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Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Memo of Petition Section A Summary of Statements made by Respondent No.

.5 from Sit-Rep Marked A Section B Summary of Statements made by Respondent No. 5 from Text Messages Marked A/1 Section C Summary of Statements made by Respondent No. 5 from Emails Marked A/2 Section D Summary of Statements made by Respondent No. 5 from Facebook Posts Marked A/3 Truth about Yusuf Kazzab Blasphemy case Marked B and B/1 Photo of Zaid Hamid 1-7 8-34 35-47 48-54 55-59 60-69 70

IN THE HON. SUPREME COURT OF PAKISTAN AT ISLAMABAD (Constitutional Jurisdiction) Constitutional Petition No.____/2013

Emaad Khalid S/o Retired Air Commodore Khalid Iqbal Versus 1. Federation of Pakistan through Secretary, Ministry of Interior, Pakistan Secretariat, Islamabad 2. Secretary, Ministry of Defence, Pakistan Secretariat, Islamabad. 3. Director General, Military Intelligence, General Headquarter, Rawalpindi. 4. Pakistan Telecommunication Authority, Through its Chairman, PTA House, Islamabad. 5. Zaid-uz-Zaman Hamid, @ Zaid Hamid R/o House No.45, Askari-5, Askari Road, Chaklala Scheme 3, Rawalpindi .



CONSTITUTIONAL PETITION UNDER ARTICLE 184(3) OF THE CONSTITUTION OF ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN-1973 Humbly Sheweth; 1. That the petitioner is law-abiding citizen of Pakistan and former Staff Officer and Media Coordinator of Respondent No.5 with whom he 1

worked with him from January 2009 to March 2013 and was shocked to be witness of his nefarious activities. 2. That in the beginning of 2012, Zaid Hamid began targeting the image and credibility of the Army Chief General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani intensely, and spreading anger and hatred against him and Pakistan Army amongst the young armed forces officers. Respondent No. 5, Zaid Hamid, continuously and cunningly attempted to brainwash and subvert these young officers through his emails, Situational Reports (Sit-Reps), Facebook posts and sms (text messages) which were sent to approx. 1000 armed forces officers and many civilians on a daily / weekly basis. Zaid Hamid has been persistently trying to create a dangerous rift between the young officers and the top leadership of the Army. It is pertinent to point out that when he is sitting with young army officers who admire him, he ignites rage and anger in them against the Army Chief. Zaid Hamid has declared that the Army Chief is a supporter of Kufr, lowest of the low, afraid of the Americans, frozen in fear, totally compromised, sold out, and working on the agenda of the enemies of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Zaid Hamid repeatedly emphasizes in various ways that the anger and frustration level against the Army Chief in the young army officers has crossed the dangerous level; thus it is apprehended that something would snap soon and there would be a bloody mutiny against the top leadership. Zaid Hamid implies that the Army Chief should resign, else face removal or assassination by a young army officer. On a few occasions, Zaid Hamid has said very clearly that the Army Chief might die in a car accident or a helicopter crash. Zaid Hamid boasts that the day he utters one word against the Army Chief on the mainstream media, there will be a mutiny within the ranks and the young army officers will stage a coup and assassinate the Army Chief General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani. In spite of this dangerous situation no action could be taken by Respondent No. 3 yet.


That as evident from the statements made by Zaid Hamid, taken from Situational Reports and conversation Zaid Hamid told one Major of the Military Intelligence, that he wished there were a few Mumtaz Qadris near the Army Chief, and if he (Zaid Hamid) was ever given this opportunity to be near someone in top leadership (like Army Chief or President Zardari) while carrying a loaded weapon, he would not miss that chance, and would use the weapon. He told the Major, Aisee batain poochi nahi jateen, bas kar di jati hain (Permission is not taken for such acts, they are just performed). Zaid Hamid tried igniting a mutiny in Pakistan Army by various means, for instance, by defaming General Kayani for his handling of Memo case, then for his decision about resumption of NATO supplies and then by hammering the theme of Khilafat-e-Rashida vs. Democracy, portraying General Kayani as Ghaddaar & Kaafir for supporting Kufr-based Democracy which Zaid Hamid calls biggest Shirk. Zaid Hamid also did extensive propaganda against General Kayanis decision of following the constitution and letting the 2013 elections take place instead of overthrowing the regime. Zaid Hamid demanded of the Army Chief to violate the constitution and overthrow the regime, warning that if he did not do so, then there would be massive bloodshed and anarchy, even dismemberment of Pakistan. Zaid Hamid repeatedly said that General Kayani will be responsible for breaking up and destroying Pakistan. Therefore Zaid Hamids team members openly started abusing General Kayani and saying that he ought to be killed. Zaid Hamid projected / promoted himself as the real Sipah Salaar and leader of the armed forces and patriots instead of General Kayani.


That after analyzing Zaid Hamids Situational Reports, emails, Facebook posts and sms (which were sent to about 1000 army officers and many civilians on a weekly and daily basis), it becomes evident that Zaid Hamids main focus has been on completely destroying the image and credibility of Army Chief General Kayani, saying that the 3

Army Chief has been compromised and is unable or unwilling to defend Pakistan and his indecision and inexplicable silence on critical national security matters is increasing rage and anger in young army officers to such an extent that a bloody mutiny within Army is just about to take place. Zaid Hamid kept emphasizing that it is the young officers who are giving heavy casualties and sacrifices daily, while the Army Chief is seen to be too close to the corrupt regime and too submissive in front of the enemies of Pakistan, not caring about the sacrifices of his own young officers. Zaid Hamid also severely criticized Army Chiefs stance and decision in the Memo Case (comparing it to Agartala Sazish), Raymond Davis case and the resumption of NATO supplies, creating despondency in young officers and others, using harsh and treasonous words to ignite hatred in them for the Army Chief. Zaid Hamid has been depicting military leadership as weak, indecisive, confused & divided into 2 camps, one being patriotic & the other Liberal. Zaid Hamid has vehemently opposed stance of Army Chief on democracy (which Zaid Hamid calls biggest Shirk & Kufr backed by Zionists), that just like corrupt politicians, judiciary and media, Army Chief has also become a supporter of this Kufr. Comparing current scenario to that of 1970-71, Zaid Hamid has stated many times that he and future historians will hold only the Army Chief responsible for the destruction and dismemberment of Pakistan, if the Army Chief lets 2013 elections take place and does not remove the elected and constitutional government by force to bring in patriotic caretakers of armys choice for 3 years at least. Zaid Hamid says that men of God (Fuqara) are cursing all those who are supporting democracy and elections including the Army Chief. 5. That there are hundreds of proofs of Zaid Hamids venomous and treasonous emails, Situational Reports and text messages which were sent by Zaid Hamid to armed forces officers focusing on one sinister agenda only, that is, instigating a bloody coup in the Pakistan Army 4

and getting the Army Chief General Kayani assassinated mainly because he is not moving the 111 brigade to overthrow the constitutional government. A summary of a few statements of Zaid Hamid taken from his Sit-Reps from 30-1-2011 to 12-5-2013 is attached, marked A; evident that he is working vehemently against the state and institutions of Pakistan. It is a surprise to note that to date none of the Respondent Nos.1 to 4 could take notice of this situation attracting action under Article 6 of the Constitution and all penal sections of Pakistan Penal Code as well as Pakistan Army Act. 6. That the Respondent No. 5 is sending his Sit-Reps on a weekly basis to about 1000 armed forces officers, mostly young Army Officers (Lieutenants, Captains, Majors, SSG Commandos etc) and some senior Army Officers including at least one Corps Commander. The Respondent Nos. 1 to 4 are, prima facie, unaware or helpless to take action in accordance with law. Respondent No. 5 is National Crime through the following electronic devices: committing


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That the Respondent No. 5 has also been attempting to blame judiciary time and again through his electronic devices as well as his open accusation in his 5

media talks and programmes being cast by News Channel Din. His agenda as appears from his statements is to portray that the institutions of Pakistan are constantly at war with each other leading to certain collapse of the State, Supreme Court at war with the Army and the government, government at war with the Army and media at war with the Army etc. 8. That the illegal anti-state activities of Respondent No. 5 are not limited domestically but he has spread it to foreigners, diplomats, multi-national corporations, international cellular networks, local and international banks, international oil and gas drilling concerns like MOL, Tullow, Standard Chartered Bank, Telenor, HBL, Alcatel Lucent. His visits to

prohibited/restricted Army Areas as well as abroad are also part of his activities to be checked by Respondent Nos. 1, 2 & 3. 9. That the Respondent Nos. 1 to 4 have failed to perform their national duties to block the electronic sites being used by Respondent No 5 and also holding enquiry regarding activities of Respondent No. 5 instigating the young officers etc of the Army. 10. That Respondent No. 5 was surfaced during Yousuf Kazabs blasphemy case as his diehard ummati, he travelled throughout country to gather support from ulema-e-karam in favour of Yousuf Kazab but failed. His defence proceedings also suffered a death blow when the Session Court declared Yousuf Kazab guilty of blasphemy and awarded death Penalty. 11. That Respondent No. 5 after the court verdict resorted to a maligned media campaign and published an article on 13-8-2000 calling the Session Courts verdict to be a death of justice. Mr. Muhammad Ismail Qureshi, Senior Advocate who prosecuted Yousuf Kazab wrote a foreword to book Truth about Yousuf Ali blasphemy case and brought entire facts of the case before public so that Zaid Hamid could not misguide the public at large. Copy of foreword is attached, marked B.


That after death of Yousuf Kazab as appears from subsequent activities he started to target Army, judiciary etc through media.


That this is an alarming issue of great Public Importance thus seeks indulgence of Apex Court to eradicate this National Crime in the interest of State and Nation and also to protect the dignity of judiciary and secure the Pakistan Army.


That the Petitioner craves leave to add further grounds and submit relevant record taken from the electronic devices and other sources being used by the Respondent No. 5.

P R A Y E R: In view of the facts mentioned herein above it is prayed that the Respondent Nos. 1 to 3 may be directed to hold full-fledged enquiry against the Respondent No. 5 to prosecute him and further direct the Respondent No. 4 to block the sites mentioned in para 6 (ut supra) and be pleased to direct the Respondent No.1 to put the name of Respondent No. 5 on Exit Control List (ECL) in the interest of justice. It is prayed accordingly.



(Hashmat Ali Habib) Advocate Supreme Court

(M.S. Khattak) Advocate on Record

Islamabad: 11-11-2013 Address For Service Hashmat Habib Law Associates 314-A, Manual House G-9/3 Islamabad Cell No.: 0300-5145070

CERTIFICATE: Certified on instruction that this is the first Constitutional Petition on the subject and no other petition has been filed by the Petitioner before any legal forum. Advocate on Record 7

Zaid Hamid trying to instigate a mutiny within Pakistan Army, inciting anger and hatred against the Army Chief General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani
Section A Statements made by Zaid Hamid, taken from his SITUATIONAL REPORTS (Sit-Reps) which he sent on a weekly basis to about 1000 armed forces officers, mostly young Army officers (lieutenants, captains, majors, SSG commandos etc.) and some senior Army officers including at least 1 Corp Commander.


30/1/2011 (PDF file) Pakistan is now also on the verge of an Egypt and Tunisia styled rebellions. Everyone can see it but leaders of this corrupt regime remain in delusional denial. If the people come out on the streets against this government, one can be sure that

army would not be confronting the people but would remove the government instead. The time for this seems near.
2) 27/2/2011 (PDF file) Army is still weighing its options hoping to find the right mix of patriots, politicians and leaders to act as alternate leadership to the existing diseased lot. In our assessment, army does not have much time to make up its mind as the economic collapse would make it impossible for the government to even pay salaries to the

government officers and armed forces if the present slide continues for another
few weeks or months. Army would also not like to confront own citizens on the streets in case of a civil unrest. The government is already so unpopular that no tears would be shed on its demise. 3) 6/3/2011 (PDF file) Army is still indecisive about its duty and role in the present political, security and economic crisis. This is proving fatal for the national security. 13/3/2011 (PDF file) Pakistans information warfare departments Information ministry and ISPR have collapsed entirely to respond to the threats being faced by the country. In the absence of covering fire of the information warfare and counter propaganda, Pakistani state and forces remain hopelessly exposed to Indian media barrages. 5) 13/3/2011 (PDF file) Militarys own organization ISPR also remains headless,


directionless and disorientated to even know the extent of the damage already
caused, let alone develop a response to it. This defeat in the information war is the greatest single contributing factor in creating psychological, political, religious and diplomatic anarchy in Pakistani society, politics and government. 6) 10/4/2011 (PDF file) Army chief has expressed his satisfaction on the war against terrorists but the fact remains that army is fighting this war alone, without the help of other state organs. The judiciary has collapsed, media is out of control and not supportive, government is actually treacherous and the civil society is too scared to support the army. This is a tough fight and thus the cost for the army has increased

many folds in men and material when so many critical flanks are exposed and
unguarded. 7) 24/4/2011 (PDF file) Pakistan is losing the war on this critical axis and by default

would lose the ongoing war on ground as well, despite the heroic sacrifices of its
armed forces if this exposed flank is not protected. Losing the psy-ops means losing the war despite winning the ground battles in the process! 8

Pakistan may be winning the battles against the insurgents and the terrorists, but the

state and the armed forces as well as the patriots are losing the war on the fronts that matter the most.
8) 1/5/2011 (PDF file) By systematically targeting the Pakistan State oil which holds the strategic reserves of oil for Pakistani defense forces, Pakistan can be brought on its

knees without even firing a single shot!

9) 8/5/2011 (PDF file) Now, army is also suffering when its image, credibility and

respect is being challenged due to incompetence and arrogance of this regime.

Economy is already failing and that is also hurting the national defense needs. With clouds of an embargo and war gathering on the horizon, removal of this regime has now

become an absolute necessity. Any further delay by the army would only increase
the collapse of the Pakistani state beyond recovery. It is already dangerously late. 10) 8/5/2011 (PDF file) The existing departments of ISPR and Information Ministry are

too disoriented and worthless to be of any use in fact they only give a false
sense of security which is lethal in present war situation. A professional and patriotic Information warfare command would set the priorities right, analyze the threats and develop the response. 11) 12/6/2011 (PDF file) Pakistan army and security establishment will have to fight a multi prong war in the coming days to defend not just the country but also their own honor and prestige. The only solution is the regime change in Islamabad else we should expect urban wars and anarchy in the coming days. 12) 12/6/2011 (PDF file) Pakistan needs a regime change in quick time to salvage the desperate security situation in the country.

A regime change in Islamabad is as critical as hitting the terrorists inside Afghanistan. It seems that army is beginning to realize this now.
13) 3/7/2011 (PDF file) The choice is now for the army leadership to pick the timings

of the regime change or wait for the system to collapse more. The system and
the regime cannot be reformed. Army should realize this before the system brings down the country with it!! 14) 10/7/2011 (PDF file) Political parties remain oblivious of the threats and continue to oppose the army actions. This is the dilemma of the army that the nation, media and

the political parties have all been compromised.

15) 17/7/2011 (PDF file) But again, to achieve this grand strategic objective, a regime

change in Islamabad remains our most critical and immediate need. Unless
the Pakistan army does not bring about this regime change at home, no regional policy or strategy can be deployed solidly. The politics is now downright anarchic, violent and separatist threatening the very foundations of the federation. This democracy is the worst anarchy Pakistan has even seen. 9

16) 24/7/2011 (PDF file) - Indian assets in Pakistans political landscape are ruling the country today. MQM, ANP, JUI and PPP are all compromised and sold out

treacherous parties in power in Pakistan today. PML (N) has also been compromised with Nawaz calling upon the nation not to consider India as an enemy
state. Pakistani media is totally penetrated by Indian content and proIndian media men who are waging a war against Pakistan itself on behalf of CIA and RAW. Pakistans judicial system has been compromised as the top lawyers of the country are on Indian payroll. The Chief Justice simply does not seem to have any idea of the gravity of the situation. The situation is desperate for Pakistani patriots and Pakistan army. 17) 24/7/2011 (PDF file) If army delays any further in removing this regime, this corrupt PPP government would bring the entire nation and the country down with it. The situation is catastrophic but the regime continues to fiddle and the army still not willing to move in. 18) 31/7/2011 (PDF file) Pakistan army is seeing this staggering betrayal but for some reasons has still not decided to remove this CIA planted regime in Islamabad. Unless the army does that, Pakistan and the army would continue to give severe casualties in imposed wars on all axis. 19) 31/7/2011 (PDF file) In the coming days, more and more ruthless and high profile

attacks would be launched against the ISI, Army, nuclear installations and the
critical state infrastructure to achieve this objective of state failure. 20) 7/8/2011 (PDF file) Army is severely handicapped and is compensating the shortfalls through daring operations and taking heavy casualties in the process. We dont know army would wait and allow this regime to continue but in our assessment, the finest strategy which the army can build at this stage for defense of Pakistan is to bring about a regime

change in Islamabad and bring patriotic government capable of handling the

staggering challenges. 21) 14/8/2011 (PDF file) All these parties (MQM, ANP, PPP) are heavily armed, are also part of the government and daggers drawn with each other on many issues. The Police and paramilitary forces are totally unable to control the violence as the criminal

gangs are also part of the government.

