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Profile of RHD in children at Moewardi General Hospital, Surakarta, from 2007 2013

Catur Prangga Wadana, Srililijanti

Department of Child Health, Sebelas Maret University Medical School/ Moewardi general Hospital, Surakarta

ABSTRAK Background : Penyakit jantung rematik masih merupakan masalah medis dan masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang penting terutama di negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia. To discover the profile of RHD in children at Moewardi General Hospital A descriptive study of children with RHD admitted to the department of pediatrics Moewardi General Hospital Surakarta. The data were collected based on medical record conducted from 2007 2013. Total sampling is used and analyzed by using descriptive statistic, for categorical data using chi-square test.

Objective Methods

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Results : The result of this study showed 30 samples had RHD, 16 male (53,3 %) and 14 female ( 46,7%), the largest age distribution of children with RHD was in the age group of 5 15 years. Gejala klinis mayor paling banyak adalah Karditis 30 sampel (100%), gejala klinis minor paling banyak adalah demam 26 sampel (86,7%), diikuti atralgia 10 sampel(33,3%), dari hasil ekokardiografi menunjukkan manifestasi karditis paling banyak valvulitis 30 sampel(100 %), terbanyak katub mitral 15 ( 50% ), trikuspid 9 ( 30 % ), aorta 6 ( 20 % ), AST0 paling banyak > 400 sebanyak 18 sampel (60%), gambaran ASTO > 400 berdasarkan umur paling banyak umur 5 15 tahun ( 56,5 % ), gambaran ASTO > 400 berdasarkan severiti valvulitis paling banyak derajat ringan 14 sampel ( 70% ), sedang 1 sampel (20 % ), berat 3 sampel ( 60% ). Conclusion : semua pasien anak dengan RHD di rumah sakit umum Moewardi sesuai dengan kriteria WHO 2003 dengan hasil echo manifestasi karditis paling banyak adalah katup mitral ( 50 % ) trikuspid ( 30 % ), aorta ( 20 % ) dan the largest age distribution of children with RHD was in the group of 5 15 years.

Profile of RHD in children at Moewardi General Hospital, Surakarta, from 2007 to 2013
Catur Prangga Wadana, Srililijanti
Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, Sebelas Maret University / Moewardi General Hospital, Surakarta

ABSTRACT Background : Rheumatic heart diseases are still become an important medical and public health problems, especially in developing countries, including Indonesia. To evaluate the profile of RHD in children at Moewardi General Hospital A descriptive study of children with RHD admitted to the department of pediatrics Moewardi General Hospital Surakarta. The data were collected based on medical record conducted from 2007 to 2013. Total sampling was performed and analyzed by using descriptive statistic, and for categorical data using chi-square test. The result of this study showed that 30 samples had RHD, 16 males (53,3 %) and 14 females ( 46,7%), with the largest distribution of age in children with RHD was in the age group of 5 15 years old. The predominant major clinical symptoms was carditis (100%), whereas the minor clinical symptoms included 26 samples febrile (86,7%), echocardiographic results showed the highest manifestation of carditis among 30 samples was valvutis (100%), including 15 at the mitral valve (50%), 9 at the tricuspid valve (30%), 6 at the aortic valve (20%). The value of ASTO > 400 was found in 18 samples (60%), and its distribution of age was prominently aged between 5-15 years old (56,5%). Whereas, the value of ASTO > 400 based on the severity of valvulitis were found in 14 samples mild level (70%), 1 samples moderate level (20%), and 3 samples severe level (60%). All of the children with RHD in Moewardi General Hospital that appropriate with criterion of WHO 2003 showed the predominant manifestation of carditis was at the mitral valve (50%), tricuspid valve (30%), and aortic valve (20%); while the largest distribution of age in children with RHD was in the age group of 5 15 years old.

Objective Methods

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