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Sr.# Section
VERBAL 1. 2. ". Q AN!I!A!IVE #ENERAL $NO%LED#E&IQ&' RREN! A((AIRS !O!AL "0 "0 100



VERBAL Question (1) following the passage refer to the numbered sentences in the passage. Answer the questions by choosing the best alternative using logic and organization.
1 !)ere

*a+ one +i,-.e t)ing /ro, ,0 recent tri- to t)e !)ar De+ert

t)at a,a1e2 ,e.

At nig)t3 ,i..ion+ o/ +tar+ *ere c.ear.0 4i+i5.e in a


*a0 t)e0 ne4er are at )o,e.

%)en 5ri..iant cit0 .ig)t+ +)ine into

t)e +603 t)e0 o5+tr7ct o7r 4ie* o/ t)e ga.a80. 4 Scienti+t+ )a4e gi4en t)i+ -)eno,enon a na,e3 t)e0 ca.. it 9.ig)t -o..7tion.9 1. %)ic) o/ t)e /o..o*ing i+ t)e 5e+t 4er+ion o/ +entence 1: A. B. '. D. E. A+ it i+ no* It *a+ +i,-.0 a,a1ing in t)e !)ar De+ert 27ring ,0 recent tri-. !)ere *a+ one t)ing /ro, ,0 recent tri- to t)e !)ar De+ert t)at a,a1e2 ,e. I recent.0 tra4e.e2 to t)e !)ar De+ert an2 *a+ a,a1e2 50 one +i,-.e t)ing. One +i,-.e t)ing /ro, ,0 recent tri- to t)e !)ar De+ert t)at a,a1e2 ,e.

Each of the following questions consists of a sentence with all or part of the sentence underlined. ollowing the requirements of standard written English, select (A) if the original is best! otherwise choose the best phrase from the options.
2. No one i+ ,ore )a--ier t)an ,e t)at 0o7 *ere e.ecte2 c.a++ -re+i2ent. A. B. '. D. E. ,ore )a--ier t)an ,e )a--ier t)an I ,ore )a--0 .i6e ,0+e./ a+ )a--0 .i6e I a, )a--ier 57t ,e


"ead each group of sentences# then choose the best answer to the question or the best completion of the statement.
". Mo+t -eo-.e co..ect +-ort+ ,e,ora5i.ia /or +enti,enta. rea+on+. So,e -eo-.e co..ect t)e, +trict.0 to ,a6e ,one0. %)at i+ t)e re.ation+)i- 5et*een t)e t*o +entence+: A. B. '. D. E. A ca7+e ; e//ect 'ontra+t Re-etition State,ent ; e8a,-.e Q7e+tion ; an+*er

"ead the passage to answer question

%)at ,a6e+ ca,e.+ t)e 5e+t ,ean+ o/ tran+-ort i+ not t)eir +-ee2. In /act t)e0 go +.o*.0 co4ering /o7r to /i4e 6i.o,eter+ an )o7r. B7t t)e0 can *a.6 ,an0 )o7r+ on t)e 57rning +an2+ o/ t)e 2e+ert. !)eir /eet are ,a2e in +7c) a *a0 t)at *a.6ing on +an2 an2 )ar2 roc6 i+ ea+0 /or t)e,. 4. %)at ,a6e+ ca,e.+ t)e 5e+t ,ean+ o/ tran+-ort in a 2e+ert i+ t)eir a5i.it0 to A. B. '. D. *a.6 in t)e +an2+ *a.6 /or ,an0 )o7r+ carr0 )ea40 .oa2+ a.. o/ t)e a5o4e


<. A co//ee +)o- +o.2 "< c7-+ o/ co//ee. O/ t)e+e3 1< containe2 +7gar an2 12 containe2 ,i.6. I/ 1" c7-+ containe2 neit)er ,i.6 nor +7gar3 )o* ,an0 c7-+ ,7+t )a4e containe2 5ot) +7gar an2 ,i.6: A. B. '. D. E. " < = > 12

?. I/ "&- @ ? an2 "&A @ 1< t)en - B A @: A. B. '. D. E. 1&" 2&< "&10 <&? None o/ t)e a5o4e



=. %)ic) o/ t)e /o..o*ing .i+t+ t)e +-en2ing 50 t)e Pa6i+tan go4ern,ent /ro, t)e .arge+t categor0 to t)e +,a..e+t categor0: A. De/en+e3 e27cation3 -75.ic or2er an2 +a/et03 tran+-ort B. Socia. Sec7rit03 2e/en+e3 Nationa. Cea.t) Ser4ice3 tran+-ort3 -75.ic or2er an2 +a/et0 '. Socia. Sec7rit03 Nationa. Cea.t) Ser4ice3 e27cation3 2e/en+e3 -75.ic or2er an2 +a/et03 tran+-ort D. Nationa. Cea.t) Ser4ice3 2e/en+e3 e27cation3 Socia. Sec7rit03 tran+-ort3 -75.ic or2er an2 +a/et0 E. !ran+-ort3 -75.ic or2er an2 +a/et0 >. PSDP o/ P.anning an2 De4e.o-,ent Di4i+ion o/ Pa6i+tan +tan2+ /orD A. B. '. D. Pa6i+tan S7+taina5.e De4e.o-,ent an2 P.anning P75.ic Sector De4e.o-,ent Progra, Po4ert0 Sector De4e.o-,ent ProEect Pa6i+tan Societ0 /or t)e De4e.o-,ent o/ P75.ic

F. I/ 4 8 < @ 1?203 " 8 > @ F24 t)en = 8 ? @: A. B. '. D. 1=40 1>>0 4F4F 4F42

10.Octo5er3 G7ne3 Dece,5er3 A7g7+t3 A-ri. I/ t)e a5o4e *or2+ *ere arrange2 in or2er3 *it) *)at .etter *o7.2 t)e ,i22.e 5egin: A. B. '. D. A O D G

11.Briton Go)n #7r2on an2 S)in0a Ha,ana6a *on t)e 2012 No5e. Pri1e /orD A. B. '. D. -eace econo,ic+ .iterat7re ,e2icine


12.IIIIIIIIII )a+ *on t)e 2012 %i,5.e2on *o,enJ+ +ing.e+ tit.e. A. B. '. D. Serena %i..ia,+ Petra $4ito4a Agnie+16a Ra2*an+6a4 Ven7+ %i..ia,+


Q #. 1 2 " 4 < ? = > F 10 11 12 Rig)t ')oice D B B A B ' A B D A D A


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