Dr. Solomon Osofero

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Solomon Osofero | Secondary Educator | Surrattsville High School | 6101 Garden Dr Clinton, MD 0!

"# | $hone% &"01' #(() *#" e+t, "!( | Email% Solomon,osofero-.gc.s,org


Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria Ph.D Aquaculture, November, 2012 Thesis: Performance of Nile Tila ia (Oreochromis niloticus !innaeus "#$%& under t'o olyculture systems in bamboo cages in a fresh'ater reservoir Major Supervisor: Professor S. O. Otubusin University of Agriculture Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria M.A.F Aquaculture a ! F"#her"e# Ma a$eme t, October, 200% (issertation: )ffect of stocking density on gro'th and survival of Tila ia (Oreochromis niloticus !innaeus "#$%& Major Supervisor: Professor S. O. Otubusin University of Agriculture Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria &.'c. (oolo$), March, 2000 (issertation: )ffect of )ndo arasite on lasma rotein of African *lack +at (Rattus rattus)


.aryland +esident Teacher ,ertificate

T)A,/-N0 )1P)+-)N,) *E'IDENT TEAC+E* IN &IO,O-.

Pr" ce -eor$e# Cou t) Publ"c 'chool# 'urratt#v"lle +"$h 'chool, Cl" to , MD /u e 2010 1 T"ll Date Teaching anatomy and hysiology, forensic science and biology at Surrattsville /igh School, ,linton, .(2 (evelo lectures and activities such as e3 eriments using the Universal (esign for learning to e3 lain and illustrate conce ts in the field of anatomy and hysiology, forensic science and biology2 (esign assignments and formative assessments to measure ho' 'ell students understand the material ,ECTU*E* II Bells University of Technology, Otta, Nigeria October, 455% 6 (ecember, 4557

8orked as a lecturer in the (e artment of *iological sciences2 )nhance students9 kno'ledge of 0eneral :oology, Anatomy, Physiology, arasitology and other conce ts in medical arasitology ,onducted and su ervised undergraduate ractical classes Su ervised undergraduate e3aminations Pre ared students for grou discussions and intervie's2 8orked as editorial board of the ;oology de artment science maga;ine

A''I'TANT ,ECTU*E* Bells University of Technology, Otta, Nigeria November, 455$ 6 October, 455%

)nhance student9s kno'ledge of ;oology, a<uaculture, arasitology and other conce ts in medical arasitology =oined to my senior for curriculum and e3amination develo ment activities2

.onitoring student>s learning2 .aking records of student>s rogress2 .eeting 'ith students to solve their roblems2 ,hecking student a ers and grading them2 *uilding a good environment to romote fairness and res ect2 E4am" at"o Cou c"l 52.A.E.C.6

2e#t A3r"ca 455" 6 455?

&"olo$) Pract"cal E4am" er 5tem7orar)6 .arking of 82A2)2,2 *iology ractical 8olu tar) &"olo$) Teacher O$u 'tate Teach" $ 'erv"ce Comm"##"o Teaching senior school biology at .ethodist ,om rehensive college, Sagamu, Ogun State &"olo$) Pract"cal Demo #trator ,entre for /uman +esources (evelo ment, Pre A (egree Unit U "ver#"t) o3 A$r"culture, Abeo9uta, N"$er"a 455@ A 455B

455@ A 455B

(emonstrating biology ractical class 0uiding students through ractical class

Nat"o al .outh 'erv"ce Comm"##"o &" $ham Nur#er) a ! Pr"mar) 'chool, 'he !am, Plateau 'tate 4555 A 455"

- observed and evaluated students> erformance, behavior, social develo ment, and hysical health2 Pre ared materials and classrooms for class activities2

Ada ted teaching methods and instructional materials to meet students> varying needs and interests2


Final Cear students9 course adviser: *iological sciences (e artment, *ells University of Technology, OtaNigeria )3amination Officer, *iological sciences (e artment, *ells University of Technology, OtaNigeria Secretary DAcademic meetings&, *iological Sciences (e artment, *ells University of Technology, Ota Nigeria Secretary DAcademic meetings&, A<uaculture and fisheries .anagement Unit, *ells University of Technology, OtaNigeria

