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Cations Fe2+

NH3 NaOH When small When small amount of NH3 amount of added, solution NaOH solution turns from pale added, green to black solution turns precipitate. from pale green to With addition of gelatinous excess NH3, dirty green. the precipitate remain In excess NaOH add,the precipitate retain.

KSCN When small amount of KSCN was added, the pale green solution turn to orange coloration with no precicipate form.

K3Fe(CN)6 K2CrO4 Solution turn When small from green to amount of greenish blue K2CrO4 colouration added,the with absence solution of precipitate. turns form pale green to light orange solution with no precipitate. When in excess, it turn to dirty brown precipitate. When K2Fe(CN)6 was added, pale green solution turns to dark blue precipitate. When small amount of yellow K2CrO4 added, pale orange solution turns to dark orange coloration with no precipitate form. When solution of HgCl2 added to solution of Sn2+, there is no reaction.


When NH3 added, pale orange solution turns to orange precipitate. When excess NH3 added, solution turn to red brown precipitate.


Cr3+ Co2+

When small When KSCN amount of added NaOH solution solution turns added, pale from pale orange orange to red solutions turn blood to brown coloration precipitate. with no There were no precipitate changes when form. NaOH solution added in excess. When NH3 When NaOH When KI solution added solution added solution to solution of to solution of added to Sn2+, there is Sn2+, there is solution of no reaction. no reaction. Sn2+,colourles After excess After excess s solution NH3 added, NaOH added, turn to yellow there is still no there is still no solution reaction. reaction. When excess added, there is no reaction. Addition of small amount NaOH, Addition of Addition No reaction small amount small occur.

When solution of K2CrO4 added to solution of Sn2+, colourless solution turn to dark yellow

The colour of the solution

No reaction occur.


of NH3, the colour of the solution change from red to dark blue and blue precipitate was formed. In excess, the blue precipitate was not dissolve. Addition of small amount of NH3, no reaction was occur. In excess, the colour of mixture change from green to blue.

amount of NaOH, the colour of the solution change from red to purple and purple precipitate was formed. In excess, the purple precipitate was formed. Addition of small amount NaOH, the colour of the solution change from green to pale green and pale green precipitate was formed. In excess, the precipitate was not dissolve.

change from green to pale green and pale green precipitate was formed.

No reaction

The colour of the solution change from green to pale green and precipitate was formed.

Mn2+ When NH3 When small When small When small The small amount amount of amount of amount of 2+ Mn solution added NaOH solution KSCN added solution 2+, become to Mn The added, the the colourless added, the purple colourless colourless solution colourless colour solution is solution is remain. solution is when it changed to changed to When in changed to heated white yellow white excess, the white colour. with the precipitated precipitated solution still The white flame. colour. colour. retain. colour is When in The white changed to excess, The precipitated more white yellow colour is precipitate precipitated changed to white colour colour is white yellow when changed more precipitated solution was

Adddition of small amount of K2CrO4, the colour of the solution change from green to yellowish green. In excess, the colour of the solution change from yellowish green to yellow. When small amount of solution added to Mn2+,the colourless solution is changed to light yellow colour and change to pale yellow when added in excess.


precipitated colour when in white yellow excess NaOH colour. added. When small When small When small amount of amount amount and solution added added, in excess to Zn2+, the colourless solution colourless solution turns added to solution is to white solution of changed to precipitate and Zn2+, the white then change to colourless precipitated colourless solution colour. The solution when retain. precipitate added in remain when excess. solution added in excess.

added in excess. When small amount of solution added to 2+ Zn , the colourless solution is changed to white precipitated colour. The precipitate remain when solution added in excess. When small amount of solution K3Fe(CN)6 added, the colourless solution remain. When on excess, solution turn to clear light green.

The colourless colour is remaining colourless colour.

Solution C When small When small When small amount of od amount of amount and NH3 added, NaOH added, in excess the solution colourless solution turns from solution turns added to colourless to to white solution of cloudy. When precipitate. solution C, in excess Then, white the solution precipitate colourless added, more dissolve when solution white in excess retain precipitate NaOH was formed. added.

When small amount of K2CrO4 added,solut ion turn from colourless to yellow. Them when added in excess, the yellow solution turn to light orange.


For the first test, it was conducted for the reaction between the group III cations with NH3 or ammonia solutions. For the reaction between ammonia solution with Fe2+ solutions, when small amount of it was added turns the solution of Fe 2+ from pale green to black precipitate. With the addition of excess solution to the sample, the precipitation remains. Next, for the reaction with sample pf Fe3+, when small amount of solution added, pale green solutions turn to orange precipitate. When in excess of ammonia solution added, the orange precipitate turns to red brown precipitate. For the reaction between the solution with sample of Al3+ solution, in small amount the white solution turns to gelatinous solution. When ammonia solution added in excess, there were no changes occur. For the reaction with Cr3+, green colution turns to milky green. When ammonia solution added in excess, the solution turns to grey solution. Next, for the reaction with Co2+, addition of small amount of NH3, cause the colour of the solution to change from red to dark blue with blue precipitate formed. When NH3 added in excess, the blue precipitate remain. For for reaction between NH3 and Ni2+, the addition of small amount of NH3 shows no reaction, but when added in excess solution turns from green to blue. For the reaction between NH3 with Mn2+, small amount of NH3 cause colourless solution to change to white yellow precipitate colour. When excess solution added, the white yellow precipitate colour become more. When small amount of NH3 added to Zn2+, the colourless solution is changed to white precipitate colour, while when added in excess the precipitation remained. Thus, to compare between these cations by using NH3 solutions we can observed from the colour of the sample when added with small amount and with in excess amount simultaneously. Second test was carried out between NaOH, or sodium Hydroxide solutions woth the group III cations. For the reaction between NaOH solution with Fe 2+, small amount of it turns the solution from pale green to gelatinous dirty green and the precipitation remain when added in excess. Next, when small amount of NaOH solution added to Fe3+ solution, it turns from pale green to brown precipitate and there were no changes when NaOH solution added in excess. When small amount of

