion No' .0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Access to t e internet $ecame eas( a#ter t e in5ention o# @@@ = @$% ?ro5s$rs 1ain#rames

0inar( s(stem Signa!s Qu$stion No' .2 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , ic one is t e e&amp!e o# spreads eet so#tware . 1S ,ord 1S PowerPoint MS EAc$" 1S Access Qu$stion No' .4 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ :ser can remote!( !og on to a computer and can a5e a contro! o5er it !ike a !oca! user using Te!Net Protoco! T$"N$t ,rotoco" )nd conn$ct$d to t-$ us$r t-rou!- TC,BI, n$t5or* Te!Net protoco! and FTP T2P@IP and FTP Qu$stion No' .3 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ I# incorrect!( we enter t e negati5e age it is c eck $( Limit Int$!rit& T(pe Integrit( Re#erentia! Integrit( P (sica! Integrit( Qu$stion No' .7 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% is a digita! programma$!e mec anica! mac ine 6 An)"&tic)" En!in$ /i##erence Engine Har5ard 1ark ) 1ec anica! engine Qu$stion No' .8 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T is e!ement o# F!ow 2 art is ca!!ed_____________. Process O11 )!$ conn$ctor /ecision 2onnector Qu$stion No' .9 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

In a !i$rar(As data$ase" i# t ere is an entr( in t e register #or 0ook B C*D t en t e corresponding 0ook must actua!!( e&istE is an e&amp!e o# w ic t(pe o# data integrit(F T(pe integrit( -imit integrit( P (sica! Integrit( 6 R$1$r$nti)" Int$!rit& Qu$stion No' 00 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Ada is a programming !anguage speci#ica!!( designed #or 6 An)"&tic)" En!in$ /i##erence Engine Har5ard 1ark ) 1ec anica! engine . FINALTERM EXAMINATION F)"" .009 CS101- Introduction to Com utin! Qu$stion No' 1 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ /um)n )r$ %$tt$r t-)n com ut$rs )t E##icienc( Accurac( ,)tt$rn r$co!nition None o# t e gi5en c oices Qu$stion No' . ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T2P stands #or ___________. Tota! communication protoco! Tr)nsmission contro" rotoco" Trans#er contro! protoco! Trans#er co!!ection protoco! Qu$stion No' 0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ First computer network was ___________. NSFNET FIRSTNET AR,ANET ORPHANET

Qu$stion No' 2 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ A user ma( access an( item on t e we$ t roug __________. CRL Te!net POP S1TP Qu$stion No' 4 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ In Ga5aScript" a 5aria$!e dec!aration is O tion)" 1andator( Not a!!owed None o# t e gi5en Qu$stion No' 3 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ According to a popu!ar euristic" success is de#ined $( ___________. T-$ us$r T e $ui!der 0ot user and $ui!der None o# t e gi5en options Qu$stion No' 7 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ To store rounded num$er o# 3.4 in a 5aria$!e ca!!ed 6r_num$er6" we write _____________. r_num$ers71at s.rounds83.49 r_num$er71at .rounds83.49 r:num%$r;M)t-<round(8<3+ r_num$er71at s.round83.49 Qu$stion No' 8 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ random89 #unction returns a random!(%se!ected" #!oating%point num$er $etween ____________. 0 )nd 1 + and )+ + and %)+ + and %) Qu$stion No' 9 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Trinoo is a __________ so#tware. DoS Scanning :ti!it( None o# t e gi5en options Qu$stion No' 10 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

, ic attri$ute o# t e I1> tag te!!s us a$out t e source o# t e image ____________. source pat !oc src Qu$stion No' 11 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e de5e!oper report to ___________ in a de5e!opment team. T$)m L$)d Pro;ect 1anager 2EO IT 1anager Qu$stion No' 1. ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e e##ecti5e wa( not to on!( write programs $ut a!so it works proper!( and #urt er more to minimi<e t e time and t e de5e!opment cost o# t e program is ca!!ed___________________ Programming 1ec anism ,ro!r)mmin! M$t-odo"o!& Programming S(nc roni<ation None o# t e gi5en options Qu$stion No' 10 ( M)r*s' 1 + T2P stands #or ________. - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

Trans#er 2enter protoco! Tr)nsmission Contro" ,rotoco" Transmission 2enter Protoco! Te!ep one 2enter Protoco! Qu$stion No' 12 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , en we $u( a so#tware package" we do not rea!!( $u( it" we ;ust $( a !icense t at a!!ows us to use it" t e ___________sta(s wit t e maker. Agreement O5n$rs-i 1em$ers ip So#tware Qu$stion No' 14 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ 1an( de5e!opers write t e _________ #irst and t en incrementa!!( con5ert eac !ine into _________. Rea! code = Pseudo code ,s$udo cod$ = R$)" cod$ Rea! code = Arti#icia! code

None o# t e gi5en options Qu$stion No' 13 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ 2o!!ection o# #acts = #igures is ca!!ed ____________. In1orm)tion /ata Entit( Attri$ute Qu$stion No' 17 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ A co!!ection o# data organi<ed in suc a wa( t at t e computer can 'uick!( searc #or a desired data item is known as F Retrie5ing D)t)%)s$ In#ormation /01S Qu$stion No' 18 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ To start an ordered !ist #rom *+ instead o# )" we wi!! write HO- $egin 7 I*+6J HO- initiate 7 I*+6J DOL st)rt ; E.0FG HO- #rom 7 I*+6J Qu$stion No' 19 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ :sing 2O-SPAN" num$er o# rows o# t e current ce!! s ou!d e&tend itse!# :pward Do5n5)rd 0ot :pward and /ownward None o# t e gi5en c oices Qu$stion No' .0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ 1icroso#t ,ord is a t(pe o#F S(stem So#tware Fr$$5)r$ So1t5)r$ S rink%,rapped So#tware 2ustom%$ui!t So#tware Qu$stion No' .1 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ 2ompound Statement a#ter decision constructs in Ga5aScript is enc!osed wit 8 9 K L M NE

H I Qu$stion No' .. ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ :sers __________" ow t ings work. Ana!(<e in detai! Mudd"$ t-rou! Figure out Read in detai! Qu$stion No' .0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ One can send an emai! message to a remote computer using _______ protoco! HTTP SMT, FTP TE-NET Qu$stion No' .2 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ ,riting a response" mu!tip!e statements are separated #rom eac ot er wit t e e!p o# ,$riod ( < + 2omma 8 " 9 2o!on 8 F 9 Semico!on 8 E 9 Qu$stion No' .4 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ ,it t e passage o# time t e #ie!d o# 2omputing and Te!ecommunication is _____________. /i5erging Con#$r!in! 0ecoming di##erent 0ecoming uni'ue Qu$stion No' .3 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , en we a5e to s ow 5a!ue as part o# a w o!e picture" w ic t(pe o# c art is used. 0ar c art Pie c art -ine grap Non$ o1 t-$ !i#$n Qu$stion No' .7 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ ______________ so#tware direct!( interacts wit t e user. A "ic)tion so1t5)r$

S(stem so#tware

Anon(mous so#tware Interacti5e so#tware Qu$stion No' .8 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ >!o$a! 5aria$!es can make t e !ogic o# a we$ page. Di11icu"t to und$rst)nd Easier to understand and maintain /i##icu!t to reuse and maintain /i##icu!t to understand" reuse and maintain Qu$stion No' .9 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ In )rtitionin! o1 ro!r)mBmodu"$> it s-ou"d %$ )ssur$d t-)t )rtition$d c-un*s s-ou"d %$ )s ::::::::: )s ossi%"$< /ependent Ind$ $nd$nt 2omp!e& A!! o# t e a$o5e FINALTERM EXAMINATION S rin! .009 CS101- Introduction to Com utin!

Qu$stion No' 1 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ @-ic- o1 t-$ 1o""o5in! -)rd5)r$ com on$nt o1 ) com ut$r c)n )"so %$ c)""$d )s $n!in$J 0us Storage 1emor( ,roc$ssor Qu$stion No' . ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T2P stands #or ___________. Tota! communication protoco! Tr)nsmission contro" rotoco" Trans#er contro! protoco! Trans#er co!!ection protoco! Qu$stion No' 0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ __________ $reaks down t e message to $e sent o5er t e internet into packets. FTP HTTP TC, IP Qu$stion No' 2 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ A 5aria$!e can $e _________ in scope. -oca! G"o%)" Eit er !oca! or g!o$a! None o# t e gi5en options Qu$stion No' 4 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ A protoco! used #or recei5ing emai! messages is ca!!ed ____________. :R Te!net POPD SMT, Qu$stion No' 3 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ A #unction is a!so ca!!ed __________. Su$%program Procedure Su$%routine

A"" o1 t-$ !i#$n o tion Qu$stion No' 7 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ 2apturing e5ents and responding to t em is ca!!ed __________. Function Hand!ing E#$nt /)nd"in! E5ent Procedure A!! o# t e gi5en option Qu$stion No' 8 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , ic one o# t e #o!!owing is NOT a primar( co!or. Red >reen K$""o5 0!ue Qu$stion No' 9 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ __________ are t ose programs in w ic t e #!ow o# t e program is determined $( t e userOs actions 8mouse c!icks" ke( presses9 or messages #rom ot er programs. E5ent ca!!ed programs E5ent processed programs E#$nt dri#$n ro!r)ms E5ent dec!ared programs Qu$stion No' 10 ( M)r*s' 1 + a 7 1at .cei!8)*.+)9 , at wi!! $e t e 5a!ue o# a . )* 10 )*.+ )D.+) Qu$stion No' 11 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ E5ent and!ers are p!aced in t e ___________ portion o# a ,e$ page as attri$utes in HT1- tags. HEA/ ?ODK S2RIPT TIT-E - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

Qu$stion No' 1. ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ _________ can $e used #or entering" editing" or 5iewing data" one record at a time. Pueries Forms Reports None o# t e gi5en options Qu$stion No' 10 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ random89 #unction returns a random!(%se!ected" #!oating%point num$er $etween ____________. 0 )nd 1 + and )+ + and %)+ + and %) Qu$stion No' 12 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e organi<ations are !earning t at $usiness can $e done in a more e##ecti5e manner i# emp asis is p!aced upon ___________. 2ooperation S ared responsi$i!it( Networking A"" o1 t-$ !i#$n o tions Qu$stion No' 14 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ In re!ationa! data$ase" data store in t e #orm o# _____________. T)%"$s Rows 2o!umns None o# t e gi5en options Qu$stion No' 13 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Spies o# one $usiness monitoring t e network tra##ic o# t eir competitorsA ___________. Industri)" Int$""i!$nc$ Industria! Espionage Industria! Sp(ing Industria! Sur5ei!!ance Qu$stion No' 17 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ _____________ waits #or some time and t en !aunc a #unction. Tim$out( + setTimeout8 9 setTime8 9 setTimeIn8 9 Qu$stion No' 18 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

_______________ $ased communication a!!ows $usiness entities to coordinate t e acti5ities o# t eir g!o$a!!( spread units wit greater accurac(. Intranet Int$rn$t Home -AN Qu$stion No' 19 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e ke( responsi$i!ities o# a pro;ect manager is _____________. P!anning and tracking o# t e pro;ect Arranging o# t e appropriate resources 2!ient re!ations ip management A"" o1 t-$ !i#$n o tions Qu$stion No' .0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ _____________ team consists on t e s arpest tec nica! minds in t e compan(. Arc-it$ctur$ 0usiness /e5e!opment 2on#iguration 1anagement /e5e!oper Qu$stion No' .1 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Smart editors can automatica!!( co!or di##erent parts o# statements in di##erent co!ors e.g. comments in ____________ co!or. >reen Gr$& 0!ue Red Qu$stion No' .. ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ A co!!ection o# data organi<ed in suc a wa( t at t e computer can 'uick!( searc #or a desired data item is known as F Retrie5ing D)t)%)s$ In#ormation /01S Qu$stion No' .0 ( M)r*s' 1 + /eep 0!ue was t e name o# com ut$r uman cit( game - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

Qu$stion No' .2 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ In#ormation a5ai!a$!e on t e we$ is

most"& 1r$$ o1 cost cost!( 5er( c eap o# no use Qu$stion No' .4 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

, ic one is correct.

