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Capital Punishment should be Banned or Allowed?

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Aashna said: (Tue, Oct 29, 2013 11:12:00 AM)

Capital Punishment is an autocratic, totalitarian way to deal with crimes. Capital punishment benefits no one. It m create the temporary feeling of "revenge", but over time, people tend to let go Death is pointless. And torture is inhumane. What the world needs, right now, is a punishment somewhere in between. A punishment that benefits the world kind of way, just like a one that Surjit suggested on 20th August, 2013.
Rate this: +5 -1

Darshan.K.J said: (Thu, Oct 24, 2013 07:00:24 PM)

Hi everyone I am Darshan. K. J.

Crime is always punishable. Retribution is the method for countering criminals. Some countries have stringent ru while the other have a lot of flexibility in the judicial system. However, strict laws, like capital punishment, are es in a society capital punishment is essential to control violence in society. Capital punishment is given only in the of the rare" cases. Its first and foremost objective is safety of other human beings. When a criminal becomes a t the society, such that they can commit heinous crimes, then they are given capital punishment. Thus, capital punishment protects the society from hardcore criminals. Moreover, capital punishment curbs the inspiration and prospects of other hateful crimes. When a criminal mind the quantum of punishment, they will fear and not commit such crimes. Thus, the rate of crime and violence is effectively decreased.

Importantly, capital punishment saves a lot of government funding which is wasted in maintenance of these hard criminals. Criminals who don't have any chance of improvement or who have a past record of such crimes are, th given capital punishment.

However, the jury giving the verdict are also humans. They have the life of a person at their discretion. They can mistakes which can sometimes affect an innocent, circumstantially marred criminals. The jury must therefore, ta account the circumstances of committing a crime. For example, if an individual murders someone for self-defenc such a crime is not heinous. Only deserving criminals, who commit such hateful crimes in their proper senses are subjected to capital punishment.

Capital punishment is essential to control violence in the society. I firmly believe that psychopaths, terrorists or a other criminal who lacks empathy for other human lives deserve capital punishment. Capital punishment helps to safeguard human rights in a strict and effective manner. However, it should be considered as the last option by t and all circumstances must be taken into account before pronouncing.
Rate this: +12 -0

Hashini said: (Tue, Oct 8, 2013 08:54:11 PM)

I think capital punishment should not be banned but before their death sentence they should suffer the pain felt people affected by him/her. And also our country by delaying the punishment the culprit feels lethargic and beca this mistakes will increase in no case in will decrease.
Rate this: +12 -8

Amar Yadav said: (Tue, Oct 1, 2013 02:08:12 PM)

I think capital punishment should be there for a sensitive crimes such as rapes / murders / mass murders becaus the one and only way to be sure that the same criminal will not do same crime ever again in future. This will also someone (criminals) to think twice whether he should do the same things or not. Otherwise if we abolished the C the criminal are like as free birds so they can do what they want. Thus capital punishment should not be banned frequency must be increases. THANK YOU.
Rate this: +26 -6

Ankush said: (Sun, Sep 29, 2013 03:40:32 PM)

Extent of punishment is directly proportional to extent of crime. Punishment should be given according to crime. is heinous and unforgivable, I am in favor of capital punishment.

Capital punishment is given to criminals who have done crimes which are unforgivable such as rape or massacre. criminals deserve capital punishment.
Rate this: +20 -2

Hardik said: (Sun, Sep 29, 2013 02:33:44 PM)

I think CP should be there because if we can't get any strict action crime rate increase. Criminals are not for any kindliness.

Suppose if a boy tease a girl, than there is no CP for that boy, yes its a mistake of boy. We have to explain that b its a bad thing to to tease any girl or lady.
Rate this: +7 -3

Shivaguru said: (Thu, Sep 26, 2013 08:01:04 PM)

Hi guys I'm Shiva in my point of view if you notice before 20 years or more. These kind of brutal activists all are happened in a smaller scale. Nowadays, as Tech. Progress every one knows about everything in a second by man ways. Ex in unwanted sites so there is a larger no of illegal activists are also high. So what we can do that familie their life's. Answer is simple "justice" so as criminals are increased there should be increase in capital punishmen order to give justice, unwanted websites should be banned first. There should be no compromise. Let us fight for
Rate this: +11 -1

Surabhi said: (Tue, Sep 24, 2013 11:10:11 PM)

I think that capital punishment is a serious issue, because to kill a person is a big decision. But yes if we talking the criminals like rapist and terrorist than I think there should not wait to take the right decision and that is deat penalty. Rapist is the person who have not inner soul of him, so that person has no right of living. And the terror the person who could never understand that what he done was the worst. The masters of the terrorists set their that whatever they done is for God and for their independence. So no one can change their minds because they r different Holy book of their religion. So my opinion is to award that people a death sentence and not only give bu execute this as early as possible.

But yes, in India capital punishment is only on paper. Only one or two persons finally hanged on. The politics beh capital punishment is too long to be discussed. So for God sake punished those who are truly deserved this punis otherwise these worms will destroy our country.
Rate this: +30 -6

Tenzin Chokyi said: (Mon, Sep 23, 2013 12:53:40 AM)

For me yes, by looking at such an increase in the cases of crimes there should be capital punishment as an awar those criminals but still there are lots of perpetrators who got bailed just because they have the wealth or connec mean its rightly said by an abolitionist "them that have capitals never get the punishment" so now what we need certainty as well as severity when it comes to decide the punishment otherwise it would be only those poor crimi poor I mean those who haven't money or connection who would be punished so it would be useless as it would b another inequality.
Rate this: +3 -6

Sagar said: (Sat, Sep 14, 2013 05:24:59 PM)

Capital punishment is awarded to those who found guilty of heinous crimes like murder & child rape. I believe th capital punishment is not a solution. For heinous crimes because it contradicts the statement that killing people i wrong. Since we are teaching people not to kill human beings, how can legal authorities kill the criminal? By givin capital punishment the criminal does not learn a lesson. He is simply put to death with a tinge of pain.
Rate this: +17 -27

Mr. Shanti Priya said: (Sat, Sep 14, 2013 01:58:44 PM)

IN MY point of view crime occur due to no response by our police department they sleeping at he time of duty. S we should focus on security then may be crime will stop forever. If we can take a example of in our family if our take care of their children then their children are well in nature. So security is more important.
Rate this: +13 -7

Sabari said: (Fri, Sep 13, 2013 12:51:51 PM)

Hey everyone, just think about the situation. If you are accused of a murder but you actually didn't done it. The has given you a capital punishment. Then how do you feel. You will feel like why did I has to take that punishme not doing any crime. This is my point of view. So it should be avoided in some situations only.
Rate this: +4 -10

Nikhil Gupta said: (Mon, Sep 9, 2013 01:52:34 PM)

I can not understand why you guys are supporting CP like this. If you all are right and CP should uphold, the crim in India should be decrease rather than increase.

