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Four forms of Laws (St.

Thomas Aquinas) Human Law Divine Law Eternal Law Natural Law

Parts of the soul in an individual (Plato) Appetite Spirit Reason

Two types of love that formed 2 cities (St. Augustine) Love of God even to the contempt of self Love of self even to the contempt of God

Types of Slavery (Aristotle) Natural By law/ convention

3 waves of opposition (Plato) Equality of women Abolition of the family and properties of the guardians Philosophers should be kings

3 Kinds of armies (NicholloMachiavelli) Mercenaries Auxiliaries Citizen Army

Educations of the guardians (Plato) Gymnastics Music

Requirements for societies (Jean Jacques Rousseau) Everybody participates in making the law Everyone who makes the law shall do so directly When individuals make law, they shall do it as citizens rather than a member of a smaller association. The body that makes the law will not be the one to implement it

3 chief causes of the state of nature (Thomas Hobbes) Competition for gain Diffidence for safety Glory for reputation

3 powers in the government (John Locke) Legislative Executive Federative

First 3 articles of Hobbes/ 3 rules for the preservation of Life Seek peace if theres a chance of attaining it Give up your right to govern yourself if others do it Abide by the agreements you made

Effects of the division of Labor (Adam smith) Increase in production Simulates efficiency Advancement in technology

Classes of Society (Ricardo) Agricultural Laborer Capitalists Landowners

Kinds of alienation (Marx) From the product his labor From himself From his nature From other men

Bases of Legitimacy Traditions Affectual attitudes Religious beliefs Legality

Development of Society accdg to Materialist point of view Feudalism Capitalism Revolution Proletariat the ruling class Transitional period Communist State

Myth of the Metals (Plato) Iron/ bronze Silver Gold

Virtue (Plato) Wisdom Courage Temperance Justice

4 stages of cognition (Plato) Imagination Belief Thought Intelligence

Association (Aristotle) Household Village Estate

Main Principle of Justice= Equity (Aristotle) Rectificatory Justice Distributive Justice

Standard of Distribution of political power (Aristotle) Wealth Citizenship Moral Goodness/ Virtue

2 types of state (Machiavelli) Republic


Functions of State (St. Thomas Aquinas) Peace & Security Promote the well-being of its citizens Ensure that there is an adequate supply of the necessities of men

3 forms of state (Machiavelli) Old New Mixed

Qualities of prince (Machiavelli) Ready to go to war Should know how to fight as a man and as a beast Should have the apparent possessions of good qualities Better to be feared than to be loved if you cant have both Should know timing, gives rewards gradually Able to create order amidst order

Humans are moved to action by (Thomas Hobbes) Desires/passion Aversion

Powers of the Leviathan (Thomas Hobbes) Absolute authority Ultimate Judge Provide Security & defense Unlimited & inalienable power Can do no wrong because man gave him the power Doesnt matter what his qualities are

State of Nature lacks (John Locke) Common executive Common judge Common policeman

2-stage contract (John Locke) Forming society Having a govt

2 types of rights (Locke)

Natural Civil

3 basic needs of men (Rousseau) Food Female Sleep

2 principles of Human Nature (Rousseau) Self preservation Pitty/compassion

Happened without the consent of men (Rousseau) Growth population Rise of civilization Competition of resources Introduction of Agriculture

2 types of will (Rousseau) Particular will Real will

2 commitments (Rousseau) Each person is a citizen and a member of a sovereign Each person is subject by the laws of the state

2 forms of tyranny of majority (J.S Mill) Opinion Customs

Relationship of self & society (Mill) Self-regarding Other-regarding

Why the minority should also speak (Mill) The majoritys opinion might be wrong; the minoritys opinion might hld some part of the truth. Even if the majoritys opinion is correct, if it remains unchallenged it will remain as a dogma. If you dont listen to the minority, it assumes that the majority is always correct.

Progress may suffer

Differentiate Hobbes, Locke and Rosseau. A. Human Nature and State of Nature Hobbes- Man by nature is a desiring animal, self-interested and competitive; driven to action by desires/ passion and aversion. The state of nature is the state of war. Locke- Man is free, equal, independent & rational. State of nature is the state of perfect freedom equality & independence. Rousseau- Man is a noble savage, a primitive man, has simple needs I life (food, female and sleep), and has simple fears (Pain & hunger). The state of nature is the state of happiness, free, equal, and simple, has no war because competition is absent and it has no progress. B. Government Power Hobbes- The leviathan is a mortal god, cant be resisted by the people, can do everything that is necessary to achieve peace and has unlimited power. Locke- There are 3 powers in the govt : Legislative who enacts the law, Executive who executes and implement the laws and Federative who is responsible for foreign relations. The powers of the government are limited and only serves as a caretaker for the people. Rousseau- Sovereignty is inalienable and indivisible; it is legitimate because it is based on the social contract. The sovereign serves as the sole judge. C. Social Contract Hobbes- The social contract is based on consent. Men enter the contract because men are afraid of violent death and need someone to provide security. Locke- Men entered the social contract with their consent because of the state of inconveniences. There are two stage to this contract : Forming a society w/c needs unanimous consent and Having a government w/c only needs majoritys consent. By these, we had the 3 powers in the government. Rousseau- The social contract provides a solution wherein man while uniting himself w/ all may still obey himself alone and remain free as he was before. D. Liberty of men Hobbes- Subjects should obey the command of the sovereign, no right to change or resist him. There is liberty if there is silence of the law. Locke- Men have natural and civil rights. They have the power to resist the governments power if it exceeds its limitations and violated the trust. The fall of the society is the fall of the government.

Rousseau- The law is based on the general will and the general will is the sum of the real will and the real will is part of an individual so man is just obeying himself, men are forced to be free.

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