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INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 3 AUSTRALIA ................................................................................................................................................ 4 CITIES IN AUSTRALIA ..................................................................................................................................... 6 WILDLIFE OF AUSTRALIA .................................................................................................................... 11 POLITICS AND GOVEMMENT .............................................................................................................. 12 BILATERAL ECONOMIC AND TRADE RELATIONSHIP .................................................................. 14 EXPORT AND VESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES ..................................................................................... 16 CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 19 BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................................................................... 20 ANNEXES .................................................................................................................................................. 21

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In this paper we develop a research about different English-speaking countries that have trade relations with Chile, from a country that was selected which globally detailing their characteristics, such as capital, currency, flags, exports and imports, its GDP and gross national product in this case is Australia which belongs to the Commonwealth in order to present data that are culturally relevant form of government which is federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy. Australia and Chile have a strong bilateral relationship, based on many shared interests and cooperation in a range of international fora. Both countries are major southern hemisphere mining and agricultural economies, and share an Asia-Pacific trade focus. A free trade agreement, double taxation agreement and social security agreement underpin a growing trade and investment relationship. Australia and Chile have embassies in their respective capitals. The Chilean government had consular representation in Australia as early as 1899 in Newcastle. Diplomatic ties were established when the first Chilean charg d'affaires en titre presented credentials in Canberra on 5 July 1945. After several periods of suspension, the mission was upgraded to an Embassy with an Ambassador in September 1969. Similarly, an Australian Legation in Chile was established in August 1946 and after a period of suspension, Australia announced the decision to re-establish the mission in the form of an embassy in Santiago in June 1968.

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Is a sovereign state in Oceania , the form of federal government is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy . Occupies the main mass called Sahul platform , plus some Pacific islands , Indian and Antarctic . The countries closest to Australia are Indonesia , East Timor and Papua New Guinea to the north , the Solomon Islands , Vanuatu and the French dependency of New Caledonia to the northeast and New Zealand to the southeast . Australia is the sixth largest country in the world with an area of 7,686,850 km . Its capital , Canberra , is located in the Australian Capital Territory . The country's population in 2011 was about 21.5 million inhabitants, concentrated mainly in the large coastal cities : Sydney , Melbourne , Brisbane , Perth and Adelaide and the capital of Canberra, the official currency is the Australian dollar Australia has been inhabited for more than forty-two thousand years by the Australian Aborigines. After sporadic visits by fishermen from northern explorers and traders and Europe began in the seventeenth century , the eastern half of the continent was claimed by England in 1770 and in 1788 established a penal colony in New South Wales. Due to the settlement of colonists, to its population growth and the exploration of new areas, during the nineteenth century was established on five other British colonies.

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On January 1, 1901 , the six colonies federated to form the Commonwealth of Australia . Since its institution has maintained a stable liberal democratic political system and has remained a monarchy within the British Commonwealth. In the conventional division into continents, Australia is included in Oceania , which also includes the islands of the Pacific. However, English speakers talk about " Australian continent " without Australia , from a geological point of view , constitutes a continent. New Zealand and the adjacent islands also make Australia a continent outside the Sahul platform , but it is often associated with the historical and political proximity.

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CITIES IN AUSTRALIA Sidney Capital of the State of New South Wales. Located on the Bay of Jackson , is the city with the highest number of people in Australia , (6.4 million) . The majority of British origin and irlands. Tiene the highest concentration of foreign immigrants . 's Financial and business center of the country, The Sydney Opera House is one of the landmarks of the city and one of the masterpieces of modern architecture 's most famous mundo. Otro of the symbols is the Sydney Harbour Bridge ( or Sydney Harbour Bridge ) , built between 1923 and 1932 to connect the city center with port districts located on the opposite bank . The Rocks is a historical area with buildings dating from the colonial period Australian, Bondi Beach is the most famous Australian beach . Here, thousands of people gather for water sports within which predominates surf.El port is considered the heart of this city, for being a city of young people, is a paradise for those who enjoy the nightlife . Restaurants, night clubs , theater , opera and a lot of history and culture is the daily life of this city that little sleep The main attractions are there in Sydney are: - Blue Mountains National Park - Darling Harbour - The Opera House - Bondi Beach - Chinatown - Sydney Tower

