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North Carolina Rottweiler Rescue

Stormy Times
Rescued from Doubt, Placed with Love Summer 2009

Our dogs have fleas…

Not really, but we need your help!

Flea Market Sale
Saturday, August 29th
8:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m.
Raleigh State Fairgrounds
We are requesting donations of your time,
gently used items, craft goods, whatever
you can spare. Bring yourself, your family
and your friends to help NCRR and
meet our dogs.
Freedom means many things. With this
To donate, please contact special boy, Freedom means never having to scrape a plate clean for the dishwasher. He’ll
be happy to tackle that job for you. Freedom
means never having to be alone. He’ll keep
you company any time, day or night.
Freedom means never turning into a couch
potato. You need a little exercise, he’ll take

Brandy you for a walk. Freedom means uncondi-

tional love, unwavering devotion and
unlimited companionship.

We can’t think of any- All Freedom asks is that you make your
home his furever home.
thing better at the end of a
long day than a little Freedom, and many other beautiful dogs like
him, are waiting for you to take that step,
Brandy. Warm and sooth-
make that commitment, and give them that
ing, mellow and relaxing, this little girl is content to chance to show you just what
just sit in your lap and let you pet your cares away. a blessing bringing them into your life can be.
Just what a blessing Freedom is.
She’s a calorie free indulgence you can chill out with
whenever and wherever, no designated driver needed. Please adopt an NCRR dog. If you can’t
adopt, please foster. If you can’t foster,
What other proof do you need? Find out more about please donate. Please help us help these
this and other great dogs at wonderful animals.
Nottweiler of the Month

This n’ That
Are the dog hair dust bunnies in your house bigger than the
dog? Are you tired of having to vacuum every day to keep up
with the mess? Then you need the Ear Cleaning Solution
for Yeast Infections
FURMINATOR!!! 16 ounce bottle of witch hazel
4 tablespoons boric acid powder
Rottweilers and many other dog breeds have what is 16 drops 1% Gentian violet solution

known as an undercoat. Regular dog brushes just don’t Mix. Shake before each application. Fill ear with solution and mas-
do the trick when it comes to getting rid of this deep sage gently for 30 seconds. Wipe with tissue. Apply a second time
without massaging and let the dog shake out the excess. Be careful,
down fur. The FURMINATOR is more than just a the Gentian violet may stain. Use 2 times per day for the first two
weeks, 1 time per day for the next week, and 1 time per month there-
brush, it is a deshedding tool. Using the after. Ingredients should be available at your local pharmacy.

FURMINATOR once or twice a week, for 10-20

minutes per session, can reduce shedding up to 90%.
Pack Your Lunch
Contact Everyone’s short of funds these days, but for too many animals this means
being shorted out of life. Just one day a
week, take your lunch to work instead of go-
For your FURMINATOR, and tell dog ing out. This $5 weekly savings for 50
hair, Hasta la Vista, baby! weeks would put $250 toward saving a life.
We think the choice is simple.

A-Nub-er Happy Ending And Save a Bunch!

- in Duplicate Donations may be sent via PayPal to
or mailed to
5613 Old Ridge Road
Raleigh, NC 27610

No matter how little money and how few

Meet Reese and Rocky. Like most dogs that come possessions you own, having a dog makes
through NCRR, their story did not have a great be-
ginning. Animal control found these two poor boys you rich. Louis Sabin
underneath a house. While one seemed to suffer no
ill effects from this, the other was terrified and soon Check out the
became very sick. During an examination by the
vet, it was discovered that his skull was fractured by
“a deliberate action.” This injury was not the type
that could have been caused by an accident.
Thanks to the kindness and efforts of a good person,
Grrreat stuff
NCRR was contacted. Both brothers were taken in,
nurtured, loved and brought back to health. Soon,
Grrreat prices
they found a furever home together.
Please help us help other dogs find a happy ending.
Donate, Foster, or Adopt

This n’ That
Sam Says... I think I could turn and live with animals, they
are so placid and self-contain'd,
I stand and look at them long and long.
Quality omega 3 fish oil for dogs can significantly improve
a range of conditions and prevent more serious ones from They do not sweat and whine about their
occurring. condition,
They do not lie awake in the dark and weep
Fish oil for dogs is one of the most commonly used supple-
ments in veterinary medicine. Fish oil has such healing for their sins,
power, it is recognized as a primary rather than an alterna- They do not make me sick discussing their duty
tive treatment.
to God,
Protection from heart disease, allergies, cancer and arthritis Not one is dissatisfied, not one is demented
are the main benefits. The change can be quite dramatic as
with the mania of owning things,
well. I have personally seen many examples of an aging
dog limping and moving slowly around due to arthritis, and Not one kneels to another, nor to his kind that
within weeks of taking a quality omega 3 oil, the limp was lived thousands of years ago,
almost gone. The dog was running and moving much more
freely than before, with increased levels of energy. Not one is respectable or unhappy over the
whole earth.
Fish oil is also effective for reducing cancerous tumors. It Walt Whitman—Song of Myself
is recommended that all dogs with cancer have a daily fish
oil supplement in their food. Fish oil also helps prevent
cancer in a healthy dog.

