Finman General ASSURANCE

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G.R. No. 100970 September 2, 1992 FINMAN GENERAL ASSURANCE CORPORATION, petitioner, vs.

THE HONORA LE COURT OF APPEALS !"# $ULIA SURPOSA, respondents. FACTS: Carlie Surposa was insured with petitioner Finman General Assurance Corporation under Finman General Teachers Protection Plan Master Policy No. !!" and #ndividual Policy No. !$% & with his parents, , and 'rothers as 'ene(iciaries. )hile said insurance policy was in (ull (orce and e((ect, the insured, Carlie Surposa, died as a result o( a sta' wound in(licted 'y one o( the three *+, unidenti(ied men without provocation and warnin- on the part o( the (ormer as he and his cousin, )inston Surposa, were waitin- (or a ride on their way home alon- .i/al01ocsin Streets, 2acolod City a(ter attendin- the cele'ration o( the 3Mas4arra Annual Festival.3 Therea(ter, private respondent and the other 'ene(iciaries o( said insurance policy (iled a written notice o( claim with the petitioner insurance company which denied said claim contendin- that murder and assault are not within the scope o( the covera-e o( the insurance policy. The #nsurance Commission held the insurer lia'le to pay complainant the sum o( P5",!!!.!! representin- the proceeds o( the policy with interest The appellate court a((irmed said decision. #SS67: )hether or not the cause o( death o( the insured was not accidental 'ut was committed with deli'erate intent which cannot 'e indemni(ied. .61#NG: No. #n the case at 'ar, it cannot 'e pretended that Carlie Surposa died in the course o( an assault or murder as a result o( his voluntary act considerin- the very nature o( these crimes. #n the (irst place, the insured and his companion were on their way home (rom attendin- a (estival. They were con(ronted 'y unidenti(ied persons. The record is 'arren o( any circumstance showin- how the sta' wound was in(licted. Nor can it 'e pretended that the male(actor aimed at the insured precisely 'ecause the 4iller wanted to ta4e his li(e. #n any event, while the act may not e8empt the un4nown perpetrator (rom criminal lia'ility, the (act remains that the happeninwas a pure accident on the part o( the victim. The insured died (rom an event that too4 place without his (oresi-ht or e8pectation, an event that proceeded (rom an unusual e((ect o( a 4nown cause and, there(ore, not e8pected. Neither can it 'e said that where was a capricious desire on the part o( the accused to e8pose his li(e to dan-er considerin- that he was 9ust -oin- home a(ter attendin- a (estival. Furthermore, the personal accident insurance policy involved herein speci(ically enumerated only ten *5!, circumstances wherein no lia'ility attaches to petitioner insurance company (or any in9ury, disa'ility or loss su((ered 'y the insured as a result o( any o( the stimulated causes. The principle o( 3 expresso unius exclusio alterius3 : the mention o( one thin- implies the e8clusion o( another thin- : is there(ore applica'le in the instant case since murder and assault, not havin- 'een e8pressly included in the enumeration o( the circumstances that would ne-ate lia'ility in said insurance policy cannot 'e considered 'y implication to dischar-e the petitioner insurance company (rom lia'ility (or, any in9ury, disa'ility or loss su((ered 'y the insured.

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