I am not saying to set free the perpetrators but there should be another option in spite of CP. If you hang a pers has committed any heinous crime, he will not suffer the same pain what victim has. He must suffer more cruelty brutality than he has done. The government should think about better alternative to CP because it is not able to curtail the crime rate.
Rate this: +8 -5

Kaushik said: (Wed, Aug 28, 2013 07:46:11 PM)

Hi Friends, Am Kaushik, I am very much sad that the number of rape cases are increasing in a pace as the convicts are still enjoying government food and shelter in Indian prisons.

I really can't explain how annoyed I am towards the people who support the abolition of capital punishment. It should be there in India and should be used against rape convicts. I can really feel the pain of the victims and really sorry for them.

According to me the convicts should be tortured like burning their genitals, burning their body imputing their limb tongue killing them by throwing stones killing them by injecting STD infected blood etc according to me they sho be shown any mercy and they should be shown how hell in reality they should be tortured till they plead to be ki should be killed in public.
Rate this: +50 -11

Malay Gupta said: (Fri, Aug 23, 2013 10:25:18 PM)

Hi I am Malay Gupta. I think that capital punishment should be the punishment for severe crimes as rape. But ju hanging the criminals to death will not tell how the criminal felt while the process because he is dead, he can not about the sufferings the criminal suffered instead the criminal should be tortured as in arabic countries, the crimi hands are cut if they steal. So this leads to no further crimes. As for rapes castration should be done to prevent more rapes. As for murders they should be imprisoned for life and tortured. Thank You!
Rate this: +25 -7

Shreyoshee said: (Fri, Aug 23, 2013 05:43:06 PM)

Capital punishment is required in cases of rape and murder because the brutality that the victim suffers cannot b understood by culprit unless he faces the same. The crime against women such as rape, requires very severe punishment at present because if this continues then people will be forced to follow the same stereotype notion t women should stay only at "home". Judiciary should think about this matter deeply and take appropriate steps to prevent the so called " MYTH "to become a reality again.
Rate this: +32 -6

Sameera said: (Tue, Aug 20, 2013 08:51:23 AM)

In my view capital punishment should be done in some cases. We are seeing daily in newspapers about same top convict murder one person like that, why it is happening? If our government punish criminals correctly, this type will not happen. Keeping criminals in jail is not good, that means we are providing good facilities for them and th enjoy very well. So many people taking inspire for them and creating mind set of criminalism. If capital punishme done someone who has thoughts to do heinous crimes they will have some fear. So our society is in peaceful situ
Rate this: +18 -4

Surjit said: (Tue, Aug 20, 2013 07:52:25 AM)

In my opinion CP should not be banned but the criminals should be punished. They can be send to lab for experim purpose which can help in mankind's development. So instead of animals we can conduct experiment on human better result. SO in my opinion they can be useful in this way without being executed.
Rate this: +10 -15

Amit Kumar said: (Sun, Aug 18, 2013 07:20:05 AM)

According To Me Capital Punishment Must be allowed to those who involved in brutal killings, this is the only way reduce the crime rate. Some of my friends just said to give such type of criminal a second chance. Giving a secon chance means you are give him a second chance to kill innocent people again. So, Capital Punishment is necessa the betterment of the innocent citizens.

And also sending them to jail is not a good option because it will increase only numbers of prisoners in the jail an government has to spend more on them. And you know the present condition of India, If you have money you ca get bail. We Have to take examples from the Arab Countries, Mauritius, Singapore etc.
Rate this: +14 -2

Satpal Saharan Nyolakhi said: (Tue, Aug 13, 2013 06:54:23 AM)

I think that capital punishment should be banned because it has no remain chance to a man that he create his ow character to good again and be a success man.
Rate this: +4 -33

Ayush said: (Wed, Aug 7, 2013 08:55:09 PM)

Capital punishment should be banned. I strongly oppose my opposition. We are human and they are also human are we cruel to them. We should give them a chance. Keep yourself in their place and you commit would you giv yourself the same punishment. No we can exploit them but death it s barbarash. Think yourself in their place will commit crime without any reasons or for your need.
Rate this: +10 -40

Janaki Chandrasekar said: (Wed, Jul 31, 2013 09:53:47 PM)

Capital punishment should be upheld in the cases of heinous crimes. If it was taken away, it will indeed create m more criminals in the society for example if the convict who murdered a person who was breadwinner or someon is loved by everyone in the family, then someone in the victims family will definitely develop a mind set for veng this is how the criminals will be created.

If suppose the court impose death penalty then the victims family feel better. Also when the death penalty is imp

a particular case it should be executed within some particular time. Only then it creates apprehension in the othe person's mind. I hereby feel that Article 72 and 161 of Indian constitution should be repealed. And death penalty be upheld.
Rate this: +27 -2

Abhisek,Kolkata said: (Sun, Jul 21, 2013 12:24:37 AM)

I think capital punishment should stay & also should be implemented for many other crimes for which only life te given. The reason for this is given below:

1. Capital punishment even for crimes like dacoity, smuggling, human trafficking, possession of black money, rap will act as a good lesson to people who have in their minds committing these type of crimes.

2. It will act as a solace to the victim, if alive or to his near ones if dead. A huge solace is also very much necess because only the victim or the victim's near ones feels the pain when they fall prey to such crimes.

3. Does anybody has the right to live if he/she has already taken the life of somebody who was innocent. If life is sweet & world is so beautiful which the murder victim now fails to enjoy then the convict also don't have any righ enjoy the same.
Rate this: +43 -6

Abdul Malik said: (Thu, Jul 11, 2013 07:25:34 PM)

Capital Punishment is not only a punishment for the evil one has done but it is also a way of keeping the undesir your streets. There are various categories of convicts on the death row. Among them are terrorist and heinous cr The case I would put forward for execution (by any means) of terrorist is by an illustration. In 1999, three terror Maulana Masood Azhar, Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh and.

Mushtaq Ahmed Zargarwere released from Indian jails in exchange for around 150 hostages. This was the most shameful capitulation of any elected government before terrorists. Needless to say all the released terrorists wer respectfully escorted to pakistan and each one of them went on to attain considerable fame in their choice of voc Maulana Masood Azhar " founded Jaish-e-Muhammed in 2000 which gained notoriety for its role in the 2001 Indi Parliament attack, Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh " for the abduction and murder of Daniel Pearl and Mushtaq Ahme Zargar " who has played an active role since release in training Islamic militants in POK. The one single motive fo hijacking was to free these scum and had they been executed, the hijacking may not have happened. Every terro keep alive in our jails is an open invitation for similar hijack incident.