H0O/QJH@0O/QJ H$od(JH@$od(J 0ot H0O/QJH@0O/QJ and H$od(JH@$od(J H0O/Q@J Qu$stion No' .3 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ _________ is t e $est known $ui!der #or supercomputers. Sun Cr)& R$s$)rc 1icroso#t App!e Qu$stion No' .7 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , ic one is t e e&amp!e o# spreads eet so#tware . 1S ,ord 1S PowerPoint MS EAc$" 1S Access Qu$stion No' .8 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ 2urrent!( t e 0!ueRa( /?/ can store more t an ________ o# data. )+ >0 )++ >0 40 G? )R+ >0 Qu$stion No' .9 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ 0!ue Paci#ic is a name o# ______ computer. 1ini /esktop 1icro Super Qu$stion No' 00 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ _________________ are power#u! pieces o# ardware" $ut not muc use#u! on t eir own. 1icrocontro!!ers Micro roc$ssors

Integrated circuits Ports Qu$stion No' 1 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

It represents t e _____________ #!ow c art e!ement. F!ow -ine 2onnector O##%page connector St)rt or Sto Qu$stion No' . ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , at is NOT a ke( #actor w i!e designing a we$site. :sa$i!it( :ser%#riend!( 2onsistenc( 6 Com "$Ait& Qu$stion No' 0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ __________S o# t e users a5e !e#t we$sites in #rustration due to poor na5igation. C+ 4* 6 80 T) Qu$stion No' 2 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ In Ga5aScript" a 5aria$!e dec!aration is Optiona! 1andator( Not a!!owed 6 Non$ o1 t-$ !i#$n Qu$stion No' 4 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ A protoco! used #or recei5ing emai! messages is ca!!ed ____________. :R Te!net 6 ,O,0 S1TP Qu$stion No' 3 ( M)r*s' 1 + , ic is correct. - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

on:n!oad on:n-oad on:N-OA/ 6 A"" o1 t-$ )%o#$

Qu$stion No' 7 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Seria! arrangement in w ic t ings #o!!ow !ogica! order or a recurrent pattern" suc as statements e&ecuting one $( one" is ca!!ed __________. -oop Se'uence 2ondition 6 Arr)& Qu$stion No' 8 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ ?aria$!es a!!ow us to manipu!ate data t roug t e ___________. Actua! ?a!ue 6 R$1$r$nc$ -engt Name Qu$stion No' 9 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Fu<<( !ogic is $ased on ____________. >round #acts E&perience Practice 6 A roAim)tion Qu$stion No' 10 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

,ord Processor is a _________________ S(stem So#tware 6A "ic)tion So1t5)r$



Qu$stion No' 11 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ In t e o!d da(s" data$ases did NOT support ____________. Num$er 0oo!ean 6 Vid$o Te&t Qu$stion No' 1. ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ In ta$u!ar storage" #ie!ds p!aced in a particu!ar row are strong!( ___________. Independent /ependent 6 Int$rr$")t$d Inconsistent Qu$stion No' 10 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ /ue to working at ome" !ack o# interaction ma( resu!t in ___________ pro#essiona! growt . 6 S"o5$r Faster Hig er Impro5ed Qu$stion No' 12 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ /istance !earning as got a $oost due to t e ___________. Eas( communication On!ine interacti5e contents F!e&i$i!it( 6 A"" o1 t-$ !i#$n o tions Qu$stion No' 14 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ _____________ tec ni'ue can $e used to create smoot animations or to disp!a( one o# se5era! images $ased on t e re'uirement. Image down!oading 6 Im)!$ r$"o)din! Image up!oading Image post!oading Qu$stion No' 13 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e ____________ is $ecoming t e pre#erred organi<ationa! structure #or more and more organi<ations wit t e passage o# time. Tree structured organi<ationa! mode! 6 N$t5or* )r)di!m Hierarc ica! structure

None o# t e gi5en options Qu$stion No' 17 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e group o# tec no!ogies concerned wit t e capturing" processing and transmission o# in#ormation in t e digita! e!ectronic #orm is ca!!ed _____________. Te!ecom Engineering 2omputer Engineering 2omputer Science In1orm)tion T$c-no"o!& Qu$stion No' 18 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ A !arge num$er o# networks interconnected p (sica!!( is ca!!ed ______ -AN 1AN 6 Int$rn$t Network co!!ection Qu$stion No' 19 ( M)r*s' 1 + T2P stands #or ________. - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

Trans#er 2enter protoco! 6 Tr)nsmission Contro" ,rotoco" Transmission 2enter Protoco! Te!ep one 2enter Protoco! Qu$stion No' .0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ A co!!ection o# data organi<ed in suc a wa( t at t e computer can 'uick!( searc #or a desired data item is known as F Retrie5ing 6 D)t)%)s$ In#ormation /01S Qu$stion No' .1 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ ______ is simp!( a #ast port t at !ets (ou connect computer perip era!s and consumer e!ectronics to (our computer wit out restart. Freeware S areware 6 Fir$5ir$ Firmware Qu$stion No' .. ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Structures" in w ic anot er !ist starts $e#ore t e #irst !ist is #inis ed" are ca!!edF 1u!tip!e -ists N$st$d Lists Ordered -ists

:n%ordered -ists Qu$stion No' .0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e ke( propert( o# t e UArra(A o$;ect in Ga5aScript is 6 V)"u$ -engt Name A!! o# t e gi5en c oices Qu$stion No' .2 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , ic one is t e e&amp!e o# spreads eet so#tware . 1S ,ord 1S PowerPoint MS EAc$" 1S Access Qu$stion No' .4 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e Encr(ption o# data is re!ated to /ata updates 6 D)t) s$curit& /ata integrit( /ata accessi$i!it( Qu$stion No' .3 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ _____ is t e process o# ana!(<ing !arge data$ases to identi#( patterns. /ata norma!i<ation /ata management 6 D)t) Minin! None o# t e gi5en options Qu$stion No' .7 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , ic is t e user%#riend!( wa( o# presenting data . Puer( Form 6 R$ ort A!! o# t e gi5en options Qu$stion No' .8 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Ga5aScript #unction #i&ed89 as e'ui5a!ent HT1- tag%set ____ H.FIVJWWWWWH@FIVJ HFJWWWWWW..H@FJ 6 D,REGLLLL<DB,REG HHJWWWWWW..H@HJ Qu$stion No' .9 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$
H#ormJ Tags a!wa(s p!aced $etween t e H0O/QJ and H@0O/QJ tags o# a ,e$ page

6 Tru$ Fa!se Qu$stion No' 00 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Ga5a script as %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% a$i!it( to create and draw grap ics.

-imited ?ersati!e 1edium 6 Not )t )"" Qu$stion No' 1 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Cr)&-1 5)s 1irst comm$rci)" ::::::::: com ut$r Su $r 1ini 1icro Persona! Qu$stion No' . ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ ?ro5s$r is ) :::::::::::::::::: us$d 1or %ro5sin!< Too" 2omponent /e5ice None o# t e gi5en c oices Qu$stion No' 0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ It represents t e _____________ #!ow c art e!ement. F"o5 Lin$ 2onnector O##%page connector Start or Stop Qu$stion No' 2 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Ga5aScript is an e&amp!e o# _____________ !anguage. O%M$ct-%)s$d O$;ect%oriented 1ac ine Assem$!( Qu$stion No' 4 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e set o# ru!es and guide!ines a team o# de5e!opers #o!!ow to construct reasona$!(

comp!e& S, s(stems is ca!!ed O$;ect Oriented /esign O%M$ct Ori$nt$d So1t5)r$ /esign 1et odo!og( Programming !anguage Qu$stion No' 3 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ ,ater#a!! is a _________ !i#e%c(c!e mode!. Spira! S$Nu$nti)" 2ircu!ar Sp erica! Qu$stion No' 7 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

, at appens i# I start a new !ist wit out c!osing t e origina! one. An error wi!! $e generated A n$st$d "ist 5i"" %$ cr$)t$d

Pre5ious !ist wi!! end and a new wi!! start. Not ing wi!! appen Qu$stion No' 8 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ In Spreads eets" (ou can create a re!ations ip $etween two ce!!s $( using _____. Num$ers Te&t Formu")s None o# t e gi5en c oices Qu$stion No' 9 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ ?isi2a!c was t e #irst popu!ar _______app!ication on P2As. S r$)ds-$$t ,ord processor Presentation /ata$ase Qu$stion No' 10 ( M)r*s' 1 + Fins are used to %%%%%%%%%%%%%% - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

2ommunicate wit microprocessor Incr$)s$ sur1)c$ )r$) o1 F)n

/ecrease sur#ace area o# Fan Speed up t e Fan. Qu$stion No' 11 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ :sing on!( HT1- we can create /(namic we$ pages St)tic 5$% )!$s 0ot Static and /(namic pages None o# t ese Qu$stion No' 1. ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ E5er(t ing t at Ga5aScript manipu!ates is treated asF O%M$ct ,indow Te&t Script Qu$stion No' 10 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e ______ is connected to a!! ot er modu!es o# t e microprocessor. Contro" unit 1emor( unit F!oating Point unit Arit metic and -ogic unit Qu$stion No' 12 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ 2ommunication protoco! is a __________t at go5erns t e #!ow o# in#ormation o5er a network Set o# protoco!s S$t o1 ru"$s /e5ice Set o# met ods Qu$stion No' 14 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ _________ is t e inter#ace in computer t at supports transmission o# mu!tip!e $its at t e same time. Seria! Port

