Earthing Transformers PDF

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Normall' power s'stems an( net wor)s are operate( un(er varia*le comple+ stresses. In power s'stems the faults are not avo(a*le even after ta)in, utmost care at ever' sta,e&from plannin, to maintainance. The ,roun(in, of a circuit re(uces potential stresses un(er fault con(ition. -ower fee(in, from (elta (elta or if there is no accessi*ilit' for star connecte( transformers occasionall' shorte( to ,roun( is ver' common&un&intentional ,roun(in, occurs an' where from the fee(in, s'stem to utili.ation e/uipment The main o*jective of ,roun(in, neutral is to ma)e a short circuit current sufficient in ma,nitu(e for the rela' action. This article restricte( to .i,&.a, t'pe with oil fille( transformers. The neutral point is usuall' availa*le at ever' volta,e level from ,enerator to transformers. In the a*sence of a power transformer of suita*le capacit'0 connection an( (esi,n a separate ,roun(in, transformer can *e use( . The' are in(uctive (evices inten(e( primaril' to provi(e a neutral point for ,roun(in, purpose. The main purpose of this paper is to (iscuss a*out the (ifference *etween Earthin, transformer an( -ower transformer an( to (iscuss a*out the (esi,nin, of earth transformers.

A transformer is a (evice which electroma,neticall' transfers A.$. volta,e from one level to another level. An earthin, transformer is a transformer primaril' to provi(e a neutral point for ,roun(in, purpose. The sole (ut' of the ,roun(in, transformer is to pass ,roun( current (urin, an earth fault.0 an( it carries no useful loa(. The (esira*le /uantities of an earthin, transformer are low .ero impe(ance an( low losses 3no loa( losses4.


Apart from provi(in, an eas' path to ,roun( current (urin, an earth fault0 the followin, a((itional functions are also to *e achieve( Hol(in, the neutral shift with in the limits -ermittin, the circulation of un*alance( loa( current in the neutral To limit the current (urin, line to earth faults To earth the s'stem To provi(e sin,le phase line to neutral loa( $an *e use( with resistance 5reactance5arc suppression coil


The selection an' transformer mainl' *' two factors&namel'0 primar' volta,e an( loa( . or an earthin, transformer loa( is short time or short (ut' 3 onl' at the time of fault4 0normall' from a few secon(s to one minute

2.29MVA (S.C) 6.6KV 600 Amps(ET@) ET7 -urpose 89A ratin, 9olta,es in ,eneral No of win(in,s 1irection of power flow S.$ with stan( (uration <osses To provi(e a neutral point for earthin, Short time 2p to ::)v !ne5two 2ni (irection 1 min No loa( losses 2MVA11/0.433KV D !" 1 (PT@) -T7 Rai(in, or lowerin, volta,es $ontinuous Hi,her volta,es3even ;;089 an( a*ove4 !ne5two5three #I&(irectional ; sec No loa( losses an( loa( losses "a,, current -riorit' for impe(ance Short circuit current <ea)a,e reactance

9er' less =ero se/uence impe(ance 1epen(s on s'stem from few hun(re( amperes to few thousan( amperes <ittle

Normal Short circuit impe(ance 2p to ;> times normal current "ore

T'pe of volta,e mi+e( Transportation Short circuit temperature In (e,rees centi,ra(e Harmonic resi(uals <oa( factor Insulation Efficienc' $ost

$onstant3in ,eneral4 Roa( ;>0 free <ow 2niform "ore <ess

$onstant5varia*le5re,ulation Roa(5Rail ;>0 e+ist Hi,h 2niform5,ra(e( <ess "ore

6ei,hts0 losses0 (imensions an( cost factors are much lower. Rise of oil 5win(in, temperature is ver' less. Hi,her specific loa(in, an( efficienc'. "ore si,nificant factor is .ero se/uence impe(ance.

