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Minerals Engineering 18 (2005) 13341336 This article is also available online at: www.elsevier.


Technical note

Improvement of mineralogical and chemical characterization to predict the acid leaching of geometallurgical units from Mina Sur, Chuquicamata, Chile
S. Helle

a,* ,

U. Kelm a, A. Barrientos b, P. Rivas b, A. Reghezza

n, Barrio Universitario s/n, Casilla 160-C, Correo 3, Postal Code 4070386, Concepcio n, Chile Instituto GEA, Universidad de Concepcio b a, Departamento de Ingenier a Metalu rgica, Universidad de Concepcio n, Casilla 160-C, Correo 3, Facultad de Ingenier n, Chile Postal Code 4070386, Concepcio c n, Codelco Norte, Chuquicamata, Chile Director Metalurgia de Procesos, Gerencia de Produccio Received 28 April 2005; accepted 9 September 2005

Abstract Chemical and mineralogical changes were studied during experimental sulphuric acid leaching of oxide copper ores from Mina Sur, Chuquicamata, Chile, to validate predictive tools for the heap leaching process. 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Copper oxide ores; Non-ferrous metallic ores; Cation exchange; Leaching; Ore mineralogy

1. Introduction The continuous eorts to improve the recovery of copper in heap leaching operations (Hutchinson and Ellison, 1992; Fonseca et al., 1992; Za nker et al., 2002) point to gangue mineralogy (phyllosilicates and zeolites principally) as a key parameter to predict the leaching process. The principal ores at Mina Sur, are chrysocolla, atacamite, copper wad and pitch with quartz, feldspars, phyllosilicates, iron oxides and hydroxides as gangue minerals; each geologic unit is assigned a Geo-Metallurgical Unit (UGM) based on chemical and physical quality graded from 1 to 5 marking increasing aptitude for successful Cu extraction. Blending is the option to process them, however gangue behavior has to be improved to minimize errors. A previous experimental study with synthetic aggregates (Kelm and Helle, 2003, 2005; Helle and Kelm, 2003, 2005) has aimed at to semi-quantify the interaction orereactive

gangue, using a non-traditional chemical and mineralogical characterization combined with a short leaching test; cation exchange capacity (CEC) was recommended as a predictive tool of the copper retention. The present study aims to validate these conclusions using two UGM of extreme composition from Mina Sur. 2. Experimental tica Ex and Grava Achocolatada Ores (Grava Exo Ach), were characterized macroscopically, microscopically and X-ray diraction (XRD) of the <2 lm fraction; chemical analyses (Cu, Fe, Al, Mn and Mg) were carried out on head, residues and solutions together with the CEC (Ca, Mg, Na, K) of head and residues. Analytical procedures are described in detail by Kelm and Helle (2005). Table 1 summarizes the experimental protocol. 3. Results and discussion

Corresponding author. Tel.: +56 41 204867; fax: +56 41 241045. E-mail address: (S. Helle).

Copper content and CEC represent extreme values for both ores (Table 2) and no signicant dierence has been

0892-6875/$ - see front matter 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.mineng.2005.09.029

S. Helle et al. / Minerals Engineering 18 (2005) 13341336 Table 1 Summary of the experimental parameters of cycle 1 (C1) and cycle 2 (C2), run in triplicate, without recirculation of solution Parameters Flow Real ow [H2SO4] d/h ratio Flocculant Tenso active T Leaching time Sampling Ex mass Solubility ratio Acid pretreatment Ach mass Solubility ratio Acid pretreatment Rinse rate Elution rate


C1 8 7.5 95%/25 3 7 45 15 7 12 6.325 0.98 87.08 6.415 0.56 27.65

C2 8 controlled 95%/25 3 7 45 10 7 11 6.752 0.98 98 7.125 0.56 31 5.5 (3 times) 5.5 (1 time) 1/h m2 ml/min g/l No dimension ppm ppm C days daily kg CuS/CuT kg H2SO4/ton kg CuS/CuT kg H2SO4/ton L H2O/CuT L electrolyte 6%*

Chilean Patent Application 2319-01.

Table 2 Copper content, CEC and key modal mineralogy of Ex and Ach ores Parameter CuTCuS% CEC: cmol/kg Ore minerals wt.% Reactive gangue wt.% Ex ore 3.183.12 14.76 Chrysocolla (13), copper pitch (1), copper wad (1) Phyllosilicates (58) (chlorites), iron oxidehydroxide (7) Ach ore 0.320.18 23.11 Atacamite (1), copper wad (1) Phyllosilicates (62), iron oxidehydroxide (7)

observed between the amounts of clay type minerals based on quantitative microscopic analysis. Also Fe (3.02.81%) Al (2.071.85%) Mg (0.870.71%) and Mn (0.070.03%) content are very similar for both samples. However XRD of the <2 lm clay size fraction reveals intense presence of smectite (potentially reactive) and illite in the Ach ore and a lesser presence in the Ex ore (Fig. 1). Kaolinite is the dominant phyllosilicate in the Ex ore and smectite is found partially dissolved in the residues of both ores.

The acid pretreatment leached 60% of Cu in the Ex ore and 100% in the Ach ore; a clear sulphatation of clasts surfaces is observed and not-reacted chrysocolla (Ex) remains in the nuclei of some clasts after the leaching experiment. Neoformed phases are chalcantite (Cu2SO4 5H2O) and alunogen (Al2(SO4)3 17H2O. Leaching recovered was 93% in the Ex ore and and 83% Cu in the Ach ore; water rinsing and elution recovered 0.37% and 0.19% respectively in the Ex ore, and 2.56% and 3.08% in the Ach ore.

Fig. 1. XRD charts of <2 lm fraction of head and residue of Ex and Ach ore, Ethylene glycol saturated. Intensity as counts per second (CPS).


S. Helle et al. / Minerals Engineering 18 (2005) 13341336

From 3% of Cu retained in the Ex ore, 18% is recovered by rinsing and elution and from 5% of Cu retained in the Ach ore, 100% is recovered in these two steps. Cu recovery during elution is directly dependant on the CEC. 4. Conclusions Mineral characterization by microscopy together with XRD clay phase specication in the <2 lm fraction and determination of whole ore CEC, allows to obtain a robust knowledge of the interaction oresolution in the heap leaching process. Water rinse and elution identify elements physically and chemically retained respectively by the gangue. Cu recovery is related directly to the CEC of both ores, these validating the previous previous studies with synthetic aggregates. Acknowledgement The authors thank nancial support by Conicyt (Fondecyt Grant 1010823).

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