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Tips on How to Obtain a Malaysian Driving License

English or Bahasa Malaysia. JPJ also conducts test in oral for those not too proficient in the above two languages. For those in the above category, do seek the assistance of a good Driving Instructor or a reputable institute nearby. Having passed the Highway Code test leads one to the next step, which is to attend a 6 Hours Theory course. In this section, 3 hours is devoted to talking on how to maintain a good car condition. Aspects on how the JPJ conducts its test is also touch upon in this section. See the JPJ Undang-undang Passing Tips blog post. The next 3 hours of the Theory class in reality is a Practical lesson conducted by your Instructor on a one to one basis. Here, the course depend on how industrious your instructor is. Normally, you will instruct on car maintenance, namely how to maintain well, things like the radiator, battery, brake fluid, engine oil, fan and air-con belts including also air pressure of the tyres. At the end of the 3 hours session, Im quite certain your knowledge about cars would have increased four fold. Your instruction may even throw in instructing you how to change tyres in cases where you need to change punctured tyres they correct way.

Obtaining on L (Learner Probationary Drivers license) which last 3 months enables you to begin taking driving lessons. One should take note not everyone can instruct you on the road lessons. Gone are the days where your father, uncle or husband who has the experience can teach you the mechanics of driving. Today, the issuance of driving know-how is bestowed only to Driving School Instructors or those engaged by the Driving Institutes. Even vehicles (mainly Kancils due to its small size and low petrol consumption) which are normally used to teach you how to drive, how to undergo stringent Puspakom test periodically before being allowed on the road. Depending on your standard of driving, one needs to take a course on driving of between 6 to 10 hours. A course by a good and reputable instructor helps in making you a safe and careful driver. The instructor will instruct you on slope climbing, side parking techniques and 3-Point turn maneuvers. Eventually, after the above three have been taught to you, the instructor will finally go on to show you the one or maybe two (even three) test routes to be taken during the test by the Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) instructors. I must remind you also that before you appear before the JPL testers, you have first to undergo a Q.T.I or pre-test conducted a few days (even weeks) earlier. These test are conducted internally by the Institutes experienced personnel. Those test are intended to ascertain that students have indeed achieve a certain standard of

proficiencies with the relevant sections (Bahagian I Slope / Parking / 3 Point Turn) and Bahagian II (Route Test). Completion of the Q.T.I exam means that you are now prepared to appear for your JPJ test which you have so long prepared for. Remember, your test unlike previously, will be conducted at your institute where you learnt or had your training. The only difference is the test will be conducted all by the testers and officials of the JPJ department. Results will be issued to you instantly. If you fail either part of the test, you now have the opportunity to re-take your exam the following next week. Of course, you will have to undergo an extra 1 or 2 lessons to better yourself. Good luck and welcome to a world of driving experience.

Getting a Driving License in Malaysia

Please be aware that I'm explaining this in my experience and with some research on the Internet for sources and correction. For starters, getting a license, no matter for riding or driving, you'd have to contact a 'known' instructor who's certified and has experience in teaching how to ride or drive before. In my case, driving is my only choice since I do not own a motorcycle. Contacting the instructor can just simply be a call or or a visit to the only few driving school you can find around your region, in my case, there's only 2 driving school around my whole town of Kuantan, it seems to be ridiculous for the size or area on the map but since the population is just a mere less

than 50% occupied space, it seems to be 'OK'. Then, Step 2, you go for lecture to prepare yourself for the theory test, and did I mentioned that you can have a license for motorcycle at 16 and driving at 17 and the theory test must be taken before taking any of these test(only once if you take both license within a year). The 'BORING' lecture lasts for about 5 hours stated but in reality only lasts about 4 hours.

After that, you're given two books and a CD(because the theory test is taken on a PC at the driving school), a book explains about the rules and regulations on the road and more. Then another book is a compilation of 500 questions where the 50 questions in the test is chosen from. Owh, and did I mentioned about the price? My instructor charged me for RM250 for the theory test alone(which includes transport), another RM250 for the practical test(a totally time and money wasting process) and RM800 for the 8-hours of teaching and 'test trial' and the actual driving test itself. Okay, now you go home to read the book(everyone knows that nobody reads the book) and get a sense of how the test will be and then you contact your instructor to perform the test. After passing the test(passing score of 42/50), you're eligible for the next process which is the practical lesson, in this 'practical lesson' or known locally as 'AMALI' takes another RM250 and another day listening to

lecture for another fake 3 hours, then you'd wait at the driving school for the school instructor to explain the analogy of the car or motorcycle for you, THAT YOU ALREADY KNOW! So, basically, that just ate up your cash. You'll get a 'L' license after that. Then, you're eligible for a 'short lesson' of driving, a minimum of 8 hours driving lessons, WHAT IN THE WORLD THE GOVERNMENT IS THINKING? Seriously? 8 hours is enough to produce competent drivers? 8 hours? Just to make more drivers in Malaysia? Why? Making more traffic jams in Malaysia so the sky can be seen with only debris like Kuala Lumpur is? Normally, the instructor would teach 8 -10 lessons varying in hours of you driving, and it seems to be RM100 per lesson you take. After that, you'd be tested by another instructor from the school to be as a trial test taking just 10 minutes ride around the school area, LOL. Then, you're eligible for the full-fledged driving test by the guys from theRoad Transport Department or JPJ(Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan), a test of parking, up hill slope, and some more on road safety measures and so on would take a whole of 20 points and the passing point is 15 if I'm not mistaken. After that, you get a 'P' license which is your license for the next 2 years, so, this is the price to pay for getting 8 hours of minimum driving hours before the test. The 'P' license is basically meaning that you're not competent enough to drive yet, only after 2 years you're eligible for a change to CDL(Competent Driving License) which is much better and you wouldn't be summoned so seriously on the road.

How to get a driving license inMalaysia

This months expat survival looks at how to get your driving license here in Malaysia. While many dread the thought of driving in the Malaysia especially because of the KL traffic. There are few better ways to see the city and indeed the country. Important: You can only use your overseas or international drivers license for 3 months then you will need to get a Malaysian drivers license. If you already have a drivers license then it is important to check with your embassy or a driving school for the procedure on changing your license. You wont have to surrender your other license but there will be some procedures to follow. When visiting the relevant authorities remember to bring along your passport, work permit (or related info) and two passport sized color photographs. For those first timers the following awaits you. Five-hour road safety course. This is conducted in Malay so take a good book and something to munch on. The driving school will provide a booklet to study for thewritten test. Take written test. The test is not hard it consists of 45 multiple choice questions of which you can only get 4 wrong. This test must be passed, if not you can not start the practical lessons. More to the point you have to sit the test again-a real waste of time. Minimum of 16 hours of driving lessens. This is where the fun begins. Hope you like manual Kancils. Its not so badit teaches humility more than anything else. Here you not only learn to drive but to park as well. The instructors tend to be very helpful and will work on any problem areas. All you need do is ask.

Take the driving tests. One on the open road, the other in a car park. Nervous? Dont be. Its simple. Just do as you did in practice, dont be in a rush and everything will be fine. The car park test consists of performing a three point turn, a hill start (which can be a little tricky) and reverse parking. The open road is much more fun, just go for a drive for about 5 minutes, turn around and come back, again dont be in a rush.

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