The PPP regime just cannot control the violence in the city. Army must over throw the

regime first and then go for smart operations against the leadership of these terrorist gangs operating in the city.
22) 14/8/2011 (PDF file) In our assessment, Pakistan army is making the serious

error by allowing this regime to continue. This is already a dead regime and its
continued presence in Islamabad is only increasing the pressure on the armed forces that are already under staggering pressure to keep the integrity of the country intact. 23) 14/8/2011 (PDF file) Under this most bizarre, complex, dangerous and confused geopolitical threat scenario, Pakistan is led by the most corrupt, compromised and dysfunctional regime in its history, further creating a leadership crisis in times of


The strategic blindness of the leadership has created an existential threat

environment for the state and the nation. 24) 21/8/2011 (PDF file) This is a very tense, nervous period in ISI and CIA relationship and we have no doubt that CIA can go to any limits to increase pressure on ISI and Pakistan army which may include assassination of top Pakistan army leadership or igniting the insurgencies in tribal areas or in Karachi and Baluchistan. 25) 21/8/2011 (PDF file) Now, army is under serious pressure to overthrow the

regime and impose strict martial law temporarily and then move into Karachi without
political strings attached to its actions and then neutralize the terrorist gangs from all parties. This means the end of PPP regime and the end of this circus of democracy. The shortest and the most stable way of eliminating the violence is to eliminate the

leadership of the three warring parties MQM, PPP and ANP are all treacherous murderers. Sooner or later, army will have to physically eliminate them.
Army just cannot wait indefinitely. The stakes are just too high for the organization and for the nation. 26) 25/9/2011 (PDF file) This extra ordinary situation would require the military leadership to take the matters into their own hands. The democracy is a dead horse. Whipping it wont get the army any results but more threats, risks and a false sense of security. This is what the military leadership had been debating today for six

hours. We shall know soon what they have decided. Their actions would speak.
27) 2/10/2011 (PDF file) If this regime is allowed to continue for some more time, it will cause an irrevocable collapse of national economy which eve the army would not be able to recover. The Chief Justice does not plan to take any action against the government. Army will have to move now else risk a system and state failure which will become unmanageable even after a regime change. Army has already delayed it

28) 13/11/2011 (PDF file) Zardari has even been conspiring to clip the wings of the army and ISI and assured complete support to US and CIA against his own army. Indians and US are counting upon Zardari to deliver them what the Pakistan army is resisting. Now this

regime has become the biggest national security risk acting as the extension and strong arm of Indian and American policies of Cold Start and Af-Pak
respectively. 29) 20/11/2011 (email) The army is furious as his treason and betrayal with the

nation is caught red handed. Army has all the case to impeach him judicially as well as
to remove him physically for this blatant treason in which Zardari had asked the help of the Americans against Pakistan army and the ISI and had promised to assist the US in eliminating all the patriotic officers to replace them with the cronies who would give a free hand to the US to conduct operations even against the nuclear program! The stakes are too high now even for the army to let him go. The anger and the rage

with the officer corps is rising against the PPP government and after this clear and caught-red-handed case of treason, army leadership will find it extremely

difficult to let him walk away. It seems that time has come for heads to roll.
If this regime goes, which we think it is, then there will be a caretaker government for some time, perhaps years. Elections are out of question under the circumstances.

[NATO supplies were blocked on 26th November 2011]

30) 27/11/2011 (PDF file) Anger in the officers and the nation is rising putting extreme pressure on the army leaders that an internal rebellion may be triggered. 31) 27/11/2011 (PDF file) US was hoping that anger and rage within the army would

also create an environment for an internal rebellion of young officers against the senior commanders, basically dividing and destroying the army from within.
32) 27/11/2011 (PDF file) But the real challenge for the military leadership is the

removal this regime and installation of a patriotic caretaker civilian setup

which can stabilize the rapidly collapsing national economy and law and order situation. Now this regime has also been caught planning to sell the nuclear assets to the CIA and also planning the assassinations of the military leadership. The national mood is all for removal of this regime but the army leadership is still reluctant to take the plunge and want the SC to deliver the coup de grace.

This delay in removing the regime is proving to be fatal as more and more
strategic national organizations are collapsing. 33) 27/11/2011 (PDF file) It is all manageable situation if the army decides to remove

this regime by force. Else, the crisis would aggravate for the army also. Removing this
regime is lesser of the evils which would grow into greater monsters in days to come if not handled now. Army cannot show weakness towards NATO nor towards the

Indians. It is fighting a difficult war already but the centre of gravity of this crisis is based
in Afghanistan and the federal government as well as the provincial regimes are treacherous and not offering any support to the army or to the state. Armys back is not secure which must be must protected first. 34) 4/12/2011 (PDF file) That leaves India as the hope for the US to do the dirty job for them. US could promise the Indians air and missile support against Pakistans strategic assets and command and control formations and then would allow the Indian independent battle groups to invade, occupy and clear Pakistan for the US and NATO supplies and logistics. India always wanted to fight Pakistan to the last American and this arrangement suits them a lot. 35) 11/12/2011 (PDF file) Even if the military leadership in Pakistan tries to give

some concessions to the US at this stage, they cannot due to shear rage and anger in the armed forces and the nation.
36) 11/12/2011 (PDF file) Now, Pakistan can actually seize all this military

hardware and goods as payment for the arrears or if the relations hit new low, these
can be seized as hostile enemy property as well. 12

Pak army can simply move in to help themselves with brand new state of the art NATO military hardware worth billions of dollars. 37) 11/12/2011 (PDF file) Army would not let the government get away this time. Now the daggers are out and gloves are off. If the army does not take this betrayal to its logical conclusion, the leadership of the army would be eliminated and least would

be humiliated by the cunning and treacherous Zardari and his cohorts who have totally
sold their souls to the CIA and India. For the army, there is no margin for error now nor have they got any time to waste or delay. 38) 18/12/2011 (email) The fact is that if the army allows Zardari to get away this

time, the leadership of the army itself would be destroyed. Zardari is a

venomous snake and he would strike now with lethal force, perhaps orchestrating a coup

within the army to get rid of these "irritating" COAS and the DG ISI.
It is now a blood feud and Zardari has been caught cheating on the army and the nation. Army has a very strong legal case against him and if the SC decides on merit, then Zardari

should not just be impeached but also held for high treason.
Also, if the army leadership go soft of the NATO/US, even then they face a threat of

unrest within the army. Zardari and his cohorts would be counting upon this internal unrest within the army to "deal" with the present leadership. Pakistan army
leadership faces a double edged sword right now. If they save this "democracy, then Zardari will eliminate them. If they eliminate the corrupt regime, democracy and PPP regime would try to become a martyr in the process. Zardari and NAT/US are also in alliance to eliminate the military

leadership. That makes NATO/US a hostile force for the Pak army also and the young officers are desperate for revenge even questioning the intentions of the senior leadership. In such a crisis, the army leadership has no margin for error. They must find a
legal way to eliminate the regime and they must show extreme firmness and dignity against US/NATO. Else, Zardari and US would exploit the anger and would instigate

a rebellion in the army. That would be catastrophic for the army and Pakistan.
39) 18/12/2011 (PDF file) If Pakistan is not able to achieve these strategic objectives, then

destruction and dismemberment of Pakistan would become imminent. It is no

more a question of choice now. 40) 18/12/2011 (PDF file) The rage and anger against US/NATO within the officer

corps of Pak army is touching the red hot temperatures and they are demanding
more harsh and extreme steps against the US/NATO. Pakistan army leadership is under pressure from within also to take firm and harsh measures against NATO/US. 41) 18/12/2011 (PDF file) Army has assured the PPP regime that it will not take any violent steps to over throw the government. Army also wants the SC to kill the regime. Zardari has been given assurance by the army that law will follow its course. Zardari now plans to come to Pakistan but is afraid of a coup.

Zardari has taken assurances from the army chief.


42) 18/12/2011 (PDF file) The AfPaks drone warfare was already deployed against the state which had multiple objectives:

Impeach the credibility of Pakistani armed forces and military leadership as collaborators in the US war against Pashtuns and Afghan resistance.
43) 18/12/2011 (PDF file) The next phase of the Af-Pak was to physically invade Pakistan to achieve multiple objectives.

To humiliate the military leadership as incompetent commanders not capable of defending the nation and the country.
To identify and eliminate and neutralize Pakistans strategic assets. 44) 18/12/2011 (PDF file) The Davis issue, the Abbotabad raid and the Mehran attacks were meant to achieve the objectives of the next phase of the Af-Pak. The attacks on Pakistan army posts multiple times which killed many troops last year also were also meant to test the waters and to generate anger and rage within the army against the army

All the above defined objectives of Af-Pak were very successfully achieved by the US and CIA in the previous raids against Pak army and inside Pakistan. The army leadership

was seriously wounded morally and rage and anger rose against the leadership
in the country and within the rank and file of the army also. In other words --- by allowing the NATO to have supply line through Pakistan, Pakistan is

actually supporting, funding and financing a war against itself which is designed to dismember the country on the Yugoslavia pattern! Even more
farcical and ironic is that Pakistan is doing it for free, giving both land and air routes without any check, accounting, monitoring and controls!!! Thousands of NATO containers have disappeared in the country or their lethal cargo of weapons and explosives off loaded and distributed to the insurgent groups, terrorists and private militias. Every round of ammunition and rocket fired by the insurgents against the state and the army is actually passing through this hostile supply line for the US/NATO in Afghanistan. In the history of military warfare, this farcical arrangement would go down as the most

suicidal national security policy ever drawn by any state ever.

45) 18/12/2011 (PDF file) The respect and dignity of the armed forces would come

down crashing in a flash if the supplies are resumed without achieving the above
strateg4ic objectives. There is a general perception within the army and in the nation that if such a historic moment is missed, the political leadership and the armed forces would be

responsible for the destruction of the state and the nation in an imposed war
which could have been defeated through sheer strength of diplomacy, foreign policy, information war and show of military strength. 46) 18/12/2011 (PDF file) In the absence of a docile, corrupt and incompetent regime, US is now forced to deal with a tough Pakistan army which is raging with sense of

revenge after having lost tens of thousands of finest of officers and men in a
war of terrorism and insurgency which was orchestrated by the CIA. 47) 25/12/2011 (PDF file) If the SC delays in deciding the Memo case and the government decide to remove the army chief and the DG ISI, then the army would retaliate with 14

ferocity and then even the SC would not be able to control a Martial law.
The status is changing by the hour and any moment the crisis can ignite into a radical and perhaps a violent over throw of the government. 48) 25/12/2011 (email) In 1970, the national political scene was violently divided on ethnic and regional lines. The "free and fair" elections were held under army in an environment where urban war was already planned by the enemies and pygmy leaders simply sacrificed the nation for "democracy", resulting in a bloody civil war, then Indian invasion and then dismemberment of Pakistan in 1971.

Today, there is exact repeat of the 1971 scenario.

Elections under these circumstances are fatal for the country. The country needs

patriotic and powerful caretaker government selected by the SC and the army to stabilize the country for 3 years at least. Any other option would mean a
repeat of 1971... We sincerely hope the army and the SC decides to protect the country and not the democracy. 49) 1/1/2012 (PDF file) Pakistan army is now in the most commanding position against the US/NATO and has the opportunity to destroy the entire Af-Pak doctrine without even firing a shot by seizing the stranded NATO supplies for the military buildup

required to invade Pakistan!

50) 1/1/2012 (PDF file) If Pakistan army allows this stuck up armored infantry divisions to enter Afghanistan, we can be sure that within weeks, this equipment would be deployed against Pakistan and Pak army will find itself on the receiving end of these weapons. Needless to say, the failure to block and seize NATO supplies and allowing the hostile forces to achieve their military buildup in Afghanistan for an invasion into Pakistan would go down in history as the most catastrophic military blunder by any army ever

which would not just result in the annihilation of the Pakistan army but also the state and the nation.
So far, Pak army is firm in blocking the supplies but has not yet started to seize the NATO equipment. 51) 1/1/2012 (PDF file) Elections cannot be held; hence the SC must bring in a caretaker government with the help of army. 52) 8/1/2012 (PDF file) If the US can get this equipment released and send it to Afghanistan, then we can genuinely expect the next regional war and an invasion of Pakistan by

the US and Indian forces.

53) 15/1/2012 (PDF file) Zardari wants to sack the army chief and the DG ISI but is not mustering the strength to make the move. 54) 15/1/2012 (PDF file) There is a fierce battle going on between Pakistan government,

army and the Supreme Court.

55) 29/1/2012 (PDF file) The regime, the Supreme Court, media and the politicians are all united in attacking and humiliating the army and are pushing the great treason of 15

memo towards a dead end. If the memo treason case goes in favor of the traitors, it will

fatally damage the institution of the army and the ISI, the last defense lines of Pakistan under these most dangerous and difficult times. The army is now surrounded by traitors within the country and by the enemies outside of it. Government is now trying to deceive the army into believing that it wants to have good relations with the institution.
56) 29/1/2012 (PDF file) There is no doubt that there is rage and anger within the

army at the monumental betrayal which is taking place at all levels within the country. The senior leadership of the army is trying to achieve a delicate and dangerous balancing act between the government and the rage within the officer corps. The senior commanders are also divided over the opinion to stage the coup or not. Few wants that Supreme Court should be given the time to
decide the memo and the NRO cases. Others do not trust the Supreme Court also and want the sanity to be restored through a decisive intervention. The decision is still

being debated within the army leadership. The PPP regime is scared of the
possibility though trying to put up a brave face. 57) 29/1/2012 (PDF file) Indians are waiting to attack under Cold start and AfPak. The brewing cycle of conspiracy-pardon-elections-civil war-invasion-defeat-

dismemberment is hauntingly similar this time also.

Army can either learn from the mistakes of the past and move in now to hang the

traitors or back off now to let them get away and hold elections to allow them back into the power for the final and decisive civil war and invasion. The ghosts of 1968 agartala conspiracy are haunting army even now. The ghosts of the memo conspiracy would not haunt army as there would be no country left to have any army! It is that simple and blunt!
58) 5/2/2012 (PDF file) US would have attacked Pakistan this summer if their supplies had not been blocked by the army in Pakistan. 59) 5/2/2012 (PDF file) The fact of the matter is that unless the army moves in now to

remove this regime, the entire state, country, nation and its resources would be
plundered, decimated, robbed and destroyed within the next few months. 60) 12/2/2012 (PDF file) The fact of the matter is very simple. If the army does not move in now to restore the sanity in the system, tomorrow, Pakistan would become another

Iraq, Libya, Yemen or Syria.

It is not the question of democracy, constitution or the rule of law. It is a simple question of security, survival and stability and prevention of a total and complete collapse of the state. 61) 12/2/2012 (PDF file) The clash between the Zardari regime and the army has effectively created two power centers in the country and nobody seems to be in charge for the US to deal with.

Pak army is handicapped due to a treacherous regime in Islamabad and a very


hostile media and political environment in the country as well due to multiple insurgencies and urban war theatres. In the absence of its own troops, US heavily relies upon India to do the fighting for them against Pakistan and to divert Pakistans attention away from the US and NATO once the western forces launch their Af-Pak plan to make a landing on Gawader and roll into

Pakistan. This is where the Indian Cold Start war doctrine comes into operation.
The internal collapse of the Pakistani state and governance as well as economy is very rapid in the absence of any government in Pakistan. The institutions are at war with

each other leaving the country to the dogs, literally. Supreme Court has two
most critical cases of NRO and Memo in front of it and it is dangerously dragging the legal war, creating a vacuum where the state has become frozen in time, simply

collapsing under its own weight.

62) 12/2/2012 (PDF file) The entire country can be restored and recovered if the army decides to move decisively and clean up the mess and bring in patriotic caretaker

government. Any other course is just disaster now.

63) 12/2/2012 (PDF file) Armys back and flanks are now dangerously exposed and if those regions are not covered, there will be no state left to protect for the army and

the ISI.
At present, the army is isolated and alone and the very organs which were supposed to protect and support it are at war with the army. 64) 19/2/2012 (email) Army has two options to chose from the difficult one or the fatal one. The signs are rapidly getting sharper that unless the army moves in decisively to restore the order in the country, the option of taking the "difficult" decision would also be taken away from it and the only course open in default would be the fatal one. The NATO supplies blockade was some insurance against an invasion but it seems that the

leadership of the country is inviting an external invasion and seems very pleased about it.
These are extremely difficult times for the country. We have never been so concerned in ages as we are these days. The entire pressure to defend the country would fall

upon the young officers of Pak army who would indeed pay a heavy price for decisions not taken in time.
65) 25/2/2012 (PDF file) The Supreme Court and the political parties would push the army for early elections under its supervision just as they did in 1970 despite the fact that a major treason case against the government is pending in the Supreme Court. Indians would never miss such an opportunity to wage their own wars within Pakistan. The

penetration of RAW is deep within Pakistans media, society, militants and in the
political parties.

This is the time to launch the Cold Start. The 4GW is already in the final stages of termination. If the NATO supplies which Pakistan has blocked are released and the US builds up the required military strength in Afghanistan to roll into Pakistan, we can expect the last phase of the Af-Pak to be also launched in tandem with Cold start just when the nation would be reeling under the chaos of next elections. For now,
the insurgencies continue to take their toll. 17

66) 4/3/2012 (email) When rulers commit treason, it is the compulsion of

patriotism to rebel against them!

It is expected that Pakistan army would read the enclosed report and make radical

policy adjustments on literally war footings. The war theatre is already raging and
the mid battle course correction would be difficult indeed but not impossible. Not doing it is not an option anymore. It is a choice between taking difficult decisions or by default entering into the suicidal mode. 67) 4/3/2012 (PDF file) With the country in an advanced state of war and the judiciary busy in humiliating the armed forces and the spy agencies, the frustration is rising

in the armed forces over this attitude of the superior judiciary. Country is sliding into chaos and army has to do something.
68) 4/3/2012 (PDF file) The Memo scandal has further exposed the treacherous role of a government at war with its own country and hell bent upon destroying the national

army. Now these parties have bought their way into the Senate also, creating a most
severe national security crisis as the entire state and its organs are now in the hands of the traitors working for the US or Indian interests. These are the fruits of this CIA

planted democracy in Pakistan.

69) 4/3/2012 (PDF file) Pakistan is in a state of war today with staggering stakes involved for the state, people, faith and the very integrity of the country. This is exactly what the government and even the armed forces do NOT understand. 70) 4/3/2012 (PDF file) There is absolutely no doubt now that a massive civil unrest will engulf the country soon, dragging the army into an urban war unless this regime

is removed immediately and a patriotic caretaker setup is not put in place.

The critical threshold of instability has been crossed and now the army would not be able to respond to the unprecedented threats under 4GW, Af-Pak and Cold start. If the general elections take place in the coming months, the country would be

engulfed in a civil war on provincial, ethnic and insurgency axis. The collapse of the
state organs is now total. With the present deployed failed response strategy it is not the question of a civil war is not if but when! 71) 11/3/2012 (PDF file) The Government, Judiciary, political parties and the Media have now opened all fronts against the ISI and the army in these most critical times, creating a

serious crisis for the security forces.

