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J. Am. Ceram. Soc.

, 92 [4] 834–838 (2009)

DOI: 10.1111/j.1551-2916.2009.02976.x
r 2009 The American Ceramic Society

Ferroelectric Phase Stability Studies in Spray Deposited KNO3:PVA
Composite Films
Navneet Dabra and Jasbir S. Hundalw
Applied Physics and Materials Science Laboratory, Department of Applied Sciences, Baba Farid College of Engineering
and Technology, Bathinda, Punjab, India

Kopple C. Sekhar, Arvind Nautiyal, and Rabinder Nath

Ferroelectric Materials and Devices Research Laboratory, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology,
Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India

The composite films of potassium nitrate (KNO3):poly(vinyl al- The stabilized phase III of KNO3 in thin film form have ad-
cohol) (PVA) have been prepared at different temperatures by vantages such as, low operating voltage,23 fast switching re-
spray-deposition technique. Ferroelectric hysteresis loops were sponse,23,24 small size and cost effectiveness.25,26 These are being
traced at room temperature for the composite films using mod- used as ferroelectric capacitors, memory element, nonvolatile mem-
ified Sawyer and Tower circuit. The X-ray diffraction studies ory devices (NV-RAMs), and dynamic random access memories.23
confirm the existence of ferroelectric phase III of KNO3 in the Several attempts have been made to stabilize phase III
composite films at the room temperature, where this phase in of KNO3 at room temperature in thin fused films,19 with the
pure KNO3 films is known to exist in the temperature range application of high pressure,5 mixing it with starch,13 poly-
1101–1241C. The composite films deposited at 2001C shows the vinyl fluoride,25 poly(vinyldiene fluoride) (PVDF),26 carbon,27
optimum remanent polarization, PrB17 lC/cm2. The Pr was and silicon carbide.28,29 The KNO3–polymer composite films
studied in the frequency range 10 Hz–1 kHz. The stability of the showed a considerable improvement in the ferroelectric proper-
Pr in the composite films exhibits improved fatigue compared ties and phase stabilization.25,26 The surface electric field effect,1
with that of quenched KNO3 films. The capacitance–voltage (C– strain,30 departures from the stoichiometry,31 enhancement of
V) characteristics exhibits butterfly features which supports the ferroelectric phase with decreasing thickness20 have been studied
presence of ferroelectric phase in the composite films. The in past that explain the phase stabilization in the material even in
atomic force microscopy images show that the composite films the thermodynamically unstable regions.
have uniform dispersion of KNO3 particles in the PVA matrix. Usually, the ceramic–polymer composites have been prepared
by embedding ceramic particles in a suitable polymer matrix by
melt press,25,26 sol–gel,32 solvent cast,33,34 and intercalation tech-
niques.35 However, it was found that under suitable conditions
I. Introduction the solvent cast technique yields uniform composition of ce-
ramic and polymer due to proper interactions that occur at mo-
P OTASSIUM NITRATE (KNO3) is an interesting material because
of its ferroelectric properties in one of its phases.1–6 The pure
KNO3 crystals exists in phase II with orthorhombic (aragonite)
lecular level.36 Recently, the spray-pyrolysis37 and ultrasonic
nebulizer38 techniques have been used to prepare the thin films
crystal structure at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. of various pure ceramics.
It changes to phase I (rhombohedral crystal structure) above In the present article, KNO3:poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) com-
1301C.4,5 On cooling, phase I of KNO3 does not directly revert posite films have been prepared using spray-deposition tech-
back to phase II but through an intermediate metastable phase nique where PVA can provide an appropriate environment to
III, which is ferroelectric in region B1241–1101C, on further KNO3 to retain its ferroelectric phase III at room temperature.
cooling it changes to phase II.4,5 The ferroelectric phase III Moreover, PVA has high viscosity, common aqueous solubility
which appears only in the process of cooling results from the as KNO3 and it can also give the mechanical strength39 to the
shift by 0.55 Å of the nitrate groups from the centre of the unit composite films in comparison with the pure KNO3. The ferro-
cell, which creates dipoles and hence spontaneous polarization electric behavior was studied by tracing the hysteresis loop and
along the c-axis.4,7 The phase III has attracted much attention capacitance–voltage (C–V) characteristics. The surface morpho-
because of its extremely useful ferroelectric properties.5 It has logical and structural studies have been carried out using atomic
been reported that the exact temperature region over which force microscopy (AFM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD).
phase III exists at atmospheric pressure, not only depends on the
previous treatment of the specimen, but also strongly on the
cooling rate. II. Experimental Procedure
Many studies such as far infrared,4,7 neutron diffraction,8 in-
The crystals of purified KNO3 supplied by E. Merck (India) Ltd.
elastic neutron scattering,9 Raman spectroscopy,1,10,11 X-ray,11–13
(Mumbai, India) were dissolved in the double distilled water till
differential scanning calorimetric,14–16 dielectric,5,17 electrical17
saturation level and kept in a closed environment for a few days.
and thermal conductivity,18 and ferroelectric,19–22 have been
The crystals grown in the solution were dried and powdered and
carried out in past by many researchers to examine the nature
then used to prepare the composite films. Different weight per-
of the phase transitions in KNO3.
cent of KNO3 and PVA weighing a total of 200 mg were dis-
solved in 50 mL of double-distilled water at 401C while stirring.
D. C. Lupascu—contributing editor PVA is known to have maximum aqueous solubility without
precipitation at 401C.36,39 The deposition of the composite films
of KNO3:PVA have been done in ambient atmosphere with the
Manuscript No. 24773. Received May 26, 2008; approved January 8 2009. spray-deposition set up assembled in the laboratory. The aver-
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. e-mail: age thickness of each film was found to be 14 mm. The smooth
April 2009 KNO3:PVA Composite Films 835

