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Table Reorganization using BRSPACE via te porar! tablespa"e

On my previous tutorial, you have already learned how to create new tablespace. I done it for this purpose. As you see, I already created PSAPI S!R"OR# tablespace.

$ou can chec% it via B&' tcode. (ow, I want to reor) *S"# table. Ri)ht now, *S"# table is located on PSAPI S tablespace. I chec% it by double clic%+in PSAPI S from above screen. and write down *S"# on Ob,ect (ame field li%e this.

Press the )reen chec% -v.. Here is information about *S"# table I )et.

(ow, open your *S+ OS prompt -co/ I am usin) 0indows based I "S server. and usin) #sid$ad user. 1ype this command 2 3brspace +f tbreor) +t *S"# +m PSAPI S!R"OR# 1his command will reor) *S"# table and move it to PSAPI S!R"OR# table.

4onfirmation re5uired to start reor)ani/ation process.

1able reor)ani/ation status startin).

Reor)ani/ation process has completed successfully.

1o ma%e sure that *S"# table has been moved to PSAPI S!R"OR# tablespace, chec% a)ain usin) B&' tcode and chec% on PSAPI S!R"OR# tablespace.

(ow, you can see that *S"# table has been moved to PSAPI S!R"OR#. $ou can start reor)ani/e othe table. 6or your safety, use it on offline mode -no user access SAP server.. 7uly 89, '&&: Posted by ardhian ; atabase Administration, SAP ; Basis, BRSPA4", BR1OO<S, B&', Oracle, SAP, SAP R=, 1able reor)ani/ation, 1ablespace, 1emporary tablespace ; : 4omments

Si ple Table Reorganization for SAP R/3 using BRSPACE

SAP R>= are "RP software that relied on database performance to support its performance. Hi)h performance database directly effect on SAP R>= system performance. One of activity that effect on its are table reor)ani/ation. Reor)ani/ation improves the structure of the database and can result in improved database performance. BRSPA4" performs the reor)ani/ation usin) the new Oracle feature, online table redefinition. 1he followin) )raphic shows some of the reasons for reor)ani/ation2

One of the reason to reor)ani/ation are that lar)e dis% and RAI system with lar)e and secure memory buffers reduce I>O hotspot. $ou can chec% more about reor)ani/ation for SAP R>= here. I?ll use my 0indows bo@ and use #sid$ad user. 6or Ani@ bo@ user, use ora#sid$ user. <et?s do simple table reor)ani/ation here. Open your *S+ OS prompt.

1ype 3 brspace +f tbreor) +t *S"# "@planation 2

+f means function to do table reor)ani/ation +t means refer to table name. On this tutorial, *S"# table.

1ype "(1"R.

Additional option available for table reor)ani/ation. 7ust accept default option. 1ype 4 to continue.

1able reor)ani/ation is runnin).

1able reor)ani/ation has been completed succesfully. 1ype 4 to continue.

(ow you can try to reo)ani/ation simple and little table. 1his tutorial only show you simple and online reor)ani/ation. Be carefull when you are usin) it. 1est it first on your evelop system or 1est system. 7une 88, '&&: Posted by ardhian ; atabase Administration, SAP ; Basis, BRSPA4", BR1OO<S, "RP, Oracle, SAP, SAP R=, 1able reor)ani/ation, 1ablespace ; <eave a 4omment

%pdate &atabase Statisti"s using BRT''(S and BRC'))ECT

On this tutorial, you?ll see how to update your database statistic. atabase statistic need to be update in order to accelerate database 5uery on your pro)ram or SAP standard pro)ram. 6or e@ample, you need to 5uery data from *S"# table. If *S"# table has may rows data and never been updated its statistics then your pro)ram would be runnin) slowly especially when *S"# table rows had been )rown rapidly. 1o update database statistic, you could use BR4O(("41 or BR1OO<S. Actually, BR4O(("41 is part of BR1OO<S. I?ll e@plain how to use both of them. I use my 0indows bo@ and use #sid$ad . If you use A(IB bo@, use ora#sid$. 6irst, let?s try to use BR4O(("41 to update *S"# table. Open your *S OS prompt.

1ype command 2 * br"onne"t +u / +" +f stats +t ,SE-

"@planation 2

+ u means usin) user root ->. + c means force without usin) password + f means usin) function statistics. Another option is chec%s. + t means which table is )oin) to update its statistics. Another option is A<< for all tables.

(ow, we are )oin) to loo% at BR1OO<S to do this tas%. BR1OO<S are menu based pro)ram. Open your *S+ OS prompt. 1ype BR1OO<S.

1ype C to choose atabase Statistics. Press "(1"R.

1ype 8 to update database statistics. Press "(1"R.

1o update *S"# table choose D to enter *S"# table name and then press "(1"R.

1ype 4 to continue to ne@t step, runnin) update database statistic process.

$ou?ll see summary of what you are )oin) to do. 1ype 4 to continue.

<ast confirmation before runnin) update database statistics. 1ype 4 to continue.

BR1OO<S update database statistics has been completed successfully. 1ype 4 to continue and bac% to update database statistic menu.

1ype B to )o bac% to BR1OO<S main menu.