72) 11/3/2012 (PDF file) When Pakistan suffers an internal implosion, the Af-Pak and Cold Start will be deployed simultaneously from Eastern and Western theatres to complete the encirclement and dismemberment. 73) 11/3/2012 (PDF file) There is absolutely no doubt now that a massive civil unrest will engulf the country soon, dragging the army into an urban war unless this regime

is removed immediately and a patriotic caretaker setup is not put in place.

The critical threshold of instability has been crossed and now the army would not be able 18

to respond to the unprecedented threats under 4GW, Af-Pak and Cold start. If the general elections take place in the coming months, the country would be engulfed in a civil war on provincial, ethnic and insurgency axis. The collapse of the state organs

is now total. With the present deployed failed response strategy it is not the question of If but when a civil war would begin.
74) 11/3/2012 (PDF file) If the NATO supplies are released, the military axis of the Af-Pak, which is invasion of Pakistan from the West to cut a corridor through Baluchistan, would be deployed. This invasion would also trigger the Indian Cold Start to roll into

Pakistan in tandem.
75) 18/3/2012 (PDF file) The treason case of Memo is also being heard in the court but the SC is in no hurry to decide while the country continues to slip into anarchy. In fact, the SCs focus remains on humiliating, nailing and restricting the role of the army and

the ISI, who are desperately trying to keep the country together in the absence of any
government and law. The political parties find it to their interest that ISI does not keep an eye on them so that the government and the political parties can deal with the CIA and RAW at will. This is indeed an unprecedented crisis for the army also where it resists entering into the politics but is being humiliated from all sides and the country continues to slip into abyss. 76) 25/3/2012 (PDF file) Pakistan army is actually abandoned by the state organs to fight its own war for national defense. 77) 25/3/2012 (PDF file) NATO hardware stuck in Pakistan is an invasion level

hardware which will be used in Af-Pak invasion once that reaches Afghan soil.
78) 15/4/2012 (PDF file) Pakistan is now on the brink of a civil war from Karachi to Quetta to Gilgit Baltistan but the government, judiciary and the leadership fail to rise to respond to the challenge. The crisis is still manageable, but for that the government in Islamabad must be

removed either judicially or violently. We cannot overemphasize the dangerous situation Pakistan is in today. The silence and inaction of the CJ and army chief is
puzzling indeed. 79) 15/4/2012 (PDF file) The army chief is still silent, watching the army bashing by the PM and his cronies. 80) 15/4/2012 (PDF file) In these most explosive times when the entire state, government and economy have gone to dogs, new elections would mean suicide for the country. But the opportunists are pushing for the next elections which would surely lead to

a civil war in the presence of such anarchy and chaos in the country.
81) 29/4/2012 (PDF file) US covert game is very clear now. There would be a false flag attack on Pakistan, arranged by the US secret service, through their terrorist assets in TTP and BLA or MQM, which will be claimed by Al-Qaeda to avenge the Pakistani cooperation in killing Osama bin Laden!! In Islamabad, the chaos turns into farcical circus as country heads towards a total 19

meltdown and anarchy. Pakistan now turns into a banana republic as the PM is a convicted man by the Supreme Court for the crime of contempt of court. The PM refuses to resign, triggering a massive political war in the country, which is now turning into a civil

disobedience movement and urban anarchy.

82) 29/4/2012 (PDF file) Unless this government is removed NOW, we will see a massive urban anarchy, street warfare and total breakdown of state in multiple regions of the country. 83) 29/4/2012 (PDF file) If the supplies are opened, Pakistan would be invaded by a war from the Western theatre within six months. All other elements of chaos, anarchy, insurgencies and rebellions are already in place under the decade old 4 generation war.

The hardware for invasion is now stuck in Pakistan.

84) 6/5/2012 (email) If the SC does not do the justice now, it will be subjected to some very ruthless justice on the streets which would know no bounds. It has now come to this. Army must also prepare its horses to march down the Islamabad expressway. It has come to this now. 85) 6/5/2012 (PDF file) Pakistan army is slowly being sucked into these urban wars. There is no solution except removal of this regime and bringing in of a patriotic

government. If the SC and army do not do it, then this country would become Yugoslavia
in very near future. It has come to that now. 86) 6/5/2012 (PDF file) For now, army is resisting the temptation to move in but the cost of waiting is now becoming staggeringly high. The rank and file of army is getting

impatient and there are genuine concerns of a mutiny or a rebellion within the army if the senior leadership fails to stem the national collapse. The army
leadership is seriously aware of the pressures building with the army over national collapse. 87) 6/5/2012 (PDF file) The meltdown is now too rapid and staggering and we see no effort from any state organs to block the crash. The status quo cannot go on for long now. The system would either crash or the SC or the army would take a decisive step to restore order. The present indecisive role of SC and army is not going to prevent the

88) 6/5/2012 (PDF file) Each one of the ruling class --- from the government to the opposition to the judiciary to the media are compromised and corrupt acting as the fifth

column of the enemies in these times of war and chaos.

89) 13/5/2012 (PDF file) The anarchy is now unsustainable. If the army does not move in now, the country would become a failed state like Somalia or a disintegrated state like Yugoslavia. It has now come to this while the SC and army continue to watch and see

the ship sink, despite having the powers to rectify the damage.


90) 13/5/2012 (PDF file) The entire invasion levels hardware is now stuck in

Pakistan and if the things went out of control, Pakistan could actually seize these supplies which cannot be replaced by the US under any circumstances.
91) 20/5/2012 (email) The SC is now making a mockery of itself and the entire responsibility has fallen on Pakistan army which continues to watch and wait.

A bloody revolution is in the air. There is no doubt about it. If it does not come through the state organs and legal accountability, then expect street lynching soon. It
has come to that. 92) 20/5/2012 (PDF file) Pakistan army will soon have to intervene or else witness the

dismemberment of the state and the state organs. Do far, GHQ has allowed the
SC and the government to play havoc with the country. But this state will not continue for long now. 93) 20/5/2012 (PDF file) If Af-Pak is allowed to prevail and consolidate itself and NATO supplies are released, there is a clear and present danger of attack on Pakistan from the Western front also by the US/NATO forces in pursuit of Al-Zawahiri this time. This would allow India to launch the CSD even without getting full operational status. India

would keep Pakistan Army busy on the Eastern front while the US/NATO would
be launching raids and air strikes from the Western front with an additional objective of

cutting a strategic corridor through Baluchistan.

94) 20/5/2012 (PDF file) Resumption of NATO supplies would not only enhance the physical threats to the country under combined 4GW-CSD-Af-Pak threat matrix but would also

challenge the credibility of the armed forces to protect the honor and the dignity of the nation as well as its own. Apart from that a very demoralizing message would be conveyed within the rank and file of the armed forces which may turn mutinous under the present levels of anger in the forces against NATO and
US. 95) 20/5/2012 (PDF file) And the most audacious aspect of this dirty American war is the creation of a dangerous divide within Pakistani military between the top brass

and the junior officers who are giving the ultimate sacrifices in a war to
defend Pakistan which cannot be won by military means alone in the absence of political, diplomatic, media and judicial backing and support. 96) 20/5/2012 (PDF file) NATO supplies resumption would also have serious implications for the Pakistan army. 97) 20/5/2012 (PDF file) The mood within the nation and in the rank and file of

the armed forces is hostile against opening up the supplies and the government is
extremely nervous about the possibility of violent fallouts within the country. On this issue, the military leadership is also in the spotlight and the nation is expecting them to side with the popular sentiments. The respect, integrity, credibility and

dignity of the armed forces leadership is now at stake. Never before the nation and its leadership has differed so violently on any issue before.

The entire social, moral, emotional, political and religious authority of the national political and military leadership is on trial here and the entire fabric of the nation is now violently polarized over this emotional and sensitive issue of siding with the crusaders for killing the Afghan Muslims and on supporting the AfPak for a war of annihilation

against Pakistan itself.

98) 27/5/2012 (PDF file) A military coup is the only way out of the present anarchy in the country. Military must come to restore order, bring in patriotic technocratic civilian

government and then move on for a most harsh and strict accountability of the corrupt
and the terrorists. It can still be done when the institution of the army is still strong, united and capable of achieving this seemingly difficult task. Army has delayed it beyond the red line already. Now the cost of recovery would be heavy but it is still manageable. The delay by Pak army is only increasing the cost of recovering the freedom at the later stage. 99) 3/6/2012 (PDF file) Pakistan is now well and truly surrounded with almost all hostile secret services actively and aggressively involved in fomenting violence, insurgencies and rebellions in all provinces of Pakistan. The US/NATO/India presence in Afghanistan has created a security nightmare for Pakistan. The corrupt and incompetent political leadership, compromised media and the judiciary is part of the sinister plan to magnify the anarchy and chaos. Army and the paramilitary is under intense pressure from the terrorists, from the media and from the judiciary to scale down their operations. In stunning examples of betrayals and backstabbing, the very organs of the state, compromised by the enemy, are hell bent on demolishing the foundations of the state, nation and the armed forces. 100) 10/6/2012 (PDF file) For the Pakistan army, the situation on ground and in the media is now getting desperate in the presence of this government which is actively supporting the treason against the state, army and the ISI through paid media and foreign secret services. The government wanted to bring about a clash between the SC and the army and hence sponsored the media campaigns on missing persons, blaming the army for the assassinations, kidnappings and abductions. Media houses and TV anchors took astronomical sums from the government or from the foreign secret services to create the hype, forcing the CJ to take action against the army and the ISI. 101) 17/6/2012 (PDF file) We will summarize in one liner. If the army does not move in now to remove the regime and install a patriotic caretaker setup, the responsibility for

collapse, destruction and failure of the state, nation and the army itself would rest on the leadership of the armed forces.
102) 17/6/2012 (PDF file) The country has slipped beyond the red line now and a

total and complete anarchy has brought the country into a dysfunctional failed state under threat of annihilation and occupation. Army is still united, organized and disciplined and loved by the people but soon that would change as more and more patriots are looking towards the army leadership to stabilize the situation, which it is not doing.

The window of opportunity is extremely limited for the army now. Once the meltdown becomes total, the recovery of the state under hostile internal and external threats would become impossible and the army would find itself disoriented, disorganized,

surrounded and outnumbered and outgunned against multiple internal and

external enemies under various forms of 4thGW, Af-Pak and Cold start in an environment where the nation would be too dazed and hostile to offer any substantial support to the forces. Pakistan has reached at the most decisive phase of its volatile history. It can either rise to become the most powerful nation in the region or it can become an occupied land and

led towards disintegration like Yugoslavia. It can all happen within the next few months. After God, it is in the hands of the army chief.
103) 17/6/2012 (PDF file) Pakistan is now effectively surrounded from East and West with multiple insurgencies within creating a Somalia styled collapse of the state and the country. Pakistan army is now realizing the threat, though much belated and is trying to develop a response though a reactive one so far. The blockade of NATO supplies is the single most strategic master stroke which has brought the US on its knees. 104) 17/6/2012 (PDF file) If the Pakistani government decides to release the NATO supplies in defiance of the parliaments decision, that would be an act of treason and war against

the state. If Pakistan allows the NATO supplies that would mean Pakistan would become Iraq within the next few months and that would be a self inflicted suicide by the army and the government and would go down in history as the most strategic military blunder by any nation in history.
105) 17/6/2012 (PDF file) So the issue of blocking of NATO supplies is not related to an apology alone. The crisis is of an existential nature for Pakistan and especially

for the Pak armed forces.

The country is on verge of a social and street anarchy and revolution. The meltdown is

now almost total.

106) 17/6/2012 (PDF file) Now this is where the Pakistan army and its topmost leadership have to tread very carefully. With thousands of casualties within the armed forces as well, the mood is extremely angry within the officers and men against the US and

the Zardari regime. The ranks and file of the army understands the game US is playing
in Afghanistan and are hostile to Indians presence in the country and their support to TTP and BLA. Under these extremely sensitive times and angry moods in the officer

corps, it is literally impossible for the Army chief to show any soft corner towards the US and NATO or he risks a rebellion within the ranks under his command. It is actually that serious at the moment and the risks are too extreme to be miscalculated. Dissenting voices are getting louder in the army and the leadership is aware of the discontent. The meltdown of the government and the
complete anarchy at political, judicial and media levels has also further increased the


pressure on the army leadership to be known and seen as patriotic.

107) 17/6/2012 (PDF file) Nation is looking towards army to move in and remove

the regime. Army may have to move in sooner than later as the meltdown rages to rock
bottom levels in the country dragging and humiliating even organ of the state. Under these most dangerous scenario, army cannot afford to become villains in the country

by openly supporting the US and NATO to continue their war against Pakistan. That would be a needlessly inflicted suicide for the military as an institution and its leadership as commanders. If army makes a mistake here, that would be end of Pakistan and end of army as an
institution. 108) 24/6/2012 (PDF file) NATO supplies remain blocked, effectively destroying the

entire US war plans.

The invasion levels hardware which is actually the threat is still stuck in Pakistan and this is where the actually injury to the US lies. 109) 1/7/2012 (PDF file) Now if the air bridge is also closed, that would be the end of the Afghan adventure for US and NATO. For the last 12 years, US has been abusing,

humiliating, violating and attacking Pakistans sovereignty, security, dignity and freedom. Now it is the payback time for Pakistan. US can only gasp
helplessly. 110) 1/7/2012 (PDF file) This is where the Pakistan army and the SC will have to make their call. It is already too late and a dangerous collapse has already taken place. The country is on the verge of total Somalia styled anarchy but the SC and the army still

remain indecisive about the future course. But as we see it, the scenario has become unsustainable and army will be dragged into over throwing this regime and brining in a caretaker government. According to the law, the President is supposed
to bring the caretaker government but under the circumstances, that would be a national suicide. The signs are that by next month, this regime may be sent packing for

good and a new caretaker government be brought in place by the army and
the SC. That is the only option left now to attempt a salvage operation of the sinking ship. If the army and the SC still do not bring about a regime change, the consequence of the alternate would be too dreadful to comprehend. 111) 1/7/2012 (email) Army should realize that they are giving dozens of casualties every week at this stage. In not so near future, the cost would run into hundreds of dead per

week, perhaps even higher as the collapse of the state and the economy invites the
entire axis of most violent non-state and state actors pouncing upon Pakistan from Khyber to Karachi, over stretching the army into a bloody reactive high intensity urban war. Unless the army removes this regime and bring about patriotic caretakers today, the country

and the army would go down together. It has reached to this point now. No second option, no further time to ponder. The fuse is already lit.


112) 1/7/2012 (PDF file) It is almost impossible for the senior leadership now to appear to be soft or compromising towards the US.

The rage and anger against US in the ranks and officers of Pak army is now red hot levels and may turn to disobedience or even a mutiny if the top commanders are seen to be giving concessions to the US/NATO. The COAS of Pakistan army is aware of the serious consequences and the prevailing mood in the army under his command.

[NATO supplies were restored on 4th July 2012]

113) 8/7/2012 (PDF file) General Kayani literally caught between the deep sea

and the devil! The reopening of the NATO supplies is now even a bigger crisis for the Pak army Chief General Kayani. We have genuine and serious concerns over the discipline in army now as anger and rage almost becomes palpable within the officers. With thousands of very angry Pakistanis now marching aggressively towards Islamabad to clash with the Police, the image, credibility and respect of the army chief has also taken a very serious hit not just within the forces but also within the nation. General Kayani has sided with Zardari and now has risked his entire respect, dignity and credibility within the nation and within the powerful military institution he heads.
114) 8/7/2012 (PDF file) The final countdown has now begun for this regime as it desperately tries to counter attack against the people, against the Supreme Court and against the red

hot anger in the anger in the army. Within the next 10 days, major battles will be fought in Pakistan on streets, in judiciary, in media and in politics. The regime wants open confrontation and now they will get it. This one is going to be messy perhaps bloody as well.
115) 8/7/2012 (PDF file) What the PPP regime has done is literally auctioned Pakistans national security for free, allowing the Af-Pak military doctrine to re-group re-organize and re-launch their fatal existential war against Pakistan. The most sinister betrayal of

national security has been delivered by Zardari and his gang.

116) 8/7/2012 (PDF file) Last week, we had written about another dimension of the NATO issue. The anger and rage within the armed forces. This is a major concern for us now. Pakistan army is daily giving casualties due to the NATO/CIA support to the insurgents from Afghanistan. The NATO attack on Salala check post which killed 24 Pakistani troops was also seen as a hostile act by NATO to protect the TTP terrorists. It was Pakistan army which was

blocking the NATO supplies. Last week, we had written the following assessment of
the blockade and mood in the army: It is almost impossible for the senior leadership now to appear to be soft or compromising towards the US. The rage and anger against US in the ranks and

officers of Pak army is now red hot levels and may turn to disobedience or even a mutiny if the top commanders are seen to be giving concessions to the

US/NATO. The COAS of Pakistan army is aware of the serious consequences and the prevailing mood in the army under his command. 117) 8/7/2012 (PDF file) The next two weeks would be most critical, explosive, chaotic and even bloody in the country. All organs of the state are at war with each other and all enemies of the state are most aggressively attacking the state, people and the armed forces exploiting the anarchy at the top. There is silence within the army but this is just the lull before the storm. Something is going to snap and explode soon either on the streets or in the Supreme Court or in

the GHQ. The status quo of anarchy is untenable now. Enemies are attacking with
impunity on all axis. 118) 8/7/2012 (PDF file) Chief justice is now a serious pain the neck for the government. They have to remove him, kill him or clip his power to achieve their future political agenda of looting, plundering and auctioning the national wealth and interests. Since, the

army chief is totally silent, the CJ is now putting up some resistance.

119) 15/7/2012 (email) The time for a decisive intervention by army to bring sanity into the affairs is already long gone and have already caused incalculable damage by the delay but still, for any salvage operation, it must be done now. We are sensing that the

mood in the army is now defiant and angry. This is a good sign.
120) 15/7/2012 (PDF file) The regime and its allies know that they cannot continue to drag this chaos indefinitely. The nation is in chaos, country is heading towards anarchy and the military is extremely anxious and nervous over the possibility of a total state collapse

which would also destroy the army as institution along with the country. The imploding of the state is rapid without any corrective maneuvers from any organ including the army.
121) 15/7/2012 (PDF file) In all this anarchy, army as an intuition is most badly burnt

in the country. Not just that the respect, dignity and image of this disciplined institution is most severely damaged within the nation, the army is also taking most severe casualties due to the collapse of the national law and order due to the infighting within the state organs. The anger and rage within the officer corp is rising and it is now openly directed against the senior military leadership also which is being seen as collaborators with the regime in bringing about this collapse of the state. This mutinous tone within the young officers in the army is a most worrisome development for the top military leadership and in the recent conferences of the Corps Commanders; the issue of national collapse and
its possible remedial measures were discussed in detail. It seems clear now that army has reached its limit of patience with this democracy. 122) 15/7/2012 (PDF file) There are all the signs that the powerful and disciplined Pakistan

army is now regretting the decision to join the government in opening up the supplies. The image, credibility, respect of the armed forces within the nation and the national security has taken a serious hit by this decision. The entire nation is up in

arms and the military leadership is most severely burnt.

