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Running Head: DRACCA 04

Dracca 04 [Name of the Writer] [Name of the Institution]

DRACCA 04 Dracca 04

Introduction he case of Dracca is !ased on the ethica" di"emmas# here are $arious %eo%"e in$o"$ed &ho are commuted unethica" %ractices to gi$e a tough time to Dracca# 'humaster has committed a crimina" act as he is in$o"$ed in acti$it( of ac)uiring confidentia"* sensiti$e and im%ortant information# his is com%uter crime# Com%uter crimes are referred as the crimina" acti$ities that uti"i+e com%uter s(stems to a"ter or ta,e data# -urthermore* com%uter crimes are a"so referred as an acti$it( of gaining unauthori+ed access on com%uter s(stems or net&or,# C(!er crime ma( inc"ude $arious acti$ities* inc"uding hac,ing* stea"ing* co%(ing* damaging and changing an( confidentia" data or soft&are# It is often o!ser$ed that* com%uter crimes ma( great"( inf"uence the integrit( of an( organi+ation or nation# Com%uter crimes ha$e $arious categories ./ag"e(* 20120# he ana"(sis of case sho&s that %rotection of en$ironment is a serious concern &hich needs to !e carried out on indi$idua" as &e"" as go$ernment "e$e"# 1rganic farming is the method of reducing en$ironmenta" im%act of agricu"ture# It re"ies on cro% rotation techni)ue &hich is gro&ing different cro%s in the same area %eriodica" seasons# Changing of cro%s seasona""( can reduce the %o%u"ation of %ests &hich means "o&er use of %esticides# At the same time* it can decrease soi" erosion and ma,e the "and usa!"e for a "ong %eriod of time .2err* 20030#

Discussion and Analysis 'humaster and rend/a!( are in$o"$ed in crimina" acts of %hishing# 4hishing is one of the most dangerous and disastrous crimes of com%uter s(stems# 4hishing is referred as an

DRACCA 04 acti$it( of ac)uiring confidentia"* sensiti$e and im%ortant information# his information ma( inc"ude credit card detai"s* %ass&ords and user names# It is often o!ser$ed that %hishing is %erformed through emai"s# his ,ind of com%uter crime ma( great"( inf"uence the %ri$ac( and confident"( of the user and ma( "ead him6her to se$ere conse)uences# he immense gro&th of com%uter and internet connecti$it( and usage since "ast 10712 (ears has emerged an aff"uent o%%ortunit( for %otentia" crimina"s# Whi"st causes intend not to modif(* a num!er of o%%ortunities for c(!er crime are continua""( increasing# Considering the increased num!er of com%uter and internet !ased crimes* it is ama+ing to notif( that there ha$e not !een enough efforts to construct and im%"ement crimino"ogica" theories to the notion of com%uter crimes# he en$ironmenta" "a&s a!ide Dracca to in the manner that the Act creates a ne& !asis

for the %rotection of a"" e"ements of the en$ironment and the en$ironment as a &ho"e# It contains com%rehensi$e %ro$isions for the %rotection of air and noise %rotection against e"ectromagnetic fie"ds and* &here %ossi!"e* harmoni+es the re)uirements and %rocedures for the %rotection of the en$ironment# Im%"ement %ro$isions of the Act: the %recautionar( %rinci%"e* the %rinci%"e of an integrated a%%roach to en$ironmenta" %rotection* the %rinci%"e of socia"i+ation of decision7 ma,ing in the fie"d of en$ironmenta" %rotection# he issues inc"ude &ater %rotection* %rotection against &aste "a& refers to the set of %artition in the range .8ehman* 20040# As far as com%uter crimes or digita" crimes in &or, en$ironment and !usiness settings are concerned* the intricac( initiates &ith definition of an insider# Researchers descri!e insiders as contractors* em%"o(ees* consu"tants* he"%ers* and e$en re%resentati$es .em%"o(ees0 from other or third %art( !usiness consu"tants and their %artners and consu"tants# hese descri%tions of insiders ma,e it intricate to %oint out !eha$iors* characters* and %ersona"ities affi"iated &ith insider crime since their e9tent is so &ides%read* fundamenta""( inc"uding e$er(one affi"iated

DRACCA 04 &ith a com%an(# hus* an insider can !e considered as a technica" em%"o(ee of a com%an(# An attac, from an insider is descri!ed as the de"i!erate e9%"oitation of com%uter and information s(stems !( em%"o(ees &ho are sanctioned to access the data!ase* net&or,s* and s(stems#

Dracca committed $io"ation of en$ironmenta" "a&s &ith its 4hi"ade"%hia %"ant as the Act sets out the conditions or %rohi!itions on the manufacture* %"acing on the mar,et or use of chemica" su!stances in order to %rotect against the harmfu" effects of these su!stances and %re%arations on human hea"th or the en$ironment# he "a& is aimed at reducing the negati$e effects of certain chemica"s on the stratos%heric o+one "a(er defines the contro" "a& to dea" &ith su!stances that de%"ete the o+one "a(er* in$o"$ing the esta!"ishment of %rohi!itions and restrictions on %roduction* mar,eting and use* and su%er$ision of com%"iance &ith these %rohi!itions .Rusu"* 200:0#

Conclusion It can !e conc"uded that en$ironmenta" %ro!"ems are caused !( the num!er of Human acti$ities such as agricu"ture* energ( %ro;ects* trans%ort* mining and &ar# hese factors are the %rime reason that re"eases the to9ic gases in our en$ironment that causes Acid Rain* damaging the marine "ife and de%"eting the 1+one 8a(er# No& "et us descri!e each factor indi$idua""( and its im%act on the en$ironment# 'e$era" techni)ues can !e used !( Dracca to reduce the ris, of com%uter hac,ing# hese techni)ues ma( inc"ude %o% u% !"oc,ers* anti$irus insta""ation on each com%uter s(stem of an organi+ation and fire&a""s# In addition to this* a%%ro%riate ,no&"edge of em%"o(ees regarding the net&or, securit( and its $u"nera!i"ities* ma( a"so he"% the organi+ations in minimi+ing the attac,s on their s(stems# A"" these techni)ues ma( significant"( he"% the organi+ations and

DRACCA 04 !usinesses to minimi+e the destructi$e !eha$ior* confidentia"it( !reaches* unauthori+ed access and e9ecution of commands i""ega""(#


DRACCA 04 References

Rusu" >#.200:0# 8ega" and ?thica" Issues in Com%uter 'ecurit(# Arab Academy for Banking & Financial Sciences 8ehman* 2# .20040 /eha$ior Ana"(sis and ?n$ironmenta" 4rotection: Accom%"ishment and 4rotection for more# Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University /ag"e(* C# .20120# >anagers and the 8ega" ?n$ironment: 'trategies for the 21st Centur( .:th ed) !engage "earning 2err* 1# '# .20030 @agueness Cha""enges to the Com%uter -raud and A!use Act# #inn " $ev % &'%

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