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Graphing Calculator Lesson Working with Lists on the TI 83/84

In this lesson, you will learn how to 1. Enter numbers into a list 2. Clear all numbers from a list 3. Delete a number from a list 4. Insert a number into a list 5. Sort numbers in a list ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1) Entering Data Into a List.

Sample Problem: Enter the numbers {1,2,3,4,5} into List #1 Step 1: Press the [STAT] key. Its located in the third row of keys on your calculator. Your screen should look like this:

Notice that the cursor ( the dark, black box ) has highlighted the Edit menu and item #1 on the menu - Edit

Step 2: Editing data involves either entering new data or changing data values that have already been entered. Since this is the item on the menu we need, press [Enter] .

Step 3: Enter the numbers into L1, which stands for List #1. Press [Enter] after typing in each number.

(2) Clearing numbers in a list

Sample Problem: Suppose we want to clear out the list we just created in (I). There are three ways to do this. Well show you all three methods.

Method 1 - Up - Clear -Down procedure Step 1: Use the up arrow to move the cursor to the very top of list 1, so that the name L1 is highlighted.

Step 2: Now press [Clear]. It doesn't look as if anything was done until you either press the down arrow or [Enter].

Many students remember "up-clear-down" as a way to clear a list.

Method 2. Step 1:

Use ClrList Function

Press [Stat] and move the cursor down to item 4 - ClrList

Step 2: Select the ClrList item by pressing [Enter]. Your screen will show ClrList.

Step 3: You need to indicate which list needs to be cleared. The name L1 is located above the key with the 1 on it. To access this second function, you need to press [2nd] [1] ( which selects the name L1 ). Your screen will look like this:

Step 4: Press [Enter] and you will see the word "Done".

If you now press [Stat] and [Enter] and you'll see a cleared out list#1.

Two notes about this procedure (1) The default value of the ClrList command is L1. This means that if you dont specify which list you want to clear the calculator will assume it is list 1. (2) You may use the ClrList function to clear out more than one list at a time. For example, if you want to clear out both L1 and L2, you could type ClrList L1, L2 on the home screen.

Method 3 - Use ClrAllLists You can clear out all lists in one step by using the ClrAllLists command. Step 1: Press [2nd] [+] ( which selects the Memory menu ).

Step 2: Scroll down to item #4 ( or just type in the number 4 ) to the ClrAllLists item on the menu.

Step 3: Press [Enter] and you will paste the ClrAllLists command on the homescreen.

Step 4: Press [Enter] again and you should see the word Done.

Your lists are now cleared! Remember that ClrAllLists will clear out all lists ( L1 through L6 ) so only use it when you want to clear out several lists. This command is very handy, especially when you get tired of using "up-clear-down" over and over again!

(3) Deleting a number from a list.

Lets use the list { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }. Well delete the number 3 from the list. To delete a number from a list, highlight the number using the cursor.

Press the delete key [Del] in the second row of keys. This command automatically deletes the number.

(4) Inserting a number into a list.

Lets insert the number 3 back into our list. Sometimes it is necessary to insert a number into a particular position in a list. To do this, highlight the number just below the position where you'd like to make the insertion.

Press [2nd] [Del] ( which selects the Ins command ). Now type in the number you'd like to insert.

(5) Sorting numbers in a list

Sometimes it is helpful to sort numbers in a list, either from smallest to largest or vice-versa. Its handy to do this when constructing a stemplot. To sort numbers in order from smallest to largest, press [Stat] and scroll down to item #2 - SortA( . The "A" stands for ascending ).

Press [ Enter ] and the Sort A( function will be pasted on the homescreen.

The open parentheses is asking you to indicate which list you'd like to sort. If you want to sort list #1, type in L1., which you can do by pressing [2nd] [1]. You can also close the parentheses.

Press [ Enter ] and you will see the word Done.

The list is now sorted, listing numbers from smallest to largest.

There is also a SortD ( function which sorts the numbers in descending order.


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