The pressure over Pak army was instantly increased over Haqqani network and the Coalition Support Funds have also been withheld which were promised to be released instantly. It is insult, over insult, over insult! 123) 15/7/2012 (PDF file) It is clear that Pakistan is being pushed towards becoming another Somalia. Once that state is achieved, the country would be pushed to become another Iraq, by invasion from East and West. Then the last stage would be the Yugoslavia where physical dismemberment of the country would take place. The process is already in the advanced stage while the army watches the country

being burnt to the ground. But it seems that now the army would finally move
decisively and mercilessly to restore the balance and when it does that it will find a cheering nation standing by its side. There is no doubt about it. 124) 22/7/2012 (PDF file) Next ten days would be most turbulent in Pakistans politics and judicial domains as the state organs are set to collide and clash over authority and dominance. 125) 29/7/2012 (PDF file) The state has reached such a point that now either the army

stages a military coup or surrenders the country and its strategic weapons to the US/India and UN. For the last many years, since this democracy was imposed,
the army has been walking the tight rope of trying to balance the national security with the requirements of the democracy and constitution. But now it has become impossible to balance the pulls of the two opposing extremes. Army still has the means to pull the country back from the abyss but incredibly remains indecisive despite fully

knowing the disastrous, in fact, suicidal consequences of letting this democracy continue.
126) 29/7/2012 (PDF file) The regime is in a hurry to sign a suicide note under which the NATO would get unfettered free access through Pakistan to take in and bring back all military hardware for the war in Afghanistan and for future invasion of

Pakistan under Af-Pak. Never in military history, have such treacherous document been written where a hostile power has been allowed to take in weapons for invading the country of transit!
127) 29/7/2012 (PDF file) It is a classic, chaotic, anarchic meltdown of state which has pushed the nation and the country into the abyss of total and complete

annihilation like Iraq, Libya and now Syria. Why army continues to wait and see this devastating meltdown remains totally incomprehensible.
128) 5/8/2012 (email) When Iraq and Libya was invaded by the NATO and US forces, the

entire top military leadership and the nuclear scientists were systematically assassinated and their families destroyed by the hit teams from CIA and Mossad. The armies were disbanded instantly and the country came under the control of rebels,
occupation forces, bandits, terrorist gangs and local tribes. The same is being repeated in Syria also. The national treasure, museums, military leaders and the scientists are 27

being annihilated at breathtaking speed. If the direction of the events re4main same and the Pak army does not intervene, then we are afraid a horrible fate awaits this nation and the army itself.
129) 9/9/2012 (email) The waiting game has begun. The stage is set, environment is ready, temperature is red hot. Leadership remains in denial of the threats and the rage

boiling within. Something is going to snap and it is going to be messy. Very messy. Read the enclosed to get a fair idea what we are talking about. Do not wish to add anything else beyond the painful words of Martin Luther. " In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
130) 9/9/2012 (PDF file) It seems clear now that the military leadership is either

miscalculating the regional and national threat or is too afraid and reluctant
to intervene at this stage, unsure if it would be able to recover the collapse which is already at the implosion levels. Also, it seems clear that the leadership is miscalculating the anger and rage

building within the ranks and officers of the army. As the casualties mount on the daily basis and the war seems to be going nowhere and army remains without any political, diplomatic and media support, the young officers are getting impatient over the indecision and delay being shown by the top leadership. The ruthless bloody war which Pakistan is fighting now is being orchestrated by the same allies who are supposed to be on Pakistans side and who continue to support
the enemy from Afghanistan. Though TTP are the front face of the enemy, their back is sully supported by the NATO, US and Afghan armies which continue to get their supplies from the same NATO

containers which Pakistan allow through its territories free of charge.

The military operations remain passive, reactive and defensive only with the insurgents, terrorists and the US/India having the advantage of surprise and a clear deck to plan and execute their war against Pakistan on all axis.

Something would snap very soon and it is going to be bloody. There is no doubt about this now.
131) 16/9/2012 (email) When future history will be written, the historians would be at a total loss to find out the reason for the deafening silence and inexplicable inaction of

the Army when the country was being sunk so rapidly on all axis. The situation can still be recovered but now it needs a bloody military coup to clean up the mess
and recover the nose dive to death. Every passing day is a day lost in recovery and is increasing the cost of salvage which is getting higher and higher in blood. Army can still do it or else it can wait for the enemy to come to us under a UN mandate. Then it would be too late. Pakistan and Pak army only have last few weeks left to make their move or else the cost would be too staggering to even comprehend. We only shiver


132) 23/9/2012 (email) There is no question now that unless army intervenes now to

remove this regime and recover the collapse, the institution of army would itself suffer a internal implosion and collapse and even a mutiny. The leadership must understand this clearly as the red line of frustration, anger and rage within the rank and file is almost being crossed within the only
disciplined and last standing institution of the country. The government is a party to the collapse and the Supreme court is either absolutely idiot or a very smart collaborator to the national demise. In either case, the entire responsibility now rests with the

army. We have made the detailed assessment in the attached file where even a blind man can see that the national chaos has now become unsustainable. All eyes are on GHQ now.
133) 23/9/2012 (PDF file) Our cold analysis predicts a Somalia, Libya, Iraq and Syria styled fate for Pakistan in not so long future unless army stages a coup in the country. The present democracy needs to be annihilated in a bloody coup to cleanse the system and society of the imposed 4thGW which has now entered the last stages of deployment against Pakistan under direct supervision of the government and the Chief Justice while the army chief remains a silent spectator, perhaps too indecisive to make up

his mind while the time burns like a lit fuse. At the present rate of collapse, we
foresee a total anarchy within weeks now. There is absolutely no capacity nor intent in the government to even make a faint attempt at recovering the meltdown. The existing state of affairs just cannot sustain beyond few more weeks. Military leadership will have

to intervene or risk a massive rebellion within its own ranks. It has come to this red line now.
134) 7/10/2012 (email) - The collapse of the state and its organs are much more rapid than the diplomatic response being attempted by the army. The strategic move must be to

remove the regime and bring in a patriotic caretaker government, else it's the army and the country which would be stabbed and collapse as the crisis
continues to turn into deepening chaos.

Army leadership must understand -- they either take charge now or else face charge later !! No point launching the reserve after the enemy has overrun the country.
135) 14/10/2012 (PDF file) These are the defining moments in Pakistans history. All institutions except army have collapsed compromised or have failed to rise to the challenge. Army is still standing but is dazed and confused, handling only the military axis of the threat while the political, diplomatic, media, economic and judicial axis collapse rapidly into an all our anarchy. The indecision at the topmost levels of the

army is creating dangerous levels of despondency and anger in the lower ranks and officer corps. While on one hand the military leadership tries to balance its international image by supporting the democracy, on the other hand it has to calculate the rate of collapse of the state within and rising anger within the institution. It is a most delicate and dangerous calculus where margin of error is zero for the army leadership. If our


calculations are right, army wont wait much longer now. Else, it would be game over for the army also.
136) 21/10/2012 (email) If the army does not take over now, very soon, it will totally destroy the high moral ground, image and respect of the senior leadership of the army within the nation. All hopes and eyes are on the army. General Kayani has already most

seriously damaged his own personal respect and credibility by staying too silent for too long on too critical issues. He must rise to the challenge or will be judged by the history as the General who collapsed under pressure.
Nation still has hopes from him and from the army as an institution. The respect and love for the institution within the patriotic and youth is at an all time high level. This is the moment to strike the enemies. The entire nation is demanding it now. Any further

delay by the army wills destroy the army and by consequence, the country also. General Kayani must understand. No point launching the reserves after the surrender.
137) 21/10/2012 (PDF file) The time, environment, national mood and the threats are ripe for the army to move in to remove the regime and bring in a stable patriotic

government. Army cannot manage it alone. The delay in taking over is seriously destroying the image, respect and credibility of the Army chief and the top commanders. Now every Patriot Pakistan knows the extent of the chaos and anarchy and wants a solution forthwith. The judiciary, government and the media are seen to be compromised and even traitors.
Never in history of Pakistan have we seen such strong demands for army to take over from the entire cross section of the society.

Army leadership is coming under more severe criticism from the patriots after it is clear that army knows the levels of threat and the existential crisis the nation faces but still delaying the removal of this regime for a patriotic setup .
The speech of the Chairman Joint Chief of staff has made it amply clear that they know about the threats, hence their inaction is inexplicable to the patriots. 138) 29/10/2012 (PDF file) In the absence of any government in Islamabad and without any diplomacy, Pakistan army is almost on its own in trying to fight a losing war. The deployed 4thGW is a primarily a political, economic and media war with military axis only used to bog down the army into a chaotic urban anarchy. For Pakistan army, the most critical question is to remain relevant to the country which is falling apart on all axis. In the recent past, we have the experience of Soviet Union, which had a nuclear armed super power army to fight the combined might of US/NATO/China

but that mighty army remained standing without even firing a shot while the whole country collapsed, imploded and disintegrated all around it!! This is exactly what is happening to the Pak army now. Pakistani state is imploding and the army leadership is too silent, too inactive and seems to be too indecisive to plan a response. On the other axis, the second challenge for the senior leadership of the army is to remain relevant for the young officers in the institution they lead. There

is a growing frustration in the armys ranks as the young officers, who are dying daily, feel that they have been let down by the top leadership including the COAS, who are seen to too close to Zardari and overtly indecisive and silent on the total and complete demolition job being done by this corrupt regime. Such internal frustrations normally result in discipline breakdowns, insubordination and in worst cases mutiny. Pakistan army is a disciplined organization and cases of mutiny are rather limited but the present chaos in the country, frustration in the ranks and the indecision of the top leadership is the dangerous recipe for a disaster. The recent court martial of a
Brigadier is a sobering reminder of this crisis. 139) 11/11/2012 (PDF file) The country is on a brink of a civil war, collapse and fragmentation. The government, judiciary and the media are playing an active role in this

destruction. Army fights a desperate war on ground to recover the country against impossible odds but the army chief still calculates the risks and odds of decisive engagement and involvement while the country burns on daily basis.
There is no doubt that there is great concern within the military leadership over the prevailing chaos but they have not reached a consensus on the response strategy. A

former army chief is warning of possible rebellion within the army in case the senior leadership takes too long to decide. The statement of the army chief
has relieved some pressure from the top leadership but now the officer corps and the patriots expect some real hard hitting action from the GHQ. Leaving the country to the Supreme Court, parliament, democracy, elections and media would mean becoming Somalia, Iraq or Yugoslavia in next few months. Now even the most liberal writers in the country are seeing this catastrophic threat which we have been writing about for ages. It is known now that Pak army leadership is fuming with rage and the state

organs are waging a war against it. If the army decides to roll its 111 Brigade, then it would be all over for the judiciary and the politicians as well as the media. That time seems very close now.
140) 18/11/2012 (email) There is no doubt now that country is heading rapidly towards a failed dysfunctional collapsed state with the government, judiciary, media and the urban insurgents hell bent upon destroying the country in their naivety, collusion or vested

agenda of balkanization of Pakistan.

Pakistan army has the capacity, power and the opportunity to fix the country rapidly but

tragically its leadership is too divided within and confused to develop a unified
response to the existential threat. The force remains disciplined but without direction and response strategy. Enemies can see this and are now increasing the pressure

on the military.
We are now seriously concerned. 141) 18/11/2012 (PDF file) - Also, there are rumors being floated that General Kayani may

be given another extension by the government after being promoted to a five star rank for his support to democracy. This may be a total disinformation launched by the anti army media managers but the fact that General Kayani is still fully supporting the system led by Zardari, give strong wings to these

In our assessment, that would be a fatal mistake by the General if he accepts any

such offer. His own position, respect, credibility and dignity within his own institution would be seriously compromised which would be catastrophic for the army and the country as a whole.
142) 25/11/2012 (email) It is crystal clear now that under the presently deployed military, administrative, judicial and media policy, the war cannot be won; in fact, it is being lost on daily basis. The staggering sacrifices of Pakistan armys young officers and men are acting as a bulwark against total annihilation of the country but with each passing day, odds are getting against the army.

If army wants to play by the rules set by Zardari, then the fate is not hard to predict. Syria is too painful and too recent an example to ignore. In our assessment, army leadership would be committing a fatal mistake of allowing the elections to go through under war conditions, just as they did in 1970. The country was balkanized in 1970 when army held elections under pressure
from the treacherous politicians and then fought a bloody civil war to lose the countrys eastern arm. Today, it is exact repeat of the same scary scenario. 143) 2/12/2012 (email) Army is still resisting the temptation of taking over but for how long? Syria is a classic case where the federal army has now lost control to insurgents, terrorists and foreign hostile armed gangs. Pakistan army is also loosing space too fast and

may soon find itself in the same situation as the Syrian army. General Kayani is still indecisive. This is perhaps the only and most fatal delay in the entire equation. All other players are doing the damage to the nation according to their
agenda. Only the army is still waiting 144) 16/12/2012 (email) Today, Pakistan army is passing through the same exact

phase, exactly 41 years after the breakup of Pakistan in 1971, when identical collapse at the leadership levels both political and military brought about the disintegration of Pakistan.
Nation is desperate to get rid of this government of Zardari and is actually getting

extremely angry with the army leadership for delaying the removal of the regime. The nation today stands firmly stand behind the army if the GHQ decides to
remove this regime and bring stability into the economy and law and order chaos. At present, the senior military leadership is facing a serious image crisis in the

country where they are being accused of being partners in crime of Zardari
and the corrupt political elite for letting the regime exploit, destroy and loot the country and the nation. This is indeed the moment of truth for the Pak army leadership. If the red line of instability is crossed, then even the army with all its horses and all its men cannot

recover the country. In our assessment, that red line has already arrived and now recovery would be a miracle and bloody messy affair.
145) 30/12/2012 (email) There is no confusion now about the direction of events under the deployed 4th and 5th GW. The only crisis is that the army Chief remains frozen 32

in indecision and fear of the unknown while the fire burns all axis of the state, economy and national unity. The CJ and Zardari are hopeless cases to start
with. Media would remain hostile and continues to degenerate every day. The fact of the matter is that the anarchy has already gone out of control of the army, government and the judiciary. The insurgents, enemies and the hostile players have the initiative and the advantage of surprise. The state waits, takes hits and falls back more and more into its shell conceding more and more space to the enemies on all axis. As such,

defeat of the state of Pakistan is certain but what is more painful is that the leadership sees it coming and still remains unable and too fearful to respond despite having the capability to respond and reclaim the lost ground.
146) 13/1/2013 (PDF file) This is a very difficult time for the army also. On one hand, the country is sinking and the enemies are opening up more and bloodier fronts everyday causing great casualties on daily basis. On the other hand, people have now started to demand army to intervene to remove the provincial and even federal governments. If the

army waits and let the politicians handle the crisis, the country would be lost for good within weeks. The political government has already lost total control. If the army intervenes, it will have to chose between a martial law or a army backed civilian caretaker government. It can also chose to intervene to support the Zardari
regime but it would also be severely burnt in the process as Zardari is now a total liability for the nation and the army.

It is the call of the army Chief now. He remains silent. Deadly silent, causing more and more frustration and anger within the nation and even within the army. How long the young officers would wait before they break ranks, remain a serious question. By remaining silent and indecisive, General Kayani is damaging the very institution of army itself now. That would be fatal for the country.
Next week or two would basically decide the fate of the regime and threats would further rise exponentially. 147) 10/2/2013 (email) With every passing day, Pakistan army is making it almost impossible for itself to recover the state by staying neutral in this imposed 4th generation war.

Elections would be the cutoff date after which Pakistan army will start to physically lose ground to the internal and external invasions. The signs are too
uncomfortable to ignore now. We have entered the last stages now. The proposed Indian invasion plan is now expected to be launched after the

elections when the state would be officially headless, chaotic and burning itself down
under the weight of democracy. Next few weeks would basically decide the fate of this nation. Either we rise and recover or we also become Syria. It is that close now. It all rests in the hands of the army

chief. His call now.

148) 12/5/2013 [ immediately after the elections ] (PDF file) Nawaz Shareef is a political dictator who does not like to share power. He is also strongly anti-army and pro-India man, who is fuming with rage to take revenge of his humiliation, which he perceives was done by Musharraf and army. His latest interviews to Indian media speak openly of putting on trial the Generals responsible for Kargil operation against India and he also 33

promised to share the findings with Indian intelligence. An act which will be seen as

treason by the army. In short, he hates army; even of the army is willing to tolerate him. Already, even before the elections he was giving orders to the army and
dictating his policies. 149) 12/5/2013 (PDF file) He would also immediately get to work to control the ISI and the army and would also deploy the judiciary against Musharraf. All these acts would be

seen as declaration of war by the army.

Meanwhile, the media would continue to spread its anarchy and army would be most

violently targeted by the PML(N) and their allies, media and the terrorists.
Ideology of Pakistan would be most severely attacked and two nation theory, Islam and social values would be brutally violated. 150) 12/5/2013 (PDF file) Pakistan army was heavily involved in providing security for the Election campaign but had no role in the election process itself. But the losing sides are

now blaming the army for not interfering to stop the rigging and bullying by the
militants gangs of the political parties. The rigged elections and militancy on the streets have become a major perception management crisis for the army now.


Zaid Hamid trying to instigate mutiny within Pakistan Army, inciting anger & hatred against the Army Chief General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani
Section B Statements made by Zaid Hamid, taken from his TEXT


which he sent on a daily basis to about 500 armed forces officers, mostly young Army officers (lieutenants, captains, majors, SSG commandos etc.) and some senior Army officers including at least 1 Corp Commander.