,)r)""$" ,ort :ni5ersa! Seria! 0us None o# t e gi5en c oices Qu$stion No' 13 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ _____ was designed as a rep!acement #or t(pewriter Spreads eet So#tware @ord ,roc$ssor So1t5)r$ Presentation So#tware /ata$ase So#tware Qu$stion No' 17 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , ic one o# t ese trans!ates t e program once at a time . Interpreter Com i"$r Operating s(stem Trans!ator Qu$stion No' 18 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Randomi<ed a!gorit ms are o#ten ________ t an deterministic a!gorit ms #or t e same pro$!em. Simp!er and more s!ow Sim "$r )nd mor$ $11ici$nt 2omp!e& and more e##icient 2omp!e& and more s!ow Qu$stion No' 19 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Ada written a computer programme #or . An)"&tic)" En!in$ /i##erence Engine Har5ard 1ark ) 1ec anica! engine Qu$stion No' .0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ A test proposed to determine i# a computer as t e a$i!it( to t ink. It is ca!!edJ Turin! t$st Turning test Inte!!igence test

None Qu$stion No' .1 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

T e most used #orm tag is t e HinputJ tag. True F)"s$ Qu$stion No' .. ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

, en t e user c!icks on t e 6Su$mit6 $utton" t e content o# t e #orm is sent to t e ser5er. Tru$ Fa!se Qu$stion No' .0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ E&tension #or sa5ing we$ page is @ areE X. tm! X. tm O<-tm" )nd O<-tm %ot- )r$ in us$ None o# T ese Qu$stion No' .2 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ In spread s eet a ce!! ma( contain Num$ers Te&t Formu!as A"" o1 t-$ !i#$n Qu$stion No' .4 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Programs w ere no user interaction #ound during program e&ecution are ca!!ed __________. ?)tc- ro!r)ms E5ent%dri5en programs >rap ics $ased programs None o# t e gi5en Qu$stion No' .3 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ OO so#tware is a!! a$out _____________. 0e a5iors

1et ods Properties O%M$cts FINALTERM EXAMINATION F)"" .009 CS101- Introduction to Com utin! (S$ssion - .+ Qu$stion No' 1 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T-$ m$mor& siP$ o1 t-$ A"t)ir 8800 5)s )*3 $(tes )*3 Yi!o $(tes *R4 Yi!o $(tes 6 .43 %&t$s Qu$stion No' . ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ A named co!!ection o# properties 8data" state9 and met ods 8instruction" $e a5ior9 is ca!!ed ____________. Arra( Function ?aria$!e 6 O%M$ct Qu$stion No' 0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Ga5aScript ?aria$!es are ____________. 6 D&n)mic)""& T& $d Statica!!( T(ped Strong T(ped None o# t e gi5en options Qu$stion No' 2 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Seria! arrangement in w ic t ings #o!!ow !ogica! order or a recurrent pattern" suc as statements e&ecuting one $( one" is ca!!ed __________. -oop Se'uence 2ondition 6 Arr)& Qu$stion No' 4 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Ru!e o# t um$ !earned t roug tria! and error is ca!!ed ___________. /esign 6 /$uristic P!an Aim Qu$stion No' 3 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

According to euristic" i# (ou canAt e&p!ain it in ____________ minutes" eit er (ou donAt understand it or it does not work. )+ * 64 C Qu$stion No' 7 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ To store rounded num$er o# 3.4 in a 5aria$!e ca!!ed 6r_num$er6" we write _____________. r_num$ers71at s.rounds83.49 r_num$er71at .rounds83.49 6 r:num%$r;M)t-<round(8<3+ r_num$er71at s.round83.49 Qu$stion No' 8 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ :sing on!( HT1- we can create /(namic we$ pages 6 St)tic 5$% )!$s 0ot Static and /(namic pages None o# t ese Qu$stion No' 9 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ __________ #unction returns t e !argest integer t at is !ess t an or e'ua! to &. 6 round(A+ #!oor cei! a$s8&9 Qu$stion No' 10 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ /ue to working at ome" contact wit t e co!!eagues is __________" w ic ma( resu!t in __________ 'ua!it( o# work Reduced" Poorer Reduced" 0etter Increased" Poorer 6 Incr$)s$d> ?$tt$r Qu$stion No' 11 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e distance among #ami!ies is ___________ $ecause o# spending more time on internet. 6 Incr$)s$d E&panded

2ontracted /ecreased Qu$stion No' 1. ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , en we$ ser5er is $us( it gi5es t e #o!!owing message to t e user F Time out ,aiting 6 S$r#$r %us& None o# t e gi5en options Qu$stion No' 10 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ ____________ is designed #or detecting 5iruses and inocu!ating. 6 Anti#irus :ti!it( Tro;an None o# t e gi5en c oices Qu$stion No' 12 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e ____________ is $ecoming t e pre#erred organi<ationa! structure #or more and more organi<ations wit t e passage o# time. Tree structured organi<ationa! mode! 6 N$t5or* )r)di!m Hierarc ica! structure None o# t e gi5en options Qu$stion No' 14 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ P!anning and tracking o# t e pro;ect is t e responsi$i!it( o# t e___________. 6 ,roM$ct M)n)!$r Arc itect /e5e!oper 2 ie# E&ecuti5e O##icer Qu$stion No' 13 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e responsi$i!ities o# t e Team -ead inc!udes_____________. P!anning and tracking o# t e pro;ect /etai!ed design Pro#essiona! de5e!opment o# team mem$ers 6 A"" o1 t-$ !i#$n o tions Qu$stion No' 17 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ _____________ team is responsi$!e #or a pro;ect a#ter t e speci#icationAs stage ti!! t e 5er( end. E&ecuti5e Arc itect 6 D$#$"o m$nt HR

Qu$stion No' 18 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T ere are _________ t(pes o# errors. * 60 C R Qu$stion No' 19 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ ________ are t e computers t at per#orm at or near t e current!( ig est operationa! rate #or computers. 1inicomputers 1icrocomputers 6 Su $rcom ut$rs Persona! 2omputers Qu$stion No' .0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , ic one o# t ese is NOT an e&amp!e o# storage de5ices. Tape 6 RAM F!opp( /?/ Qu$stion No' .1 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Forms can $e su$mitted $( using __________ di##erent met ods 6. D C R Qu$stion No' .. ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , ic is NOT true #or Ga5aScript 5aria$!e name . Student Ro!!_no_)))) For 6 :sc-$du"$ Qu$stion No' .0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ One can $rowse documents residing on a remote computer using ________ protoco!. 6 /TT, S1TP FTP TE-NET Qu$stion No' .2 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , ic one is t e e&amp!e o# spreads eet so#tware .

1S ,ord 1S PowerPoint 6 MS EAc$" 1S Access Qu$stion No' .4 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ :ser can remote!( !og on to a computer and can a5e a contro! o5er it !ike a !oca! user using Te!Net Protoco! 6 T$"N$t ,rotoco" )nd conn$ct$d to t-$ us$r t-rou!- TC,BI, n$t5or* Te!Net protoco! and FTP T2P@IP and FTP Qu$stion No' .3 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Hardware ma!#unctions is re!ated to /ata updates /ata integrit( /ata securit( 6 D)t) )cc$ssi%i"it& Qu$stion No' .7 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Power0ui!der #a!!s in t e categor( o# ______________.

Assem$!( -anguages C%t >eneration -anguages 1ac ine -anguages 6 /i!--L$#$" L)n!u)!$s Qu$stion No' .8 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ 0ack$one is a!so ca!!ed as ________. 6 #?NS 0NS 5H0NS H0NS Qu$stion No' .9 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ >!o$a! 5aria$!es can make t e !ogic o# a we$ page. 6 Di11icu"t to und$rst)nd Easier to understand and maintain /i##icu!t to reuse and maintain /i##icu!t to understand" reuse and maintain Qu$stion No' 00 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

In Ga5aScriptF In order to disp!a( t e te&t on $rowser Gr)d$ A" w ic o# #o!!owing statement is True. documentwrite8 6>rade A69 6 docum$nt<5rit$( FGr)d$ AF+Q document.write8 6>radeZ == A69E document.write8 6>radeZ == IA69E FINALTERM EXAMINATION F)"" .009 CS101- Introduction to Com utin! Qu$stion No' 1 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ /um)n )r$ %$tt$r t-)n com ut$rs )t E##icienc( Accurac( ,)tt$rn r$co!nition None o# t e gi5en c oices Qu$stion No' . ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T2P stands #or ___________. Tota! communication protoco! Tr)nsmission contro" rotoco" Trans#er contro! protoco! Trans#er co!!ection protoco! Qu$stion No' 0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ First computer network was ___________. NSFNET FIRSTNET AR,ANET ORPHANET Qu$stion No' 2 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ A user ma( access an( item on t e we$ t roug __________. CRL Te!net POP S1TP Qu$stion No' 4 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ In Ga5aScript" a 5aria$!e dec!aration is O tion)" 1andator( Not a!!owed None o# t e gi5en

Qu$stion No' 3 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ According to a popu!ar euristic" success is de#ined $( ___________. T-$ us$r T e $ui!der 0ot user and $ui!der None o# t e gi5en options Qu$stion No' 7 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ To store rounded num$er o# 3.4 in a 5aria$!e ca!!ed 6r_num$er6" we write _____________. r_num$ers71at s.rounds83.49 r_num$er71at .rounds83.49 r:num%$r;M)t-<round(8<3+ r_num$er71at s.round83.49 Qu$stion No' 8 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ random89 #unction returns a random!(%se!ected" #!oating%point num$er $etween ____________. 0 )nd 1 + and )+ + and %)+ + and %) Qu$stion No' 9 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Trinoo is a __________ so#tware. DoS Scanning :ti!it( None o# t e gi5en options Qu$stion No' 10 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , ic attri$ute o# t e I1> tag te!!s us a$out t e source o# t e image ____________. source pat !oc src Qu$stion No' 11 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e de5e!oper report to ___________ in a de5e!opment team. T$)m L$)d Pro;ect 1anager 2EO IT 1anager Qu$stion No' 1. ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

T e e##ecti5e wa( not to on!( write programs $ut a!so it works proper!( and #urt er more to minimi<e t e time and t e de5e!opment cost o# t e program is ca!!ed___________________ Programming 1ec anism ,ro!r)mmin! M$t-odo"o!& Programming S(nc roni<ation None o# t e gi5en options Qu$stion No' 10 ( M)r*s' 1 + T2P stands #or ________. - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