Heinous criminals are the second category of death row inmates who should not have to wait any longer for their punishment. Are you aware that a large number of heinous criminals are repeat offenders ? Some have also done repeat offence while on bail ? TNN May 23, 2012, 01.55 AM IST NEW DELHI: A cab driver who killed a man two y ago for showing interest in the woman he loved has been arrested for another murder. While the first victim was cabbie's close friend, his recent target was the woman's youngest brother who had asked him to stop harassing h sister.

November 1, 2009 MANGALORE: Mohan Kumar, who has confessed to killing 19 women by giving them cyanide, according to the police, has confessed to killing another woman in Bangalore in 2007. What would one do with su eminent people ? Give them training in anger management and set them free or hang them by the neck till dead

Rate this: +29 -4

Sourath Dutt said: (Wed, Jul 10, 2013 11:44:15 PM)

Capital punishment at it's exact meaning would be the execution of wrongdoers. Though I believe that for a prog nation a strict code of law is required, that does not necessarily mean that death should be the ultimate punishm Some questions I want to absk to the followers of capital punishment: 1] DO you believe that punishment of death is suitable for a person regarding his crime? 2] Would you give the same punishment to yourself if YOU committed the same crimes?
Rate this: +5 -24

Vikas said: (Wed, Jul 10, 2013 12:53:38 PM)

Hi, everyone as we know that the rate of crime is increasing day by day like murder rape robbery terrorist attack We need strict law and capital punishment against them and free from any political issue. After completion of full enquiry against the criminal and if they found guilty we should give death penalty to them. If we destroy the crim the crime will automatically remove.
Rate this: +8 -8

Mithlesh said: (Fri, Jul 5, 2013 09:41:39 PM)

Ya, I agree. Capital punishment is necessary for the coarse type of work, means that suppose any person killed a without any reason, any person rape those women. In India have made many rule for many kind of crime. But n days the crime rate in India is very high, so the abandon of the big crime only one things is suitable capital punis yet criminals are fear from any bulger work.
Rate this: +6 -5

Saharsh said: (Tue, Jul 2, 2013 08:21:38 PM)

I feel that C.P is the best punishment given to a criminal. Give such a hilarious punishment that will not even allo criminal ideas to arise in the minds of these criminals. They need to be aware of what an inhuman activity they h recurred before the punishment is given. The hanging of Kasab, Ajmal was right because he along with his mates taken hundreds of lifes without any cause unlike Guru, Afzal who attacked the parliament for a cause. It was inde wrong to have hanged Afzal instead they could have taken any other step to have changed his mindset.
Rate this: +12 -5

Ashwin said: (Tue, Jun 18, 2013 07:46:57 PM)

Hi we very well know about the delhi rapists after that we about many rapists continue. All these are happening d not having strict law. Criminals must troubled to kill in public place or capital punishment (C.P) is the only way be criminals won't realize his mistakes. If law will give heavy punishment like C.P Other will think to do that but the punishment must be bluff.
Rate this: +8 -4

Benita said: (Thu, Jun 13, 2013 06:45:57 PM)

I feel that capital punishment is very necessary in our country because unless such punishments are imposed the rate in India will never come to an end. And the people feel less secure to move about freely.
Rate this: +9 -2

Kyohei said: (Wed, Jun 12, 2013 03:50:41 PM)

The number of people who kill the human is higher and higher. The problem is that most countries are not sure t judges should make judgement on capital punishment or they should not. This is important as criminals will be re if they commit a crime. In my opinion, it is definitely should be capital punishment for anyone who commits murd First of all, just equal life for life. Most importantly, people will feel safer.
Rate this: +4 -1

Neha Rahul Aherrao said: (Mon, Jun 3, 2013 06:11:00 PM)


For my opinion capital punishment are necessary to control crime in our society. Without capital punishment our are less secure and crimes of violence are increase. People are facing number of crimes such as robbery, murder assault on the street etc. Serious crime need capital punishment so that offender are unable to get involved in cr future.
Rate this: +17 -5

Ansh said: (Fri, May 24, 2013 12:47:51 PM)

Hi everyone,

According to me death penalty itself should not be the capital punishment. For all people must realize that there things that are much worse than death. There should be punishments wherein people committing heinous crimes be marked in some way, so that when they move out in public, people realize their crime and stay away from the Only when they are treated as outcasts in the society, will they realize their mistake and will other people be sca commit such crimes. Sure death penalty should exist, but the capital punishment should be higher.

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Dinlikngam said: (Wed, May 15, 2013 10:31:24 PM)

Hey guys, I'm dinlikngam.

Many has speak so many things about capital punishment. I'd almost agree with that, well something what I wan according to my view is that, If the government take up more severe punishment than the capital punishment no he or she who commit crime but also the entirely family members should give a death penalty, so that the societ more safer and it would be more secure. THANK YOU.
Rate this: +6 -91

M Zishan Khan Indore said: (Wed, May 15, 2013 09:09:30 PM)

Hi all.

I am in favour of giving capital punishment in INDIA because in our country capital punishment is only given on r rare case not in an ordinary cases of murder or rape cases. Other thing is that C.P(capital punishment) is an inst to scare the criminal. Just think that if C.P. Is abolished then the criminal would be fearless and would co the crim fearlessly.

Another thing is that we do have pardoning power with president and governor under article 72 and 163 resp. In constitution if the accuse think that he is convicted wrongly.
Rate this: +15 -4

Shabnam Khan said: (Mon, May 13, 2013 08:17:54 AM)

Hello friends I am Shabnam khan I think capital punishment should not be banned because crimes are like a dise we do not take complete course it may be appear again so it is necessary to take the whole course that means w have to rooted out the disease and the capital punishment is only the way to rooted out such dangerous diseases
Rate this: +21 -3

Sandeep said: (Thu, May 2, 2013 09:58:14 AM)

Hello everyone.

I think capital punishment not banned because in present time the crime rate is so high and its due to our loose Terrorist, rapist and like so many offender make joke of our constitution so there is need to go strict in it and sav innocent victims.
Rate this: +10 -12

Busra Seker said: (Thu, Apr 25, 2013 05:40:10 PM)

Hi everyone! I am from Turkey. Unfortunately, our country has a high rate of violence against women. Every yea thousands of women are killed by their relatives, husbands in front of their children. I am frankly appalled when or heard this news and I (sometimes) think that the death penalty should be implemented for committing this cr it is nothing other than revenge. An eye for an eye would leave the world blind.
Rate this: +11 -13

Himanshu Sharma said: (Sun, Apr 21, 2013 10:14:02 PM)

Hi friends.