I cannot hype the benefits of fish oil enough. In my

opinion it is imperative for every dog.

Fish oil is exceptionally effective for healing hairless, dry,

irritated areas and encourages the growth of a healthy coat.

Part of the problem today is that most dog foods are very
low in the two important omega 3 fatty acids, DHA and
EPA, with DHA being by far the most important. When
selecting a fish oil for dogs, it is important to select the right
one. You choose should those that have been molecularly
distilled to remove any impurities like mercury to ensure a

Come Meet Us…

safe pure oil. You don't need to use one especially for dogs,
as any good quality omega 3 oil for humans is perfectly

In addition, to gain the maximum benefits, ensure the DHA Every month we like to strut our
level is high, at least twice that of EPA at around 250mg of
DHA per capsule, as it is responsible for most of the in-
stuff at the local Petsmart or Petco
credible health benefits. so people can discover what great
Samantha Vickers-
Vickers-Lowe is one of NCRR’s dog dogs we have at NCRR.
wellness, training and behavior experts.
For times in your area, please go to
Dogs have given us their absolute all. We are, click on “Events”
the center of their universe. We are the focus
of their love and faith and trust. They serve
and make plans to spend some time
us in return for scraps. It is without doubt with us.
the best deal man has ever made.
Roger Caras
Polo’s Pointers
Old Dogs Do Learn ew Tricks
Basic principles to keep in mind are: association. I know that I have less than two seconds to praise or correct
a behavior, as well as the fact that dogs anticipate. I know what moti-
1: Dogs learn by association; they will repeat behaviors that bring
vates my dog and I understand that my dog is not a human in a dog suit.
reward and avoid or discontinue those that have no reward or are have
My dog’s brain will NEVER be more advanced in reasoning than that
unpleasant consequences.
of a 12 or 18 month old human child.
2: I have less than two seconds to praise or correct a behavior.
Dealing with a child requires patience and so does dog training. Potty
3: By using classical conditioning, the dog learns to anticipate. For training a dog is no different than potty training a child. If you take a
example: I see a stranger = praise and may be food reward, so there is child 12 to 18 months of age and have them around the house wearing
no need for me to lunge because I anticipate the reward every time I no diapers, they will have accidents. If the child is within close super-
see the stranger. Here we would be going to operant conditioning vision, they can easily be caught in the act of going to the bathroom in
where the dog performs an action to get a reward. the wrong place. The parent would yell NO, grab the child, take them
to the toilet and once on the toilet praise them for using the toilet rather
4: By using operant conditioning, the dog learns that performing an
than the floor. In the end the child learns that to urinate or defecate in
action will bring a consequence. I see the stranger = I sit and I get a
the living room makes mom or dad mad and a correction follows.
reward (praise or food), whereas lunging will bring a correction and
When this child does their business in the bathroom mom or dad praises
delay my reward.
them. We would not grab that child and rub their nose in their mess, so
5: Dogs are opportunistic and will do anything necessary to obtain what why do we rub the dog’s nose in their mess? This is abusive.
they want. If there is no leadership, they will step up and take charge. If
I may not treat my dog as a human, but I still treat my dog with dignity
there is a chance to be praised they will do whatever they have to do in
and respect. When you rub your dog’s nose in their feces all the dog
order to get the rewards.
learns is that the presence of feces or urine makes their owner unstable
6: Dogs live in a black and white world. Consistency is key to training. and bad things happen. So the dog associates the feces with bad things
Give them gray areas and your dog will get confused. If out of ten and may start to eat their feces to hide them from their handler. The
times I jump on my owner, I get corrected only 8 or 9 times, there is handler or owner is to blame here, not the dog.
still one chance of me getting what I want, so I will keep trying. The
Motivators for a dog can be food, toys, praise, etc. If your dog is not
correction MUST happen 100% of the time.
food motivated, don’t feed him a day or two before the exercise, or
7: Yelling at a dog is useless. They see it as barking and excitement. decrease their food intake at dinner time and use the food during train-
ing. A hungry dog will be food motivated.
8: I am a dictator, but a fair one.
If your dog is not toy motivated, keep them kenneled, and only allow
Dogs are creatures of habit, and they live one day at a time. Dogs are
them to come out to potty, to eat, and to play with the toy. If they show
not constantly thinking
no interest in the toy they go back to
about what happened yes- o matter what a dog’s background is, we can help them over- the kennel. Believe me after a week or
terday or about what is
happening tomorrow. Dogs
come any issue through the use of effective obedience training. two that toy will be very appealing,
since the dog will associate it with
don’t premeditate, they react. Many behavior issues I encounter occur
their way of getting attention and praise.
because the handler sends mixed signals to the dog, or just sends the
wrong signals unknowingly. Using praise as a motivator is simple. While in a training program
remove 90% of the attention you usually give the dog for free and give
Dogs with issues or misbehaviors are the product of poor early condi-
it during the training session. The dog will stop taking you for granted.
tioning. That is, they were not taught properly. The average dog owner
creates fear or socialization issues in their dog by taking them out of Make a dog work to earn everything from their food, to praise, to play-
the litter too early. By taking the dog out of the litter at 8 weeks keep a ing with toys and you will have a stable dog.
dog from socializing with their own kind as well as from learning bite
It is important to be very firm and enforce all rules at all time if we
inhibition. If the puppy has no chance to play with other puppies and
want to succeed. Don’t be emotional when applying corrections or
learn that when he bites a littermate play ends immediately, they will
withholding rewards. You are doing the dog a disservice and not help-
never learn that biting hurts.
ing them overcome the bad behavior. Stop feeling sorry for this aban-
If the puppy is not properly socialized around humans before 14 to 16 doned, mistreated shelter dog and treat him as you would any other dog.
weeks of age, they will not be at ease when strangers come by. Dogs
Keep in mind that sometimes what is a behavior problem to us, to the
can be socialized at any point, but after 14 to 16 weeks of age, the dog
dog is a normal canine behavior. These behaviors can be redirected by
is more cautious approaching new things.
not allowing the dog to feel rewarded for performing behaviors that are
If you have a puppy, do your homework and socialize that pup with as not acceptable to us. One of many examples would be a dog that
many people as you can. Let him play with other pups as much as jumps. In the dog’s mind he or she is just trying to lick the handler’s
possible. Play with the puppy and any time his teeth touch your skin mouth, just as they would do with other dogs, out of respect. Jumping
stop the play for 2 minutes, ignoring the puppy. Usually when I am is a natural canine behavior but is not acceptable to humans. To fix
teaching a dog bite inhibition, I play what I call the ouch game. The this, simply make certain the dog gets no gratification from jumping,
ouch game is nothing but sitting on the floor playing with the pup or but is ignored or corrected.
dog as rough as we can without hurting the animal. Any time the dog’s
Humans tend to be great at correcting and punishing, but terrible at
teeth touch my skin, even if it doesn’t really hurt, I say OUCH! very
praising. If I find myself correcting a dog too much, that tells me that
loud, stand up, cross my arms and look away from the dog. I focus on a
the dog really doesn’t understand what the proper behavior is. I teach
spot in the wall or something in my surroundings. Once the dog is
the behavior, praise when the behavior occurs and once the dog has
calm I go back to the play session. The dog learns to associate that any
learned it I can use corrections if needed. Again, correction or punish-
time his teeth touch skin, there is something unpleasant. Punishment
ment can be something as simple as withholding the reward, whether it
does not mean being harsh or hitting the dog; punishment can be some-
is food or praise.
thing as simple as removing a reward. Play is a reward, ignoring the
dog is punishment. With time, the dog will learn to work hard for the No matter what a dog’s background is, we can help them overcome any
reward as well as to avoid the punishment or unpleasant situation. This issue through the use of effective obedience training. There is no such
is just one of many examples where this technique can be used. thing as an untrainable dog, or a dog that is naturally vicious, etc. If we
know what motivates the dog, we know what we can make the dog
No dog lover wants to set their dog for failure, but yet we all do make work for. Make the dog work hard to get the reward while also work-
these mistakes. With good intentions we try to treat our animals as our ing hard to avoid the correction or punishment. A dog that is physically
children. I spoil my own dogs every now and them. How I keep myself or mentally tired or has a job is a dog with no time or energy for behav-
from having behavior problems is simple. I know that my dogs learn by ioral issues. There is hope for all dogs, regardless of their past.

