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Resolution No.

2013-010 A Resolution Institutionalizing the Buklod Atenistas Engagement in the Local Government through Partnership with the Universitys Social Involvement Office Status: Approved Authored by: Xavier University Cagayan de Oro

WHEREAS, Buklod Atenista is an alliance that recognizes the need to effect a more active 1 participation in the economic, social, cultural, and political development of the Filipino nation ; WHEREAS, Buklod Atenista recognizes its significance to empower youth engagement, representation, and participation in their respective local governments; WHEREAS, there are existing social involvement offices in each Buklod affiliated university which share similar goals and advocacies with Buklod Atenista in terms of active youth participation in the local government; WHEREAS, there are existing issues concerning the youth in the localities that need to be lobbied by the stakeholders of Buklod; WHEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that each Buklod Atenista member institution create committee or maximize existing committee for their respective student governments to partner with their social involvement office in lobbying and addressing youth issues and concerns; WHEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the structure, dynamics, internal procedures, and operations of these committees will be left to the discretion of the Presidents of each student government; WHEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in cases when Buklod Atenista is already institutionalized as a committee, office, or unit in the student government, the existing unit can already function as the schools mobilizing committee; WHEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that each member university of Buklod Atenista shall lobby the best practices of other local governments for their own local government to benchmark from; WHEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the said committee has the following functions: Partnering with the existing social involvement office of each Ateneo school Setting an agenda of responsibilities that the local government can do to hear and address youth concerns Gathering information and lobbying the best practices of the local governments in respective locations of each Buklod Atenista institution Drafting a monitoring scheme to further assess the progress of the issues that will be raised by the committee Setting success indicators for each proposal or issue that will be raised by the committee WHEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that there will be an online mechanism to communicate with other partner institutions of the affiliated universities of Buklod Atenista;


Preamble of the 2011 Buklod Atenista Constitution

WHEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution take effect upon a 2/3 vote of the National Congress. Zamboanga, Philippines, May 31, 2013.

Approved by:

IVY JANE TORREGOSA Ambassador Ateneo de Davao University

ROMMEL REGOR ONG Ambassador Ateneo de Zamboanga University

RAY CRISTOFER GOMEZ Ambassador Ateneo de Manila University

ALBERT WENCES DABA III Ambassador Xavier University Ateneo de Cagayan

RENZO ENRICO BLANCO Ambassador Ateneo de Naga University

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