Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) Resources

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Modern foreign languages (MFL) resources

This document provides a collection of online resources related to teaching modern foreign languages (MFL). These range from general and teaching resources to example MFL teacher blogs, sites to support the promotion of language learning and professional development sites and course providers. This is not an exhaustive list, but is intended to provide a starting point to explore the wealth of resources available to you. To find out more about the routes into teaching, visit the teacher training options pages on the Teaching Agency (TA) website. Please note that the TA is not responsible for the content or reliability of websites linked to and does not necessarily support the views expressed within them. Links to a website included here should not be taken as an endorsement of any kind. The TA cannot guarantee that these links will work all of the time as we have no control over the availability of these linked pages.

General MFL resources

Most of the websites in this category provide information relevant to all modern languages. The list includes the main subject associations and websites with key information on MFL as a subject area. Languages Work is a national information resource about careers with languages. The National Centre for Languages (CILT) aims to promote a greater capability in languages in the UK. The QCDA secondary curriculum pages outline the statutory content and the programme of study for MFL at key stage 3. The Association for Language Learning (ALL) is the major subject association for those involved in teaching foreign languages at all levels and in all languages. The Routes into Languages programme has set up a number of regional consortia where groups of universities work with schools and colleges to encourage students to study languages. Ofsted published a report on the changing landscape of languages and a follow-up analysis on the achievements and challenges from 20072010. The MFL Times Daily is a Twitter experiment to produce a daily online newspaper generated by language teachers from the UK and around the world.

Teaching resources
Most teaching resources are provided for all mainstream languages taught in schools in the UK. Additional resources created by teachers for their language specialism can be found on teacher blogs and in online MFL forums such as the TES Connect MFL forum. MYLO is a resource created by the Department for Education (DfE), designed to engage young people in learning languages by providing a flexible set of language resources in French, German, Spanish and Chinese that can be used by students at home or in school, and individually or in groups. The MFL resources site collates resources donated by practising teachers and it is run entirely by volunteers. The LinkedUp Award Scheme is a resource bank offering ideas, inspiration and materials for MFL teachers. The BBC language pages offer a wealth of interactive resources in all major modern languages that can be used to enrich the classroom experience. TES connect offers extensive teaching resources such as lesson plans, worksheets and teaching ideas for French, German and Spanish teachers at secondary level. Links into Languages have produced a 10 minute guide on the importance of intercultural learning and understanding as an underlying rationale for studying languages. The use of technology in the classroom is a key area in the teaching practice of modern languages. Several of the teacher blogs provided in this document share ideas and resources; you can also have a look at a 10 minute guide to ICT or CILTs ICT resource section.

MFL teacher blogs

The internet has provided a platform for MFL teachers to share their experiences, resources and thoughts about their profession in personal blogs. The blogs listed here are only a selection; you can discover more via Google search or by reviewing the related blog links on the sites listed. The Langwitch Chronicles Helena Butterfields journey through MFL teaching, the web and beyond! Alex Blagona blogs about his interest in using new technologies to engage and motivate students in learning languages. Dom's MFL Page the self-confessed ramblings of a 40-something languages teacher. Changing Phase the experiences of an MFL teacher who has changed from teaching languages in secondary school to primary school level.

Integrating ICT into the MFL classroom Joe Dale offers practical tips and advice on using ICT to enhance the teaching of modern foreign languages. Helen Myers language teaching ideas and links

Promoting language learning

Being able to encourage students and gain support from colleagues and parents is an integral part of the role of MFL teachers. These resources provide ideas and inspiration on how to promote languages in a variety of ways. Why study languages? The Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies (LLAS), in conjunction with Routes into Languages developed this website to excite, educate and encourage young people to continue with their language learning in KS3, KS4 and post-16. The site is written by university students who have recent experience of studying languages at GCSE and A-level. It also provides useful resources for making the case to parents, answering parents questions and supporting material for parents evenings. The LLAS also provides further resources related to the promotion of language learning and has identified more than 700 reasons to study languages to help and promote language study. Speak to the future this campaign promotes the value of languages and language learning in the UK. The Routes into Languages programme also provides resources to support the promotion of languages. The European Language Label is an award for innovative language-learning projects and may be useful as a powerful promotional tool in your school and community. The cultural institutes for France, Germany and Spain promote the relevant languages as well as providing a multitude of resources for teachers: Institut Franais promotes the French language and culture, but also encourages cross-cultural exchange. The Goethe Institut German resources and campaigns to increase the take-up of German through creative campaigns such as Meet the Germans and Step into German. The Consejera de Educacin seeks to promote and support the teaching of Spanish language and culture through several programmes and services for teachers in the UK.

Continuing professional development (CPD)

Teaching modern languages requires a creative mind and commitment to ongoing professional development to be able to provide the best learning experience to students. The TA professional development pages provide a good starting point for CPD information. Further websites offering opportunities and resources to enhance your skills are also available: Links into Languages provides a wide range of continuing professional development courses. These courses are offered through a network of regional and local centres. The CILT 14-19 training zone offers CPD resources for MFL teachers of students aged 14-19. The DfE MFL e-learning modules is a public online course covering guidance and resources on planning, MFL-specific pedagogy as well as generic pedagogy and wholeschool issues.

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