I think that capital punishment should be banned because in this punishment the culprit should not realize his/he According to me there is that type of punishment in which he/she feel shamed in the public. This is the need of a to teach the culprit a lesson but not by ending their lives.
Rate this: +35 -9

Dikshita said: (Fri, Apr 19, 2013 04:43:52 PM)

Hi. By giving capital punishment court can stop one person to crime, but it can't stop the crime for ever in the so Court should investigate the reason which make him to crime and find the solution, so no other can do the same again. If there is unity and equality in the society we can stop the crime. So firstly we should change our self.
Rate this: +18 -24

Shreya said: (Wed, Apr 10, 2013 11:27:11 AM)

Hi All,

I believe that when the Indian government has finally gone on to introduce a new law to help curb the crimes ag women, it is now to be seen how effectively and efficiently the laws are put to use. Indian has always had many and regulations being set up in the past. But has the government ever acted according to the laws they formulat themselves? I don't really think so. With the proper measures and efforts put in by the law enforcers, sensitizing police force and giving them proper training is really important. It's extremely necessary to have the police act sensitively towards the victims who already undergo so much trouble. Victims of crimes like rape, acid attacks, a human trafficking, prostitution, bonded labor and so on have to face so much torture - be it society at large, the whom they seek help from and the government.

It's become a must for the educated like us to at least stand up for such causes and voice our opinions when unf practices keep happening right around us every now and then.
Rate this: +17 -17

Abhijit said: (Mon, Apr 1, 2013 12:15:03 AM)

What I am of the view is that as we are not a very well-off nation so at first we should investigate as to under wh circumstances the person has committed the crime that is to say whether or not he has done that for his stomac has done that just for sake of his stomach then I would say Imprisonment would be more appropriate. Also we s check whether he has committed the crime for the first time if yes then perhaps law can be a little lenient toward

However if he happens to be well-off and that he has done under his full consciousness and also if he has commi crime more than once then I believe that it really is the need of the hour to set some examples for those who da commit any heinous mistake and the best way is the so called CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. As the most fearful thing i DEATH so by convicting them with capital punishment will instill fear in the minds of others who chooses such pa crime. So in short I would summarize: FOR:

1. For the needy and the poverty ridden who commits a crime for his survival perhaps can be looked at with a lit leniency and can be given imprisonment. 2. For the first time offender we can as well be lenient.

3. Perhaps people are the best resource a country can have and to lose them any way is a great loss in itself. So context Capital punishment is out of question.

4. Imprisonment would provide them a chance to repent and if good counseling is given then we can bring the be of him because it just requires a change in mindset to make a person good and make his do good. AGAINST: 1. For those who commits repeatedly there should be no respite because they are the real bane to the society.

2. Giving CAPITAL PUNISHMENT sets an example for others who may dare to do such things in the future. It mak them think 100 times before ever joining the same group. 3. It eliminates any possibility of a person committing any mistake ever again. Once proved that the person is a our society its a good way of cleaning the environment.

4. Any person who commits the most heinous kind of crime in full consciousness CAPITAL punishment is a must a can do it any time in the future.
Rate this: +71 -11

Kmenlang said: (Fri, Mar 29, 2013 10:53:28 PM)

I strongly support those who are against abolishing of capital punishment. The government or the Indian system should implement more of hilarious punishment so that criminals will never have a guts to commit any crimes. It scare them instead with it's very name of punishment. The criminals can never be change how hard we try to do they are habituated of committing crimes. So in order to have peace and freedom in the society the criminals sho punished. The murderers, the robbers, thief, rapist all should be hang or encounter. There should be no forgiven else the Indian government should be accountable if criminal rates rises.

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Smitajit said: (Sat, Mar 16, 2013 03:26:51 PM)

In my opinion, capital punishment is not a right solution to stop crime. Because it may have some adverse impac society. If one criminal does a crime like rape, he will try not to leave any clue about his heinous crime. i.e in mo the case the person will try to kill the victim. Rather than hanging them to death, they should be given cruel pun for their whole life. So that they can realize their cheap deeds.
Rate this: +39 -8

Jai Singh Rathore said: (Wed, Mar 13, 2013 11:17:39 PM)

I don't think so that its a good idea to continue capital punishment. Though it is offered in rarest of rare case but such cases like brutally raping, murdering would be too less to get away with. The criminal should be made to st shoes of the victim so that he could realize what the other person went through. Moreover it would be like setting example for others so that every time someone commits a similar crime his skin goes goose flesh thinking about after effects of crime.

For example in rape cum murder case of Delhi the criminals should be castrated so that anyone who try raping a should shiver with the thought of consequences. Strict laws should be enacted with respect to it.
Rate this: +35 -4

Cashio Jose said: (Mon, Mar 4, 2013 06:55:28 AM)

Hai, Guys. I think its better to continue with Capital punishment. We are aiming a country free of crimes. For the development of our country, hardcore criminals have to be erased. But the controversy is it may lead to death of many innocent people. So the judiciary must make sure about the judgement. Hope for Nation.
Rate this: +22 -7

Akm said: (Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:26:05 PM)

Hi, I disagree with what "nemo" has said that US in spite of having capital punishment is still one of the worst co in terms of crime. And Europe not having capital punishment does not have comparatively higher crime rate. I ju to say that most of the crimes being committed does not fall into the category of "rarest of rare cases"so even if commit crimes intentionally or unintentionally (since most of the crimes are committed in a heat of moment or u

any influence) such as rapes, homicides that"ll probably not fall under the category of capital punishment they ar unlikely to be given a death penalty. So where is the fear of getting executed. Hence I disagree with you on this
Rate this: +12 -7

Mayur said: (Sun, Feb 24, 2013 08:13:08 PM)

Hi friends I am in favor of capital punishment, because if capital punishment is accomplished there will be a fear of criminals that they will be hanged. Capital punishment should be accomplish for all crime like rape case, murd honor killing.
Rate this: +23 -8

Jaspreet said: (Sat, Feb 23, 2013 01:43:13 PM)

Hi friends, according to me capital punishment is necessary for those who commit brutal crimes such as murder, honor killings. Because whatever he did all are intentionally done. If capital punishment should be enabled so tha should be fear in the mind of the criminals that if we do such heinous crimes then we would be either hanged or beheaded or electrocuted.
Rate this: +10 -5

Keerthana said: (Thu, Feb 21, 2013 08:55:25 PM)

Hi friends, we should punish the culprit for their nuisance if we leave alone the culprit for mercy. The culprit rate on increases. As a Indian people everyone should have the man power say self analyzing capacity. No one have rights to take or misuse the life of others we should think about our activities whether doing things are good or n example Delhi Rapist, we should punish that people harshly by the same way or else we have to punish them by other way. We won't kill them suddenly we kill the person by bit by bit.
Rate this: +13 -4

Punit said: (Sun, Feb 17, 2013 10:22:09 AM)

Hey friends, I agree that today there is no fear left in criminals but capital punishment is not the only way to dea Capital punishment itself is a judicially assisted murder. It can not be a deterrent until swift and sure delivery of can b ensured. Police should get active now and administrator should empower police to act against criminals. M only strict laws would not establish law and order in our country. Government should take strict action against gu set an examples for criminals. We have to improve our system and empower administration to become a better s
Rate this: +23 -8