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It is the capital of the State of Victoria . Located at the mouth of the Yarra River , near Port Philip Bay , Sydney After city is the second largest population (4.7 million) and is constantly growing due to its huge labor market, is known for its sporting events such as the Australia Open Tennis , Grand Prix and the Melborne Cup, is notable for the high fashion , exquisite cuisine , music and theater, the population is totally multicultural , with great combination of languages, religions and lifestyles, in Melbourne Victorian architecture mixed with modern buildings and streets full of cafes , culture and shops than anywhere else in the world could compete , is considered the capital of Australian cuisine , due to its great cuisine from all regions of the world.We also is known as the center of arts and culture. In the Lygon Street , St Kilda , Brunswick and China Town are located the most important theaters and clubs . In the center of town is a large number of hotels , theaters , museums , art galleries , restaurants and bars , as well as many tourist attractions . While you stay in this area may be more expensive at first , so is taking advantage over the days and also saves on transporte.Melbourne is well known in Australia for its crazy weather (4 seasons in one day ) where it is possible to wake up in the morning with 16 degrees C , and by afternoon the temperature reaches 38 degrees , up and down like a roller coaster. People do not do anything without checking the weather report before leaving the house. The main attractions of Melbourne include: - The National Gallery of Victoria - Melbourne Botanical Gardens - Murray River - Melbourne Zoo

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It is the capital of Australia. A young, modern city with a population of approximately 350,000 habitantes.El name Canberra comes from the Aboriginal word " Kamberra " which means " Place Known " . Canberra is not in a state of Australia , but in the " Australian Capital Territory " , is the seat of Australian government , parliament and diplomatic missions . Most of the attractions are around the lake , called the " Parliamentary Triangle " which highlights festivals , galleries , embassies , gardens and events deportivos.Se known for its outdoor activities throughout the year . Bicycle tours , hot air balloon hot air over the city , golf at one of the many golf , gliding, parasailing , paintball , mountain biking and boating are just some of ellas.Existen more than 300 restaurants , cafes , and bars they offer a huge variety of foods which reflect the diversity of the capital. Its nightlife is pretty hectic from mid- September to mid- October ( spring) million flower bulbs transform the park into an event called Canberra Floriade . This is the biggest festival of flowers Australia offers a range of festivals and events, among which stand out the Subaru Rally , the National Multicultural Festival , National Folk Festival and the Canberra Balloon Fiesta famous museums and galleries offer magnificent works of art and articles relating to the Australian Aborigines.

Adelaide Capital of South Asutralia . Fifth largest city in Australia . With 1.6 million of habitantes.Su lifestyle is quiet . It is considered one of the most conservadoras.Est divided east to west by the River Torrens , with beautiful parks , museums , galleries , botanical gardens and rowing competitions casinos.Las and famosas.Es water activities are completely flat , optimal for explored by bicycle The number of restaurants , Boites , Art Galleries , Shopping centers and overall fun for all ages , is quite large and variada.Los markets are considered the best in Australia , there are legumes and vegetables from around the world.The music festivals are frequent , attracting national and internacionales.Sus artists inhabitants are quite collaborators and hospitalarios.La outskirts of the city , offering beautiful walks and enjoy stunning beaches, where you place the edge Surf.Un practice river is worth a visit is the zoo , with various Australian species such as kangaroos, koalas and many native birds on display. Its main attractions are :

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- Aboriginal Culture Gallery Tandanya - Kangaroo Island - Botanical Garden - Adelaide Festival Centre - South Australian Museum - Clealand Wildlife Park - Adelaide Casino