Significance of zero sequence parameters

In s'mmetrical components the positive se/uence is one havin, normal phase se/uence? the secon( is of ne,ative se/uence with reverse( phase se/uence? an( the thir( that has no se/uence an( is calle( .ero se/uence @ are important parameters. An earth fault is one that part of the current in the fault' phase returns to the suppl' throu,h the earth. This is (ue to a s'mmetrical component consistin, of three sin,le phase currents & one in each line0 an( all *ein, in phase. In ,eneral0 the impe(ance of the transformer is the main factor which influences applications. The .ero se/uence impe(ance of a stan(ar( earthin, transformer can *e calculate( from the followin, formula% A:E =s BCCCC In 6here =sBImpe(ance in ohms 5 phase EB<ine&to&line volta,e in 89 InBneutral current in amps In a certain s'stem it is necessar' to insert resistance or reactance to restrict the fault current. The .ero se/uence impe(ance is use( in short circuit calculations. 6hen a .ero se/uence component of three line currents are compoun(e(0 the' will a(( to,ether to pro(uce a resultant calle( a resi(ue0 whilst the positive an( ne,ative se/uence components ,et cancelle( in the transformer. The ma,netic fiel( pro(uce( *' a .ero&se/uence set of currents is ra(icall' (ifferent from those pro(uce( *' ne,ative or positive se/uence currents0 an( therefore .ero se/uence impe(ance is ,enerall' ver' (ifferent from positive an( ne,ative impe(ances. A .ero se/uence reactance is e/ual to or less than a positive se/uence an( it (epen(s on the form of core construction an( (isposition of the win(in,s

#$ %!&'()*+!!'*&', s&-( .%!,%!/ %s p('0'((',1

The purpose to esta*lish a suita*le ,roun( path can *e achieve( with the help of three pairs of concentric coils connecte( to oppose ampere turns. As the flu+es oppose0 the transformer ta)es a ver' small ma,, current (urin, normal con(ition. <ines of force enclosin, *oth coils on one lim* are therefore impossi*le. The earth fault current fin(s little impe(ance. This connection has uni/ue characteristics0 an( is preferre( to other t'pes of neutral (erivin, transformers. The main features are% 6in(in, has much lower impe(ance to .ero se/uence currents. ree form harmonic resi(uals. Sta*le neutral can *e o*taine(. "ost economical an( practical. $an *e use( with three phase s'stem without secon(ar' win(in,. -ermittin, sin,le phase line to neutral. $an *e economicall' use( with resistance5reactance5are suppression coil. E/uivalent 89A is appro+imatel' >D.>E of star&(elta transformer. Avoi(ance of un(esira*le stresses in the insulation. $an *e use( with either (elta or star connecte( win(in, to fee( (esire( loa(. It )eeps .ero se/uence impe(ance constant even when au+iliar' win(in, un(er loa(. ault current is not reflecte( on to the secon(ar' si(e 3au+iliar' win(in,4. rom the a*ove0 it is ver' clear that the inter&connecte( star win(in, can *e utili.e( either as an earthin, transformer or power transformer0 or in com*ination @ (epen(in, upon the re/uirement.

R-&%!/ -!, %&s %!&'()('"-&', p-(-m'&'(s +0 -! '-(&$%!/ &(-!s0+(m'(

The earthin, transformer is of short time ratin, 310 secon(s to 1 minute4. The ratin, of an earthin, transformer is entirel' (ifferent from that of a power transformer. -ower transformers are (esi,ne( to carr' total loa( continuousl'0 whilst an earthin, transformer carries no loa(0 an( supplies current onl' if one of the lines *ecomes ,roun(e(. It is usual to specif' the sin,le phase earth fault current0 that the earthin, transformer must carr' for sufficient time. Since it is almost wor)in, on no&loa(0 (ictates to have low iron losses. #ecause of it *ein, a short time (evice0 its si.e an( cost are less than that of a continuous (ut' transformer of e/ual 89A ratin,. The 89A ratin, of a three phase earthin, transformer or a *an) is the pro(uct of normal line to neutral volta,e 3894 an( the neutral or ,roun( amperes that the transformer is (esi,ne( to carr' un(er fault con(itions for a specifie( time. The total earth fault current an( 9 the line volta,e0 the earthin, transformer short time ratin, is e/ual to A:9I.

v/3 v/3 v/3

Three phase inter connected star neutral earthing transformer

6hen specif'in, ratin, of the earthin, transformer the important parameters are% 1. V+"&-/'2) The line&to&line volta,e of the s'stem. ;. C3(('!&2)The ma+imum neutral current to carr' for a specifie( (uration. In a ,roun(e( s'stem it is *ase( on the t'pe of ,roun(in,. 1epen(in, on their (uration0 several rates of short :. T%m'2)1esi,ne( to carr' rate( current for a short time (uration i.e.0 10 secon(s to F0 secon(s .1epen(in, upon the time settin, of the protective ,ear on the s'stem0 An( the location of the transformer .Earthin, transformer time is 10 sec for protection0 an( for fee(er it I F0 sec. G. R'-*&-!*'2)this /uantit' is a function of the initial s'mmetrical three phase short circuit 89A. It is also *ase( on the t'pe of ,roun(in,0 an( t'pe of application of li,htnin, arrester an( transient over volta,es.