well-polished circular brass disks of diameter 1 cm and thickness (112), respectively. The XRD peak corresponding to phase III
2 mm were used as substrates for the deposition of the compos- was not seen in the XRD pattern of pure KNO3 powder. The
ite films at different temperatures. It has been reported that the composite films exhibit the ferroelectric phase III peak at
PZT and derived PZT glass–ceramics thin films deposited on the 2y 5 29.711 corresponding to (003) reflection and another peak
different metal substrates shows excellent ferroelectric, electrical, at 2y 5 29.521 for (012) reflection for the phase II in addition to
and dielectric properties.40–42 The composite films were pre- the peak around 2y 5 19.61 that corresponds to PVA.44 The
pared at temperatures 1501, 2001, and 2501C. Each film was then earlier X-ray studies by other workers also suggest the existence
annealed at their respective deposition temperatures for 2 days of ferroelectric peak around 2y 5 29.81 in addition to peak cor-
and then slowly cooled down to room temperature. responding to phase II around 2y 5 29.51 in mixed KNO3 sys-
Circular electrodes of Indium24 having cross-sectional area tems.22,26,43,45 The composites films of the KNO3:PVDF are also
B1.867  102, 3.253  102, and 5.726  102 cm2 were depos- known to exhibit enhanced phase III peak at 2y 5 29.81.26
ited by thermal evaporation under the vacuum B2.0  105 mbar Therefore, the present X-ray studies suggest that the new peaks
onto the respective composite films. Modified Sawyer–Tower cir- could be due to the ferroelectric phase III.
cuit43 connected with computer has been used to display the hys- Figure 2 shows the expanded XRD scans of pure KNO3
teresis loop characteristics. The values of the Pr were calculated powder and the composite films prepared at different tempera-
for different electrode areas. The dependence of Pr on frequency tures. The peak of ferroelectric phase III in the composite films
of applied signal and reversal cycles has also been investigated. were found to occur in the range of 2y 5 (29.7170.01)1 and that
X’Pert-Pro X-ray diffractometer (PANalytical, B.V Lelyweng, of phase II within 2y 5 (29.5270.01)1. Such small shift in the
the Netherlands) with Ni-filtered CuKa radiation of wavelength diffraction peaks have also been reported earlier in KNO3:starch
0.154 nm was used for XRD studies of the composite films. AFM and KNO3:PVDF composite samples.13,26 The relative intensity
has been used to investigate the morphology and microstructure of phase III to phase II was estimated and was found to be 1.68,
of the composite films. The capacitance–voltage (C–V) charac- 2.63, and 1.53 in the composite films prepared at 1501, 2001, and
teristics were recorded at room temperature using Keithley (590 2501C. It was maximum for the composite films prepared at
model) C–V analyzer (Keithley Instruments, Cleveland, OH). 2001C. Thus, it is inferred that the composite film deposited at
2001C have more stable ferroelectric phase. The average crys-
tallite size was determined using Scherrer relation46
III. Results and Discussions 0:91l
(1) Structural Properties t¼ (1)
bðyÞcos y
(A) XRD: The XRD measurements were performed to
obtain the information about the existence of the ferroelectric where b(y) is the full-width at half-maximum of the peak, l is
phase III in the composite films deposited at different temper- the wavelength of X-rays used in X-ray scan and t is the average
atures. Figure 1 shows the X-ray scans of pure KNO3 powder, crystallite size. The crystallite size was found to be 76.8, 79.2,
composite films of KNO3:PVA (containing 50 wt% of KNO3) and 84.5 nm for the composite films prepared at temperatures
deposited at different temperatures and pure PVA film. It was 1501, 2001, and 2501C, respectively. The crystallite size was
reported by Schaffer and Mikkola22 that KNO3 exhibits the found to increase with the deposition temperature. It has been
diffraction peak at 2y 5 29.801 for (003) reflection for the phase reported in literature that large crystallite size of the phase III in
III and 2y 5 29.451 for (012) reflection for the phase II. The most the composite film of KNO3:PVDF is responsible for producing
common diffraction peaks of phase II at 2y 5 23.571, 23.831, stable ferroelectric phase at room temperature.26
29.401, 32.331, and 32.821 were observed in the KNO3 powder (B) AFM: The surface morphology of the composite
for the planes of (h k l) values (111), (021), (012), (102), and films (containing equal proportions of KNO3 and PVA) has
been analyzed by AFM. Figure 3 shows the two- and three-
dimensional images depicting 5 mm  5 mm area of these com-
(l 0 l) posite films prepared at the temperatures 1501, 2001, and 2501C,
(e) respectively. The AFM images of the composite films prepared
at 1501 and 2001C clearly show well-grown spherical-shaped