1) 30/10/2011 Same old faces who have ruind the country before are sitting around IK. Or those people whose faces show no wisdom, noor or vision! By Allah we will not

support this sick and filthy demon cracy! Oh Allah remain witness that we are not part of this dajjal system and have tried to warn our nation!
2) 1/12/2011 Alhamdolillah, our facebook page has become most active

battlefield to defend Pak sarzameen and to counter attack upon our enemies. Alhamdolilah, with 40k plus active members posting our messages on their pages, our daily outreach is 5 million people! MashAllah. This is almost equal to major tv channels!
3) 9/12/2011 During time of crusades, egypt was ruled by a corrupt and treacherous 'muslim' regime which had signd secret deals with Crusaders (NATO) giving them access (supply) routes to Syria. Sallahuddin ayubi was the comander in chief. He saw the threats of invading crusaders and the betrayl by the political regime. Sallahuddin

destroyd the entire game plan of the crusaders by staging a coup in egypt and taking over the govt. Today nobody talks or condems the coup. Entire
muslim history love amd respect Sallahuddin ayubi as the greatest savior of Muslim Ummah. What we face 2day demands another Sallahuddin NOW! 4) 16/12/2011 (Message rcvd from a senior armd forces officer. Worth serious pondering by pak army and ISI. This is imp pulse. I am getting identical pulse frm every level of

armed forces and nation)

From day 1 we are clear that Actual Target is Nuclear Pakistan, and not the already devastated Afg. Now when the unpopular Mush was discarded, US needed a new horse and a govt with the sanctity as ELECTED n CONSTITUTIONAL. This so-called E n C govt for its onepoint agenda IQTIDAR submitted itself to go to any extent. US n India n Israel thru this govt attempted to make inroads into the 2 formidable bulwarks i.e. Pak Army n ISI. These 2

orgns submitted to the E n C govt n did not behave in a Bonaepart or Kamal way. But now the question is, Should these 2 bulwarks be instrumental to the ultimate designs of Pakistan's enemies by remaining silent?
5) 19/12/2011 AZ is a venemous snake. He has already mobilizd lawyers and media and he plans to counter attack. Abbotabad comission can create a crisis for army and zardari can then demand resignation of CAOS and DG ISI. we dont expect SC to take harsh line against govt as it did in kchi suo moto. asma jahangir and aitzaz are daggers drawn too against 35

army. supreme court is too close to them. The

anger & frustration within officers is at dangerous levels against top leadership. Either
army take it lying down and be decapitated or move decisivly now to clean the mess, bring caretakers, defy NATO! time is running out.
6) 20/12/2011 What hapend at Geneva accord? Who assasinatd gen zia and why? What blunders Pakistan made in post Soviet withdrawal era? What hapend at battle of

jalalabad? What r the dirty secrets of General Asad durrani and General Javed Nasir, the two former DG isi's.? How Benazir and Nawaz auctiond Afghan Jihad and compromisd ISI! What role aslam beg playd? Who made ahmad shah masood hostile? What role MM alam playd in afghan jihad? How Pakistan lost in
afghanistan after capturing kabul in 1992? read unwritten, shocking and untold history of afghan jihad in Zaid Hamid's sizzling memoirs From Indus to Oxus ! 7) 23/12/2011 While PPP is celebrating the statment of CAOS, it would be strongly adviced that Second part of the statment that there would be no compromise on national security is rubbed in more aggressivly. It must be clarified that support to democracy does not

mean all blanket aproval to govt to write treacherous memos. It shud be made
clear that Army would stand by its position on memo and would cooperate with SC to find the culprits and punish them as per law. The impression that has gone out is that

army has agreed to support Zardari. This is a fatal perception and must be clarified forcfully. Pl do urgently!
8) 23/12/2011 Govt plans to sack DG ISI and Army chief. secretery defence have been issud notice already. Unless army moves first, those snakes would strike and then it would become extremly difficult for army to respond! They are treacherous and an illegal unconstitutional regime. Army oath is to defend the country against all enemies. What

does army do when President is the enemy and writes memo to destroy the nation? It is no more an issue of constitution. Its pure and simple war against Pak sarzameen and traitors within govt and media are moving agresivly to decapitate army and ISI. CJ must decide on the evidence given by ISI. there cannot be any other
investigation over and above ISI. if govt move to attack army while memo is still pending in SC, then army must also move to counterattack. Get 111 brigade ready. Nation

will not accept a zardari ambush against army! To hell with these traitors. Time has come now.
9) 25/12/2011 Cj shud decide memo, dismis govt, bring in caretakers for 3 years to stabalize the country. No elections till law and order restord and acountability of corupt. Any other path would lead to violent confrontation and drag army into taking over or into urban war. Elections undr deployd 4Gw, afpak and Cold Start with polarizd society and militant power to subnationalists would create a violent 1970 scenario. The "free and fair" elections

undr army broke Pakistan when foreign forces were contrlling pak political parties and insurgent mukti bahini were deployd in urban insurgency. Its identical repeat 2day!


10) 29/12/2011 US is trying to Re-export its supplies blockd in Pakistan. This must not happen. The military

hardware is mal e ghaneemat for Pak army.

US has to pay billions of dollars to us in dues, taxes and CSF. we must seize these

supplies. Dont let them escape. In last 300 years, muslims have never had such a huge amount of ghaneemat. Letting it slip would be begherti and buzdali our future generation wont forgive. Stand firm and grab it. Allah is with brave!
11) 30/12/2011 The final stages of 4GW being deployd in the country by PPP regime causing collapse of entire industry, business and critical energy and transport systems. The country is being rapidly pushd towards anarchy and frustration bitterly dividing the nation on ethnic, political and provincial lines. The SC is not showing the urgency coresponding to the crisis. Memo shud have been decided, govt sackd and care takers brought

in place. Election would mean 1971 repeat and must NOT be considerd at all when
country has been "softend" for a civil war.

We cannot sacrifice the country to save the bloody demon-cracy!

12) 1/1/2012 U have to convince the elders to seize nato suplies. Else there is

zillat and ruswai in dunya and akhira. Just this lot has 5 3000 vehicles! Why wud
nato need equipment for 5 armourd infantry divisions? Against whom? If US plans to leave by 2014, why are they doing this lethal buildup. These armourd vehicles would roll

into Pakistan undr afpak when cold start is launchd. There is no choice here. Failure to do this will not be forgiven by Providence.
13) 2/1/2012 Just read the signs that how Allah is helping us but we are reluctant to show

courage and vision. Memo scandal exposd US plans for a massive air strike on 362
military targets. That air strike was to be followd by a ground invasion frm afghanistan for which a military buildup was being done in afg but they miscalculatd and attackd salala post and their invasion hardware is stuck and falling into our hands. The euro zone is collapsing making it imposible for them to rebuild such armourd infantry divisions all over again. The

air strike and invasion would b followd by landing at gawader and launch of Cold Start ! Their entire war plans have been thrown into chaos due to memo and blockade of supplies! Allah will not give us another chance if we fail now!
14) 6/1/2012 TTP has executed 15 FC soldiers in cold blood. This must be responded in kind.

We have many TTP terrorists in our custody. They shud be executd in responce and their homes demolishd, pak army must (not) take this massacre lightly. A ruthless responce is requird. TTP exploits kindness of Pak army. Surprise them!
15) 11/1/2012 Be ready to respond harshly if the govt sacks COAS and DG ISI. It may

happen anytime. PM is considering this option. Army is not bound to obey illegal order of PM. A stay against such order can be taken by army frm SC. But the country is in a state of war and in battlefield only one law applies - martial law! Time for a


decisive blow has come. If 111 moves, all airports, channels and cell networks shud also be blockd for a massive dragnet to nab snakes!

16) 27/1/2012 NWFP has been taken over by traitor ANPafter army sacrificd so

much to liberate it frm TTP. ANP is a hardcore indian/american asset and equally lethal
for Pakistan and our ideology as TTP. It is ironic that they exploited the bogey of TTP to gain support of army to take over the province. Bilour destroyd railways, created frictions on hazara province and now all these snakes are planning to enter Senate in force. What right do they have to be in Pakistan when their history and actions have been against Quaid, Pakistan and Islam? MQM in karachi, BLA in Baluchistan & ANP in nwfp. We

have handed Pak to RAW!

17) 12/2/2012 Dear friends, Zaid hamid here.Gen. Pasha must continue as DG

and must not be retired. He is a true asset for the nation shouldering the burdon of our
future generation at this critical time of this sinister war. Even if we replace him with another patriotic officer, the new DG would take at least 8 to 10 months just to

get the grip of the dangerous and complex situation which would be fatal for the army, ISI and country. Army and Pakistan is under intence pressure in these times but it would be a suicidal blunder to lose an officer like Gen Pasha at this juncture.
Army must put its weight upon the govt to extend his tenure. Gen Pasha may be tired & may want to leave himself but he must be requested to stay. We cant change brave

and capable comandars in the middle of an existential war. Take this advice seriously pl. By the grace of Allah, I will handle the public perception, inshAllah. Just do it!

18) 8/2/2012 This Pak sarzameen is not being destroyd by the betrayls of the traitors but by the silence of the patriots! It is the sunnah of Allah to destroy the pious first who

had decided to stay silent when the sinners were spreading fasad! When agartala was
forgiven treacherously, a million pakistanis died as a consequence. Today the memo has been burried thru betrayl. Millions more will die now, Allah forbid. Staying silent

now has not saved us, just delayd it!

19) 17/2/2012 Dear brothers, pl convey our alarm to the elders that General

Pasha must NOT be replaced from his battle station in the heat of this existential war.
The treacherous govt and enemies are sensing his departure and are gearing up to unleash themselves decisivly when ISI would be most vulnerable. In 90's, the political govts had made ISI their plaything by changing DG's in most critical times. Gen Gul, Gen durrani, Gen Kallu, Gen javed Nasir.... The result was the catastropic afghan and national security policies. For Allah sake, we cannot afford another disaster by having a new DG when war has enterd its last and decisive and perhaps fatal phase. Army is alreay on the defensive and traitors are gaining ground. This hapend at agartala. Allah wont forgive us


this time! Gen Pasha is a soldiar we cannot afford to lose. Army must exert this. may Allah forgive us and bless Pak sarzameen and pak army.
20) 18/2/2012 *BREAKING* WASHINGTON: US House of Representative tables resolution to allow people of Balochistan right of self determination.

For how long would the patriots remain silent spectator to this last phase of existential war against Pak Saryameen? US knows that General Pasha is retiring and now we shud expect most aggresive US encirclment of Pak, even a landing at Gawader! If we release NATO supplies now, we would be inviting an invasion sooner than later!
21) 23/2/2012 Army simply cannot backout frm the Memo investigations now. The

perception that a "muk muka" has taken place is most lethal for the izzat, dignity and morale of the institution. Also, an adverse judgment would mean that the entire army leadeship would be further humiliated. A delayd judment would
also create another crisis if these snakes are allowd to take part in elections. Memo is a reality and the plan of 362 targets and elimination of pak army leadership is

already in motion. Next time army would not know what has hit them if the traitors are allowd to escape this time. There is no 2nd chance here!
22) 20/2/2012 If we do not respond to and defeat india's 'soft war', then be sure that a hard war in the battlefield cannot be won as well. Indian media, movies and psy-ops have

dangerously penetrated army garrisons, cantonments and homes. Our national

media have become totally indianizd. Indian trade and culture have penetrated our economy and politics and all major political parties have been compromisd by

RAW. senate will be dominated by RAW snakes after Aitzaz elections. Army is already being attackd by SAFMA and the indian paid journalists creating great image crisis. The encirclement of pak army is now total & army is only responding passivly on ground in some tribal areas only while the soft war is alreay lost. We have the option of taking difficult decision today or face total humiliation tomorow. The existing responce strategy of pak army is not delievering. Radical change of course is urgently needed.
23) 23/2/2012 One thing Pakistan Army must understand that country's integrity is directly depended on integrity and credibility of armed forces among masses. Events since 2007 are proofs that a very vicious and sinister campaign is going on to defame armed forces among masses. Recent case of Baluchistan, resumption of drone strike, missing person cases, petition against ISPR, media propaganda of military ops in Baluchistan and Nato supply

resumption all are hurting credibility of army. Media assets of CIA are hell bent to prove that army and ISI are lying. Army will have to rethink its public diplomacy through media policy which right now is the weakest link in over all national defense strategy! We need a radical course change. Present one is a disaster already! I am going to an express tv program tonite to fight back inshAllah! But please, a major PR policy evaluation is urgently needed. May
Allah bless Pakistan ! 39

24) 11/3/2012 Just todays The News, gives entire axis of 4th generation war against Pakistan. Water war as mangla, tarbela go dry. Insurgency as 14 soldiers shaheed in fierce clashes, political chaos as state organs continue to clash with each other. Ideological war as western education and media violently attack our faith, ideology and identity. Sectarian war in Gilgit. Attack on army for mehrangate but allowing disbursment of billions in senate by hostile powers. US hoping for a weakend ISI after Pasha. Attack on new DG ISI acusing him of indian links. facade of judicial activism without any decision on any strategic case. Put the dots together! This is controlld demolition of the state, ideology and army thru a coordinated subversion right in front of our eyes. By cornering army and ISI, the deck

is now clear for all hostile subversive elements. Army must make a radical course change to correct the fatal anarchy or watch over the destruction as a timid spectator. The existing mil ops against TTP r not enough to prevent a meltdown! A civil war & anarchy is certain!
25) 13/3/2012 When historian of future would wr6ite about Pakistan of today, he would

hang his head in shame and disgust and write. "While the enemy planned invasion of
the land frm East and West, the govt in power plotted to destroy the army. The media destroyd the hopes, ideology and morale of the nation and judiciary playd fiddle while the country burnt. Alas, powerful muslim country was destroyd due to traitors, munafiqs, useful idiots and open enemis all working in unison. Those who had the power to restore

order, watchd in helpless silence, frozen in fear & indecision as enemy demolishd the state, wall by wall."
26) 13/3/2012 Snakes have filed an application against Gen. Pasha in the Supreme court to put him on ECL for missing persons case. How much more humiliation, subversion

and insult army and ISI would take frm these traitors? Pakistan, our sabz hilali and our Shuhada are being disgraced shamelessly! Astaghfurullah !
27) 17/3/2012 This regime is on a fast track agenda of breaking up Pakistan on provincial, ethnic and linguistic lines. MQM and ANP are partners in this treason demanding Hazara, Qabailistan, Seraiki And Mohajir province. Incredibly, first meeting for Qabailistan has already taken place in Peshawar yesterday fully backd by ANP. The blockade of Karachi by the mqm Mafia themselves & govt aproval to raise a special 8000 men force in the city is preperation for upcoming urban war. Indian penetration into Pak media &

educational system is now total attacking the core of our ideology, faith & identity. Any further delay by army would bring the crisis to unmanagable levels, leading to civil war, invasion & Allah forbid, an occupation of Pak. Enemy has sencd that army & ISI are on the defensive & has launchd full scale info war to decapitate both organs. Army is cautious but now it is appearing to be weak and confused. This is a
fatal perception developing within the nation and must be removed through solid and decisive message frm army. Nation is demoralizd. Army must rise! 28) 15/3/2012 Read Ikran sehgal article in The News page 6, why fear the ides of March! Signalling that the rage

and anger in the armed forces rank and file, subtly sugesting that a mutiny within army or a violent reaction frm

officers is possible. He is advicing the top army leadership to take "calculated risk" to
protect the people! Basically saying in decent words that the

anger and rage in army could soon create a crisis for govt and army top leadrship. I agree !
29) 19/3/2012 It seems clear that parliment is going to auction national dignity, izzat and security on a paltry 3 billion dollar arrear of Coalition support fund. Rest of the terms are just hogwash. No mention of 30 billion dollars of unpaid taxes in last 11 years, no mention of billions of dollars of arrear of air route passage fee, no mention of 50 bn dollars of damages and loss to nation due to war on terror, no mention of future taxes of nato supplies! Also no mention of the fact that why does US need this invasion level military buildup in afghanistan when US plans to "pull out" by 2014? Pakistan has been

auctiond. Now expect an invasion of the country with massive urban unrest and launch of Cold Start in comming months. If supplies are opend, for Pak army it would be a double disaster. Izzat would be lost and also thousands of officers and men would die needlessly in imposd wars! For Allah sake, dont open them!
30) 23/3/2012 For the fifth consecutive year, we are not holding our glorious Pak day parades. This is very tragic comentry on the security state of the country. When

the armed forces become hostage to terror within the national borders, it is a dangerous sign that end game of national dismemberment has begun. We must
resolve to turn the tide within the year and hold the independance parade with glory next year! We must push the Americans out of afghanistan. Nato supplies must NOT be

resumed. Do not arm the very terrorists who are keeping the country hostage. Present policy of handling the 4GW needs a radical change!
31) 30/3/2012 A protest banner at Hazara Shia protest in Quetta today "UN peacekeeping force should be deployd in Quetta "! Got the drift? If Pak army wont take charge,

NATO will undr UN mandate as they did in Libya. The deployd 4GW has now reachd
critical levels. System collapse is leading to controlld demolition! 32) 5/4/2012 Conflict Monitering Centre (CMC) report on page 5, The News says terrorism and suicide attacks drop in Pakistan after NATO supplies blocked! We have been saying all along that NATO containers also carry weapons, explosives and supplies for TTP and BLA. Now the 3500 armourd vehicles and 5000 containers stuck in Pakistan are an invasion level hardware . If supplies are restored, not just that we will have ruthless

terrorism, we will be invaded also!

33) 17/4/2012 After destroying ideology of Pakistan at Safma function, Nawaz shareef now

attacks pakistan's security and humiliates our Shuhada by demanding that Pak
army should withdraw first frm Siachen. May Allah's curse be upon enemies of Pak sarzameen. Elections undr these conditions of civil war, 4th GW , Betralys, ideological subversion and insurgency would break Pakistan, Allah forbid. Army must strongly

reject elections and bring in civilean caretakers for 3 years to stabalize the


country and to eliminate the rascals in media, politics and insurgents. Any other course would be a collective suicide.
34) 3/5/2012 Is the govt planning a coup within Supreme Couqt? Is there going to be a

mutiny within the army? Has Pakistan reached the critical point to a national
meltdown and urban war? Is martial law the only option? How would elections trigger an urban war in Pakistan ? Watch an explosive Exclusive Interview of Zaid
Hamid - tonite in 11th Hour with Wasim Badami at 11pm only on ARY NEWS, inshAllah! Fasten ur seat belts and brace for impact. This one is explosive!