Arshad said: (Sat, Feb 16, 2013 05:49:49 PM)

I think capital punishment should be abolished because some time some innocent person get the death penalty w committing any crimes. In Indian history there are many cases where innocent people got the death penalty bec misunderstanding.
Rate this: +12 -6

Nemo said: (Mon, Feb 11, 2013 12:03:50 AM)

The law uses death penalty as an ultimate punishment and also as a deterrent of any further crime. People fear d most, so the notion of a death penalty is supposed to prevent them from committing the crime in the first place. alternative to death penalty in vogue is life imprisonment, maybe without parole. People who support death pena life imprisonment have the burden of proving the deterring effect of the former over the latter, but this is rarely t case. Over years of statistical studies it could not be proved that inflicting a death penalty would more efficiently capital crime. There are data on the contrary like crime rates in US (where you have death penalty) is much mor that in many European countries (where death penalty has been abolished). The capital crime can have many fac affecting it, and it is difficult to assert with certainty that capital punishment as hanging by death would affect it profoundly.

Most of the heinous crimes are committed at the heat of the moment, at moments of emotional stress, zeal, pass maybe under the effect of drugs or alcohol where logical thinking on the part of the criminal and considerations o consequences are not present. How can the existence of a legal death sentence deter a crime in such a situation

In cases crime is premeditated, where the criminal fully aware of the consequences plans and commits a crime ( course expects to escape the capital punishment). The law should show no mercy to such cases and death penalt should be imposed. The criminal while committing the crime has accepted the consequences and there is no reas society should show him mercy because doing that will pave the path for further criminals. Thus death penalty ca effective in curbing the predetermined crimes.

There remains a thin line in separating predetermined and non-predetermined acts of crime which needs to be co up soundly by the law. There should not be any loopholes to be exploited by the criminal, and it is not very much possible for the current judiciary from its past history of cases and research base to come up with a solution for t As a final word, an eye for an eye would leave the world blind. So death penalty should be reserved only for the rare crimes.
Rate this: +77 -6

Gopa said: (Sat, Feb 9, 2013 02:14:37 PM)

Capital Punishment (death sentence) will be given in accordance with the circumstances, other evidence. He/She doing any brutal crime and their situation at the time of crime, for eg. Delhi Gang Rape, they 100% eligible for C Punishment (death sentence) because whatever did all those are intentionally done. All the execution will have to done in public, so that they (people) learn something from that punishment. For example "Kingdom of Saudi Ara
Rate this: +25 -13

Jasmeet Kaur said: (Thu, Feb 7, 2013 09:58:24 PM)

Hi, my friends. I appreciated all the above points which is given by my dear friends. I wanna add some more poin Yeah, capital punishment should be there. For the those who commit the mistake again n again like murder,rape terrorist. No doubt gov should have to adopt strict law. On the other hand all parents should have to take initiativ this for their children. Because it starts from the home. So parent have to give a good knowledge like respects th nation and other. Respects the girls. Do not commit the crime etc. . We have not a right of taking ot her life beca give by god. But yeah, gov should have to take strict step against the criminal, rape, terrorist. Thanks.
Rate this: +25 -11

Vineeth said: (Mon, Feb 4, 2013 07:34:30 AM)

Hello every one.

Death penalty is only the punishment which sever than all other punishments. In Arabian country's this is the punishment for any illegal action so crime in Arabian country's is very low. Yesterday only our Indian governmen nice decision i. e, to hang out the Delhi gang rapists.

But transformation of law and order should be donor in India so that every small mistake cases a big punishmen every one will fear of doing such crimes. Finally strict laws to be implemented by the Indian government to settle the crime rate. Thank you.
Rate this: +14 -8

Ankita said: (Thu, Jan 17, 2013 11:01:21 PM)

I believe that capital punishment should be there but only for the terrorists, because if they are not hanged early might get relieved easily by just hijack of a plane. But if we talk about crime against women then capital punishm not be of any use.
Rate this: +9 -47

Alisha said: (Wed, Jan 16, 2013 07:54:14 PM)

Hello everyone!

According to me capital punishments must be banned because such people who have no mercy for others why th government should show mercy to them. People who commit crimes such as rapists and terrorist should be hang death.

Till the time they are not punished something worst, how could other criminals will realize that committing such c is so inhuman and against our cultural and moral values.
Rate this: +21 -13

Sachin Jordan ,Meerut said: (Sun, Jan 13, 2013 04:55:13 PM)

Hi gentlemen,

Here am Sachin jordan, according to my point of view, it should be enabled in India which creates a fear in mind criminals, but Indian government show more and more mercy that result is increasing crimes. Rate of crime goes up. Rate of murder goes up. Rate of rapes increasing day by day because Indian govt rules are wrong. For examples.

1. We all know about Ajmal kasab, was one out of ten terrorist who attacked on hotel taj on 28 nov 2008 in Mum he was live from last 4 years in arthar road jail pune but at least he hanged in yarwada jail on morning of 12 nov 2. The bereaved father of the Delhi gang rape victim also demand death for rapist. 3. All politician and protesters demand death for rapist. Death for criminals is the only way of punishment if Indian govt wants to control crimes in India. For example.

1. In Arabic countries why the crimes cases are less this is the only thing because the government not shows me direct death for such types of commit. My conclusion.

Nobody is having a right to take the life of other person other than god if someone do this then that person shou punished in the same way. Thanks a lot.
Rate this: +95 -13

John said: (Sat, Jan 12, 2013 02:52:42 PM)

Dear Friends, I think Capital Punishments should be enabled so that there should be a fear in the minds of the criminals that if such heinous crimes like rape, brutal murder etc then we would be either hanged or electrocuted !

Then the crime rate would come down as criminals would not even think about committing a crime as it would ha more brutal consequence !

As the government is showing more and more mercy then their criminal minds is fostering more and more so by capital punishments crime can be brought to a stop !

Thank you.
Rate this: +32 -9

Brielle Morgan said: (Sat, Jan 12, 2013 01:30:12 AM)

I strongly believe that capital punishment is wrong and should be banned, but that won't happen anytime soon. I believe that if someone is to be executed then they should have committed multiple cold blooded murders or be rapist I mean the punishment should fit the crime but if we keep executing these people we are no better and ins eviction they should be made to rot in prison but that's only my opinion.
Rate this: +11 -24

Sunanda Mishra said: (Wed, Jan 9, 2013 04:27:57 PM)

YES the capital punishment should be banned and I am very well with this fact because what capital punishment is you tell me. It is like a person who commits crime will be hanged to death and we feel that way justice has bee to the criminal rite?

