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Questionnaire Name : Devyani Rana Customer Name: _________ st Class : BBA 1 Semester Age ________ Roll no: BBA/12/09

Occupation ________ Address _________

Q1 Have you heard about Nestle? YES NO Q2 How do you see Nestle company as? Baby food Company Cereals Company Coffee Company Chocolates Company Q3 Which chocolate do you prefer the most? adbury !it"at #uch adbury Sil" Q$ What do you li"e #a%%i or &op 'ame(? #a%%i &op 'ame( Q5. Which mode of advertisement influence you most to buy a particular product? Ne)spaper &elevisio( 'adio #a%a*i(e Others


CERTIFICATE DECLARATION No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Content Introduction History Brands Brand Ambassador Nestle Board Members Nestle India Board Members Branches Awards SWOT Analysis Nestle India Code Of Business conduct Nestle Vision Nestle Mission Corporate Responsibility Management Sponsorships Milestone Financial data Controversy and Criticism Company Profile Research Methodology Data analysis and interpretation Suggestions Limitations Conclusion Sample Questionnaire Page No. 1-2 3-5 6 7 8-11 11-12 13-16 17-18 19-20 21-27 28 28 29-32 33-34 35 36 37-38 39-40 41-42 43-50 51 52 53 54-55


Companys every time effort is to maximize the sale though various activities therefore Nestle should have more visibility. As a company nestle should more focus in its chocolate production companies as the competition is very high. It should start its cereal production too. Nestle has a good brand MAGGI which is an asset the company so according to me they should continue to promote the way they are doing now. Nestle has done very impressive CSR events in different countries and now they should tap in Indian markets too in a bigger aspect. Few years back products like Polo, Bar-one, Milky bar were very famous and visibility in the market but now news products have taken their places and now Nestle should again promote their products or some of their products will disappear.

I am Pleased to present the project Report on Company Nestle Before my Respected readers it is a humble attempt from my part to judge the Company Profile of Nestle . This study deals with a number of topics that will help the reader understand and learn about company. The research start with a short Introduction History of Nestle, introduction of their BOM, followed by their awards and SWOT analysis, then one of the important aspect Nestle India Code Of Business conduct then its Mission and vision followed by the line of objective and research Methodology Next Chapter Deals with the assigned company profile followed by the data analysis and interpretation that is based on the questionnaire which has been a great learning experience.

Then comes the conclusion, suggestions and limitations of the research reports. Language of the reports is simple lucid. Attempts have been made to arrange the subject matter in a systematic and well- knit style. Efforts have also been made to deal with all topics precisely and gently. Devyani Rana

B.B.A. Ist Sem.

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