Trans#er 2enter protoco! Tr)nsmission Contro" ,rotoco" Transmission 2enter Protoco! Te!ep one 2enter Protoco! Qu$stion No' 12 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , en we $u( a so#tware package" we do not rea!!( $u( it" we ;ust $( a !icense t at a!!ows us to use it" t e ___________sta(s wit t e maker. Agreement O5n$rs-i 1em$ers ip So#tware Qu$stion No' 14 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ 1an( de5e!opers write t e _________ #irst and t en incrementa!!( con5ert eac !ine into _________. Rea! code = Pseudo code ,s$udo cod$ = R$)" cod$ Rea! code = Arti#icia! code None o# t e gi5en options Qu$stion No' 13 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ 2o!!ection o# #acts = #igures is ca!!ed ____________. In#ormation 6 D)t) Entit( Attri$ute Qu$stion No' 17 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ A co!!ection o# data organi<ed in suc a wa( t at t e computer can 'uick!( searc #or a desired data item is known as F Retrie5ing

D)t)%)s$ In#ormation /01S Qu$stion No' 18 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ To start an ordered !ist #rom *+ instead o# )" we wi!! write HO- $egin 7 I*+6J HO- initiate 7 I*+6J DOL st)rt ; E.0FG HO- #rom 7 I*+6J Qu$stion No' 19 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ :sing 2O-SPAN" num$er o# rows o# t e current ce!! s ou!d e&tend itse!# :pward Do5n5)rd 0ot :pward and /ownward None o# t e gi5en c oices Qu$stion No' .0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ 1icroso#t ,ord is a t(pe o#F S(stem So#tware Fr$$5)r$ So1t5)r$ S rink%,rapped So#tware 2ustom%$ui!t So#tware Qu$stion No' .1 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ 2ompound Statement a#ter decision constructs in Ga5aScript is enc!osed wit 8 9 K L M NE H I Qu$stion No' .. ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ :sers __________" ow t ings work. Ana!(<e in detai! Mudd"$ t-rou! Figure out Read in detai! Qu$stion No' .0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ One can send an emai! message to a remote computer using _______ protoco! HTTP SMT, FTP

TE-NET Qu$stion No' .2 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ ,riting a response" mu!tip!e statements are separated #rom eac ot er wit t e e!p o# ,$riod ( < + 2omma 8 " 9 2o!on 8 F 9 Semico!on 8 E 9 Qu$stion No' .4 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ ,it t e passage o# time t e #ie!d o# 2omputing and Te!ecommunication is _____________. /i5erging Con#$r!in! 0ecoming di##erent 0ecoming uni'ue Qu$stion No' .3 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , en we a5e to s ow 5a!ue as part o# a w o!e picture" w ic t(pe o# c art is used. 0ar c art Pie c art -ine grap Non$ o1 t-$ !i#$n Qu$stion No' .7 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ ______________ so#tware direct!( interacts wit t e user. A "ic)tion so1t5)r$

S(stem so#tware Anon(mous so#tware Interacti5e so#tware Qu$stion No' .8 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ >!o$a! 5aria$!es can make t e !ogic o# a we$ page. Di11icu"t to und$rst)nd Easier to understand and maintain /i##icu!t to reuse and maintain /i##icu!t to understand" reuse and maintain Qu$stion No' .9 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

In )rtitionin! o1 ro!r)mBmodu"$> it s-ou"d %$ )ssur$d t-)t )rtition$d c-un*s s-ou"d %$ )s ::::::::: )s ossi%"$< /ependent Ind$ $nd$nt 2omp!e& A!! o# t e a$o5e FINALTERM EXAMINATION F)"" .009 CS101- Introduction to Com utin! (S$ssion - 2+

Qu$stion No' 1 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Success o# a we$site is de#ined $( ____________. 6 Cs$r /esigner A /e5e!oper Programmer Qu$stion No' . ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , ic one is correct #or Ga5aScript. onMous$O#$r On1ouseO5er onmouseo5er A!! o# t e gi5en Qu$stion No' 0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ An inde&ed !ist o# e!ements is ca!!ed _____________. 2o!!ection Arr)& Set >roup Qu$stion No' 2 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ ________ is t e wa( t at internet domain names are !ocated and trans!ated into IP addresses. FTP ?oIP DNS T2P Qu$stion No' 4 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

T e $rowser $reaks down t e :R- into ________ parts. * 0 C R Qu$stion No' 3 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , ic one o# t e #o!!owing is not an e5ent and!erOs attri$ute. Function Identi#ier E'ua! sign Strin! consistin! o1 R)#)Scri t st)t$m$nts Qu$stion No' 7 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Ga5aScript ?aria$!es are ____________. D&n)mic)""& T& $d Statica!!( T(ped Strong T(ped None o# t e gi5en options Qu$stion No' 8 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , ic o# t e #o!!owing is NOT a -oop statement. For , i!e S5itc /o%, i!e Qu$stion No' 9 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ According to a popu!ar euristic" success is de#ined $( ___________. T-$ us$r T e $ui!der 0ot user and $ui!der None o# t e gi5en options Qu$stion No' 10 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , ic one o# t e #o!!owing is an app!ication #or arti#icia! inte!!igence. Ro%otic ,e$ Agent /ecision Support S(stem A!! o# t e gi5en options

Qu$stion No' 11 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ :sing on!( HT1- we can create /(namic we$ pages St)tic 5$% )!$s 0ot Static and /(namic pages None o# t ese Qu$stion No' 1. ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e ______ is connected to a!! ot er modu!es o# t e microprocessor. Contro" unit 1emor( unit F!oating Point unit Arit metic and -ogic unit Qu$stion No' 10 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , ic o# t e #o!!owings is NOT a Re!ationa! /01S so#tware. Access FrontPage Fi!e1aker Pro SQL S$r#$r Qu$stion No' 12 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ countr(7ZHe!!o PakistanZE document.write8countr(.!engt 9E T e out put o# t e a$o5e statement is ____________. )* )D )C 6 14 Qu$stion No' 14 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e distance among #ami!ies is ___________ $ecause o# spending more time on internet. Incr$)s$d E&panded 2ontracted /ecreased Qu$stion No' 13 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ ______________ is a #ie!d t at uni'ue!( identi#ies eac record stored in a ta$!e.

2omposite Ye( ,rim)r& *$& Foreign ke( None o# t e gi5en options Qu$stion No' 17 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ P!anning and tracking o# t e pro;ect is t e responsi$i!it( o# t e___________. Arc itect T$)m L$)d /e5e!oper 2 ie# E&ecuti5e O##icer Qu$stion No' 18 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ ___________ as great PR ski!!s. Arc itect Team -ead Pro;ect 1anager C-i$1 EA$cuti#$ O11ic$r Qu$stion No' 19 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ _____________ team is responsi$!e #or a pro;ect a#ter t e speci#icationAs stage ti!! t e 5er( end. E&ecuti5e Arc itect D$#$"o m$nt HR Qu$stion No' .0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ A !arge num$er o# networks interconnected p (sica!!( is ca!!ed ______ -AN 6 MAN Internet Network co!!ection Qu$stion No' .1 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ E##icienc( is ______ to uni5ersa!it( E'ua! Dir$ct ro ortion)" In5erse!( proportiona! Not proportiona! Qu$stion No' .. ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T ere are _________ wa(s o# ca!!ing #unctions. One T5o T ree

Four Qu$stion No' .0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , ic protoco! is use to trans#er a #i!e o5er t e network . :/P FT, T2P OSI Qu$stion No' .2 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ ,riting a response" mu!tip!e statements are separated #rom eac ot er wit t e e!p o# ,$riod ( < + 2omma 8 " 9 2o!on 8 F 9 Semico!on 8 E 9 Qu$stion No' .4 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Popu!ar sc emes used #or reducing $(tes #or storage areF R>0 and 2o!or mapping R>0 and /it ering R>0" 2o!or mapping and /it ering Co"or m) in! )nd Dit-$rin! Qu$stion No' .3 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ ______________ as t e a$i!it( to automate and simp!i#( dai!( tasks. Producti5it( so#tware 6A "ic)tion so1t5)r$

S(stem so#tware >rap ica! so#tware Qu$stion No' .7 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , ic representation tec ni'ue o# a!gorit m is more suita$!e #or de5e!oper to make actua! code___________. s$udo cod$ #!ow c art $ot pseudo code and #!ow c art


Qu$stion No' .8 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ ::::::::::::_ is used to terminate a!! Ga5aScript statements. 2o!on S$mico"on :nderscore Apostrop e Qu$stion No' .9 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ 2ON2ATENATE operator is used to____________ e!ements. Su$tract 1u!tip!( Roin Add Qu$stion No' 00 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ In )rtitionin! o1 ro!r)mBmodu"$> it s-ou"d %$ )ssur$d t-)t )rtition$d c-un*s s-ou"d %$ )s ::::::::: )s ossi%"$< /ependent Ind$ $nd$nt 2omp!e& A!! o# t e a$o5e . FINALTERM EXAMINATION S rin! .010 CS101- Introduction to Com utin!

Qu$stion No' 1 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , at is NOT a ke( #actor w i!e designing a we$site. :sa$i!it( :ser%#riend!( 2onsistenc( 6 Com "$Ait& Qu$stion No' . ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ 2ommunications on t e internet is contro!!ed $( a set o# two protoco!s w ic are ____________. I1AP and S1TP

FTP and HTTP 6 TC, )nd I, T2P and HTTP Qu$stion No' 0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ A 5aria$!e can $e _________ in scope. -oca! >!o$a! 6 Eit-$r "oc)" or !"o%)" None o# t e gi5en options Qu$stion No' 2 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ A protoco! used #or recei5ing emai! messages is ca!!ed ____________. :R Te!net 6 POPD 6 SMT, Qu$stion No' 4 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ A!iasing pro$!em can $e managed $( ____________t e si<e o# pi&e!s. 6 R$ducin! Increasing >aining 1odi#(ing Qu$stion No' 3 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Seria! arrangement in w ic t ings #o!!ow !ogica! order or a recurrent pattern" suc as statements e&ecuting one $( one" is ca!!ed __________. 6 Loo Se'uence 2ondition Arra( Qu$stion No' 7 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , ic o# t e #o!!owing data t(pes are recogni<ed $( Ga5aScript. Strings Num$ers :nde#ined 6 A"" o1 t-$ !i#$n o tions Qu$stion No' 8 ( M)r*s' 1 + a 7 1at .cei!8)*.+)9 - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

, at wi!! $e t e 5a!ue o# a . 6 1. )D )*.+ )D.+) Qu$stion No' 9 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ In t e o!d da(s" data$ases did NOT support ____________. Num$er 0oo!ean 6 Vid$o Te&t Qu$stion No' 10 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e organi<ations are !earning t at $usiness can $e done in a more e##ecti5e manner i# emp asis is p!aced upon ___________. 2ooperation S ared responsi$i!it( 6 Networking 6 A"" o1 t-$ !i#$n o tions Qu$stion No' 11 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ 1odu!e !e5e! design is t e responsi$i!it( o# t e ___________. Arc itect Team -ead 6 D$#$"o $r 2EO Qu$stion No' 1. ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ _____________ errors are caused $( t e code t at some ow 5io!ates t e ru!e o# t e !anguage. S&nt)A Semantic Run time -oad time Qu$stion No' 10 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e wor!d #irst computer program was written to computeF Simp!e se'uence 1u!tip!e se'uence 0ernou!!iAs se'uence Increasing se'uence Qu$stion No' 12 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

1icroso#t ,ord is a t(pe o#F S(stem So#tware Freeware So#tware 6 S-rin*-@r) $d So1t5)r$ 2ustom%$ui!t So#tware Qu$stion No' 14 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ ,e need _____________ #or memor( management in computer So#tware Hardware 6 O $r)tin! S&st$m App!ication So#tware Qu$stion No' 13 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ _____________ is genera!!( measured in terms o# t e num$er o# steps re'uired to e&ecute an a!gorit m Space 6 Tim$ 1emor( and time 0andwidt Qu$stion No' 17 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Power0ui!der #a!!s in t e categor( o# ______________.