No this is not the way and if this is followed what will happen is that the criminals may be reduced but what bout crimes? I am sure they won't do. The need of the hour is to teach these people a lesson not by ending their lives making them realize that what have they actually done. Like in the recent Delhi rape case those guys they should kept alive and tortured in the same way they did. This is how they will know that what did those poor young fello went through because of their cheap deeds. If you say that they should be hanged to death then that is the easie of escaping out of the situation and finishing the whole story. Therefore the initiative should be taken not to finis story but to make people aware of what they will have to go through if they even think of committing such crime
Rate this: +88 -19

Jenny said: (Tue, Jan 8, 2013 05:38:15 PM)

I think capital punishment is a must for dealing with dangerous crimes like murder, rape etc. One should always remember that no mode of justice will work if it goes against human nature. Tit for that is human nature and if la order fails to provide justice people will take law in their own hands. The first object of law is to provide justice to victim. However I agree that repentance of culprit is also an object of law but the fear of hurt or death is most appropriate way to make a culprit repent ; remember Kasab? He was sorry for his crime only when he came to k that his life is going to end soon.

And anyways I do not agree with opinion that capital punishment should be banned because crime is increasing i country even though there is death penalty. Crime is of course increasing despite death penalty because only in r among rarest cases death penalty is awarded and that also from past 20-25 years only 2-3 cases are actually ex Allow more execution of death penalty I am sure crime rate will lower down. And above all is it humane to deal a heinous criminal with pity and not even caring once about the victim who either loses his life or suffers whole life because of crime committed with him. If it should be so than abolish punishment fully because its of no use if it c impart justice.
Rate this: +24 -14

Arpit said: (Sat, Jan 5, 2013 07:38:58 PM)

Only capital punishment is the solution to stop the dangerous criminals and their activities. Even after granting p to the criminal, what is the guarantee that he will stop his violent activities? So, only capital punishment is the so for stopping a criminal from committing more crimes.
Rate this: +19 -13

Pooja said: (Thu, Jan 3, 2013 11:03:14 AM)

They must be punished even more than capital punishment. They must feel guilt for what they did at every mom their life. It should be written on their foreheads and let them live their own life but no one should talk to them, n should help them in any way. Their must be NO DELAY in implementing of punishments.
Rate this: +8 -28

Jincy Lijose said: (Mon, Dec 31, 2012 10:40:17 AM)

If the guilt is proven 100% as in the example of delhi gang rape, capital punishment should be given especially f crimes against women and children.

I agree, nobody is allowed to take the life of anybody other than God but if somebody does that, they should also punished in the same way. For a woman, her dignity is more than her life.
Rate this: +46 -9

Lachu said: (Sun, Dec 23, 2012 08:09:10 PM)

Hi friends,

I like your opinion about capital punishment. But in my opinion capital punishment is a right way punishment abo crime. Nowadays the number of crime will increase because our punishment against a crime is kind full. Today th number of sexual harassment, number of murder are increased. Because of our punishment way is totally wrong government should give capital punishment to people who done sexual harassment, murder etc. The women in o country is not safe because our punishment way is wrong and we give mercy to criminals. In Arabian countries th people frighted to do a crime. Because there is a very cruel punishment given to Pearson who done a crime. I lik punishment. We should follow them. Thank you.
Rate this: +48 -6

Abhishek said: (Sun, Dec 23, 2012 04:14:14 PM)

The decree or law (s) which rewards capital punishment or death penalty is after considering the degree or the crime/offence committed by the criminal.

For instances in previous cases like parliament attack, Mumbai attack (recently capital punishment given) , Delhi bus gang-rape case if decision is to let the criminal free of this punishment then it may be possibility for re-happ similar cases as there will be no fear among criminals in doing such brutal acts.

People should respect the law and decision for capital punishment because apart from serving the respective judg it also provides justice for someone who lost their loved one.
Rate this: +17 -5

Shubham Chauhan said: (Fri, Dec 21, 2012 11:33:39 PM)

In my opinion deathpanelty is not a solution to stop the crime. We should saw the mercy because it is a quality o deathpanelty is a solution then today the word should free from crime but we saw that it is not true. We slowed i the mercy because. 'every criminal may be a good person as you.
Rate this: +7 -59

Neha said: (Wed, Dec 19, 2012 08:16:27 PM)

Hi, this is neha and in my point view capital punishment should be banned completely. As many said that this punishment creates a fear of criminals mind. OK I just want to ask some questions to them. 1) If this punishment is very old then why not crime is reducing? 2) why the ratio of rape cases is increasing day by day, why why why?
Rate this: +23 -56

Navneet said: (Sat, Dec 15, 2012 10:06:42 PM)

I am not speaking either in favor or against, but rather in middle I would like to say that, are you killing terrorism terrorist (human) ? if you are killing terrorism then why terrorism is still. It shows that you are not killing a terro rather you are killing a human, and I am saying so that because till now you did not came up to result. Killing of is a kind of physical harassment, I think its an old technique. Today world has developed. We should have to cam across a new technique-mental harassment. If someone is committing crime, then by killing that person what we doing, we are also committing such crime.
Rate this: +33 -8

Rahul Bollam said: (Wed, Dec 5, 2012 11:01:37 PM)

I also feel that we should ban the term " Capital Punishment" first. As we are not any more a part of capitalistic w Its been changing so the levels of punishment should also be altered. Previously and now the courts will refer the

cases before they give a final judgement. But the cases of Rape, Murder, or mass killings can not be compared w old cases instead they should try to make it enforced quickly so that a fear for punishment will balance the rest p society. They should make and implement special laws and provisions for the victims too.
Rate this: +14 -18

Rahul Bollam said: (Wed, Dec 5, 2012 10:51:52 PM)

Hi. Everyone. I would directly ask you people that if we think that we are the only good ones (who is posting the comments) and the criminals are the bad ones. Then I can pose you a question that for our food sake we always 'sexually assault' cows and buffaloes for milk by squeezing their milk glands. Is that not a crime on our part. ? Sh we filed a case for that abuse ? We too commit crimes which are microscopic for us and we usually don't expect us to be punished. ! Do punishing will always be helpful for us as We, Human Beings are grooming ourselves to continual changes by effect of environment.

I think Killing will make a satisfaction for 1 day in our mind and we feel that its an 'achievement' that we got dow dreadful element in this world. But what about our heart? Will it accept your decision. It will always feel Guilty fo encouraging it. So, A 'Human' Being is going to be an endangered specie to themselves on this earth.