KNO3 particles, which are homogenously dispersed in PVA ma-



trix and average grain size was estimated to be 186 and 230 nm.
Relative Intensity (a.u)






Relative Intensity (a.u)







10 20 30 40 29.2 29.4 29.6 29.8 30.0 30.2

2θ(deg.) 2θ (deg.)
Fig. 1. X-ray scans of the (a) pure potassium nitrate (KNO3) powder Fig. 2. Expanded X-ray scans of the (a) pure potassium nitrate (KNO3)
and KNO3:poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) composite films (containing powder and KNO3:poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) composite films (contain-
50 wt% of KNO3) prepared at temperature, (b) 1501C, (c) 2001C, ing equal proportions of KNO3 and PVA) prepared at temperatures,
(d) 2501C, and (e) pure PVA Film. (b) 1501C, (c) 2001C, and (d) 2501C.
836 Journal of the American Ceramic Society—Dabra and Hundal Vol. 92, No. 4

4.5 (a)
3.5 100
3.0 80
2.0 m
m 20
1.5 0 5
4 4
3 3
0.5 2 2
1 1
0 0 0
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
(b) (b)
4.0 nm
3.0 60
2.5 40
μm 20
2.0 0
1.5 5
4 4.5
1.0 3 3 3.5
2 2.5
0.5 2
1 1 1.5
0 0.5
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 0 0
5.0 (c)
3.0 250
2.5 150
50 μm
μm 0
5 5
4 4
1.0 3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Fig. 3. The two- and three-dimensional atomic force microscopic images of the composite films (containing equal weight percentage potassium nitrate
and poly(vinyl alcohol)) prepared at temperatures (a) 1501C, (b) 2001C, and (c) 2501C.

The root mean square (rms) roughness of the composite exist between the neighboring domains. These forces are known
films deposited at 1501 and 2001C was found to be 74 and to weaken as the particle size increases.40 This in turn facilitate
61 nm, respectively. However, the interconnected clusters of more domains to orient in the field direction at elevated tem-
KNO3 grains were seen in the AFM image of the composite perature causing large Pr. The composite films deposited at
film deposited at 2501C. The average grain size was found to be
290 nm with very large rms roughness of 170 nm. This might be
due to melted PVA, which creates the clustering of KNO3 par- 1.2
ticles in the composite films.
Normalizied Polarisation

(2) Electrical Properties
(A) Hysteresis Loop Measurements: The ferroelectric 0.8
hysteresis loops (P–E) of the composite films were traced using
modified Sawyer and Tower circuit.43 Figure 4 shows the de- 0.6
pendence of normalized Pr in composite films deposited at
2001C, containing different weight percent of KNO3. The value 0.4
of Pr was found to be maximum in the composite films with
equal proportion of KNO3 and PVA.
Figure 5 shows the P–E loops of the composite films (com-
prising of equal weight percentages of KNO3 and PVA) prepared 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
at different temperatures. The value of Pr was estimated in each wt. % of KNO3
composite film and the optimum value was found to beB17 mC/
cm2 for the films prepared at substrate temperature 2001C. This Fig. 4. Composition dependence of the normalized polarization in
might be due to the distance dependent repulsive forces, which potassium nitrate:poly(vinyl alcohol) composite films.
April 2009 KNO3:PVA Composite Films 837

30 200°C

Normalizied polarization
P(μC/cm 2) 15



−45 0.3
−8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8
0.0 5.0x105 1.0x106 1.5x106 2.0x106
Electric field (kV/cm) Reversal cycles(n)
Fig. 5. Hysteresis loops of the potassium nitrate (KNO3):poly(vinyl Fig. 7. Normalized polarization versus number of reversal cycles for
alcohol) composite films (containing 50 wt% of KNO3) at 50 Hz pre- the optimized potassium nitrate:poly(vinyl alcohol) composite films.
pared at temperatures (a) 1501C, (b) 2001C, and (c) 2501C.