35) 3/5/2012 There

is strong anger and rage in the army. would change within army

Read ikram sehgals article in new editorial page. We have also recored a program with badami to be aired in a few days. Things

soon it seems.
36) 6/5/2012 Pak army must also aggresivly defend the ideological boundaries of the millat. Enemy has penetrated deep behind our lines and stabbing us in our backs.

Every army cantt, garrison and mess is showing hostile indian media, hindu mythology and anti Pak venom. At least in military areas, all Hindu indian content
must be blockd and banned. pak army cannot fight and win against the hindu banya if we cannot block and defeat their psyops in our homes and garrisons. Our first and most

critical ideological defence line has been breachd and we are losing the psyops despite some miltry gains on ground. Be firm here !

37) 8/5/2012 Datta khel ambush and beheading of troops must be retaliated in kind. TTP terrorists captured must be given islamic punishment for fasad fil ard & crucified in public. Terrorists must be terrorizd. This is divine justice to be implementd ruthlessly in this dirty war. To

hell with 'azad adlia'. Just do it.

38) 14/5/2012 Read letter to editor by Col Nazir Ahmed publishd The News Page 7 - army's

inaction. A grave warning of unrest within army if mil leadrship

does not act.

39) 14/5/2012 Saudi Arabia has hundreds of billions of dollars of windfall profits as fuel prices rise. saudi finance ministry has no clue how to spend it. Also, saudis are extremly

nervous about the security of the Kingdom and look towards Pakistan as their protectors. This is a moment to grasp. Pak armed forces need german 214 class submarines, new artillery, helicopters, drones etc and at least 150 thousand more troops to prepare for upcoming regional and national security roles. A defence deal with Saudis

must be agresivly persued where saudis will pay while we provide the security cover. Move agresrivly, urgently.
40) 14/5/2012 If u want to recieve Brasstacks Sit

Reps and threat analysis reports

every week, pl send email to or sms ur email adress. These are cutting edge confidential reports for limited authorizd circulation within friends only & are not available on net.

Critical for armed forces.

41) 16/5/2012 It has come to this now that if Nato supplies are opend it would pitch

the nation against the army, just as it divided the nation after lal masjid. Army
must consider this serious fallout and must not be seen following the govt line. The delay has releasd some presure since yesterday but army must go for a parmanant solution demand an exit date of ERF frm afghanistan and making sure that no weapons and fuel cross into afg and a Pak led peace proces begins. The legitimacy, benefits and morality of US presence in afg must be questiond seriously now not the restoration of supplies. Thats the core issue! 42) 17/5/2012 There are critical unanswered questions reg opening of NATO supplies. 1. Decision on Drones strike. 2. Checking of containers entering / moving in the country. 3. Releasing of military fuel. 4. What all military hardware is allowed which is already stuck in Pakistan 5. Payment of $20 bn arrears 6. Tax or transit fee for land & air routes 7. Apology over Salala 8. Guarantee over US / NATO exit date 9. Indian presence 10. Role & support to TTP 11. 'DO MORE' mantra.

why on earth shud Pakistan continue to assist US and Nato to kill afghan muslims? War has already killed/wounded 100k Pakistanis too ! Why on earth shud pakistan continue to facilitate a war of annihilation against itself? No nation has been forgiven after such fatal blunders. Enough!
43) 18/5/2012 Supreme court is doing more damage to the state, army and

security than the TTP, BLA, MQM combined. Kamzarf key hath ziada ikhtiar aa giya
hai. Aapey sey bahir ho giya! Dont expect any wise judgment frm them. They are hell bent to bring this country and army down. Unless army take charge, its anarchy now. 44) 30/5/2012 Total economic meltdown ineviatable in next few months. Govt may not

even have cash to pay salaries of army. That would be the tipping point for a general mutiny and culmination of total meltdown under controlled demolition
phase of 4GW. Already civil violence is reaching anarchic levels in major cities. Remember, it was collapse of economy which triggerd the fatal sequence of violence which destroyd Soviet Union and yugoslavia. They want to make us somalia first, then Iraq, then yugoslavia. Failure, occupation, disintegration. We are already in advancd stage of state failure 43

& just months away frm the threat of total civil war & foreign occupation! Its
now or never! 45) 16/6/2012 Zardari is playing his master strokes. Be v carfull. Now he is going to

humiliate army. In one stroke, he humiliated his arch enemy CJ and ignited a war within
media and pitchd media against CJ. Zardari's own treason of memo and corruption is lost in the process. Now he wants to open NATO supplies which would destroy the izzat,

image, credibility and self esteem of Pak army and its leadership and even igniting a mutiny

within officers. Army must decisivly crush this latest attempt to open supplies. Risks at home are far greater than pleasing the Crusaders. There is no margin of error
here. 46) 3/7/2012 Why Pak army must NOT open nato supplies? 1. The act would completely destroy the hard earnd respect, izzat and dignity of the army within

the nation. There is a genuine threat of mutiny in army's officer corp which is giving extremly high casualties due to US/NATO war in afg. 8. Afghan resistance will regain their trust in Pak. It will be the biggest military blunder in entire history, a colective suicide which would destroy both the army and the country. Glory is only for the brave!
47) 4/7/2012 Security, honor and dignity sold for just $1 bn? This is the most shamefull surrender and betrayl of the country and dignity by zardari! Now prepare for an Iraq styled invasion of the country undr triple pinzer of 4GW. Afpak & Cold Start! Millions may die now. We deserve it now! 48) 22/7/2012 24 sysian Generals defect & reach Turkey! Staging a rebellion within the

army was the key Nato, CIA strategy against Saddam and Qaddfi. CIA failed in Egypt to
divide the army hence the country was saved the fate of Iraq, Libya & Syria. CIA will now be deploying the same strategy against Pakistan army also. Memo was designed to achive this through the govt. 2nd plan was to eliminate the top leadership as per hit list of Hussain Haqqani or through GHQ attack. Third option is to exploit

the present anger & frustration in the army to stage a mutiny against top leadership. Army leadership must be watchful of the enemy plans & represent
the will, honor & dignity of the nation. Only a visibly brave, aggresive & patriotic leadership can countr such a posibility.
49) 7/8/2012 The govt and judiciary sponsord fake akbar bugti case registerd by BLA against Owais Ghani and Musharraf and arrest warrents of OG are sending most dangerous signals. These fatal messages are. 1. Army chiefs, ISI and MI bosses can be prosecuted by Terrorists using the judicial system. 2. Army has become too weak to defend itself in fake cases. 3. No one should support army as army always abandons its allies and assets in times of crisis. Owais Ghani is the honorable patriotic and dignified Governor who stood up along side 44

army in Baluchistan and NWFP at the peak of insurgencies. Today he is abandond and forced into hiding with Police after his blood. Pak army leaders must see the

disasterous consequences of staying silent on such attacks against army.

50) 12/8/2012 Pak army only has about 16 weeks to build a responce to this fatal

4GW or else risk a Syria scenario collapse. Iraq, syria and libya has provd that their
armies did not foresee the external threats and were caught in high intensity urban decentralizd wars driven by global powers. Why we say 16 weeks? 1. Nato plan to wrap up Syria in that time to focus on Pakistan then. 2. Nato supplies would cross over into

afghanistan and deployd against us by then. 3. Internal anarchy, chaos, meltdown

would reach required levels of state failure to deploy Afpak and Cold Start. 4. TTP and BLA would be re-armed by then for acting as vanguard to external invasion. US plans to cut a strategic corridor thru Gawader to Afg and provide air and intel support. The indians, insurgents and MQM would do the actual dirty work against Pak army. As such, we are fully sorrounded. First step to building a responce is a patriotic govt brought by army

NOW! If we dont have a strong pro Pak govt in Ibd, 4GW is lost. Remember 4GW is a
primarily a diplomatic. political, media, economic war! 51) 12/8/2012 In 1939, Nearly 1 million strong french army surrendered and captured by Germans, 36,000 officers and 136 top Generals among them. Why? Because French military leaders believed in conventional 1st generation warfare that German Tanks cannot cross through Ardennes forest, north of Maginot line of fortress defences. Germans did! Today all muslim armies are being routed in greater ME because military mindset is still stuck in 2nd or 3rd generation warfare while the enemies are deploying the 4thGW. Standing armies

and nuclear weapons cannot fight the 4GW. Its primarily a political war with
military axis only depoloyd to mop up the internal collapse orchestrated throug hostile media, economy, bad governance, corruption and insurgencies. We only have 16

52) 16/8/2012 The time has come that Every Pak armed forces officer must remaind

armed at all times with a concealed personal weapon on person & a rifle at home & office. In this 4GW, advantage of surprise is with the urban insurgent. We must adapt to new threats. If Israeli jews can do it, then whats stopping us!
53) 5/9/2012 In these times of great existential threat, Pakistan is only deploying its hard power to defend itself. The soft power of ideology, economy, executive, diplomacy, judiciary, media and consensus is fataly missing to support the hard power of army.

Military leadership must understand this clearly that we are loosing this war rapidly despite heroic defence put up by the army. Army can hold the line for now
at great cost but it needs soft power support NOW! 54) 8/9/2012 Pak india to relax visa, MQM and AND meet indian FM, MQM demands indian consulate in Karachi, free trade to flow with india, 'people' demand opening of Kargil-skardu road, Safma says Aman ki Asha makes steady progress, TTP continue to launch attack, BLA wages war! Pak army, u have given too much space to the indians! At the present levels of anarchy and collapse of govt, judiciary and media, pl define the 'Red Line!'

Silence is no more an option !


55) 30/11/2012 If the CJ, election commision and govt violate constitution by ignoring most critical article 62, 63 for eligibility of parlimentarians and allow corrupt, seperatists and adulterous alcohlics to become MNA/ministers, then patriots

ask army to

"violate" the constitution also and bring patriotic caretakers.

56) 2/12/2012 Brasstacks has launchd a global campaign to get the nation involvd in psyops and info war against TTP khawarij. Our brochure containing Ahadees of Rasul Allah (sm) against these "dogs of hell" will now be printed in hundreds of thousands and

distributed within the country and also delieverd to army for FATA and afghanistan. This single documant has done more damage to TTP than multiple mil ops. Pl accord due priority to its distribution. May Allah bless u Pak army. Nation stands with you come hell or high water. We shall start despatching it as soon we recieve printed batches. Stay blessd tigers.
57) 10/12/2012 With 7 billion rupees per day corruption to bleed the country dry and multiple "Mukti Bahinis" waging urban wars frm khyber to karachi, there wont be any

Pakistan left to be protected if army stays silent even now. The delayed action on ground would fail to impact the dreadful inevitable collapse. 41 years ago, these day were the last stages of a lost war in East Pakistan. A painful outcome of a sequence of blunders! Today is Dec 2012. We learnt nothing!
58) 14/12/2012 In March 1971, when mujeeb rebelled after elections, Indira Gandhi called General Manekshaw and orderd him to invade East Pakistan. Manekshaw refusd and demanded time to prepare. A very upset and angry Indira reluctantly agreed to set the invasion date in Nov after the Monsoon. For next 8 months, entire Indian army was mobilizd massivly to prepare the invasion while Muktis, led by former Pak army Bengali officers and their Indian handlers were taskd to wage an urban war. Yahya and Bhutto had the entire of 1971 to develop a political, diplomatic and military responce but it was not done. Manekshaw later sheepishly acknowledged that east Pak army fought gallantly but stood no chance against such well prepard plan and superior force. West Pak units and the people only came to know of the defeat After the fall of Dhaka. There was a

spontaneous revolt against Yahya and his house in Peshawar was burnt down! Today we face an identical crisis. Another Bhutto is ruling Pak, multiple Muktis are waging urban war and Cold Start is waiting to roll in while Pak army is being dragged into another election which would further ignite instability to invite Afpak And Cold Start invasions. We seem condemnd to repeat histry.
59) 28/12/2012 Brasstacks threat Analysis: National leadership must keep 2 red lines in sight. When the first red line of state collapse is crossed, it is time for state institutions like army to decisivly intervene to recover the country frm an internal implosion. At this stage, the state can still be recoverd. Once the second red line is also crossd, then even a direct intervention by the armed forces cannot save the country frm an irrevocable state

failure. The fate of two countries having powerful armies, Yugoslavia and Soviat Union, are recent examples where armies badly miscalculated the 2nd red line and remained indecisive as the countries disintegrated. The question now is where do

we stand today? Our serious analysis is that Pakistan has already crossed the first red line and are days away frm the 2nd red line of no return. There is no point in

launching the reserves after the surrender! In 1971, after the fall, army's own internal inquiry concluded that "the opening of the Western front was delayed so much that it failed to recover the collapse in the East"!

60) 4/2/2013 Pak army is taking daily severe losses in this longest war in our history but still does not have an exit strategy or termination plan in sight. Apart frm casualties,

fatigue and emotional trauma are additional near fatal stresses of the war. In
the absence of any political, judicial and media support, army has to deploy military solutions even where other state pillers could have performed. In the 4th and 5th GW, almost 75% war can be fought and won through judicial, political and info war means but we are compansation for catastrophic system failures through additional military deployments, taking unnecesary casualties. Focus must now be on bringing a

patriotic civilean govt in ibd which would support the army and also protect the exposd flanks. Elections would be a fatal time waste. A caretaker govt of choice can be made now else the state collapse and military casualties would

come even more rapidly.

61) 11/2/2013 Pl read Brasstacks Sit

Rep feb 10. If you dont get it in email, pl send

me your email ID. A serious and critical analysis of the mess we are in.

62) 11/2/2013 Both physical analysis and spiritual intel have now converged on a deadly conclusion - unless we eliminate few thousand traitors, corrupt and terrorists

ourselves now OR be ready for a mass slaughter of millions in the very near future. Plead read our Sit Rep and article of Orya maqbool in dunya today.


Zaid Hamid trying to instigate mutiny within Pakistan Army, inciting anger & hatred against the Army Chief General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani
Section C Statements made by Zaid Hamid, taken from his EMAILS which he sent to his team members and about 1000 armed forces officers, mostly young Army officers (lieutenants, captains, majors, SSG commandos etc.) and some senior Army officers including at least 1 Corp Commander.


15/7/2011 Zaid Hamids private email to Dr. Hyder Reza Zabeth, PA to

Iranian Ambassador MashAllah Shakri, after Zaid Hamids trips to Iran in May 2011 where he met Iranian President, senior government & intelligence officials, and Saudi Arabia in June 2011 where he stayed with the Saudi Royal family and the Saudi Ambassador Dr. Aseeri:
-----------Habibi, alhamdolillah, we are very busy in bringing about that change by the grace of Allah. Had

visited Saudi Arabia and met their leaders too,

trying to calm them down towards Iran. InshAllah, they will listen to us and gave

great respect to our advice and reports.

Within Pakistan, army has given great respect to our work and the focus

is on removing this regime now so that we can do things our way more freely. InshAllah, khair is coming for our brothers in Iran and Muslim
Ummah. 2) 14/1/2012 Understand the Constituional anarchy! Army and Supreme court must restore order first before any elections, else following the constitution would destroy the country. President cannot be trusted to select caretakers. Army/Supreme court must do it else its anarchy!

To hell with demon-cracy if it brings such corrupt traitors. The whole system is illegal.
We want security and defense of Pakistan and a strong patriotic government. The present Constitution does NOT have answers. In that case, SC and army must do what is right,

not what is written in the man made law.

3) 15/1/2012 A Call for Islamic Revolution in Pakistan by Syed Zaid Hamid The Supreme Court must rise and support the army in eliminating the traitors, terrorists and the corrupt else it will not be forgiven by Allah (swt) for this colossal khiyanat!

Today we are warning them through our azaan. Tomorrow, Allah will


punish them through our hands, InshAllah! Allah will not take nonsense now!
4) 24/1/2012 Overthrowing the govt is no more a legal issue its a National Duty

and Patriotism!
If the Govt can violate the constitution to destroy the country why cant army do the same to save Pakistan? Overthrowing the govt is no more a legal issue its a National Duty and Patriotism! 5) 11/2/2012 He (Khan Baba) speaks the knowledge of the unknown and the unseen which is not written in any book but can only be a direct gift from Allah (swt). Baba is the Operational Commander of the spiritual world.

He was angry with the Chief Justice and the army leadership for delaying the critical decisions of NRO, Memo and NATO. He said that army does not have much time also. If the army does not take brave and bold decisions, then the war would come upon them. Allah and His Special Operations Teams are in Jalal on this government and on the judiciary and wanted the army to clean up the mess and were not happy because army had already delayed it for so long. There were clear signs that a severe punishment
for this nation is now due and Baba was begging Allah for mercy. On our way back, we came across our firing range and decided to refresh our battle skills and prepare for what might come towards this nation now. If we have to go down, we will go down fighting and with honor but would never betray Rasul Allah (sm). But for now, we have to carry on the fight. The dice has been thrown, chess board has been set. Forces of

evil and soldiers of Rasul Allah (sm) are armed and standing against each other, even in the spiritual plane.
On the ground level, we took out our rifle and prepared to do out duty even in the battle field. The leaders, judges, political parties and mediamen of this nation would

go down in history as the most treacherous, corrupt and soulless monsters Ummah has ever seen.
6) 17/5/2012 A nation must have arms to even fight its own government if the

govt commits treason. Also, one should never compromise freedom for security fears.
7) 18/5/2012 US invasion is fully in place unless we destroy Af-Pak.

Once the supplies are open, then we would lose this opportunity for ever and then a a
bloody existential war from 3 sides -- Cold Start, Af-Pak and 4thGW -- would be imposed.

By Allah, if our treacherous rulers bring that war upon us, we will lynch and hang them in Islamabad first. They should know that now there will be no escape.
8) 20/5/2012 We will resist the elections Our immediate missions are:

1. Removal of this regime. 2. Bringing in patriotic caretakers. 3. Blocking any elections till the country stabilizes and we change the system to

assure place for patriots in power.

