The True Decalogue by Apolinario Mabini

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thy ho"or a#ov all thi"$s% Go! as th &ou"tai" o& all truth' o& all (usti) a"! o& all a)tivity* a"! thy ho"or' th o"ly +o, r ,hi)h ,ill o#li$ th i"!ustrious. - )o"!. Thou shalt ,orshi+ Go! i" th &or. ,hi)h thy )o"s)i ") .ay ! . .ost ri$ht ous a"! ,orthy% &or i" thy )o"s)i ") ' ,hi)h )o"! ."s !s a"! +rais s thy $oo! o" s' s+ a/s thy Go!. thy vil ! to # &aith&ul' (ust a"!

Thir!. Thou shalt )ultivat th s+ )ial $i&ts ,hi)h Go! has $ra"t ! th ' ,or/i"$ a"! stu!yi"$ a))or!i"$ to thy a#ility' " v r l avi"$ th +ath o& ri$ht ous" ss a"! (usti) ' i" or! r to attai" thy o," + r& )tio"' #y . a"s ,h r o& thou shalt )o"tri#ut to th +ro$r ss o& hu.a"ity* thus* thou shalt &ul&ill th .issio" to ,hi)h Go! has a++oi"t ! th i" this li& a"! #y so !oi"$' thou shalt # ho"or !' a"! # i"$ ho"or !' thou shalt $lori&y thy Go!. Fourth. Thou shalt lov thy )ou"try a&t r Go! a"! thy ho"or a"! .or tha" thys l&% &or sh is th o"ly Para!is ,hi)h Go! has $iv " th this li& ' th o"ly +atri.o"y o& thy ra) ' th o"ly i"h rita") o& thy a") stors a"! th o"ly ho+ o& thy +ost rity* # )aus o& h r' thou hast li& ' lov a"! i"t r sts' ha++i" ss' ho"or a"! Go!. Fi&th. Thou shalt striv &or th ha++i" ss o& thy )ou"try # &or thy o,"' .a/i"$ o& h r th /i"$!o. o& r aso"' o& (usti) a"! o& la#or% &or i& sh # ha++y' thou' to$ th r ,ith thy &a.ily' shalt li/ ,is # ha++y. -i0th. Thou shalt striv &or th i"! + "! ") o& thy )ou"try% &or o"ly thou )a"st hav a"y r al i"t r st i" h r a!va") . "t a"! 0altatio"' # )aus h r i"! + "! ") )o"stitut s thy o," li# rty* h r a!va") . "t' i"

thy + r& )tio"* a"! h r 0altatio"' thy o," $lory a"! i..ortality. - v "th. Thou shalt "ot r )o$"i1 i" thy )ou"try th authority o& a"y + rso" ,ho has "ot # " l )t ! #y th a"! thy )ou"try. "* &or authority .a"at s &ro. Go!' a"! as Go! s+ a/s i" th )o"s)i ") o& v ry .a"' th + rso" ! si$"at ! a"! +ro)lai. ! #y th )o"s)i ") o& a ,hol + o+l is th o"ly o" ,ho )a" us tru authority. Ei$hth. Thou shalt striv &or a R +u#li) a"! " v r &or a .o"ar)hy i" thy )ou"try% &or th latt r 0alts o" or s v ral &a.ili s a"! &ou"!s a !y"asty* th &or. r .a/ s a + o+l "o#l a"! ,orthy throu$h r aso"' $r at throu$h li# rty' a"! +ros+ rous a"! #rillia"t throu$h la#or. Ni"th. Thou shalt lov thy " i$h#or as thys l&% &or Go! has i.+os ! u+o" hi.' as , ll as u+o" th !o u"to th ' th o#li$atio" to h l+ th a"! "ot to ,hat h ,oul! "ot hav th !o u"to hi.* #ut i& thy

" i$h#or' &aili"$ i" this sa)r ! !uty' att .+t a$ai"st thy li& ' thy li# rty a"! thy i"t r sts' th " thou shalt ! stroy a"! a""ihilat hi. &or th su+r . la, o& s l&2+r s rvatio" +r vails. T "th. Thou shalt )o"si! r thy )ou"try.a" .or tha" thy " i$h#or* thou shalt s hi. thy &ri "!' thy #roth r or at l ast thy )o.ra! ' ,ith ,ho. thou art #ou"! #y o" &at ' #y th sa. (oys a"! sorro,s a"! #y )o..o" as+iratio"s a"! i"t r sts.

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