It is the state capital Queensland.Tercera Australia 's largest city after Sydney and Melbourne (3.5 million) . Approximately 20 % of the inhabitants are foreigners. The most widely spoken languages , except English, are Chinese , Vietnamese and italiano.Se located east of the Great Dividing Range , southeast of the Taylor Range and near Moreton Bay . The city is bisected by the Brisbane River which is navigable to sea abierto.Esta city is considered " The city of the sunny days" . The climate is perfect. It has an average of 300 days of sunshine a year making this feature a magnet for locals and an excellent extranjeros.Goza artificial beach built beside the river in the area known as Southbank.Moreton Bay and its islands allow you to enjoy water sports and other actividades.Es a cosmopolitan city with a lively cultural.Citycat is a catamaran boat operating in the river and part of the local public transport , making it a popular promenade for tourists. The main attractions of Brisbane are: - Southbank park - Alma Park Zoo - St. Helen Island - Tangalooma Wild Dolphin Resort - Museum of Brisbane

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It stands out as one of the world's most isolated cities. It is located on the banks of the Swan River. It has a population of a million and a half habitantes.Su architecture modern skyscrapers blend with the beauty of Gregorian and victorianas.Tiene houses some of the best restaurants, cafes and night clubs in the country with culinary influences from around the world . offers beaches for all tastes, calm waters and waves considered "very good" for surfers. The main attractions of Perth are: - National Park Nambung - Kings Park - City Beach - Cottesloe Beach - Swan Valley - Museum of Western Australia - Port of Fremantle

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The Australian fauna brings a huge variety of unique animals : 83% of mammals , 89% of reptiles , 90% of fish and insects and 93% of amphibians that inhabit the continent are endemic countries.1 This high level of endemicity can be attributed to the isolation of the continent, to the stability of her tectonic plates and the effect of unusual patterns of climate change, which also affect the soil and flora over geological time. A unique feature of Australia's fauna is the relative scarcity of placental mammals , as opposed to the abundance of marsupials , a group of mammals that complete their embryonic development into a pouch. These marsupials including the macropods , falageriformes and Dasyuromorphia ( as the thylacine or Tasmanian wolf ) , which occupy a number of ecological niches exploited in other parts of the world for placental mammals . Australia has been the territory of two of the five known extinct species of monotremes and many poisonous species , such as the platypus , spiders , scorpions , octopus, jellyfish , pufferfish and stripes. In fact , Australia has more species of poisonous snakes harmless , another sign of their uniqueness in this regard.

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The Commonwealth of Australia is a constitutional monarchy and has a parliamentary system of government . Queen Elizabeth II is currently the head of the Australian state and uses the formal title of Queen of Australia , fulfilling a different role to that exercised in other Commonwealth realms . She is nominally represented by the Governor General at the federal level and by the governor of each state. Although the Constitution gives extensive executive powers to the Governor General , the implementation thereof is usually carried out only with the advice of the Prime Minister. The most notable exercise of the power reserved to the Governor General , away from the direction of the Prime Minister , was over from Gough Whitlam latter political office during the Australian constitutional crisis of 1975. There are three branches in the government of Australia : Legislature: Parliament of Australia , including the Queen, the Senate and House of Representatives. The Queen is represented by the Governor General , who in practice exerts constitutional power only with the approval of the Prime Minister . The executive : the Federal Executive Council ( the Governor-General in accordance with Executive Directors ) . In practice , the councilors are the Prime Minister and Ministers of State. Judicial branch: Supreme Court of Australia and other federal courts . The state courts formally became independent Judicial Committee of the Privy Council when the Australia Act was passed in 1986 . The Parliament of the Confederation , which is bicameral , consisting of the Queen , the Senate (upper house ) , composed of 76 senators , and the House of Representatives (lower house ), consisting of 150 members. Members of the lower house constituencies are postulated in -person , commonly known as electorates ( " electorates ") or seats ( " seats " ) . The seats in the House of Representatives are allocated to states based on the population of each of them. In the Senate , each state , regardless of population, is represented by 12 senators , while the territories ( Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory ) are represented by two senators each. Elections for both chambers are held every three years , renewing only half the Senate seats from the states and all the senators for the territories. This means that states senators hold that position for a period of six years and territorial senators hold such office for a period of three years. The party or coalition has the support of the majority in the House of Representatives forms the government , becoming the leading one in the Prime Minister.