Now to the point I think Capital punishment should not be banned but they should be upgraded by keeping in vie the environment in which they commit it, how the punishment will impact on the huge mass of population. So, th loopholes in the law should be replaced (not by bringing up new laws for 'name sake') but with the 'strict measur from the State. As the people will always depend on State decisions. It should always ensure for maximum happ and well-being in the society. I always believe that we win when we 'work' together but not when we ' Hate' each Thank You.
Rate this: +15 -22

Diksha Goswami said: (Mon, Dec 3, 2012 11:19:02 PM)

I think that capital punishment should be banned as it does not help in improving the world. Even though we are sentencing death to the criminals, there is no difference as they die and there many suicide bombers who are dis the peace of a society other than killing themselves. If the government tries to improve the criminal's behavior o than hanging them then there is a chance of them improving. But if the government hangs them, then their com or that particular terrorist group may seek revenge to the people and in return may kill many more. By saying th not mean that capital punishment should be banned completely. It should be applicable only for a few cases, like kasab's. So this is my view on whether we should have capital punishment or not. I am only a 13 year old girl bu this matter even I should say something as this country's future is my future.
Rate this: +19 -16

Helda &Amp; Helen said: (Thu, Nov 29, 2012 07:38:14 PM)

Capital punishment should not be abolished. If we says that taking a man's life as a vengeance is not good, what

the people whom he has killed?There is no value for their life? We should remember that because of such crimina many of the families had lost their breadwinners, their children etc. If a person is not punished according to the c he/she has done, others will repeat the same crime a thousand times, they will not have any fear of punishment. Judiciary gives capital punishment only after a series of trials and according to the nature and gravity of the crim instance, in Kasab's case he was given death sentence only after a series of trials which were conducted over fou years and he was also given enough opportunities to defend himself.
Rate this: +64 -5

Keerthi Sree.Yama said: (Wed, Nov 28, 2012 08:53:51 PM)

Hi, everybody all have said their views about capital punishment. All are very nice, but some say it should be abo can I know why? I think capital punishment should not be abolished. Why because many people attempt crimes of them can't be punished only few people who attempt severe crimes will be awarded capital punishment. So ev criminal will have the fear of doing severe crimes like killing of people, rapes. etc.,Thank you.
Rate this: +8 -8

Anamika said: (Tue, Nov 27, 2012 09:51:13 PM)

Hi, in my point of view it should be banned. I think if it would be the only way to minimize crime, India would be from crime. Any crime takes place in a state of mind of criminal as it is not always same he should get a chance restart a life as a good citizen, we should help to realize their sins and motivate them to live their life in welfare o society.
Rate this: +10 -15

Bhavita Sharma said: (Sun, Nov 25, 2012 04:26:52 PM)

I don't think that killing criminals is fair at all. According to our law, to kill or harm someone is legally wrong. The is our law doing with the criminals? For example, kasab was a Pakistani terrorist. He was found culpet in the 26/1 for killing hundreds of innocents and the output was found that he was given capital punishment. But in the opin some authorized persons it was very unfair. So I think that capital punishment should be banned. "Every time the criminal is not the real criminal".
Rate this: +9 -19

John said: (Sat, Nov 24, 2012 12:26:49 AM)

I think punishment should not be banned because this is only way through which we can create fear in the mind criminals, because today crime is going on higher & higher. If the government banned capital punishment then m the criminals will go to jail and come out soon and do crime again & again, but if their is capital punishment then

will be some fear in the mind of criminals and our society will be safe.
Rate this: +21 -5

Latha said: (Fri, Nov 23, 2012 12:25:41 PM)

I am latha, I think it should be banned. Capital punishments may not stop crimes from happening. People need t educated and explained the consequences rather than killing them. Society cheering and feeling satisfied after th of the punished, looks like a medieval lynch mob celebrating the death of the sinner and not the sin. What do we achieve?Its a rich food for the politicians and the media. What can we do? as humans let us cherish the value of care, share and help one another to grow up putting aside the feeling of greed, jealousy and the lust for money a power! NO HEINOUS CRIME NO PUNISHMENT ! Let us work for a peace!
Rate this: +11 -14

Pankaj Bisht Pb said: (Thu, Nov 22, 2012 07:07:58 PM)

Hi, as for as my opinion, if we want a safe life, so it shouldn't be banned. When criminals have fear, then they do the society.

Someone said cause of crime is literacy, poverty, I want say if you do crime so why don't you do hard work for a life. Crime only that person do, who don't want to do hard work. If capital punishment allowed for crime so it is good for society even good for a country and also for whole world
Rate this: +10 -4

Cn Hema Aradhitha said: (Tue, Nov 20, 2012 06:48:48 PM)

My opinion about the capital Punishment is it should be banned by bring up up the awareness in the criminals, I agree a criminal should be punished but only if his crime is sever not in usual. And would like to share something you guys! did anyone of you even at least think of whats the main reason for crime rate being increasing? its bec the Poverty, Population, n literacy in d people where by we now a days see that everything is really based on mo bride which a Poor people can't offered for and get a thinking's of joining the gangsters and involving in the crim the sake of money to survive in this World.
Rate this: +5 -15

Rashmi said: (Sun, Nov 4, 2012 01:43:24 PM)

Human being is the creation of god. No one has the right to end up this creation. If a death penalty is rewarded t person then what is the difference left between us and criminals.

''punishment is not a punishment until it brings out repentance ''.

Rate this: +36 -26

Ravi said: (Mon, Oct 29, 2012 10:35:38 PM)

Hey guys many of you are saying that capital punishment should not be banned but I just want to say that we al used this word "punishment" but do we actually know its meaning and why it is given to us ? only so that we will are mistakes and never do that again but if we will take someone's life than they will get any chance to realize th mistakes and they will also not get any chance to improve their mistakes and themselves so I think they should b one more chance.
Rate this: +15 -15

Navneet Chahal said: (Sun, Oct 21, 2012 03:38:27 PM)

Hi, I think capital punishment should not be banned because somewhere in the heart of some criminals, they hav fear of getting punishment. If it is banned then they will have full freedom to perform any crime as a result there increase of crimes in India. Government must make some laws TO STOP CRIME and some powerful laws which m CRIMINALS NOT TO DARE TO DO ANY CRIME. I appreciate the points given by sri Krishna.
Rate this: +23 -4

Dheeraj Kumar said: (Tue, Oct 9, 2012 01:03:34 AM)

In my opinion instead of banning Capital punishment, frequency of capital punishment should be brought to mini

It should be strictly applied in case of Rape & murder (mass murder) because nobody has given him right to dest somebody's life and they should fear every now and then that this crime will not be tolerate rapist and murderer not for robbery or other low level crime because you can earn your wealth again & 10-15 year of imprisonment w him good lesson.
Rate this: +33 -9

Ashish Mittal said: (Sun, Oct 7, 2012 07:10:50 PM)

Hi friends,

I think that capital punishment should be banned because if it comes to be proven later on that the person sente was innocent and culprit is someone else then how would you restore his/her life. Thus capital punishment does leave any room for correction of mistake in judgement.
Rate this: +16 -16

Radha said: (Mon, Sep 17, 2012 01:25:30 PM)

"An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth" which we all today known as capital punishment. I think it should not be b Though this form of punishment is inhuman and cruel, there is no other alternative but to enforce it. Just as one removes a rotten apple to save the basket full of apples, similarly we must get rid of the unwanted elements so t can preserve the society.
Rate this: +46 -8

Biswajit Mohanty said: (Sun, Aug 5, 2012 09:46:27 AM)

Hi, I think capital punishment should not be banned. Criminals are all their way to go beyond the unexpected ma Once they are being left or being ignored at, they may cause a massive genocide. Second thing is that they will n any fear for any punishment which may lead to increase in crime in the society and will hinder in social harmony social peace.
Rate this: +24 -7

Sri Krishna said: (Mon, Jul 30, 2012 04:04:37 PM)

According to me capital punishment should not be banned.