Assem$!( -anguages 2-t- G$n$r)tion L)n!u)!$s 1ac ine -anguages Hig %-e5e! -anguages

Qu$stion No' 18 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ ___________ means to $reak down into simp!er components and ana!(<e. Recursion 6 ,)rsin! Scope Na5igation Qu$stion No' 19 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$
1or(#)r i;1Q iD;.Qi;iS1+ H docum$nt<5rit$( FSort$d @ords'F S FD?RGF + I

, ic o# t e #o!!owing s a!! $e t e output o# a$o5e codeF

Sorted ,ordsF Sorted ,ordsF Sorted ,ordsF Sorted ,ordsF 6 Sort$d @ords' ED?RGT Sort$d @ords' ED?RGT Sorted ,ordsF H0RJ Sorted ,ordsF H0RJ

Qu$stion No' .0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Assem$!( !anguages a!!ow a programmer to use _________ #or num$ers. O$;ect Entit( 6 N)m$ Interpreter Qu$stion No' .1 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ __________ means (ou a5e on!( one container to store more t an one 5a!ue in Ga5aScript. 6 V)ri)%"$ 1atri& Arra( String Qu$stion No' .. ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ 2oding is t e responsi$i!it( o# ________________ So#tware designer 6 So1t5)r$ d$#$"o $r Pro;ect manager None o# gi5en Qu$stion No' .0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ CEO stands #or____________________ 2entra! E&ecuti5e o##icer 2 ie# E&terna! o##icer 6 C-i$1 $A$cuti#$ o11ic$r None o# gi5en Qu$stion No' .2 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

/ecision Support S(stems wi!! $ecome a $igger part o# t e pro#essiona! !i#e o# t e________ . /octors 1angers 1arketers 6 A"" o1 )%o#$ Qu$stion No' .4 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e output o# #u<<( -ogic S(stem is computed $( using ______Tec ni'ue. 1AV%1AV 1AV%1IN 1IN%1AV Non$ o1 t-$ !i#$n Qu$stion No' .3 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ In t e statement 1at .PI" 1at is _________ and PI is ___________. ?aria$!e" 2onstant O$;ect " 1et od O$;ect " Function 6 O%M$ct > ,ro $rt& FINALTERM EXAMINATION S rin! .010 CS101- Introduction to Com utin! Qu$stion No' 1 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ An)"&tic)" En!in$ is -----------------6 An e!ectrica! mac ine 6 A di!it)" m)c-in$ 6 An ana!og mac ine 6 A specia! purpose mac ine Qu$stion No' . ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ ,e$site design s ou!d NOT $e __________. 6 :ni#ied 6 Com "$A 6 2onsistent 6 Predicta$!e Qu$stion No' 0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T2P stands #or ___________. 6 Tota! communication protoco! 6 Tr)nsmission contro" rotoco" 6 Trans#er contro! protoco! 6 Trans#er co!!ection protoco! Qu$stion No' 2 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ A 5oca$u!ar( and set o# grammatica! ru!es #or instructing a computer to per#orm speci#ic tasks is ca!!ed

6 So#tware 6 ,ro!r)mmin! ")n!u)!$ 6 /e5ice dri5er 6 Interpreter Qu$stion No' 4 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ A _________ is a meaning#u!" eas(%to%remem$er U!a$e!A #or an IP address. 6 T2P address 6 Dom)in n)m$ 6 Network name 6 ?oIP Qu$stion No' 3 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ In spreads eets" ce!! address A)* means _______. 6 Row A" 2!oumn )* 6 Ro5 1.> C"oumn A 6 Row *"2!oumn A) 6 Row A)" 2!oumn * Qu$stion No' 7 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ According to t e euristic" t e num$er o# de#ects remaining in a s(stem a#ter a gi5en !e5e! o# tests is proportiona! to ___________. 6 T e num$er #ound on 5er( #irst da(. 6 T e num$er #ound during t e de5e!opment. 6 T-$ num%$r 1ound durin! t-$ t$st< 6 None o# t e gi5en options. Qu$stion No' 8 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , ic one is t e $est option #or designing a 1edica! E&pert S(stem. 6 Ru!e 0ased S(stem 6 >enetic A!gorit m 6 Fu<<( -ogic 6 N$ur)" N$t5or* Qu$stion No' 9 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ 2ommand t at a!!ows (ou to reco5er #orm mistakes is ca!!ed __________. 6 2!ear 6 Edit 6 Cndo 6 0reak Qu$stion No' 10 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e document. ,rite 8 9 met od e&pects ___________ as its argument. 6 Integer 6 F!oat 6 Strin! 6 0oo!ean Qu$stion No' 11 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ ,e use ___________ to stop 0reak%Ins. 6 Scanners 6 Intrusion d$t$ctors 6 :ti!ities

6 None o# t e gi5en options Qu$stion No' 1. ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e de5e!oper report to ___________ in a de5e!opment team. 6 T$)m L$)d 6 Pro;ect 1anager 6 2EO 6 IT 1anager Qu$stion No' 10 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e ke( responsi$i!ities o# a pro;ect manager is _____________. 6 P!anning and tracking o# t e pro;ect 6 Arranging o# t e appropriate resources 6 2!ient re!ations ip management 6 A"" o1 t-$ !i#$n o tions Qu$stion No' 12 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e ke( responsi$i!ities o# t e arc itect o# t e pro;ect is______________. 6 Tec no!og( se!ection 6 Hig %!e5e! design 6 1akes certain t at t e imp!ementation remains true to t e design 6 A"" o1 t-$ !i#$n o tions Qu$stion No' 14 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e important attri$ute o# image tag is ________________. 6 src 6 image 6 None o# t e gi5en options 6 a!t Qu$stion No' 13 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ onA$ort " onError are t e _______________ o# t e image o$;ect. 6 E#$nt /)nd"$r 6 Properties 6 1et ods 6 None o# t e gi5en options Qu$stion No' 17 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Now a da(s" users communicate wit t e computer using a consistent __________ pro5ided $( t e Operating S(stem. 6 2ommand%!ine inter#ace 6 App!ication Inter#ace 6 Cs$r Int$r1)c$ 6 Protoco! Qu$stion No' 18 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ One can $rowse documents residing on a remote computer using ________ protoco!. 6 /TT, 6 S1TP 6 FTP 6 TE-NET

Qu$stion No' 19

( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

, ic o# t e #o!!owing de5ice can $e used to contro! network tra##ic. 6 2a$!e 6 2onnector 6 /u% 6 Repeater Qu$stion No' .0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ :ser can remote!( !og on to a computer and can a5e a contro! o5er it !ike a !oca! user using 6 Te!Net Protoco! 6 T$"N$t ,rotoco" )nd conn$ct$d to t-$ us$r t-rou!- TC,BI, n$t5or* 6 Te!Net protoco! and FTP 6 T2P@IP and FTP Qu$stion No' .1 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ I#8student1arksJ[+9E 8 document.write8 6>rade A69E N , ic o# #o!!owing is correct #ormat o# a$o5e codeF 6 I#8student1arksJ[+9E 8 document.write8 6>rade A69E NE 6 I#8student1arksHJ[+9 8 document.write8 6>rade A69E N 6 I#8student1arksJ[+9 M document.write8 6>rade A69E N 6 Non$ o1 )%o#$ o tions Qu$stion No' .. ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , ic o# t e #o!!owing !anguage is o$;ect $ased $ut not o$;ect oriented !anguage. 6 M)#)scri t 6 5isua! $asic 6 2\\ 6 CS Qu$stion No' .0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ asin8&9 stands #or __________ 6 As(nc ronous sine 6 A!p a Sine 6 Automated Sine 6 ArcSin$

Qu$stion No' .2 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e output o# PO, 8D" *9 is______________. 64 6C 69 6 )*

Qu$stion No' .4 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e Rig t most portion or t e t ird portion o# t e :R- contains______ . 6 Protoco! Identi#ier 6 Ser5er Name 6 /irector( Name 6 Non$ o1 t-$ !i#$n Qu$stion No' .3 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , ic Image #ormat is known as -oss!ess origina! #ormat. 6 GPE> 6 GIF 6 0itmap 6 ?ector FINALTERM EXAMINATION S rin! .010 CS101- Introduction to Com utin! Qu$stion No' 1 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T-$ m$mor& siP$ o1 t-$ A"t)ir 8800 5)s )*3 $(tes )*3 Yi!o $(tes 6 .43 Ui"o %&t$s *R4 $(tes Qu$stion No' . ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ He&adecima! num$er s(stem is $ased on %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% digits * 3 )* 6 13 Qu$stion No' 0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , ic one o# t e #o!!owing is not an e5ent and!erOs attri$ute.