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There are three main political parties : the Labour Party , the Liberal Party and the National Party . The independent and minor party members - including the Greens and the Australian Democrats - have achieved representation in parliament , mainly in the upper house , although its influence has not been of great importance. Since the 2007 elections , the Labour Party , currently led by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is in power . In the 2004 election , the Coalition won control of the Senate , marking the first time in over 20 years that a party ( or coalition of parties) has done while he was also the head of the national government. For 2006 , the Labour Party was in power in all states and territories. Voting is compulsory for every citizen over 18 years both in territorial or state level as well as in the elections nacionales Most of the approximately 21 million Australians live concentrated in major cities. Australia's population has quadrupled since the end of World War I, spurred by an ambitious immigration program. In 2001, the five major groups making up 23.1% of Australians born overseas were from the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Italy, Vietnam and China. After the abolition of the White Australia policy in 1973, numerous government initiatives promoted ethnic harmony based on a policy of multiculturalism Like other developed countries Australia is experiencing an aging population, with more retirees and fewer people of working age. A large number of Australians ( 759,849 for the period 20022003) live outside their home country. Australia has remained one of the most active immigration programs in the world to drive the growth of the population. Many immigrants are well prepared in terms of their education , although there are also refugees. English is the official language and is spoken and written in a variant known as Australian English . According to the 2001 census , English is the only language spoken in the home for about 80 % of the population. After this , the most spoken languages in the home environment are Chinese (2.1% ), Italian ( 1.9 % ) and Greek (1.4% ) . The Spanish ( 0.5 % ), with 104,000 speakers is the seventh country influential language . Most Spanish speakers in Australia are from Argentina , Uruguay, Chile or Spanish . A Spanish-speaking Australians they can be found in the big cities , mainly in Sydney and Melbourne. The Spanish-speaking community of Australia is number 25 in the world with a population that can easily exceed 100 thousand people , most Brazilians living community with more than 20 000 people totaling the various migrations of these Latin American communities . A considerable proportion of immigrants of first and second generation are bilingual. It is believed that there were between 200 and 300 Australian Aboriginal languages at the time of first contact with Europeans. Only about 70 languages have survived and around 20 are currently endangered . Indigenous languages are the main language for 50,000 people(0.02 % ). Australia has a sign language known as isolated, which is the main language for about 6,500 deaf

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Chile and Australia share a healthy and growing economic and trade relationship. Chile is Australia's third-largest trading partner in Latin America, with two-way merchandise trade totalling $1.6 billion in 2012. Exports to Chile totaled $427 million in 2012 comprising coal, beef, goods vehicles, and measuring and analysing instruments. Australia's merchandise imports from Chile totaled $1.195 billion in 2012, and included copper, lead ores and concentrates, wood, veneers, plywood, and particle board. Chile is a significant services trading partner in Latin America, with trade-in-services totalling $519 million in 2012. The entry into force in March 2009 of the Australia-Chile Free Trade Agreement (ACI-FTA) eliminated tariffs on 97 per cent of existing merchandise trade. By 2015, tariffs on 100 per cent of existing merchandise trade will be eliminated under the FTA. The FTA also contains provisions with respect to services and investment liberalisation, and guarantees access to government procurement markets. The ACI-FTA was Australia's fifth free-trade pact and the first with a Latin American country. The Australia-Chile Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) entered into force in February 2013. The agreement provides certainty for Australian and Chilean businesses through a framework for the taxation of cross-border transactions. It reduces barriers to the cross-border movement of people, capital and technology, primarily through reducing withholding taxes on dividend, interest and royalty payments. Further information is available at the Australian Treasury website or the Australian Taxation Office website's list of Countries that have a tax treaty with Australia. The Australia-Chile Social Security Agreement, signed in 2003, improved social security protection for those who have lived and/or worked in both Australia and Chile. The social security agreement also exempts Australian employers from the need to provide Chile social security support for Australian employees sent temporarily to work in Chile, provided the employee remains covered in Australia, by compulsory superannuation arrangements. Further information is available on the Australian Taxation Office website. Australian companies are significant investors in Chile. Chile's relatively open business environment has made it an ideal base for Australian companies looking to expand into Latin America. Over 100 Australian companies with over 180 projects are actively trading in Chile. More than half of the Australian or Australian-affiliated companies with offices in Chile are related to the mining industry, though this has diversified in recent years. ABS figures show that total Australian investment in Chile was $2.330 billion in 2011 and $2.7 billion in 2012. Significant Australian private-sector investors include BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto, Origin Energy, Orica (chemicals) and Pacific Hydro (power generation). The CSIRO Chile Centre of Excellence
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in Mining and Minerals Processing, co-funded by the Chilean government and supported by local universities and major industry partners, has offices in Santiago and Antofagasta.