4. Blocking and seizing NATO supplies.

5. Accountability of the corrupt and the terrorists.

All those demanding elections in these times of war are either idiots or traitors. We will resist the elections with all we have got,
InshaAllah, just as we have so far resisted the opening up of NATO supplies. Time for a most severe accountability of the traitors in politics, government, executive, media and judiciary is very very close now, InshaAllah.

[NATO supplies were restored on 4th July 2012]

9) 8/7/2012 What the liberals want will never happen. There are parallel plans in operation but for now they are not visible and thats better. Everyone knows caretakers would come. Now the battle is between liberals and patriots. InshAllah, liberals wont get what they want. Army

is divided into two camps now both are powerful but patriots are gaining ground despite what you saw lately in the DCC on nato supplies.
Everyone knows a caretaker setup has to come. The question is who will bring it and who would come. This is the moment for the army. If they squander it now, then

one should not complain when the country is occupied by the enemies and
the nation loses hundreds of thousands in surviving through the urban war of annihilation. It is actually now or never for the army.

For me, I am buying ammo for the guns as now it seems it has come to a house to house fight. We have been sold by Zardari already
10) 12/7/2012 This

azaan can trigger a coup inshaAllah

This explosive Azaan can actually trigger a military coup in Pakistan! Pakistan is
rapidly imploding under the deployed 4th generation war and the politicians, judiciary and the media remain in denial while the rank and file of the army fume in rage as the

controlled demolition of the state continues in this imposed democracy!

Here, we fiercely attack and expose the fifth columnists, hostile strategies and enemy psyops against Pakistan in a time when both the Supreme Court and the Army leadership is

indecisive about the gravest threats the nation and the country faces. Under
the faade of media freedom, we are being attacked by most venomous lies, deceptions and propaganda by the so called free media. Listen to this azaan and have the

confidence and the faith that InshAllah soon, the traitors will meet their well deserving end. InshAllah great khair is coming for Pak Sarzameen.
11) 31/7/2012 Our honor, security, dignity being signed off !! Signing of MoU for Transit of Cargo to and from Afghanistan through Pakistan Inna lillah!!!! Never in history a nation has sold itself so cheap to the dogs and

swines. Now the cost of maintaining the remains of our freedom would magnify thousand times. On whose hands should we find our blood???????


12) 1/8/2012 Inna lillahe inna alehe rajeeon Have received this painful mail. This is where we have sunk, lowest of the low being

humiliated by the enemies and friends alike. Ya Allah Karam L These are all self inflicted wounds at the hands of traitors and cowards.
13) 6/8/2012 Pak

army It is time to move 111 Bgde or be ready to

become Syria, Iraq or Lybia!!! It seems that soon Par army Corp Commanders and GOCs and army Jawans will also face criminal cases under judiciarys directives for defending Pakistan
against TTP and BLA. 14) 7/8/2012 Pak

army -- It is time to move 111 Bgde or be ready to

become Syria, Iraq or Libya!!!

We the patriots now ask army to do what must be done under this total and complete collapse of the state and the government. We ask General Kayani to deliver else fate of Syria, Iraq and Libya is destined for us, Allah forbid. We had no hope from Zardari. CJ has also truly disappointed us. Now if

General Kayani also stays silent and

indecisive, then wait for the will of Allah to unfold. It is not far now that we will know what He has decided for ungrateful, sinful and treacherous people. InshAllah, army will move 111 Brigade soon. It is high time and
nation demands it too.

15) 27/8/2012 A painful comment sent to us on our FB which army should read

especially the Sipah Salaar!

Damm Ghutkoon: Salaam Shah Sahib !! you are truthfull indeed .... Hakim and the

Qazi has betrayed Rasool Allah (SAW), Ummah (as Pakistan is the last castle of Islam)
and us (the nation)....Syeddi my heart bleeds to say that our Sipah

Salaar has

betrayed us as well. Shah Sahib ! tears are streaming down while i'm writing
these words here...Pakistan is near to become '' Syria '' 4thGW, treacherous media, hostile political parties, urban warfare, inflation, injustice, humility of the nation.. but all the

military brains of Pak Army have stopped working i guess. It is indeed very hard
for me to think negative about Pak Army and my grief has no boundaries .....Total desperation Shah desperation. Will

Allah forgive our Sipah Salaar ....?? Will our Beloved Rasool Allah (SAW) forgive our Sipah Salaar..?? i cant help cryig for my Pakistan syeddi.. i'm desperate to death and irony is
this, i have nothing in my hand .... Syeddi ! perhaps u would not read my comment as u r busy in ur duty and won't be able to read my little comment ...i have no place to go...i cant do anything ...will my beloved Rasool Allah (SAW) forgive me...??? Tears Shah Sahib Just Tears !!!


16) 10/9/2012 Kayani

is compromised. We are in a very tight bend now. Zardari, Kayani and Iftikhar chaudrey and the media as well as the entire political lot is sold out. Time for tauba and to prepare for shahadat really. We will fight to the end. A change of command in the army is the only hope. A coup can happen as the tempers are rising very rapidly within. present regime must be

17) 16/10/2012 Pak Army must read. The

removed asap, else this map will become a reality.

18) 22/11/2012 This

time is a fitnah for the army chief as now the hujjat is complete upon him.
The leadership of today is totally responsible for destroying Pakistan. Each one of them - civil or military -- is responsible in front of Allah (swt) for their failure to implement the rules of Allah (swt). They

19) 5/1/2013 Let all the chiefs answer.

are happy with the system of

Kufr but now the nation makes a stand -- Islam or perish!

20) 27/1/2013 The greatest Bidat of all times -- Democracy backed by Capitalism Have you ever thought why the Zionists want to bring democracy to the Muslim world -even slaughtering millions for this Kufr???? It is Farz, Wajib and Sunnah on the Ummah, scholars and the youth to fight

against the greatest Bidaat, Shirk and Kufr of all times --- Democracy backed by
Capitalism backed by Banks backed by Riba backed by Paper currency !!! If you cannot see this system of Bidaat, then all your understanding of deen, Quran and Sunnah is fake, false and fraud and you are deaf, dumb and blind to the point of no return!! It does not matter which sect you belong to or which alim you follow -- if you are comfortable

with Democracy brought through the US B52 bombers and Riba eating Bankers, then you are no different than Abu Jahal.
This is our message to those who fight within Muslims on petty sectarian issues but are most comfortable with the greatest Bidat and KKufr of all times. Wake up and do astaghfar or be prepared to be erased. Allah does not need more of Abu Jahals. Ask

Saddam and Qaddafi.....

21) 1/2/2013 May Allah's curse be upon Haroon Rasheed. He used his position to

destroy the nation.

A very bad and dangerous advice given to Kayani by Haroon Rasheed. Innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon . Elections in these times of war would destroy the nation NOT the caretaker government of patriots.
If the country goes down, who will be responsible??


22) 12/2/2013 A

dangerous article by Brig asif Raja, making a case that Kayani should be promoted to Field martial !! His analysis of the threat is correct but his solutions and role of Kayani is dangerous.
People have had enough now. My fear is that any

23) 20/2/2013 Indication of Danday wali Sarkar.

delay by army would mean that nation would lynch the army leadership too. After
the fall of 1971, house of Gneral Yahya was burnet, he was beaten on streets and

the Chief of army staff was thrown out of GHQ briefing by the army officers. Why on earth push it to that levels ???????
24) 3/3/2013 As the situation stands today, the time to educate the voters or bring any reform in the system has been lost. From

Supreme court to the election commission to the media to the political parties all are compromised.
We will remain focused on our strategy. Let the chaos cross the second red line when the army will be dragged in. this will happen, sooner or later.
Change can come though show of force and only organized force is Pak army. All other forces would bring anarchy and chaos.

So we wait and prepare for the time when the chaos spreads out of control. It is happening now. We wanted to prevent this outcome but you cannot fight when the

President, CJ and army chief decide not to recover the state.

25) 6/3/2013 Will Pakistan Collapse?

Silence and non-interference by the army is allowing the enemies to raise the question time and again Is pak army unwilling to defend the country or is unable to ?? Literally, they are themselves surprised that why the army has allowed the crisis to get to these dangerous levels. The strategic silence of the army leadership is not just baffling for the friends but also for the enemies.
26) 31/3/2013 Despite knowing fully well that this

democracy would destroy

Pakistan and is a Haram political model designed by the Dajjal to maintain its
hold over the Ummah, these politicians, judges and the media want to continue with it. Why ??? Here is the reason. They are vultures who feed on the dead political, economic and judicial systems. Vultures never eat fresh like Eagles. We refuse to accept the Haram. This democracy is a choice between meat of the Pig or

the meat of the dog !! We reject this haram and would rather fight and die

than to accept this haram. Time has come for the Eagles to make their stand against the Vultures !!!
27) 31/3/2013 - Keep raising the voice and soon we will have millions demanding the same thing a patriotic caretaker government backed by army to hang all the

traitors in a single night !!! Pak army -- are you listening ????
28) 18/6/2013 This government can neither fix the economy NOR the law and order. Total failure these are, blind, dead and dumb, at war with Rasul Allah (sm) and thinking that they can lead the ummah. Idiots, all of them....

Demand system of Khilafat e Rashida !! You wil have to demand it, fight for it, die for it.
29) 10/9/2013 I have always disagreed with General Kayani's policy of "strategic

silence" & allowing the politicians, judiciary to rampage in last 6 years Gen Kayani should have exerted his voice & weight to bring sanity into staggering
corruption, political & judicial collapse & media anarchy.

Allowing Zardari, Chaudrey, Gilani, Raisani, Bilour, Altaf, Nawaz to devastate the country under the facade of democracy is a disaster. By allowing the politicians & judiciary to destroy the country in the last 6 years have only created bloody multiple crisis for the army now When Chief justice can exert his weight, Gen: Kayani should have been firm too where security collapse was brought thru corruption/treason.
30) 30/9/2013 some one is responsible -- govt, CJ, army chief ?????

We are either heading for total annihilation or a bloody cut throat revolution. Nothing in between. If the army does not rise, then TTP and Indians will do the job. Blood is spilling anyways. Let it be the blood of criminals, traitors and corrupt else it would be mass slaughter of innocents and guilty alike.


Zaid Hamid trying to instigate mutiny within Pakistan Army, inciting anger & hatred against the Army Chief General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani, and other venomous content / hate speech
Section D Statements made by Zaid Hamid, taken from his FACEBOOK

POSTS which he

posted on his official Facebook page and which can be read by anyone. Address of his official FB page is: It has about 180,000 likes and a daily outreach to millions of people in Pakistan and abroad.

1) 31/12/2011 Today, entire Pakistan is paying the back breaking taxes because of the war NATO has imposed upon Pakistan and we let them kill us for free!! This is where the treason lies. The CIA has been bribing the entire Musharraf government and then the PPP government to let these supplies go without taxes and duties. The foreign minister of Musharraf and Zardari are partners in this sinister crime. The media does not speak, politicians are silent. The customs, CBR, FBR, port authorities and ministries have taken billions in bribes to stay silent. Chief Justice does not take notice. We must not tax them now. It is time to block and seize their supplies and come out of this war. This is the way, not to tax them to kill us more. Army has no option but to follow unless they over throw the government and take charge of the matter once and for all. All those who are desperate for elections are silent and would remain silent because they have sold their souls to the devil! We are keeping note of every traitor and every munafiq and InshAllah, their time is now up. Allah will strike them from where they least expect. Just watch and wait. 2) 15/5/2012 Now these snakes will feed the enemies to swallow this nation. This is the ultimate test of the CJ and the army chief. It is time for them to make their move or else give us guns. We will defend our medina e Sani!!! 3) 18/5/2012 Once the supplies are open, then we would lose this opportunity for ever and then a a bloody existential war from 3 sides -- Cold Start, Af-Pak and 4thGW -- would be imposed. By Allah, if our treacherous rulers bring that war upon us, we will lynch and hang them in Islamabad first. They should know that now there will be no escape. 4) 1/7/2012 A cross border raid by TTP killed dozen or more Pakistan soldiers sending a wave of anger within the Pak army and the nation. It is almost impossible for the senior leadership now to appear to be soft or compromising towards the US. The rage and anger against US in the ranks and officers of Pak army is now red hot levels and may turn to disobedience or even a mutiny if the top commanders are seen to be giving concessions to the US/NATO. 5) 3/7/2012 It would be the most staggering military blunders of all times to let the enemy supplies pass through our land when it plans to invade us with the help of Indians to turn us into another Iraq and then into another Yugoslavia! If the rulers try to open the supplies, there would be an open armed rebellion in the country against the government. 55

Let the government decide what they want. People of Pakistan have also decided already. We will show them what we mean InshAllah. Let them try to open the supplies.

[NATO supplies were restored on 4th July 2012]

6) 4/7/2012 Every crisis creates an opportunity for us to exploit. There is no doubt that this treacherous regime has once again committed treason and betrayal but even this battle is not over yet. When the government commits treason, it is the duty of the patriots to resist. By Allah, we will. In a couple of days, you will see the fierce reaction within the nation and this decision will bring the regime down, InshAllah! We will NOT accept this lying down. Containers will be opened, flights will be escorted down on ground for searches and some terrorists may even attack and burn the NATO convoys. The fight has just gotten into the high gear. Many power groups in the country have announced fierce resistance. The civil disobedience is now inevitable. 7) 6/7/2012 Our treacherous and corrupt rulers have sold us to the snakes and swines literally for free! When we join the illegal and illicit war in Afghanistan, this is what we opt for -- not just the slaughter and rape of the Muslims in the region but also invasion and dismemberment of our lands at the hands of Crusaders! We will resist this act of treason, betrayal and war crime. We will NOT be part of this Zionist crusade against Islam and Pak Sarzameen. Muslims of Pakistan reject this act of treason! Raise your voice do all within your means to resist. 8) 6/7/2012 Nation is up in arms and a civil disobedience movement is building. The regime has gravely miscalculated the national anger and rage over this sell-off. Now they will see it first hand, InshaAllah! 9) 5/8/2012 The country is now a failing dysfunctional imploding state where state organs and their leaders are busy destroying the country and the nation . The time has come for the nation to speak up on what kind of government they want in these chaotic and war times. Shall we do another elections and elect the same corrupt lot. Or we gof the Martial law or a patriotic caretaker government which should do firm and strict accountability of the corrupt, traitors and the terrorists. We have made the following poll. Go to the link and speak up. This will be circulated globally. 10) 7/8/2012 The verdict is now out. The survey that we conducted on the political future of Pakistan has stunned the world. Educated patriotic Pakistanis have spoken. Nearly 88% Pakistanis want Army to intervene and decide the fate of the government. 8% want a direct Martial law. 80% want army to bring in patriotic technocratic caretakers. Only 12% want elections and democracy to continue. It seems that out of these 12% who want elections are mostly Imran Khan followers who want to give one last chance to democracy before its burial. Under the present state of anarchy, chaos and implosion, Pakistan cannot survive the war going on in Islamabad. Once again today, the PPP regime launched most filthy attacks on Chief Justice and now an open war will bring down both the government and the Chief Justice. Incredibly, on the other hand, Judiciary is registering murder, kidnapping and criminal cases against sitting DG ISI and DG MI and DG FC for doing their official duty of defending Pakistan 56

against terrorist threats. Former Army Chief Musharraf and former patriotic Governor Owais Ghani have been issued arrest warrants on a fake case registered by the BLA against Pakistan for conducting security operation against Akbar Bugti in which he had committed suicide and killed Pak army officers. All over the country, judiciary is filing cases against ISI and army officers instead of punishing the terrorists. But hundreds of cases of murders, treason, kidnappings, sabotage and rebellion against BLA are being withdrawn and all terrorists being pardoned. Not a single terrorist has been sent to death by the judiciary but cases being filed against sitting DG's of ISI and MI. This is unbelievable and fatal for Pakistan. It seems that soon Pak army Corp Commanders and GOC's and army Jawans will also face criminal cases under judiciary's directives for defending Pakistan against TTP and BLA. What on earth is the Supreme Court doing? We the patriots now ask army to do what must be done under this total and complete collapse of the state and the government. We ask General Kayani to deliver else fate of Syria, Iraq and Libya is destined for us, Allah forbid. We had no hope from Zardari. CJ has also truly disappointed us. Now if General Kayani also stays silent and indecisive, then wait for the will of Allah to unfold. It is not far now that we will know what He has decided for ungrateful, sinful and treacherous people. Have faith and stand firm. This is the time to make your stand for Pakistan. August 14th is close now. Take out your Pakistan flags and lift them high upon your houses. This is our message to the enemies and traitors - Pakistani nation stands united, firm and dignified and will defend Pakistan with their blood, despite the treason and treachery of its rulers and leaders. InshaAllah, army will move 111 Brigade soon. It is high time and nation demands it too. 11) 15/9/2012 The time for punishment has started. When Hakim, Qazi, sipah salar and the Ulama become compromised, this what happen. Ya Allah Karam 12) 14/10/2012 The indecision at the topmost levels of the army is creating dangerous levels of despondency and anger in the lower ranks and officer corps. While on one hand the military leadership tries to balance its international image by supporting the democracy, on the other hand it has to calculate the rate of collapse of the state within and rising anger within the institution. It is a most delicate and dangerous calculus where margin of error is zero for the army leadership. If our calculations are right, army wont wait much longer now. Else, it would be game over for the army also . 13) 20/10/2012 In our history, there are incidents when the most respectable offices have betrayed the millat. Traitors are everywhere, even today!! Every judgement of the President, Chief Justice and the Army Chief must be seen and measured to see if it is hurting Pakistan or benefiting. Today, we are at war on all axes. Everyone proven to be a traitor or corrupt or idiot must be dealt as such -- No one is a sacred cow. No President. No CJ. NO Army Chief, NO Media. Pakistan is sacred only!! 14) 30/12/2012 My dear General (Kayani), when you know the threats of this 4th and 5th generation war, then why are you delaying the response???? Your indecision and silence is hurting the millat badly. For Allah's sake, it would be suicide to hand over the fate of this millat to Zardari, Rehman Malik, Altaf Hussain and their likes.... Nation is sinking while you remain silent..... By Allah, if Pakistan is destroyed, we will hold you responsible. Nation stands with armed forces and trust them fully. Rise and do your duty. We are loosing Pakistan daily...... Allahu Akbar!