Polo K-9 will not assume any responsibility for injuries or damages you may suffer as consequence of you attempting the skills here discussed. Seeking the knowledge of a professional is always best when in doubt.
Please take the time to send a donation…
_____$10 _____$25 _____$50 _____Other




Email Address_____________________________________________________

Dog you would like to sponsor________________________________________

Would you like a receipt? _____Yes _____No

Please mail to 5613 Old Ridge Road, Raleigh, NC 27610

Or, Save yourself a stamp and send your donation via PayPal,

All donations are tax deductible.

Our deepest thanks to those who already have...

Sponsors Angels
Susan Johnson Dorita LeMaster (in memory of Lacy)
Dr, Judith Hunt Han Su Pharm
Bailey Family (in memory of Baloo) Lori Bishop
Jennifer Mezours Laura Napier
Anonymous Michael Gartner (in memory of Vixon)
Paula Long Dee Craft (in memory of Freckles)
Larry Gebhardt Rafaela Rodrigues
Jennifer Soberal Combs Laura Bigaquette (in memory of Stella)
Nancy Colvin Amanda Ferrell
Anjela & Vincent Govan Sean Wagner
Joan Jones Mary Alice Noble
Julianna Selligson
Danyell Tetreault

And heartfelt gratitude to our wonderful group of volunteers!

The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined efforts of each individual...Vincent Lombardi

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