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SET UP A month ago, a strange object plummeted from the sky and crash-landed in the heart of Fiend's Fen. Now it lies partly submerged in the boggy ground: a crystalline cube, ! feet on a side, pearly white but tinged also with a weird, unearthly hue. At night, it glows softly. A constant, low-pitched hum emanates from the alien spacecraft. A small tribe of Frog Folk nati"e to the fen worships the #$ky %o&' and ( well-camouflaged warriors with barbed spears will attempt to dri"e intruders from the area. )heir leader wears a necklace with a nugget of gold worth *+ gp. $uperstitious awe pre"ents the frog folk from going aboard the craft. THE CUBE )he craft is made of an unknown crystalline substance, imper"ious to harm. ,"en diamond won't scratch the stuff. -nside, the floor, walls and ceilings all radiate a soft light . white with a tinge of that other, alien colour. /eilings are 0 feet high throughout the craft. 1oors are eight feet high and four feet wide. )hey may not be forced open. ,ach door is featureless apart from a comple& #handle' resembling a matri& of coloured s2uares, set into its centre. )he matri& must be manipulated correctly to open the door. 3olls to open doors aboard the craft are * in 4 as usual, but modified by a character's -ntelligence rather than $trength. LOWER LEVEL (1 square = 5 feet

%! Storage$ $hel"es support "arious objects . studded metallic rods, crystal o"oids, coils of stretchy gelatinous tubing, etc. . whose purpose is utterly obscure. A cubic bo& contains smithereens of crystal and a fist-si6ed chunk worth 0 ! gp. &! Re#reat'o" (( $ An octagonal, "at-like bath is filled with O#)re *ell+. A coloured matri& on the wall maintains a field that keeps the jelly cool and 2uiescent. -t will fight if attacked or if the field is deacti"ated 7+ in 4 chance8 by someone meddling with the matri&. ,! Co"trol$ A lectern-like structure's top surface is co"ered with a highly complicated matri& of coloured s2uares. 9oops of tubing spill from a burst panel near the floor. Fiddling with the matri& has a * in 4 chance of e"oking an instance of random strangeitude 7see below8.

destroyed, it shatters into a million tiny pieces but one fist-si6ed crystal chunk remains, worth 0 ! gp. R123O4 STR125E6TU3E 3oll 0d4 e"ery two turns. A roll of 0 means something weird happens. 3oll 0d+: 1! )he background hum changes pitch for 0d0! minutes, then returns to normal. %! )he light brightens 70-*8, dims 7;-+8, or goes out altogether 7 -48 for 0d0! minutes. &! 3e"ersal of gra"ity. ,"eryone #falls' to the ceiling and takes 0d4 damage. -n 0d4 turns, it re"erts to normal. /haracters and objects fall again.

,! )he damaged hyperdri"e unit tries to fire up. )he whole craft shudders and whines. ,"erything and e"eryone begins 5! Stu-+$ A workbench supports a bulky to fade from "iew, becoming slightly hemispherical object made of darkly transparent for a few alarming moments glowing crystal. )his alien computer is not before returning to normal. designed to interact with earthly CO4PL6C1T6O2S biological bodies or brains. Anyone 1! )he craft unleashes an alien plague touching it must sa"e "s. wands or fall that turns people's organs into "aluable . unconscious for *d0! minutes. 5hen they awake, they must re-roll their -ntelligence but sadly non-functioning . crystal. score. )heir neural pathways ha"e been %! )he craft was transporting stasis realigned, for better or worse. Any crystals, which ha"e shattered releasing memorised spells are lost and must be retheir &enomorphic contents: 5elat'"ous memorised. /haracters who continue to Cu7es, Rust 4o"sters, etc. touch the object must make a new sa"ing throw each round. &! )he craft is merely a scout for an in"ading crystaloid army. UPPER LEVEL (1 square = 5 feet Made by Alan Brodie for the One-Page Dungeon Contest 2012 http:// la! ar"er#!ordpress# o$/ %eleased under the Creati"e Co$$ons Attribution-&hare Ali'e (#0 li en e http:// reati"e o$$ons#org/li enses/b y-sa/(#0/

.! E"g'"e Roo/$ A spiral staircase 7with risers slightly higher than the human norm8 leads up to a space filled with softly glowing panels and absurdly comple& matrices. :any of the panels ha"e been opened up, their gelatinous guts spilling out onto the floor. 5orking at repairing the craft's damaged systems is its lone sur"i"ing crew member, a mineral life1! E"tra"#e$ A lowered ramp leads from form resembling a L'0'"g Cr+stal Statue of the fen to the main hatch, which stands a humanoid. -t does not welcome open. 5ithin is an airlock with three intruders, especially if they ha"e doors. interfered with the craft or its contents. -f

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