Function Identi#ier 6 ENu)" si!n String consisting o# Ga5aScript statements Qu$stion No' 2 ( M)r*s' 1 + , ic is correct. 6 onCn"o)d on:n-oad on:N-OA/ A!! o# t e a$o5e - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

Qu$stion No' 4 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e most upper rig t pi&e! o# t e screen is o# ___________ co!or. 6 An& Red >reen 6 ?"u$ Qu$stion No' 3 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , ic o# t e #o!!owing is NOT a -oop statement. For , i!e 6 S5itc /o%, i!e Qu$stion No' 7 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , enA\A operator is used wit string operands" it _____________ $ot strings. 6 Adds Su$tracts 2oncatenates 2ompares

Qu$stion No' 8 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ _____________ organi<ation is rep!acing t e o!d%st(!e !a(ered" tree%structured organi<ationa! mode!. Network Hierarc ica! 1atri& 6 Non$ o1 t-$ !i#$n o tions Qu$stion No' 9 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ /ue to working at ome" !ack o# interaction ma( resu!t in ___________ pro#essiona! growt . ]]S!ower ]]Faster V6V/i!-$r ]]Impro5ed Qu$stion No' 10 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Spies o# one $usiness monitoring t e network tra##ic o# t eir competitorsA ___________. V6VIndustri)" Int$""i!$nc$ ]]Industria! Espionage ]]Industria! Sp(ing ]]Industria! Sur5ei!!ance Qu$stion No' 11 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e ke( responsi$i!ities o# a pro;ect manager is _____________. ]]P!anning and tracking o# t e pro;ect ]]Arranging o# t e appropriate resources ]]2!ient re!ations ip management V6VA"" o1 t-$ !i#$n o tions Qu$stion No' 1. ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Se'uence o# steps t at is taken to so!5e a pro$!em is ca!!ed _______. ]]A!gorit m V6VO $r)tin! S&st$m ]]App!ication so#tware ]]None o# t e gi5en options Qu$stion No' 10 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ 2E--PA//IN> determines t e distance $etween t e _____________ o# t e ce!! and t e contents o# t e ce!! ]]2aption V6V?ord$r ]]A!ignment ]]Empt( space

Qu$stion No' 12 ( M)r*s' 1 + /SS stands #orF ]]/ua! S(stem Securit( ]]/ecision Support S(stem ]]/igita! S(stem So!5er V6VD&n)mic S&st$m S$curit&

- ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

Qu$stion No' 14 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ F!ow contro! constructs in Ga5aScript inc!udesF ]]I#%E!se ]]-oops and I# %E!se V6VS5itc- )nd I1-E"s$ ]]A!! o# t e gi5en c oices Qu$stion No' 13 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Assignment operator in Ga5aScript is represented $(F ]]7 V6V; ; ]]7J ]]J7 Qu$stion No' 17 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ In a S(stem a5ing man( parts to $e designed" one s ou!d a!wa(s do t e _____ #irst V6V/)rd )rt ]]Simp!e part ]]/e5e!opment part ]]Pua!it( part Qu$stion No' 18 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , ic protoco! is used to send emai! . ]]FTP ]]S1TP ]]TE-NET V6VA"" o1 t-$ !i#$n c-oic$s Qu$stion No' 19 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T ose S(stems are IInte!!igent S(stemZ t at mimics some aspects o# ]]So#tware dep!o(ment V6V/um)n t-ou!-t ]]Speaking power V6VCom utin! Qu$stion No' .0 ( M)r*s' 1 + HscriptJ Num$er7new Arra(8R9E #or85ar i7)E iH7R E i7i\)9 - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

M #or8 5ar k74E kH7)+E k7k\)9 M Num$erKiL7 kXiE N N

H@scriptJ For -o5 m)n& tim$s t-$ N$st$d For Loo s-)"" $A$cut$Q

]]*+ ]])R ]]*R V6VS-)"" t$rmin)t$ in 1irst "oo < Qu$stion No' .1 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , ic o# t e #o!!owing is a 5a!id tm! tag. H tm!J 6 D/TMLG H t1-J A!! o# t e a$o5e Qu$stion No' .. RA1 6 ROM /I11 /RA1 Qu$stion No' .0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e output o# docum$nt<5rit$( F.F S M)t-<,I + Q is::::::::::< *D.)C)RT*4RDR3T[TD D.)C4 *.D)C)RT*4RDR3T[TD 6 Non$ o1 t-$m Qu$stion No' .2 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ -ogic 0om$s e&ecutes its pa(!oad w en _________________ A programs run A predetermined e5ent occurs /oS attack is !aunc ed ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

, ic o# t e #o!!owing memor( retains its in#ormation w en t e power to t e s(stem is turned o##.

6 A 1i"$ is co i$d 1rom on$ 1o"d$r to )not-$r Qu$stion No' .4 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , ic Internet Ser5ice is comparati5e!( S!ow $ut Ine&pensi5e and Fast. 6 E-m)i" Instant 1essaging ,e$ None o# t e gi5en Qu$stion No' .3 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Super computers consists o# more t an one para!!e! processors $ecause One $ig processor is more e&pensi5e t an para!!e! processors 6 T-rou!- )r)""$" roc$ssors ro%"$ms c)n %$ so"#$d $)si"& Sma!! processors are eas( to manu#acture A!! o# t e gi5en FINALTERM EXAMINATION S rin! .010 CS101- Introduction to Com utin!

Qu$stion No' 1

( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

In a good presentation eac s!ide s ou!d contain____________. 6 /$)din! 6 P rases not sentences 6 Sentences not p rases 6 Heading" sentences not p rases

Qu$stion No' .

( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

, ic one o# t e #o!!owing is not an e5ent and!erOs attri$ute. 6 Function 6 Identi#ier

6 E'ua! sign 6 String consisting o# Ga5aScript statements Qu$stion No' 0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

According to t e euristic" t e num$er o# de#ects remaining in a s(stem a#ter a gi5en !e5e! o# tests is proportiona! to ___________. 6 T e num$er #ound on 5er( #irst da(. 6 T e num$er #ound during t e de5e!opment. 6 T-$ num%$r 1ound durin! t-$ t$st< 6 None o# t e gi5en options. Qu$stion No' 2 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

, ic one is t e $est option #or designing a 1edica! E&pert S(stem. 6 Ru!e 0ased S(stem 6 >enetic A!gorit m 6 Fu<<( -ogic 6 N$ur)" N$t5or* Qu$stion No' 4 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

A com$ination o# word processing and grap ic design is 6 2ore! /raw 6 D$s*to ,u%"is-in! 6 Paint 6 ,ordPad Qu$stion No' 3 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

A microprocessor can $e made more power#u! $( increasing its ________ 6 C"oc* 1r$Nu$nc& 6 ,ord !engt 6 2!ock #re'uenc( and ,ord !engt 6 None o# a$o5e Qu$stion No' 7 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Securit( can a!so $e impro5ed t roug _____________. 6 Encr& tion 6 T(ping errors 6 Transmission errors 6 Hardware ma!#unctions

Qu$stion No' 8

( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

______________ is a #ie!d t at uni'ue!( identi#ies eac record stored in a ta$!e. 6 2omposite Ye( 6 ,rim)r& *$& 6 Foreign ke( 6 None o# t e gi5en options Qu$stion No' 9 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T ere are _________ t(pes o# errors. 6* 60 6C 6R Qu$stion No' 10 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ ______ is simp!( a #ast port t at !ets (ou connect computer perip era!s and consumer e!ectronics to (our computer wit out restart. 6 Freeware 6 S areware 6 Fir$5ir$ 6 Firmware Qu$stion No' 11 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ ___ pro5ides a simp!e" consistent wa( #or app!ications to interact wit t e H, wit out a5ing to know a!! t e detai!s o# t e H, 6 E&p!orer.e&e 6 S(stem Fi!es 6 O $r)tin! S&st$m 6 App!ication So#tware Qu$stion No' 1. ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ One can $rowse documents residing on a remote computer using ________ protoco!. 6 /TT, 6 S1TP 6 FTP 6 TE-NET Qu$stion No' 10 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , ic e5ent and!er e&ecutes t e speci#ied Ga5aScript code w en a window@#orm e!ement !oses #ocus . 6 on?"ur 6 on-oad 6 on:n!oad 6 onFocus Qu$stion No' 12 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

, ic e5ent and!er e&ecutes t e speci#ied Ga5aScript code w en a window@#orm e!ement recei5es #ocus . 6 on0!ur 6 on-oad 6 on:n!oad 6 onFocus Qu$stion No' 14 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ ____________ !oop is a #!ow contro! statement t at a!!ows code to $e e&ecuted repeated!( $ased on a gi5en 0oo!ean condition. 6 For 6 Do-@-i"$ 6 I#%e!se 6 , i!e Qu$stion No' 13 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$
A C 0 A02++D 2 4R / 7cC7cC

E&pression #ormat in ce!! /C is NOT correct. 6 True 6 F)"s$ Qu$stion No' 17 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$
1or(#)r i;1Q iD;.Qi;iS1+ H docum$nt<5rit$( FSort$d @ords'F S FD?RGF + I , ic o# t e #o!!owing s a!! $e t e output o# a$o5e codeF

6 Sorted ,ordsF Sorted ,ordsF 6 Sorted ,ordsF Sorted ,ordsF 6 Sorted ,ordsF IH0RJZ Sorted ,ordsF IH0RJZ 6 Sort$d @ords' D?RG Sort$d @ords' D?RG Qu$stion No' 18 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ /ata integrit(" in /ata$ase management s(stem is necessar( $ecause itF 6 Re#ers to pro5ide insecurit( to t e data 6 Re#ers to pro5ide securit( to t e data 6 R$1$rs to m)int)inin! t-$ corr$ctn$ss o1 d)t) 6 Re#ers to maintaining t e consistenc( o# t e data

Qu$stion No' 19

( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

, ic o# t e #o!!owing #ormu!a is used in spreads eet #or addition. 6 24\E4 6 ;C3SE3 6 4\47)* 6 4\E4 Qu$stion No' .0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ @-ic- o1 t-$ 1o""o5in! *$&5ord is us$d to Mum out o1 s5itc- st)t$m$nt )s soon )s t-$ m)tc- is 1oundJ 6 /e#au!t 6 E!se 6 Gump 6 ?r$)* Qu$stion No' .1 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ How man( t(pes t e string met ods a5e. 6) 6. 6D 6C Qu$stion No' .. ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , ic Internet Ser5ice is comparati5e!( S!ow $ut Ine&pensi5e and Fast. 6 E-m)i" 6 Instant 1essaging 6 ,e$ 6 None o# t e gi5en Qu$stion No' .0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Semantic we$ is ________ . 6 T-$ $At$nsion o1 5$% 6 /esigned #or $ot uman $eings and computers 6 T e e&tension o# we$ and /esigned #or $ot uman $eings and computers 6 None o# t e gi5en Qu$stion No' .2 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ 2oding is t e responsi$i!it( o# ________________ 6 So#tware designer 6 So1t5)r$ d$#$"o $r 6 Pro;ect manager 6 None o# gi5en options Qu$stion No' .4 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

