Ipgm Kdri English Proficiency 2 Exercise 1

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IPGM KDRI ENGLISH PROFICIENCY 2 EXERCISE 1 Fill in the blanks with these words: although, and, because, but,

or, since, so, unless, until, when. 1 Things were different _____ I was young. 2 I do it _____ I like it. 3 Let us wait here _____ the rain sto s. ! "ou cannot be a lawyer _____ you ha#e a law degree. $ That was years _____ years ago. % &he has not called _____ she left last week. ' I saw hi( lea#ing an hour _____ two ago. ) This is an e* ensi#e _____ #ery useful book. + ,e were getting tired _____ we sto 11 ,alk /uickly _____ you will be late. 12 .e had to retire _____ of ill health. 13 ,e will go swi((ing ne*t &unday _____ it0s raining. 1! I heard a noise _____ I turned the light on. 1$ ,ould you like a coffee _____ tea1 1% 2o you know _____ she will arri#e1 1' _____ the car is old it still runs well. 1) 2o you want a en _____ a bit of a er1 1+ I would like to go _____ I a( too busy. 2- &he will die _____ the doctors o erate i((ediately. ed for a rest. ened. 1- .e was angry _____ he heard when ha

EXERCISE 2 3hoose the correct answer for each /uestion. so so that although when since

1. I need an office to (yself ______ I can get so(e work done 2. ,rite it down ______ you don0t forget. 3. I need to get to work early ______ I can finish the re ort before the (eeting. !. I0ll tell her ______ I see her $. ______ you left, the at(os here in the office has not been as nice. %. ______ he was the best /ualified candidate, he didn0t get the 4ob. '. .e is learning 5nglish ______ he can get a better and (ore interesting 4ob. ). ______ you think of all the eo le who could ha#e got the 4ob, it see(s ridiculous that he was chosen. +. I0( going to buy a new 6eetle, ______ I do think they are o#er7 riced 1-. ______ you0re ne*t in 3hicago, gi#e (e a call 11. ______ you already know 8ary, you should go to (eet her at the air ort. 12. ______ we would like to o en a branch in 9*ford now, we will robably wait for another year or so. 13. The 4ob is badly aid ______ I0( looking for another one. 1!. I hate li#ing in London ______ I0( (o#ing to the country. 1$. I don0t know hi( #ery well, ______ I ha#e (et hi( socially on a cou le of occasions. 1%. I don0t know ______ I0ll be back 1'. I ha#en0t seen her ______ last &u((er. 1). ______ we ha#e so (uch to do, let0s delay discussing this until our ne*t (eeting. 1+. ,e0re not (aking (uch rofit ______ we need to raise our rices. 2-. The e*ercise was boring ______ I sto ed

EXERCISE 3 :ewrite the each sentence by changing the con4unction gi#en. 1. .e was guilty, but he got away with (urder; <although= 2. .is fa(ily li#es really near his house, but he ne#er goes to see the(. <although= 3. They ha#e a (otorbike, but they ne#er ride it. <although= !. &he does a lot of e*ercise, but she still has heart trouble. <although= $. &he is #ery rich, but she doesn0t like to s end (oney. <although= %. &he does a lot of e*ercise, but she still has heart trouble. <although=

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