Short-term visitor numbers are growing since Qantas began direct flights from Sydney to Santiago in March 2012, in addition to LAN services via Auckland, which commenced in 2002. Chilean tourism authorities recorded the arrival of more than 33,321 Australians in 2011, which grew by 37 per cent to 41,459 in 2012. In September 2011, Australia introduced an e-visa for Chilean tourists visiting Australia. The evisa processing system has benefitted relatives of the large resident Chilean community in Australia and facilitated a greater flow of Chilean tourists to Australia. In July 2005, Australia and Chile signed a MOU establishing a work and holiday visa program. This program began with 100 available places, and this has increased progressively to 1,500 places, reflecting the popularity of the program. Under the program, young Chileans and Australians with appropriate qualifications and language skills can explore living and working in the other country. Australia is an attractive education destination for Chileans. In June 2013, 1,350 Chilean students were enrolled in Australian institutions making Chile the third-largest source of international students from Latin America, after Brazil and Colombia. Australia's bilateral education relationship with Chile is the most sophisticated in the region. A range of collaborative agreements exist between Australian education and training institutions, the Chilean Government and with local education providers, covering scholarships, student exchanges and double degree arrangements. Australia is among the top destination countries for scholarship students funded by the Chilean Government's Becas Chile Scholarship Program. The program includes postgraduate, undergraduate and vocational education and training scholarships. New opportunities are emerging for Australian education and training providers in areas such as mining and water, where Australia has key research and teaching strengths and Chile has human capital development needs. Greater engagement between government, researchers, education and training providers and industry is taking place as a result. In 2001, the Australian Government announced the establishment of a Council on Australia Latin America Relations (COALAR). Since its inception, the Council has been active in promoting Latin America as a market for Australian exporters.

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Chile is developing frameworks to encourage more foreign investment and trade, with a view to stable and sustainable economic growth. In this context, Australian expertise, and firms, are increasing their focus on supporting the policy development framework in these countries across a number of sectors. Chile is the most like-minded country in Latin America for Australians wishing to conduct business and Australia has a significant history of investment in Chile. In 1992 Australia was Chile's third-largest investor and recent developments in the relationship, such as the Australia-Chile Free Trade Agreement and the Australia-Chile Double Taxation Agreement, have significantly reduced barriers to trade and investment. The Australia Chile Free Trade Agreement has a review process and we would welcome advice of any further obstacles faced by Australian companies when doing business in Chile. Austrade's Santiago office and the Australia-Chile Chamber of Commerce work on promoting trade and investment links between the two countries. Mining and associated services remain significant players in the bilateral economic and trade relationship, however, growing income levels within Chile and a strong economic outlook for the country means Australian agribusiness, financial services, energy and water, and education providers will also see significant opportunities in the future. Chile Free Trade Agreement Australia

Signature and Effective Signed in Canberra, Australia , on July 30, 2008 , was enacted in Chile through Supreme Decree No. 30 of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on February 4, 2009 , published in the Official Gazette on March 6, 2009 , took effect on March 6, 2009 .