Run time error occurs w en ___________ . 6 T e comp!ier compi!es t e programs 6 T-$ com i"$r $nds t-$ $A$cution o1 t-$ ro!r)m 6 T e compi!er start running t e program 6 T e compi!er #inds a semantic error Qu$stion No' .3 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Heuristics are ________ . 6 Inte!!igent s(stems 6 A!wa(s ends wit t e so!ution o# t e pro$!em 6 0ot o# t e gi5en 6 Non$ o1 t-$ !i#$n FINALTERM EXAMINATION Fall 2009 CS101- Introduction to Computin !u"#tion No$ 1 % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" *uman ar" +"tt"r t)an comput"r# at Efficiency Accuracy (att"rn r"co nition None of the given choices !u"#tion No$ 2 % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" TCP stands for ___________. Total communication protocol Tran#mi##ion control protocol Transfer control protocol Transfer collection protocol !u"#tion No$ , % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" First computer networ was ___________. N!FNET F"#!TNET AR(ANET $#P%ANET !u"#tion No$ - % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" A user may access any item on the we& through __________. .RL Telnet P$P !'TP

!u"#tion No$ / % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" "n (ava!cript) a varia&le declaration is Optional 'andatory Not allowed None of the given !u"#tion No$ 0 % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" According to a popular heuristic) success is defined &y ___________. T)" u#"r The &uilder *oth user and &uilder None of the given options !u"#tion No$ 1 % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" To store rounded num&er of +., in a varia&le called -r_num&er-) we write _____________. r_num&ers.'aths.rounds/+.,0 r_num&er.'ath.rounds/+.,0 r2num+"r3Mat)4round%540' r_num&er.'aths.round/+.,0 !u"#tion No$ 5 % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" random/0 function returns a randomly1selected) floating1point num&er &etween ____________. 0 and 1 2 and 32 2 and 132 2 and 13 !u"#tion No$ 9 % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" Trinoo is a __________ software. 6oS !canning 4tility None of the given options !u"#tion No$ 10 % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" 5hich attri&ute of the "'6 tag tells us a&out the source of the image ____________. source path loc #rc

!u"#tion No$ 11 % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" The developer report to ___________ in a development team. T"am L"ad Pro7ect 'anager CE$ "T 'anager !u"#tion No$ 12 % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" The effective way not to only write programs &ut also it wor s properly and further more to minimi8e the time and the development cost of the program is called___________________ Programming 'echanism (ro rammin M"t)odolo 7 Programming !ynchroni8ation None of the given options !u"#tion No$ 1, % Mar&#$ 1 ' TCP stands for ________. - (l"a#" c)oo#" on"

Transfer Center protocol Tran#mi##ion Control (rotocol Transmission Center Protocol Telephone Center Protocol !u"#tion No$ 1- % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" 5hen we &uy a software pac age) we do not really &uy it) we 7ust &y a license that allows us to use it) the ___________stays with the ma er. Agreement O8n"r#)ip 'em&ership !oftware !u"#tion No$ 1/ % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" 'any developers write the _________ first and then incrementally convert each line into _________. #eal code 9 Pseudo code (#"udo cod" 9 R"al cod" #eal code 9 Artificial code None of the given options !u"#tion No$ 10 % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" Collection of facts 9 figures is called ____________. In:ormation

:ata Entity Attri&ute !u"#tion No$ 11 % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" A collection of data organi8ed in such a way that the computer can ;uic ly search for a desired data item is nown as < #etrieving 6ata+a#" "nformation :*'! !u"#tion No$ 15 % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" To start an ordered list from =2 instead of 3) we will write >$? &egin . @=2-A >$? initiate . @=2-A ;OL #tart 3 <20=> >$? from . @=2-A !u"#tion No$ 19 % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" 4sing C$?!PAN) num&er of rows of the current cell should eBtend itself 4pward 6o8n8ard *oth 4pward and :ownward None of the given choices !u"#tion No$ 20 % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" 'icrosoft 5ord is a type of< !ystem !oftware Fr""8ar" So:t8ar" !hrin 15rapped !oftware Custom1&uilt !oftware !u"#tion No$ 21 % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" Compound !tatement after decision constructs in (ava!cript is enclosed with / 0 C D E FG ? @ !u"#tion No$ 22 % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" 4sers __________) how things wor . Analy8e in detail Muddl" t)rou )

Figure out #ead in detail !u"#tion No$ 2, % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" $ne can send an email message to a remote computer using _______ protocol %TTP SMT( FTP TE?NET !u"#tion No$ 2- % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" 5riting a response) multiple statements are separated from each other with the help of ("riod % 4 ' Comma / ) 0 Colon / < 0 !emicolon / G 0 !u"#tion No$ 2/ % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" 5ith the passage of time the field of Computing and Telecommunication is _____________. :iverging ConA"r in *ecoming different *ecoming uni;ue !u"#tion No$ 20 % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" 5hen we have to show value as part of a whole picture) which type of chart is used. *ar chart Pie chart ?ine graph Non" o: t)" iA"n !u"#tion No$ 21 % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" ______________ software directly interacts with the user. Application #o:t8ar" !ystem software Anonymous software "nteractive software

!u"#tion No$ 25 % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" 6lo&al varia&les can ma e the logic of a we& page. 6i::icult to und"r#tand Easier to understand and maintain :ifficult to reuse and maintain :ifficult to understand) reuse and maintain !u"#tion No$ 29 % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" In partitionin o: pro ramBmodul"C it #)ould +" a##ur"d t)at partition"d c)un&# #)ould +" a# 222222222 a# po##i+l"4 :ependent Ind"p"nd"nt CompleB All of the a&ove FINALTERM EXAMINATION S rin! .009 CS101- Introduction to Com utin!

Qu$stion No' 1 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ @-ic- o1 t-$ 1o""o5in! -)rd5)r$ com on$nt o1 ) com ut$r c)n )"so %$ c)""$d )s $n!in$J 0us Storage 1emor( ,roc$ssor Qu$stion No' . ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T2P stands #or ___________. Tota! communication protoco! Tr)nsmission contro" rotoco" Trans#er contro! protoco! Trans#er co!!ection protoco! Qu$stion No' 0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ __________ $reaks down t e message to $e sent o5er t e internet into packets. FTP HTTP TC, IP Qu$stion No' 2 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ A 5aria$!e can $e _________ in scope. -oca! G"o%)" Eit er !oca! or g!o$a! None o# t e gi5en options Qu$stion No' 4 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ A protoco! used #or recei5ing emai! messages is ca!!ed ____________. :R Te!net POPD SMT, Qu$stion No' 3 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ A #unction is a!so ca!!ed __________. Su$%program Procedure Su$%routine

A"" o1 t-$ !i#$n o tion Qu$stion No' 7 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ 2apturing e5ents and responding to t em is ca!!ed __________. Function Hand!ing E#$nt /)nd"in! E5ent Procedure A!! o# t e gi5en option Qu$stion No' 8 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , ic one o# t e #o!!owing is NOT a primar( co!or. Red >reen K$""o5 0!ue Qu$stion No' 9 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ __________ are t ose programs in w ic t e #!ow o# t e program is determined $( t e userOs actions 8mouse c!icks" ke( presses9 or messages #rom ot er programs. E5ent ca!!ed programs E5ent processed programs E#$nt dri#$n ro!r)ms E5ent dec!ared programs Qu$stion No' 10 ( M)r*s' 1 + a 7 1at .cei!8)*.+)9 , at wi!! $e t e 5a!ue o# a . )* 10 )*.+ )D.+) Qu$stion No' 11 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ E5ent and!ers are p!aced in t e ___________ portion o# a ,e$ page as attri$utes in HT1- tags. HEA/ ?ODK S2RIPT TIT-E - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

Qu$stion No' 1. ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ _________ can $e used #or entering" editing" or 5iewing data" one record at a time. Pueries Forms Reports None o# t e gi5en options Qu$stion No' 10 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ random89 #unction returns a random!(%se!ected" #!oating%point num$er $etween ____________. 0 )nd 1 + and )+ + and %)+ + and %) Qu$stion No' 12 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e organi<ations are !earning t at $usiness can $e done in a more e##ecti5e manner i# emp asis is p!aced upon ___________. 2ooperation S ared responsi$i!it( Networking A"" o1 t-$ !i#$n o tions Qu$stion No' 14 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ In re!ationa! data$ase" data store in t e #orm o# _____________. T)%"$s Rows 2o!umns None o# t e gi5en options Qu$stion No' 13 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Spies o# one $usiness monitoring t e network tra##ic o# t eir competitorsA ___________. Industri)" Int$""i!$nc$ Industria! Espionage Industria! Sp(ing Industria! Sur5ei!!ance Qu$stion No' 17 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ _____________ waits #or some time and t en !aunc a #unction. Tim$out( + setTimeout8 9 setTime8 9 setTimeIn8 9 Qu$stion No' 18 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

_______________ $ased communication a!!ows $usiness entities to coordinate t e acti5ities o# t eir g!o$a!!( spread units wit greater accurac(. Intranet Int$rn$t Home -AN Qu$stion No' 19 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e ke( responsi$i!ities o# a pro;ect manager is _____________. P!anning and tracking o# t e pro;ect Arranging o# t e appropriate resources 2!ient re!ations ip management A"" o1 t-$ !i#$n o tions Qu$stion No' .0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ _____________ team consists on t e s arpest tec nica! minds in t e compan(. Arc-it$ctur$ 0usiness /e5e!opment 2on#iguration 1anagement /e5e!oper Qu$stion No' .1 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Smart editors can automatica!!( co!or di##erent parts o# statements in di##erent co!ors e.g. comments in ____________ co!or. >reen Gr$& 0!ue Red Qu$stion No' .. ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ A co!!ection o# data organi<ed in suc a wa( t at t e computer can 'uick!( searc #or a desired data item is known as F Retrie5ing D)t)%)s$ In#ormation /01S Qu$stion No' .0 ( M)r*s' 1 + /eep 0!ue was t e name o# com ut$r uman cit( game - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

Qu$stion No' .2 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ In#ormation a5ai!a$!e on t e we$ is

most"& 1r$$ o1 cost cost!( 5er( c eap o# no use Qu$stion No' .4 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

, ic one is correct.