M-4+( ,'s%/!5 *+!s&(3*&%+!-" -!, m-!30-*&3(%!/ 0'-&3('s The (esire( electrical parameters of the earthin, transformer are to *e achieve( *' verif'in, the calculations *ase( on electrical0 mechanical an( thermal computations. Such as the re/uire( electrical stren,th0 mechanical ru,,e(ness0 ('namic an( thermal resistance of the win(in,s in the event of short circuit0 are to *e Solve( carefull' at the (esi,ne( sta,e. when (esi,ne( as an earthin, transformer it is 2suall' manufacture( as an auto transformer 3inter&start4.

Schematic winding arrangement of interconnected star earthing transformer

The followin, *rief (etails refer to a core t'pe oil fille( transformer with c'lin(rical win(in,s for .i,&.a,&with or without au+iliar' win(in,&which are popular all over the worl(. The core of such a transformer is *uilt in the same manner as that of a transformer @the onl' (ifference is that instea( of two win(in,s per lim* which is (ivi(e( into two e/ual portions0 an( connecte( as shown in fi,ure. The currents flowin, are in opposition0 there *' un(esira*le harmonics are avoi(e(. The choice of the win(in, confi,urations are (ictate( *' .ero se/uence impe(ance in a sin,le win(in, .with an au+iliar' *' *oth .ero se/uence an( short circuit impe(ance. Au+iliar' win(in, ma' *e use( continuousl' to suppl' station au+ilaries. The t'pe of win(in,s ma' *e either multila'er helical or (isc win(in,s mainl' *ase( on current an( volta,es .,enerall'0 volta,es of these transformers are up to :: 89 an( currents up to several )ilo amps *ase( on s'stem re/uirements .figure-3

shows (ifferent confi,urations .fi,ure&:*H:care re/uire( to meet *oth .ero se/uence impe(ance an( short circuit impe(ance .ma,netic an( electric loa(in,s are similar to that of a power transformer .the *asis for intimate temperature rise calculation is that all the heat is store( in the copper without (issipation to insulatin, me(ia or surroun(in,s .accor(in, to stan(ar(s 0the en( temperature rise (epen(s on the (uration of the fault the ultimate *ein, ;>0 c for a copper win(in, in oil .for continuous ratin, the calculation is similar to that of a normal power transformer .insulation (esi,n is mainl' *ase( on (& electric constants of paper an( oil .the i(eal stress (istri*ution can *e o*taine( throu,h fiel( plottin, *' the finite element metho( .*ecause of the fre/uent short circuit capa*ilit'0 reme(ial measures li)e stren,thenin, of the coils0 proper materials0 an( avoi(ance of ma,netic as'mmetr' are to *e o*serve(. Since onl' iron losses are to *e (issipate(0 the tan) (issipation is a(e/uate in a majorit' of the cases with au+iliar' loa(in, proper care is necessar' in respect of heat (issipation for the relia*ilit' of the transformer. In case of earthin, transformers for in(ustrial applications an( for heavil' pollute( atmosphere the (eman( is for *ushin,s of hi,her creep a,e (istances to avoi( fre/uent flashovers. urthers0 the e+ternal surfaces are to *e painte( with epo+' *ase paint .testin, of these transformers are in accor(ance with national an( international stan(ar(s to verif' various parameters. An(0 transportation of these transformers are similar to small power transformers.

C+!*"3s%+!2) Throu,h the earthin, transformers are of smaller ratin,s compare( to normal power an( EH9 transformers these are ver' critical e/uipments in utilit' an( in(ustrial applications. Their fault currents are (ifferent for (ifferent installations. $omparison of these in(ustrial transformers are to *e carefull' (ifferentiate(. A (eep stu(' is re/uire( for (ifferent earthin, metho(s0 an( for coor(ination of the s'stem e/uipments for relia*le operation. urther research stu(' on a (istri*ution transformer with out major mo(ification of their electrical parameters is (esire(. 6hen ,eoma,netic fiel( (istur*ances cause( *' 1$ in(uce( currents enter power s'stem at ,roun(e( neutral0 these are to *e carefull' evaluate( in comparison with line to earth fault currents. R'0'('!*'2 1. Electrical In(ia journal0 ;. www.,oo,

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