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isrIrwgu mhlw 3 G{ 1 ] (27-1, isrIrwgu, mhlw 3)

Siree Raag, Third Mehl, First

i#s hI $I isr$wr h% i&s hI $w s'u $!ie ] (27-1, isrIrwgu, mhlw 3)

()er*!+e ,el!+gs t! the -+e wh! rules the .+i)erse/ gurmui0 $wr $mw)1I s2u Git 3rgtu h!ie ] (27-2, isrIrwgu, mhlw 3) The Gurmu$h 3ra2ti2es g!!d deeds, a+d the truth is re)ealed i+ the heart/ 4M&ir i#s $% s2u )s% s2* s2I s!ie ] (27-2, isrIrwgu, mhlw 3) True is the re3utati!+ !5 the true, withi+ wh!m truth a,ides/ si2 iml* s* + i)6u7ih i&+ i+# Gir )wsw h!ie ]1] (27-2, isrIrwgu, mhlw 3) Th!se wh! meet the True 8!rd are +!t se3arated agai+9 the* 2!me t! dwell i+ the h!me !5 the sel5 dee3 withi+/ ::1:: m*r* rwm m% hir i,+u 4){ + $!ie ] (27-3, isrIrwgu, mhlw 3) - m* 8!rd; <ith!ut the 8!rd, I ha)e +! !ther at all/ s&gu{ s2u 3R'u i+rmlw s,id imlw)w h!ie ]1] rhwa ] (27-3, isrIrwgu, mhlw 3) The True Guru leads us t! meet the Imma2ulate True G!d thr!ugh the <!rd !5 is Sha,ad/ ::1::=ause:: s,id iml% s! imil rh% i#s +a 4w3* le* imlwie ] (27->, isrIrwgu, mhlw 3) -+e wh!m the 8!rd merges i+t! imsel5 is merged i+ the Sha,ad, a+d remai+s s! merged/ d.#% 'wie $! +w iml% i=ir i=ir 4w)% #wie ] (27-?, isrIrwgu, mhlw 3) @! !+e merges with im thr!ugh the l!)e !5 dualit*9 !)er a+d !)er agai+, the* 2!me a+d g! i+ rei+2ar+ati!+/ s' mih ie$u )r&dw e*$! rih4w smwie ] (27-?, isrIrwgu, mhlw 3) The -+e 8!rd 3ermeates all/ The -+e 8!rd is 3er)adi+g e)er*where/ i#s +a 4wi3 die4wlu h!ie s! gurmui0 +wim smwie ]2] (27-A, isrIrwgu, mhlw 3) That Gurmu$h, u+t! wh!m the 8!rd sh!ws is 0i+d+ess, is a,s!r,ed i+ the @aam, the @ame !5 the 8!rd/ ::2:: 3i7 3i7 3Mi5& #!&$I )wd $rih ,I2w{ ] (27-A, isrIrwgu, mhlw 3) 45ter all their readi+g, the =a+dits, the religi!us s2h!lars, a+d the astr!l!gers argue a+d de,ate/ mi& ,uiB ')I + ,uCeD 4M&ir l!' i)$w{ ] (27-7, isrIrwgu, mhlw 3) Their i+telle2t a+d u+dersta+di+g are 3er)erted9 the* #ust d!+Et u+dersta+d/ The* are 5illed with greed a+d 2!rru3ti!+/ l0 2arwsIh 'rmd* 'Rim 'Rim h!ie 0u4w{ ] (27-7, isrIrwgu, mhlw 3)


Thr!ugh F/> milli!+ i+2ar+ati!+s the* wa+der l!st a+d 2!+5used9 thr!ugh all their wa+deri+g a+d r!ami+g, the* are rui+ed/ 3.ri, ili04w $mw)1w $!ie + m*t1hw{ ]3] (27-F, isrIrwgu, mhlw 3) The* a2t a22!rdi+g t! their 3re-!rdai+ed desti+*, whi2h +! !+e 2a+ erase/ :: 3:: si&gur $I s*)w gw07I is{ dI#% 4w3u g)wie ] (27-F, isrIrwgu, mhlw 3) It is )er* di55i2ult t! ser)e the True Guru/ Surre+der *!ur head9 gi)e u3 *!ur sel5ish+ess/ s,id imlih &w hir iml% s*)w 3)% s' Gwie ] (27-H, isrIrwgu, mhlw 3) RealiIi+g the Sha,ad, !+e meets with the 8!rd, a+d all !+eEs ser)i2e is a22e3ted/ 3wris 3ris4% 3wrsu h!ie #!&I #!i& smwie ] (27-H, isrIrwgu, mhlw 3) '* 3ers!+all* e13erie+2i+g the =ers!+alit* !5 the Guru, !+eEs !w+ 3ers!+alit* is u3li5ted, a+d !+eEs light merges i+t! the 8ight/ i#+ $a 3.ri, ili04w i&+ s&gu{ imil4w 4wie ]>] (27-1J, isrIrwgu, mhlw 3) Th!se wh! ha)e su2h 3re-!rdai+ed desti+* 2!me t! meet the True Guru/ ::>:: m+ 'u0w 'u0w m& $rih m& &. $rih 3.$wr ] (27-1J, isrIrwgu, mhlw 3) - mi+d, d!+Et 2r* !ut that *!u are hu+gr*, alwa*s hu+gr*9 st!3 2!m3lai+i+g/ l0 2arwsIh i#i+ isrI s's% d*ie 4Bw{ ] (27-11, isrIrwgu, mhlw 3) The -+e wh! 2reated the F/> milli!+ s3e2ies !5 ,ei+gs gi)es suste+a+2e t! all/ i+r'a sdw die4wlu h% s'+w $rdw swr ] (27-11, isrIrwgu, mhlw 3) The Fearless 8!rd is 5!re)er Mer2i5ul9 e ta$es 2are !5 all/ +w+$ gurmui0 ,uCI4% 3weD4% m!0 du4w{ ]?]3]3A] (27-12, isrIrwgu, mhlw 3) - @a+a$, the Gurmu$h u+dersta+ds, a+d 5i+ds the B!!r !5 8i,erati!+/ ::?::3:: 3A

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