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Over past few years, Technology is mainly concentrating on making lives simpler. For instance, we invented TV remote controls so we didn't have to get out of the chair to change the channel. Internet banking so that we dont have to go to banks for any money transactions. Toda y we can do anything just from the place we are sitting without even moving. Home automation is like a part of this doing anything in our house. The main aim of our efforts are to create a techno home in which we just have to Press a few button on a remote control and have it toggle any switch, dim the lights, change fan/motor speed, and even very difficult tasks like automatic switching on/off of lights and fans when somebody enters a room and when everybody leaves the room.

1. To develop a home automation system with RF controlled remote. 2. RF remote is interfaced to the microcontroller. 3. Light intensity and fan speed can be controlled. 4. By operating the specified remote switch on the transmitter, the loads can be turned ON/OFF remotely through wireless technology. 5. Management of energy through automation.

Our Home automation system uses Radio frequencies (RF) for wireless communication using remote control. For the purpose of communication a RF transmitter encodes (using an encoder) the signal when a particular button on remote is pressed and sends the RF signal of a particular frequency. The receiver on the other end of communication receives the signal, decodes it and trigger signal is given to the equipment which is to be switched ON/OFF. Based on the above principle, any number of switches can be toggled.

The second part of the project is speed control and light intensity control. For this purpose first the zero crossing point of supply voltage must be detected. Then by using the signal received from remote the gate control power for a TRIAC can be altered and thereby controlling the AC voltage for the light or fan. The control signal for the TRIAC is generated using microcontroller by taking zero crossing circuit output as reference. In this case we use microcontroller ATMEGA8535. By varying this trigger from remote, we can control fan speed and light intensity. After this, automatic switching of lights/fans and management of energy through automation is the last part of the project. This can be achieved by using counters and smart energy meter attached to the switch board. The energy consumed and automation is displayed by using LCD screen.

Work Progress:
The first part of RF communication is achieved by sending data from switches and the data received is verified using LEDs. The data sent is received without any errors. For the second part, the zero crossing detector circuit is tested which is working fine. DC Supply circuit which is used for powering Microcontroller, BJT reference voltages is also tested and is working with very less ripples. Light intensity control using TRIAC has been simulated using PROTEUS.

Software: 1. PROTEUS for simulation of the circuit. 2. AVRDUDE for programming microcontroller ATMEGA8535, Embedded C programming for AVR controller. Hardware: ATMEGA8535 Microcontroller, Transformer, Opto-isolator, TRIAC, Voltage Regulator, Crystal, Diodes, Resistors, Transistors, Capacitors, Lamps, RF modules, Encoder, Decoder, Push Buttons.

Future work:
Implementation of light intensity control circuit and fan speed control circuit. Interfacing all the control circuits with RF receiver module and checking if all the

components works properly.

Displaying the received task from transmitter on LCD.

Automation of the circuit through motion sensor for switching Lights and fans in a

room. Smart metering of the switch board for effective power consumption.

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