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The Treaty is divided into 23 chapters , among which include those relating to the Rules of Origin ( Chapter 4 ) , Customs Administration (Chapter 5 ) , Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (Chapter 6 ) , Cross-Border Trade in Services ( Chapter 9) , Investment ( Chapter 10) , Financial Services ( Chapter 12) , Government Procurement ( Chapter 15 ) , Elelctrnico Trade ( Chapter 16 ) , Intellectual Property ( Chapter 17 ) , Cooperation (Chapter 18 ) , and Final Provisions ( Chapter 23 ) Liberalization Program From the first day of entry into force of the Agreement, immediately liberalize 97 % of trade between the two countries. The longer elimination period was established six years from the entry into force of the FTA . The agreement states that there will be no products excluded from the coverage of the Treaty , so relief will be three ways : immediately, in six years or special. So then, some products that benefit from immediate relief are: beef sausage , chicken and pork , raspberry juice , peach and apple , while in the products that are low relief in six years , include apparel , surgical gloves , raisins and fresh grapes . Meanwhile, wheat, sugar and flour are included in special categories , such that , for example, the first liberalized in 7 stages .

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General information:
Capital: Surface area: Official language: Population: Exchange rate: Santiago 757 thousand sq km Spanish 17.4 million (2012) A$1 = 496.4827 Pesos (Jan 2013) 2008 179.5 257.5 10,709 15,363 3.1 -5,800 -3.2 42.9 8.7 2009 172.1 257.5 10,167 15,211 -0.9 3,519 2.0 37.2 1.5
Real GDP growth

Head of State and Head of Government: President HE Mr Sebastin Piera Echeique

Recent economic indicators:

GDP (US$bn) (current prices): GDP PPP (Int'l $bn) (c): GDP per capita (US$): GDP per capita PPP (Int'l $) (c): Real GDP growth (% change yoy): Current account balance (US$m): Current account balance (% GDP): Goods & services exports (% GDP): Inflation (% change yoy):
Australia's merchandise trade with Chile
A$ m 1,200 Imports 1,000 800 600 400 200 2007 2012 2008 2009 2010 2011 -2 2008 2013 Exports 0 6 % 8

2010 217.3 276.0 12,713 16,147 5.8 3,224 1.5 37.6 1.4
A$ m 250 200

2011 251.0 298.6 14,552 17,310 5.9 -3,284 -1.3 37.4 3.3

2012(a) 268.2 320.5 15,410 18,419 5.5 -9,497 -3.5 35.2 3.0

2013(b) 285.7 341.9 16,273 19,475 4.9 -11,410 -4.0 34.3 2.1

Australia's merchandise exports to Chile

2007 2012

4 150 2 100 50









Exports to Chile (A$m): Imports from Chile (A$m): Total trade (exports + imports) (A$m): Major Australian exports, 2012 (A$m): Coal Beef Goods vehicles Measuring & analysing instruments Australia's trade in services with Chile, 2012: Exports of services to Chile (A$m): Imports of services from Chile (A$m): Major Australian service exports, 2012 (A$m): Prof, tech & other business services 128 Education-related travel 59 Australia's investment relationship with Chile, 2012 (e): Australia's investment in Chile (A$m): Chile's investment in Australia (A$m): 109 95 30 24

427 1,195 1,622

0.2% 0.5% 0.3%

39th 28th 34th

-11.0% 27.4% 14.4% 901 56 37 26

Major Australian imports, 2012 (A$m): Copper Lead ores & concentrates Wood, simply worked Veneers, plywood & particle board
Total share:

234 285

0.5% 0.4% Major Australian service imports, 2012 (A$m): Prof, tech & other business services Transport

149 90
FDI : 1,706 np

2,701 np

Chile's global merchandise trade relationships:

Chile's principal export destinations, 2012: 1 China 2 United States 3 Japan 17 Australia 23.2% 11.7% 11.0% 1.6% Chile's principal import sources, 2012: 1 United States 2 China 3 Argentina 21 Australia 22.0% 17.7% 7.5% 0.6%

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In the present work we can conclude, that we learned enough about the relationship, which has Chile with Australia, also which is very necessary for the economy of each country.

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