Criminals think that they will be threw into the prison if they commit any crime. There is no mistake in their think because the rules of the INDIAN CONSTITUTION had made like that. They don't bother about jail although the punishment time is either 7 years or 14 years because jails are like their vacation spots. (example in the case of This is one of the reason for increasing in crime rate. But If India had followed the concept of capital punishment there would be no Mumbai attacks, no murders, no kidnappings. The fear of death (because of capital punishment) should shiver the criminals for thinking of crime. India absolutely can be peaceful country.
Rate this: +58 -17

Vaibhav said: (Sat, Jul 28, 2012 05:37:08 PM)

According to me capital punishment should be given to every criminal who has committed a crime. By giving cap punishment to every criminal and it becomes a lesson for them and they possibly think about that what they are For this govt has to take strict actions and make our India crime-less country.
Rate this: +23 -14

Manish said: (Thu, Jun 21, 2012 03:34:49 PM)

If it is abolished then our society will in trouble, today, not so much but still criminals have fear of capital punishm its take back by GOVT the the courage will increase in criminals and they will do crime fearless.

So my suggestion when any body do crime like murder, rape, robbery then we must give capital punishment har kind of people because nobody have rights for killing other people.
Rate this: +21 -7

Cameron said: (Wed, Jun 20, 2012 07:40:36 AM)

Capital Punishment SHOULD be banned because many people may have murdered some one but then in prison r and changed their life, but with capital punishment they do not get that option. I know a man who "hurt some on bad" and was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment. In prison he converted to Christianity and will NOT be "hurtin anyone again. He is released this year. If he was murdered it would be a to-be innocent life gone. And anyway, i one kills some one and he is executed, does that make us any better?
Rate this: +18 -27

Killer said: (Sat, Jun 2, 2012 09:39:30 AM)

I think capital punishment should not be banned. As said by many persons who are we to take the life of others, means civilization where this law of capital punishment has not come from sky but majority of our country men a women voted for capital punishment to prevail and if you are living in this country you are accepting the law and capital punishment also comes.
Rate this: +19 -19

Sumit Singh said: (Tue, May 15, 2012 02:57:39 PM)

Capital punishment should not be abolished rather our government should think about it n emphasize on it. Capi Punishment should be given to those who have done heinous crimes like murder. There must be fear in the mind people then only we can get healthy atmosphere to live. It will reduce the crime rates in the countries otherwise have our newspaper full of crimes in the future as we have now. So to get rid of these things I think Capital puni should not be abolished.
Rate this: +31 -18

Vivek said: (Mon, May 14, 2012 08:20:18 PM)

I appreciate opinions coming from different people but capital punishment is not punishment at all, it is revenge good form as people think. Punishment is, no matter how unimaginable the crime is or whether we are bound by sentiments or not is scientifically a procedure to correct mind of CRIMINAL. Whether a person killed thousands or unrelated as Punishment talks about correction and not past, if we talk about past don't call it PUNISHMENT it is only!

Secondly law is going thousands of years back when religion and psychology are going into future. People think m massive crimes a person commits the more punishment he deserves because we cannot bear the end results at a

but the fact is that society uses two opposites GOOD and BAD. GOOD should be victorious over BAD, but terrible like mass murders, rapes, burning people, children etc. Are committed by mentally insane people. No normal per desire or interest or energy or even thought will ever come, so we are biologically safe first! People like Teresa, J have inherent traits that make them peaceful. Ok they might have conscious will but they did not use it because need not. On other hand criminals need to use additional will and change their mind from instincts and urges and not called REAL GREAT! psychopaths are born with distorted mind, is it their fault? They have no emotion called Love comes from brain. If any one has doubt they can just observe whether emotions are made with hands or co from within us without effort. If so a person who cannot love humanity has fault in nervous system. If a person t anesthetic will he get pain? Still the person may remain wide awake with no pain in part injected with anesthetic

On similar lines criminals know what they are doing (barring a few who are completely mad and insane and do n reality) but cannot feel love or empathy just like anesthetic REMOVES PAIN. So one second assume we are not b this EMOTION or this emotion is minimal? One can tell their own answers?
Rate this: +23 -49

Shraddha said: (Mon, May 14, 2012 05:16:16 PM)

I think capital punishment should be abolished. Reason being even with the law of capital punishment the crime our country is going up. Hence it is quite evident that capital punishment is not the required solution. Rather the government is required to take a better path and make the country prosper.
Rate this: +22 -21

Anish Kashyap said: (Sun, May 13, 2012 10:52:54 PM)

Well, capital punishment in India is given in "the rarest of rare cases". This includes.

Raging war against the nation, murder abetting the suicide of a child or insane person and likewise. If this is so t why delay in the case of Ajmal Kasab and Afjal guru?

Hadn't they have done this offense? They came, butchered our democracy, plundered Indian lives and mystically message to our netas and babus and obviously to us we'll iterate this. What can you do? Don't you think this is a derogatory to our democracy, to our so-called cultured society and to our crippled law. I think trialing these guys totally a waste of our money and time. Just hang these guys till death because these lunatics don't have respect lives of innocents. So, why to have mercy on them. I vehemently appeal to our netas and babus not to test our p and provide them capital punishment. I admit there should not be any trial to these guys, just directly hang them also appeal to our law-makers to bring the case of rape in this jurisdiction.
Rate this: +13 -12

Manisha said: (Sun, May 6, 2012 08:00:47 PM)

I think punishment should not be banned because this is only way through which we can create fear in criminals wise they are like free birds. Many of them said that we should kill crime not criminals but my point is that we should kill criminals so I think automatically crime is not there.

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Tanumay Saha said: (Thu, May 3, 2012 03:06:02 AM)

I think capital punishment should be banned and lifelong imprisonment without parole may replace this. Life in p the whole lifetime will be a strong alert to the society, criminals and along with this further procedure of investig should go on for the 100% surety of the crime done by the prisoner. 97 countries have already abolished the dea penalty, only 57 are practicing it. Remaining countries have not used it for at least 10 years, so. We should supp the abolition of the death penalty and go for other punishments. And above all. The govt. Should concentrate mo decreasing the rate of crime rather than the topic itself.
Rate this: +13 -25

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