The KNO3:PVDF composite films could not be prepared by

2501C gave lower Pr though the average crystallite and grain spray-deposition technique for want of common solvent.
sizes are slightly larger than those of the composite films depos- (B) Fatigue Study: Figure 7 shows the normalized po-
ited at 2001C. The decrease in Pr might be due to melted PVA, larization versus number of reversal cycles in the KNO3:PVA
which create the porosity between the KNO3 clusters. The value composite film prepared under the optimum conditions. The
of Pr was calculated for different electrode areas and was found value of normalized polarization at 2  106 reversal cycles re-
to be 17.070.5 mC/cm2. Thus, Pr was observed to be almost duces to 0.65 times of its initial value. Thus, these composite
independent of electrode area. The deposition temperature does films show better fatigue life span than the fused KNO3 films in
not appear to affect the coercive field (Ec) in these composite which Pr drops to 50% after 105 cycles,20 but this value of life
films. The ferroelectric composite films deposited at 2001C con- span is still less than that of other competitive materials in this
taining equal proportions of KNO3 and PVA show compara- category.
tively better results, hence, the composite films prepared under (C) Capacitance–Voltage (C–V) Characteristics: Figure 8
these conditions were used for further studies. shows the typical C–V characteristics (frequency B100 kHz) stud-
The frequency dependence of Pr in the optimized composite ied at room temperature for the composite films (containing
film was studied in the frequency range of 10 Hz–1 kHz, as 50 wt% of KNO3) prepared at 1501, 2001, and 2501C, respec-
shown in Fig. 6. It was found that the value Pr at 300 Hz de- tively. The voltage was swept from 15 to 115 V in the forward
creases to 0.84 times its peak value at 10 Hz (inset of Fig. 6). bias and from 115 to 15 V in the reverse bias with a step bias
Further increase in the frequency of the applied field does not of 1V. The capacitance shows a strong bias dependence and ex-
affect Pr much, it remains B17 mC/cm2. The decrease in Pr with hibit nonlinear behavior. The two sharp peaks at 4 and 15 V
frequency may be due to steady decrease in the contribution of were observed in all the composite films and the values of Cmax
space charge effect36 to the total polarization. However, the were measured to be 0.16, 0.21, and 0.12 nf, respectively, for the
space charge contribution become negligible at higher frequen- composite films prepared at 1501, 2001, and 2501C. The composite
cies and Pr may really be due to ferroelectric domains switch- film prepared at 2001C exhibited better dielectric properties. These
ing.36 sharp peaks may be attributed to the polarization switching phe-
The value of the PrB17 mC/cm2 in the optimized KNO3:PVA nomena.36,43 The initial increase in the capacitance with bias volt-
composite films prepared by spray-deposition technique is more age may be due to orientation of domains in the field direction.
than three times as reported in the poled KNO3:PVA films Moreover, the maxima in C–V curves occur in the vicinity of co-
prepared by solvent cast technique47 and about twice that ob- ercive voltage (Vc). In the neighborhood of coercive voltage the
served in pure fused KNO3 films.22 This value of Pr is slightly domain walls are known to be more active due to nucleation of
lower than that reported for KNO3:PVDF composite films.26 new domains or the maximization of the domain wall mobility.
Thus, the contribution from the domain wall motion to the di-

40 (a)
30 0.24 (a)
(b) +5V
20 (d) (c) –4V
(e) 0.20

Capacitance (nf)

0 0.16
–20 0.12

–8 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 8 0.04
Electric field (kV/cm) –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15
Voltage (V)
Fig. 6. Hysteresis loops of the optimized potassium nitrate (KNO3):
poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) composite film at frequency. (a) 10 Hz, Fig. 8. C–V characteristics of the potassium nitrate (KNO3):poly(vinyl
(b) 50 Hz, (c) 100 Hz, (d) 300 Hz, and (e) 1 kHz. (Inset) Frequency alcohol) composite films (containing 50 wt% of KNO3) prepared at
dependences of Pr in the optimized KNO3:PVA composite film. temperatures (a) 1501C, (b) 2001C, and (c) 2501C.
838 Journal of the American Ceramic Society—Dabra and Hundal Vol. 92, No. 4
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