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Call C a l for for Donations Donat ons

A conference c n er n e f for o Early a l Childhood h l ho d P Professionals r f ss a s

Child Starts Annual Growing with Children Conference is on Saturday, March 8th, 2013 in addi on, the Early Childhood Directors Organiza on is sponsoring its statewide conference Directors Chair at the same me. Our goal is to provide professional development for Early Childhood Professionals and others interested in early childhood issues. Remember, most of these professionals are also parents!
Last year over 370 early childhood professionals packed the Central Community mm munity Church for a day of learning, shopping and fun as a fundraiser for Child Start. Sta art. We ove er 2,000 are expec ng over 400 a endees this year! The event is adver sed to over local professionals. We want to expose the early childhood community to the wide variety y of products and services available. We invite you to showcase your product or service via door prizes or par cipant packets! Door Prizes: Suggested door prizes include: puzzles, books, arts and cra s, gi cer cates, educa onal toys, etc. Conference packet stuers: Suggested stuers include: brochures, es, catalogs, pens/pencils, coupons, magnets, note pads, s ckers or other promo materials. Please return the enclosed postage paid intent to contribute card. Paid adver sing informa on has also been included if you are interested. Any ques ons can be directed to Kim Garcia: 316-682-1853 or

Thank you for your considera on!

Call for Donations Donation Information

How many packet stuffers should I send? We suggest 500 to ensure that all attendees receive one. In most cases, we save any materials that are not handed out and have not expired for the next year. If you are unable to send that many, we will use what you can send! When should I send packet stuffers and/or door prizes? We will be stuffing packets and wrapping gifts on March 3rd, but prefer to have everything in hand by February 24, 2014. Do you reimburse for the cost of shipping? Unfortunately we are unable to pay shipping costs. This is Child Starts CCR&R programs annual fundraiser. How will my door prize donation be recognized? Any door prizes received by February 24, 2014 will be listed as contributors on signage and in handouts at the conference as well as on the door prize that is awarded. Please ensure you include a business card! How will door prizes be given away? We are exploring different options at this time. But we know that each prize will leave with a participant! What are some other ways my business can be involved at the conference? Besides packet stuffers and door prizes we have exhibitor and advertising opportunities. Information about advertising has been included. If you are interested in exhibiting at the conference please let us know! In addition, we are seeking financial assistance to help cover postage, printing and presenter costs. What is your Federal ID Number? 48-0637922. Child Start, Inc is a public charity eligible to receive tax-deductable contributions.

1002 S. Oliver Wichita, KS 67218

Call C a for for Donations Donat ons Intent I ntent to to contribute contribute
Organization Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Contact Person: ___________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: _____________________________ Fax Number: __________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Website: __________________________________________________________________________________

Door Prizes we will contribute:

Packet Stuffers we will contribute:

Please return this form to: Child Start Kim Garcia/GWC Donations 1002 S. Oliver Wichita, KS 67218

Thank you for making a difference in the lives of children!

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