'OME PU&,ICATION' Di& -ken'ei'e N2*2, Otubusin S2O2, Akin'ale .2 A2 A2 and O#o3ero '. A., D455#& A ,om arison of The ,om osition and Abundance of Fish S ecies ,aught 'ith )3 erimental 0illnet Scientific +esearch Eol2 "? No B2 Dii& -ken'ei'e, N2 *2, Otubusin, S2 O2 and O#o3ero '. A., D455#& survey of fishing gears of oyan lake, south 'estern Nigeria )uro ean =ournal of Scientific +esearch Eol2 "? No B Diii& Fester ,2T2, O#o3ero '. A. and (aramola =2 A2, D455#& Assessment of the Fisheries Potential of )ro +eservoir, )kiti State, Nigeria2 )uro ean =ournal of Scientific +esearch Eol2 "? No ", "B$ 6 "$@2 'ith that of Artisanal Fishermen at Oyan !ake, South 8est Nigeria2 )uro ean =ournal of


O#o3ero '.A. and Otubusin S2O2, D455#& !ength, 8eight and ,ondition Factor of Tila ia DOreochromis niloticus& raised in *amboo Net 6 ,ages in a Fresh'ater +eservoir2 )uro ean =ournal of Scientific +esearh Eol2 "? No ", $$ 6 $%2


O#o3ero '.A., S2O2 Otubusin and (aramola =2 A2, D455#& )ffect of Stocking (ensity on 0ro'th and Survival of Tila ia D Oreochromis niloticus !innaeus "#$#& in *amboo Net 6 ,ages in a fresh'ater +eservoir2 =ournal of Fisheries -nternational Eol2 42 No2 4 "%4 6 O2 T2,


Otubusin S2 O2, Olaofe O2 O2, O#o3ero '. A. and Agbebi

D455#& /igh Cields and gro'th of ,atfish D Clarias gariepinus *urchell "%44& in floating bamboo Net 6 ,age System Trials in South 8estern Nigeria2 )uro ean =ournal of Scientific +esearch Eol "? No 4, 6 4BB2 4@%

P+OF)SS-ONA! ()E)!OP.)NT AE +OE)+ training held at !aurel /igh School, !aurel, .d s onsored by Prince 0eorges ,ounty ublic school for Forensic science teachers 0i;mo training held at /o'ard *2 O'ens Science ,entre, 0reenbelt +d, .(, s onsored by Prince 0eorges ,ounty ublic school for Science teachers Fish (NA barcoding training held the Smithsonian Natural /istory museum, 8ashington, (2,2 s onsored by Smithsonian for science teachers Prince 0eorges ,ounty PreAem loyment training Prince 0eorges ,ounty *iology ,ommon ,ore training

,linical +esearch Associate Training 'ith ,lintriad -nc, 8inston !ane, 8est ,hester, PA bet'een 45"5 6 45"" o )3tensive training in -,/ 0,Ps and demonstrated ability to attain and maintain a 'orking kno'ledge of a Standard O erating Procedures2 o Training in )lectronic (ata ,a ture D)(,& and ,linical Trial .anagement Systems D,T.S&2 licable regulations and

A seminar on Shell fish farming for )3 ort2 Organised by the NigerianA(anish ,hamber of ,ommerce -ndustry and Agriculture2 Nigerian )3 ort Promotion ,ouncil, A a a, !agos State,Nigeria on 47th November, 455?2

G,atfish FeedH A seminar organi;ed by Fisheries Society of Nigeria DF-SON& and ,o ens -nternational2 /eld at Ostra /all, -keIa, !agos State, Nigeria on 4%th november, 455?2

Fisheries Society of Nigeria DF-SON& Annual 'orksho on .onose3 Technology of Tila ia and )3 ort otentials held at !agos State Secretariat Auditorium, Alausa, -keIa on 4#th J 4%th=uly, 455?2

.ember: The University *usiness committee on e3amination, *ells University of technology, otta, Nigeria2 .ember: ,urriculum (evelo ment ,ommittee, *iological Sciences (e artment, *ells University of technology, otta, Nigeria2 .ember2 ,arol Planning committee, University ,ha el Dno' ,ha el of 0race&, University of Agriculture Abeokuta, Nigeria

AFFI,IATION' P0,)A 6 Prince 0eorges ,ounty )ducator Association

.S)A 6 .aryland State )ducators Association N)A 6 national )ducators Association

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