H0O/QJH@0O/QJ H$od(JH@$od(J 0ot H0O/QJH@0O/QJ and H$od(JH@$od(J H0O/Q@J

Qu$stion No' .3 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ _________ is t e $est known $ui!der #or supercomputers. Sun Cr)& R$s$)rc 1icroso#t App!e Qu$stion No' .7 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , ic one is t e e&amp!e o# spreads eet so#tware . 1S ,ord 1S PowerPoint MS EAc$" 1S Access Qu$stion No' .8 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ 2urrent!( t e 0!ueRa( /?/ can store more t an ________ o# data. )+ >0 )++ >0 40 G? )R+ >0 Qu$stion No' .9 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ 0!ue Paci#ic is a name o# ______ computer. 1ini /esktop 1icro Super Qu$stion No' 00 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ _________________ are power#u! pieces o# ardware" $ut not muc use#u! on t eir own. 1icrocontro!!ers Micro roc$ssors

Integrated circuits Ports FINALTERM EXAMINATION S rin! .010 CS101- Introduction to Com utin! Qu$stion No' 1 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ An)"&tic)" En!in$ is ----------------- An e!ectrica! mac ine D A di!it)" m)c-in$ An ana!og mac ine A specia! purpose mac ine Qu$stion No' . ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ __________S o# t e users a5e !e#t we$sites in #rustration due to poor na5igation. C+ 4* 80 T) Qu$stion No' 0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ __________ $reaks down t e message to $e sent o5er t e internet into packets. FTP HTTP TC, IP Qu$stion No' 2 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e #irst spread s eet was ca!!ed as_____________. E&ce! PowerPoint ,ord VisiC)"c Qu$stion No' 4 ( M)r*s' 1 + , ic is correct. onCn"o)d - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

on:n-oad on:N-OA/ A!! o# t e a$o5e

Qu$stion No' 3 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ ?aria$!es a!!ow us to manipu!ate data t roug t e ___________. Actua! ?a!ue R$1$r$nc$ -engt Name Qu$stion No' 7 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ ,e use ___________ to stop 0reak%Ins. Scanners Intrusion d$t$ctors :ti!ities None o# t e gi5en options Qu$stion No' 8 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , ic attri$ute o# t e I1> tag te!!s us a$out t e source o# t e image ____________. source pat !oc src Qu$stion No' 9 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e de5e!oper report to ___________ in a de5e!opment team. T$)m L$)d Pro;ect 1anager 2EO IT 1anager Qu$stion No' 10 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e ke( responsi$i!ities o# t e arc itect o# t e pro;ect is______________. Tec no!og( se!ection Hig %!e5e! design 1akes certain t at t e imp!ementation remains true to t e design A"" o1 t-$ !i#$n o tions

Qu$stion No' 11 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ :sing smart editors t e( can automatica!!( co!or di##erent parts o# statements in di##erent co!ors e.g. HT1- tags in ____________ co!or. >reen >re( ?"u$ None o# t e gi5en options Qu$stion No' 1. ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ _______ is responsi$!e #or a!! t e essentia! operations !ike $asic ouse keeping" task sc edu!ing" etc. A!so contains !ow%!e5e! H, inter#aces Hardware /e5ice 1anager U$rn$" /e5ice /ri5er Qu$stion No' 10 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Randomi<ed a!gorit ms are o#ten ________ t an deterministic a!gorit ms #or t e same pro$!em. Simp!er and more s!ow Sim "$r )nd mor$ $11ici$nt 2omp!e& and more e##icient 2omp!e& and more s!ow Qu$stion No' 12 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ 2ompound Statement a#ter decision constructs in Ga5aScript is enc!osed wit 8 9 K L M NE H I Qu$stion No' 14 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e ke( propert( o# t e UArra(A o$;ect in Ga5aScript is ?a!ue L$n!t Name A!! o# t e gi5en c oices Qu$stion No' 13 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ , ic protoco! is used to send emai! . FTP SMT, TE-NET A!! o# t e gi5en c oices

Qu$stion No' 17 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ Fo!!owing is ig est !e5e! o# eading tag in !ist gi5en $e!ow. HD HC HR H* Qu$stion No' 18 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ 0!ue Paci#ic is a name o# ______ computer. 1ini /esktop 1icro Super Qu$stion No' 19 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ :::::::::: corr$ctn$ss is $)si$r to c-$c* )s com )r$d 5it- :::::::::: S&nt)ctic> S$m)ntic Semantica!!(" S(ntactica!!( S(stematica!!(" Semantica!!( None o# t e gi5en options Qu$stion No' .0 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ __________ re#ers maintaining t e correctness and consistenc( o# data Securit( Int$!rit& Re!ia$i!it( None o# t e gi5en Qu$stion No' .1 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ @-ic- o1 t-$ 1o""o5in! *$&5ord is us$d to Mum out o1 s5itc- st)t$m$nt )s soon )s t-$ m)tc- is 1oundJ /e#au!t E!se Gump ?r$)* Qu$stion No' .. * ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

How muc parameters does PO, 89 #unction a5e.

) D Qu$stion No' .0 ) * D Qu$stion No' .2 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ T e output o# docum$nt<5rit$( F.F S M)t-<,I + Q is::::::::::< .0<12149.340489790 D.)C4 *.D)C)RT*4RDR3T[TD None o# t em Qu$stion No' .4 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ ,O,> IMA, )nd SMT, )r$ r$")t$d to on$ o1 t-$ 1o""o5in! s$r#ic$Bs$r#ic$sJ E"$ctronic M)i" Instant 1essaging 0ot a and $ None o# a$o5e Qu$stion No' .3 ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$ _______ is designed #or */%Animation . F")s- Anim)tion HT1- image c!ass ,e$ 0rowser HT1- */ c!ass FINALTERM EXAMINATION Fall 2009 CS101- Introduction to Computin !u"#tion No$ 1 % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" Cra7-1 8a# :ir#t comm"rcial 222222222 comput"r D Sup"r 'ini 'icro Personal !u"#tion No$ 2 % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" T)" nam" o: :ir#t +ro8#"r 8a# 222222 D Int"rn"t EEplor"r ( M)r*s' 1 + - ,"$)s$ c-oos$ on$

How man( t(pes t e string met ods a5e.

'o8iac Netscape FirefoB !u"#tion No$ , %Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" The impact of a digit in a num&er is determined &y its 111111111111111 Halue ?ocation D L"n t) None of a&ove !u"#tion No$ - %Mar&#$ 1' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" First computer networ was ___________. N!FNET F"#!TNET D AR(ANET $#P%ANET !u"#tion No$ / %Mar&#$ 1' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" A varia&le can &e _________ in scope. ?ocal 6lo&al D "it)"r local or lo+al none of the given options !u"#tion No$ 0 %Mar&#$ 1' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" ___________ Color should &e used in &ac ground for a good presentation. ?ight 6ar& #ed none of the given options !u"#tion No$ 1 %Mar&#$ 1' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" 5hich one of the following is not an event handlerIs attri&uteJ Function "dentifier E;ual sign

D Strin con#i#tin o: FaAaScript #tat"m"nt# !u"#tion No$ 5 %Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" Haria&les allow us to manipulate data through the ___________. Actual Halue D R":"r"nc" ?ength Name !u"#tion No$ 9 % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" 5hich one of the following is N$T a component of #ule *ased !ystemJ #ule Compiler #ule "nterpreter #ules *ase D Gor&in M"mor7 !u"#tion No$ 10 % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" Fu88y logic is &ased on ____________. 6round facts EBperience Practice D ApproEimation !u"#tion No$ 11 % Mar&#$ 1 ' a . 'ath.ceil/3=.230 5hat will &e the value of a J D 12 3K 3=.2 3K.23 !u"#tion No$ 12 %Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" - (l"a#" c)oo#" on"

Tag used to ma e a TeBt *old is __________________

>*$?:A>L*$?:A D ;H>;BH> >*$:MA>L*$:MA None of these !u"#tion No$ 1, % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on"

>PA >LPA and >*#A tags are not same &ecause

>pA>LpA goes to the neBt line >*#A goes to the neBt after neBt line D ;(>;B(> o"# to t)" n"Et a:t"r n"Et lin" *oth are same !u"#tion No$ 1- % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" Event handlers are placed in the ___________ portion of a 5e& page as attri&utes in %T'? tags. %EA: D HO6I !C#"PT T"T?E !u"#tion No$ 1/ % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" :ue to wor ing at home) lac of interaction may result in ___________ professional growth. D Slo8"r Faster %igher "mproved !u"#tion No$ 10 % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" ____________ :*'! supports data in tera&ytes. Personal :es top D Ent"rpri#" !ingle1user !u"#tion No$ 11 % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" _____________ waits for some time and then launch a function. Timeout/ 0 #"tTim"out% ' setTime/ 0 setTime"n/ 0 !u"#tion No$ 15 % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" The responsi&ilities of the Team ?ead includes_____________. Planning and trac ing of the pro7ect :etailed design Professional development of team mem&ers D All o: t)" iA"n option# !u"#tion No$ 19 % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" ______ is also nown as !ystem Architecture D *i ) l"A"l #7#t"m d"#i n

?ow level system design Every system design !oftware #e;uirement !u"#tion No$ 20 % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" The ey property of the NArrayO o&7ect in (ava!cript is Halue D L"n t) Name All of the given choices !u"#tion No$ 21 % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" There are _________ ways of calling functions. $ne D T8o Three Four !u"#tion No$ 22 %Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" 5hich event handler eBecutes the specified (ava!cript code when a windowLform element loses focusJ D onHlur on?oad on4nload onFocus !u"#tion No$ 2, %Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" Popular schemes used for reducing &ytes for storage are< #6* and Color mapping #6* and :ithering #6*) Color mapping and :ithering D Color mappin and 6it)"rin !u"#tion No$ 2- %Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" %ardware malfunctions is related to :ata updates D 6ata int" rit7 :ata security :ata accessi&ility !u"#tion No$ 2/ D Tru" False %Mar&#$ 1' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on"
4sers communicate with the computer using a consistent user interface provided &y the $!.

!u"#tion No$ 20 % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" EBtension for saving we& page is L areG D J4)tml P.htm P.html and P.htm &oth are in use None of These !u"#tion No$ 21 % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" _____________ loop is a flow control statement that allows code to &e eBecuted repeatedly &ased on a given *oolean condition. For :o15hile D I:-"l#" 5hile !u"#tion No$ 25 % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" on*lur event is occurred for a form element when it ____________ 6ets focus D Lo#t# :ocu# !ome thing is typed in on*lur is not an event

!u"#tion No$ 29 % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" >scriptA Num& Array/Q0G for/var i.3G i>.Q G i.iR30 E for/ var .,G >.32G . R30 E Num&erCiD. PiG F F
>LscriptA For )o8 man7 tim"# t)" N"#t"d For Loop #)all "E"cut"K

=2 3Q =Q D #)all t"rminat" in :ir#t loop4

!u"#tion No$ ,0 % Mar&#$ 1 ' - (l"a#" c)oo#" on" "n (ava!cript< "n order to display the teBt on &rowser Lrad" A) which of following statement is True. documentwrite/ -6rade A-0 document.write/ -6rade A-0G document.write/ -6radeS 99 A-0G D docum"nt48rit"% =Lrad"M 99 <A='K

NOTE' In c)s$ o1 )n& mist)*$ "$)s$ in1orm m$ )t )m%$rs-)-$$n.W!m)i"<com


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