15) 15/10/2013 Still Deoband says creation of Pakistan was a mistake !!! They opposed Pakistan and still remain the most venomous enemies of Pakistan. That is why they are called Congressi Mullahs -- enemies of Rasul Allah (sm). In India, today Muslims cannot even slaughter cows under dominant Hindu majority. Even Deoband is giving fatwas that Muslims must stop cow slaughter. Tomorrow they will ask Muslims not to give azaan also and stop Juma to "build" relations with Hindus !! Innalillahe wa inna ilehe rajeoon !! This was the reason why we created Pakistan. This is the reason for Two Nations theory which is alive even today !! As long as Muslims slaughter cows and Hindus worship them, two nation theory would remain alive !! InshAllah, we will slaughter cows and cow worshipers and their khawarij friends !!

16) 17/10/2013 MQM, ANP and BLA are using ethnic terrorism on the basis of language and ethnicity. TTP, LeJ are terrorists / Khawarij from deobani sect. Shias have many terrorists groups within them as well which are killing on sectarian lines. Sipah e Muhemmed is one such group. But major Shia terrorists use the cover of MQM to do the target assassinations in the country, especially in Karachi. Unfortunately, there are reports of Iran's involvement as well in protecting / supporting Shia terrorists due to multiple massacres of Shias at the hands of LeJ. Barelvis have also been involved in terrorism in Karachi, mostly from Sunni tehreek. Their war is as dirty as of MQM, LeJ or ANP. Ahl Hadees do not have any terrorist group in the country yet. This is a relief. LeT is a Jihadi group but not involved in any terrorism yet. Jamaat e Islami was never a terrorist group against the state though had been violent against political oponants but ever since Munawwar Hasan has taken charge of JI, their sympathies are visibly with TTP and many members of JI have fallen into the trap of Takfiri ideology.

17) 17/10/2013 Read what Allama Iqbal had to say about Darul Uloom deoband, India, and its anti-Islam policies. This is Iqbal NOT me. Second group of deoband remains congresi and follow JUH of India. They are JUI of Pakistan today like Fazlu. Third group of deoband has become Khawarij and Takfiris and they are fighting against Pakistan and Muslims. They are TTP, LeJ etc. MQM claims to represents Mohajirs. But we attack MQM fiercely and it does NOT mean we are attacking all Mojahirs or spreading ethnic hatred. ANP claims to represent Pashtuns. But we attack ANP fiercely and it does NOT mean we are spreading hatred against pashtuns. In these times of war -- You must know your enemies. MQM, ANP, BLA, TTP, LeJ and Congressi Mullahs are all enemies of Rasul Allah (sm) and work against Pakistan. It is your choice to take sides. We have a duty to give azaan.

18) 27/10/2013 This democracy is CIA sponsored to bring about a Yugoslavia styled collapse of Pakistan ! MQM, PPP, PML(N), JUI (F), PTI -- all have deals with US at one level or another. Pakistan is loosing the war today -- state organs are in a state of collapse and the 58

ministers/govt of these parties is deliberately bringing about that collapse. General Kayani is guilty of allowing this CIA backed democracy to continue. He should have removed these snakes long time ago and bring a patriotic caretaker govt. Now, the nation is on the verge of collapse, astahfurullah !


The Truth About Yusuf Kazab Blasphemy Case Posted by Fidai e Rasool SAW on March 5, 2010 During Yusuf Kazabs court trial, Zaid Hamid left no stone unturned, he moved from corner to post, travelled the length and breadth of the country to gather support from Ulema e Karam in favor of Yusuf Kazab. However, he failed in all his efforts. His defense proceedings within the court also suffered a death blow, when the Session Court declared Yusuf Kazab guilty of Blasphemy and ordered him to be hanged to death. However, even the final verdict of the Sessions Court didnt stopped Zaid Hamid being a truely die hard Ummati of Yusuf Kazab, Zaid Hamid resorted to a maligned media campaign. Zaid Hamid published an article in DAILY DAWN on 13th of August 2000 calling the verdict of Sessions Court to be a death of justice. Facing with such utter falsification of facts, Mohammad Ismeel Qureshy a Senior Advocate of Supreme Court, who was the lawyer of the prosecution wrote a Forward to a Book Truth About Yusuf Ali Blasphemy Case. The idea was to bring th e entire facts of the case in front of the public so that Zaid Hamid could not misguide innocent people into believing that his prophet Yusuf Kazab was falsely accused and punished. The entire foreword is being reproduced here, without alteration. However, we have inserted our comments to explain a certain things within the foreword. The comments where ever present are enclosed in square brackets [This is a sample comment, you would see such comments in the foreword too]. FOREWORD Truth About Yusuf Ali Blasphemy Case First I was reluctant to offer my comments on the exhaustive judgment of the learned Sessions Judge Lahore Mian Mohammad Jahangir dated 05-8-2000, whereby he has awarded death sentence to Yusuf Ali for offence of contempt of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) as he had claimed to have attained the last and final stage of the Prophethood after his return from the holy city Madina-i-Munuwwarrah. Alongwith death penalty the convict has been punished for committing the heinous crime of fraud and forgery in the name of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). He is punished also for degrading the sublime status of Ahl-i-Bait (AS) and Sehaba (RA). Secondly I avoided to make comments as I am the part of the judgment and my book Namoos-i-Rasool & Qanooni-Tauheen-i-Risalat has been referred again and again by the convict in his statement before the trial court. In the meanwhile a so called Sahabi of the convict namely Z.Z. Hamid [Zaid Zaman Hamid] expressed his opinion about the judgment in Daily Dawns issue of 13th August 200 0 and stooped down to the lowest level of mischief by calling the judgment as to be murder of justice and presented the convict as a benevolent and honourable Sufi Scholar of Islam [Zaid Hamid's Daily DAWN articles link:]. The remarks about the judgment show the shallowness of legal knowledge of the writer. The facts stated by


him amounted to travesty of truth. Similarly the Daily News of Lahore of the same date published statement of the convict, which is distortion of the true version of the case. This malacious campaign prompted once close associate of the convict, Janab Arshad Qureshi, a learned scholar, who belongs to Qadriah Sufic lineage, to publish the judgment of the learned Sessions Judge in a book form, so that the public should see the convict in his true colours through this historic judgment, so he approached me with a request to write a foreword for this book which is under print. The compiler of the present book is also author of the book Fitna-i-Yusuf Kazzab in three volumes. In view of the convicts unfair continuous campaign not only against the trial judge, but also against myself and my panel consisting. of eminent lawyers; Sardar Ahmed Khan, Mr. M. lqbal Cheema, Mr. Ghulam Mustafa Chaudhry, Mr. Yaqoob Ali Qureshi and Mian Sabir Nishtar Advocate, I thought it necessary to make it clear to the public at large by writing this foreword that half truth is more dangerous than the naked falsehood. The judges cannot defend their own decisions but can speak through their judgements, so the matter which is concerned with the court, the court will take notice of that contemptuous matter, but I will deal only with the character assassination of the complainants lawyers through certa in section of the Press. So far as the conduct and character of the convict is concerned, he has proved himself through his own documents produced in the court to be such a big fraud that human mind could have ever conceived before the latest mechanical devices. He (Yusuf Kazab) has submitted a document which has been exhibited as DL by the trial court and is also part of this book as Schedule 1. About this document he claimed that it was certificate directly sent to him by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) declaring him to be Khalifa-i- Aazam. According to admission in the cross examination by me all the Prophets were appointed as Khalifas i.e. vicegerents of God on earth and the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is Khalifa-i- Azam, chief vicegerent, so by virtue of this certificate, now he is Khalifa-i-Azam on earth. He further admitted in the cross examination that neither one of four Caliphs was holding the high office of Khalifai-Azam. In an answer to the question he said this certificate of Khalifa-i-Azam from the Holy Prophet was sent to him by a saint of Karachi, Abdullah Shah Ghazi through the medium of computer on his letter pad. It is interesting to note that the said saint of Karachi had died 300 years ago. In the said certificate which is in English, the convict has been addressed by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) as Khalifa-e-Azam. Hazrat Imam AI-Sheik Abu A.H. Muhammod Yusuf Ali . In the said certificate the convict has been declared that his knowledge is all encompassing and his wisdom is supreme. In explanation of this declaration the convict said that he is commentator of Holy Quran. He knows all about Hadees and Fiqh. He is master of Tassawwuf and also knows all the worldly sciences. In order to testify his all encompassing knowledge and wisdom, I cross examined him in regard to his religious Knowledge and put questions relating to modern scientific research. I would like to mention here that the convict has stated in the court that he has been receiving all the messages direct from the Holy Prophet (PBUH) either in Arabic or English. I asked him the connotation of Quranic word Taqwa, but he was unable to answer. I asked him the meaning of amplitude and resurrection, the

words on the top of the certificate of Khalifa-i- Azam, but he miserably failed to tell the simple meanings of these words. He was unable to tell even the names of six authentic books of Hadees (Sihah Sittah), known and respected all over the muslim world after the Holy Quran. He has no knowledge of a very famous Hadees of Madinatul Ilm in respect of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and Hazrat Ali (RA) despite his claim of being AI-i- Rasool, descendant of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), whereas he is Bhatti by caste according to his school ccrtificate. His name was Yusuf Ali according to school & college certificates and service record (Schedule II). He added Mohammad after retirement with malacious design to doge and defraud people for getting huge amount and property worth millions of rupees by means of deception in the name of the Holy Prophct (PBUH). These facts have been proved by his own admissions and admitted documents. Kindly see the judgment. He claims to have deeply studied Iqbal , but quite unaware of his six lectures and does not know the meaning of his phraseology in his poetry, nor could he explain philosophy of Khudi i.e. Ego propounded by Iqbal [Similar to Yusuf Kazab, his first Ummati Zaid Hamid also portrays himself as a devoted Student of Allama Iqbal]. His claim to be associated with Maulana Maududi is absolutely false and denied by Jamat-i-Islami. Similarly he does not know ABC of modern science and failed to answer for what DNA stands for. The word he used in his own statement before the court. In furtherance of his notorious plan he claimed himself to be the Director General of World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY), a worldwide organization with its Headquarter at Jeddah and offices throughout the world. I have been associate member of this organization, so when I immediately contacted its Secretary General Dr. Manch-Al-Johani who replied by very urgent fax to me that any person by name of Yusuf Ali is not known to WAMY, nor was he ever appointed as Director General. In the said Ietter it has been clearly stated that if the said Yusuf Ali prodeced any document or any other material to prove his claim, it shall be regarded untrue and false. The Secretary General WAMY authorized me to take of legal and lawful action to get him punished. The said letter was produced in the court and it is also attached as Schedule III. The convict was not contended with this forgery, so he upgraded himself as Ambassador from Saudi Arabia to Cyprus lind posed himself as His Excellency in group photo (Schedule IV) with late Chief Justice Hamoodur Rehman and Justice (R) Muhammad Afzal Cheema, who denied to be acquainted with any such His Excellency on my telephone call from Islamabad . This fact may also be verified from Justice Cheema. The convict denied in his statement that Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadyani is known to him; but as a matter of fact, he has adopted the same methodology of his predecessor in interest Mirza of Qadyan, a planted agent of British imperialism, who first appeared as reformer, then he claimed himself to be Mehdi. Concept of Medhi is ingrained in the minds of muslim as Saviour. Then he declared himself to be the Christ, who is also being awaited to come down from the heavens to defeat the forces of evil. After strengthening himself with the coercive Powers of British Government he finally announced to be the reappearance of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)


and according to dictates of his masters abolished Jehad which was permanent lurking danger of toppling their Govt. This so called attainment did not satisfy his devilish desire, so he claimed to be the superior to the last Prophet of Islam (PBUH). It is pertinent to state that the law of Blasphemy of the Holy Prophet was abrogated by the Britishers after usurping the powers from Muslim rulers of India, while the law of blasphemy was in force in England at that time in 19th century and still it is on the statute book. Despite the fact that the law of blasphemy was abrogated in India by British Govt. and Mirza Ghulam Ahmed had full Governmental support for his new religion in the guise of Islam, he could not face the wrath of Muslims of India for his false claim. So in his book Hamamalul Bushra published in 1311 Hijra i.e, 1893 A.D. (Schedule V) he clearly stated (at page 46, which is also placed as exhibit in the court) that after appearance of our Holy Prophet (PBUH), the doors of prophet hood had been closed for all the times to come; but after reassurance of his ruling masters that iron hand of the British Govt. would crush down any religious movement against him he again proclaimed that anyone who disbelieve him is out of pale of Islam. This announcement was made in his Maktoobat published in the month of March 1906 (Schedule VI) copy of the same is attached as part of the record of the trial court. With this background, the convict Yusuf Ali followed the footsteps of Mirza Ghulam Ahmed and proved himself by oral and documentary evidence that he is true successor in interest of his predecessor impostor. First he (Yusuf Ali) approached to the religious quarter as preacher of Islam, then as Mard-e-Kamil, thereafter as Imam-al-Waqt i.e. Mehdi, the next step after Mehdi was declaring himself as Khalifa-i-Azam. We have already given details of self upgrading. He then claimed himself to be the Holy Prophet (PBUH) before the followers in the basement named as Ghar-i-Hira. Like Ghulam Ahmed Mirza he was also not satisfied with this so called claim therefore finally in order to show himself greater than the last Prophet of Allah (PBUH) he declared that 1400 years back the Holy Prophet was on duty; but in the present times he has attained the perfection and finality of prophethood by beauty. In support of this mischievous and outraging claim of the convict the prosecution produced 14 witnesses out of them Brigd. (R) Dr. Mohammad Aslam PWI, Muhammad Akram Rana PW2, Muhammad Ali AbuBakar PW3 from Karachi Hafiz Muhammad Mumtaz Awan, PW4 Mian Muhammad Awais PW5 from Lahore who deposed direct eye witnesses account of convicts claim of being Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) with perfection of beauty. There is no enmity with these witnesses of social and religious status. On the other hand they were blind followers and particularly Muhammad Ali Abu Bakar was so closed that he was given title of Abu Bakar Siddique for compliance with the allegiance of top most surrender to his convict master. This devotee had paid money worth millions by cheques and drafts from Karachi and constructed well furnished palace for him with Ghar-i-Hira therein. The facts of receiving money in cash through cheques & drafts had not been denied by the convict. He was awarded the title of his Sahabi as Siddique for surrendering all his property in favour of his so called prophet. In this way he has entrapped the innoccent people in the name of the Holy Prophet and left them as destitute people. When he saw the wrath of muslim populus against him, he denied the claim just like Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadyani in order to save his neck. The denial was deceitful misinterpreting the sacred words Muhammad AAI-e-Rasool and Sahabah as apparent on the face of record.

I will recommend the reader to critically examine the statement of the accused and my cross examination alongwith the documents produced by the convict. I hope and believe that this will expose the convict and his false claims. Without being apologetic I have proud privilege to say that I am the first to revive punishment of contempt of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in Pakistan after its creation as muslim state but it is significant to note that this judgment in accordance with this law will dispel all doubts of non muslim communities in Pakistan and abroad, particularly the Govemments of Europe and USA that the law of blasphemy of Islam is not to victimize the non muslim, Christian or Qadyani or any other religious community and no non muslim has been convicted under this law so far due to strict observance of law of evidence. Yusuf Ali, a muslim committed the gross and grave contempt of the Holy Prophet to defraud and deceive people with ulterior motive to grab the money and property of the innocent people by entrapping them in the name of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and this evil design of big fraud and forgery would have continued, had he not been brought to books under this law which uphold the dignity of man and holy personage in accord with charter of Human Rights. Moreover this law of blasphemy is not only against the contemner of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) but also against the contemners of all the Prophets of Scriptures. There is punishment for disrespect to all the recognized leaders of other religions as well. WA MA TAUFIQEE ILLA BILLAH 26-Rachna Block, Iqbal Town Lahore. August 30, 2000 Mohammad Ismeel Qureshy Senior Advocate, Supreme Court . Conclusions 1. Zaid Hamid himself admits that he defended Yusuf Kazab in the court. See links: 2. Zaid Hamid in his DAILY DAWN article claims that there was nothing objectionable in the cassettes. This is absolutely untrue. ZaidHamidExposition will soon release the entire Speech of Yusuf Kazab delievered at Bait e Raza to the public. The general public would be shocked to hear that Yusuf Kazab not only claimed to be Muhammad SAW but also claimed to be Allah, because according to him Allah and Muhammad SAW are one and the same thing. 3. Zaid Hamid in his DAILY DAWN article admits himself that he was at all times present in the court room. His exact words are I was present in the courtroom to assist the defence lawyers.


4. Zaid Hamid claims in his DAILY DAWN article that the witnesses against Yusuf Kazab were all followers of a pir. This is not true, since the prosecution lawyers produced not one, not two but 14 eye witnesses of Yusuf Kazabs claim that he is Muhammad SAW. Out of these 14 eye witnesses, 5 were followers of Yusuf Kazab. These 5 followers even during the court proceedings believed that Yusuf Kazab was in fact Muhammad SAW. 5. Yusuf Kazab himself admitted that he is Khalifa-e-Azam and the only person to be Khalifa-e-Azam before him was Muhammad SAW. He mentioned that even the four Khalifa namely Abu Bakar Siddiq RA, Umar Farooq RA, Usman bin Affan RA, and Ali bin Al Khattab RA were not Khalifa-e-Azam. 6. Yusuf Kazab produced the certificate of being declared Khalifa-e-Azam. The certificate was written in english and according to his claim was send to him by Abdullah Shah Ghazi, a sufi saint from Karachi who passed away 300 years ago. 7. The Khalifa-e-Azam certificate stated that Yusuf Kazabs knowledge is all encompassing. Yusuf Kazab himself claimed to be a mufassir, sufi and alim of the highest order. However, on cross examination, it was revealed that he didnt even knew the names of the Sihah e Sitta the six authentic books of Ahadees. 8. In his DAILY DAWN article Zaid Hamid calls Yusuf Kazab to be one of the greatest living sufis, a staunch Muslim and a scholar of the Holy Quran. However, this greatest scholar of Islam didnt even knew the names of the books of Ahadees. Zaid Hamids video in which he admits his links to Yousaf Kazzab and defends him:







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