Radulf St. Germain - The Forgotten Bath House

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The Forgotten Bath House

Author: Radulf St. Germain (pythagoras42@hotmail.com) Licence: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/ y!sa/".#/ Background: $he forgotten ath house is an underground ath that elonged to a former caravanserei uilt duing the days of the ancient %lven %mpire. &t fell into disuse 'hen the %mpire declined. $oday there are only vague rumors a out the ath and its location( the surface uildings long destroyed. Adventure Hook: )hen the *+s arrive in the region( the near y to'n of Silverspring is in a desperate situation. Go lin raiders are attac,ing the to'n and have poisoned all 'ells to 'ea,en the defenders. -n old man remem ers the tales of the lost ath house and its clean 'ater source ut the local 'arriors are already too 'ea, to search for it. Rumors tal, a out the hostile spirit of the former ,eeper of the house and 'ater elementals that 'ere ound to the place y its %lven uilders. Dungeon Atmosphere: &n its prime( the ath 'as a eautiful place of 'hite and am er mar le 'ith statues( classical ornaments and frescoes of %lven calligraphy. $he former glory is still visi le ut there are crac,s( lichen and vermin every'here. -lso( there are signs of vandalism in the upper areas. .ost rooms feel damp and there is a constant ut faint sound of running 'ater coming from the 'alls. Map Legend: /. Entry Hall: $he hall is dominated y a larger!than!life statue of the %lven god of 0ealing and )isdom. 1irt litters the floor. $here is a si2a le hole in the southern door. 2. Change Room: - room 'ith rotten 'ooden enches and three smaller cham ers hidden y mouldy drapings. $here is also a clogged asin and the statue of a female elf. 3aint sounds can e heard from (4). ". Change Room: -s (2) ut the elf is male. /15 giant rats nest here and 'ill fight to scare off any intruder. 4. Cave- n: $his insta le part of the ath has collapsed and the floor is covered 'ith slic, ru le. Several atri ute/s,ill chec,s are needed to navigate through the mess 'ithout falling and suffering damage. 4. Re!reshment Room: $he old refreshment room has een ta,en over y 2d4 go lins 'ho 'ere ordered to poison the

'ell of the ath. $hey are 6uite drun, and easily surprised( having forgotten a out their 6uest 'hen they found li6uor. 5. "ountains: $hese t'o small fountains are still 'or,ing ut do not yield enough 'ater to supply the to'n. - poison! tongue frog is hiding under the algae in one of the asins. 7. #upply Room: .ost of these supplies are long spoiled ut a thorough search 'ill yield 2d8 gold coins and an %lven master'or, dagger. 8. #pider Room: $his room is covered in giant co 'e s and is home to four 9umping spiders ready to defend their lair. :. $allery: $his gallery opens to room (/#) at ceiling level( i.e. ca. 4 feet a ove ground. $here are several mar le chairs and there is a gold go let lying on the floor under some dirt. ;ote that the ghost from (/#) is li,ely to attac, any ody on the gallery. /#. Main Bath: $hree pools of pure 'ater can e found in this relatively intact room. $he ghost of -<=iah( the former ,eeper of the ath haunts this room and 'ill attac, any intruder. -<=iah 'ill lament the ath<s destruction and might e soothed y a s,illed negotiator 'ho can honestly promise to restore the place to its old glory. //. Elemental Cham%er: 3our lesser 'ater elementals are ound to this room and maintain a small gate to the plane of 'ater 'hich supplies the ath. >illing the elementals 'ill disa le the gate in the long run and careful players should notice that the elementals are oth crucial to the 'ater supply and una le to leave the room any'ay. /2. Caldarium: $his room is 6uite hot and 'as used as some ,ind of sauna in the past. $he heat comes from a magical stone in the middle of the room that could e 'orth a moderate amount of money to the right uyer. /". &ndead #pider Cham%er: - giant undead spider lairs in this room. &t hides on the high ceiling and 'ill immediately attac, any intruders( trying to get past them and to the outside to infect other creatures. Adventure #olutions: &f the heroes clear the dungeon( they can supply Silverspring 'ith drin,ing 'ater unless they have slain the elementals. &f they do not manage to ally 'ith the ghost of -<=iah( they 'ill also have to find a 'ay to defend the ne' 'ater source against the go lin raiders.

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