solution added to Al3+ solution, the solution turns from white to gelatinous form, while when NaOH added in excess, the gelatinous dissolve. For the reaction with Cr3+, green solution turns to light green with no precipitate formed. Next, the reaction of NaOH with Co2+, with small amount of NaOH, the colour of the solution change from red to purple with purple precipitate formed and addition of excess NaOH doesnt cause any change to the precipitation. Reaction of solution with Mn2+ cause the green solution to turn from green to pale green solution along with green precipitate formed. In excess of solution, the precipitate retain. The reaction between solution with Zn2+, when small amount of NaOH added, the colourless solution turns to white precipitate that change to white yellow when added with excess NaOH solutions. For the next test, the reaction is between small amount of KSCN solution with the group III cations. When small amount of solutions added to Fe2+, the pale green solution turns to orange coloration with no precipitate form. When KSCN added to solution of Fe3+, solution turns from pale orange to red blood coloration with no precipitation present. When KSCN added to Al3+, solutions turns from white to very light orange solutions. While for the reaction with Co2+, Ni2+, Zn2+ and Mn2+, there were no change to the solution and assume to be no reaction. Thus to compare for the reaction between KSCN solution with all the cations, there we can see between the presence of reaction for the changes of color or not. For this test, only three cations can be compared which is Fe2+, Fe3+ and Al3+ by color change. The next test is between K2Fe(CN)6 solutions with the cations III. The addition light yellow potassium hexacyanoferrate turns solution of Fe2+ from green to greenish blue coloration with absence of precipitation. While for the reaction with Fe3+, the solutions turns from pale green to dark blue precipitate. For the reaction with Al 3+ solutions, the solutions turn from white to yellowish white. Next, the reaction with Cr3+ cause no changes for the solution with green solution remain. The reaction with Ni2+ cause solution to change from green to pale green precipitate. Reaction with Mn2+ cause white precipitate to formed from colorless solutions. When small amount of solution added to Zn2+, the colorless solution is changed to white precipitated colour. Thus to compare, we can also see the change of colour and we can also

compare Co2+ with other cations III from the reaction with K2Fe(CN)6 solution where there will be no reaction occur or no changes in the states and colour of the initial solutions. Final test is between cation III with solution of potassium chromate solution or K2CrO4. When small amount of K2CrO4 added,the solution of Fe2+, it turns form pale green to light orange solution with no precipitate. When in excess, it turn to dirty brown precipitate. When small amount of yellow K2CrO4 added to solution of Fe3+, pale orange solution turns to dark orange coloration with no precipitate form. For the reaction of small amount solution with Al3+, the solutions turns from white to orange. When K2CrO4 added in excess, the orange solutions turns to darker form. For the reaction with Cr3+ with small amount of K2CrO4, green solution turns to dark green solutions while in excess it turns to dark yellow solutions. There were no reaction occur with Co2+ solutions. Addition of small amount of K2CrO4 to Ni2+, the colour of the solution change from green to yellowish green. While in excess, the colour of the solution change from yellowish green to yellow. When small amount of solution added to Mn2+,the colourless solution is changed to light yellow colour and change to pale yellow when added in excess. There is no sign of change on colour or formation of precipitate when solution added with Zn2+. For the reaction that only for Mn2+, The Mn2+ colorless solution become purple color when it heated with the flame. For the reaction of the entire reagent with sample of solution C. When small amount of NH3 added, the solution turns from colorless to cloudy. When in excess solution added, more white precipitate formed. Next, when small amount of NaOH added, colourless solution turns to white precipitate. Then, white precipitate dissolve when in excess NaOH was added. When small amount and in excess solution added to solution of solution C, the colourless solution retain. When small amount of solution K3Fe(CN)6 added, the colourless solution remain. When on excess, solution turn to clear light green. When small amount of K2CrO4 added,solution turn from colourless to yellow. Them when added in excess, the yellow solution turn to light orange. Compared to all results, there were probability that the solution C is Zn2+.

The carried experiment can help us to differentiate between cations III by undergoes certain experiment. The test that can be carried on is the test between the cations III with solutions such as NH3, NaOH, KSCN, K3Fe(CN)6, and K2CrO4. The difference in colou formation, precipitate change and formation also the form can help us to differentiate between the cations and help us to determine an unknown compound if were given to us by comparing with the results obtained. Such as solution C, it has a similar reactions that Zn2+ undergoes with all the solutions stated earlier.

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