1ype D and then "(1"R to e@it from BR1OO<S menu. 1hat?s all for now. (ow you %now how to update your database statistic. Hope this tutorial wor% for you. See you on the ne@t tutorial. 7une 8&, '&&: Posted by ardhian ; atabase Administration, SAP ; Basis, BR4O(("41, BR1OO<S, *S"#, Oracle, SAP, SAP R=, statistics, table ; E 4omments

Extending !our SAP R/3 tablespa"es

I am )lad that a lot of Basis visitin) my blo), as%in) me about Basis activity, tips, etc. Based on comments and email about how to e@tend SAP R>= tablespace, I try to post this little notes. On this little tutorial, I am usin) 0indows based SAP R>= and Oracle D.'. $ou can do it on A(IB based. Of course usin) different user. 0hen you usin) A(IB based R>= system, you have to use ora#sid$ user. <o)in to your SAP R>= B instance 0indows usin) #sid$ad prompt. user. Open your command

1ype BRT''(S to enter BR1OO<S menu.

4hoose menu number ' by typin) ' and then "(1"R.

1here are many menus on SPA4" *ana)ement includin) "@tend tablespace, 4reate tablespace, etc.

1ype 8 to "@tend tablespace. 1o )et information about tablespace list, you can use B&' on your SAP#AI screen. 6or this tutorial, I want to e@tend PSAPI S tablespace.

1ype c to continue this step.

On this screen, you can see information about last added tablespace includin) datafile si/e, datafile name, etc. I use default -datafile si/e about 'EC& *B.. 1ype 4 to continue.

If you want to add more datafile, you can specified now by typin) y. Ri)ht now, I ,ust want to add 8 datafile so I type c.

"@tendin) tablespace process is runnin).

1ablespace PSAPI S has been e@tended successfully. 1ype c to continue.

Bac% to BR1OO<S menus. 1ype D and "(1"R to e@it BR1OO<S pro)ram.

1o chec% your new datafile has been added to your tablespace you can use B&' and then press R"6R"SH button. (ow, you can e@tend your tablespace easily and have a nice day. (B 2 $ou don?t need to shutdown your SAP R>= system or Oracle B to e@tend tablespace. $ou can do this online while your SAP R>= system and Oracle B runnin). 7une D, '&&: Posted by ardhian ; atabase Administration, SAP ; Basis, BR1OO<S, B&', Oracle, SAP, SAP R=, 1ablespace, 14O " ; D 4omments

&B./ 0 &ail! SAP Basis 1ob log to be


SAP provides an e@cellent BA tools -for Oracle B. which is called BRT''(S. BRT''(S is a compilation tools ran)e from BRBAC2%P -tools to maintain bac%up database., BRARC345E -tools to maintain archive files bac%up., BRC'))ECT -tools to maintain chec%in) database, updatin) database statistics, etc., BRREST'RE -tools to maintain database restoration., and some specific and useful tool. 0hen SAP Basis runnin) one or more tools from BRT''(S, it will create a ,ob lo) to provide SAP Basis some information about BRT''(S activities whether it succeed, succeed with warnin), or failed. 0e can access those lo) from SAP R>= throu)h SAP#AI. SAP provides &B./ tcode for SAP Basis to access those database lo)s. 1hrou)h this article, I?ll show you how to monitored your database lo)s. 6irst, type &B./ on your SAP#AI screen. $ou?ll have this screen 2

1o chec% your BRC'))ECT lo)s, ,ust clic% BRC'))ECT button.

$ou?ll see some lo)s. 1he one which coloured )rey is BRC'))ECT ,ob that had run well or successfully. 1he other one which coloured yellow is BRC'))ECT ,ob that had run but ended with warnin). If your BRC'))ECT ,ob hadn?t run well then it will show you red coloured lo). 1o see what?s really happened, ,ustdouble clic% one of i lo)s.

6or more detailed information, clic% &etail (og button.

6or BRBAC2%P ,ob lo), you can clic% BRBAC2%P button.

6or more information about BRBAC2%P activities, double clic% on one of its lo).

1o )et more detailed information, clic% on &etail (og button.

6or BRARC345E lo) activities, clic% on BRARC345E button.

6or detailed information, ,ust double clic% on one of its lines and you?ll )et this screen.

6or detailed information, you have to clic% &etail (og button.

SAP throu)h #oin) <ive 4hec% event will chec% this lo) to ma%e sure that your SAP production system is ready to )o live. 1hey will mention and warn you if somethin) wron) with your

bac%up confi)uration. So, ma%e sure that you?ll have this lo) chec% every day to ma%e your system has hi)h availability and minimi/e your SAP production downtime. September 8E, '&&C Posted by ardhian ; atabase Administration ; Basis, BRAR4HIF", BRBA4GAP, BR4O(("41, BRR"S1OR", BR1OO<S, B8E, lo), SAP, SAP #<4, SAP #oin) <ive 4hec%, SAP R=, SAP#AI ; D 4omments

C6e"7ing SAP R/3 &atabase via BRT''(S

BRT''(S is a database tool developed by SAP to help SAP Basis mana)e his Oracle based SAP R>= database. In the last tutorial, I had shown you how to chec% your database throu)h B8= tcode. B8= is database independent tcode to mana)e your database whether you?re usin) *S SH<, Oracle, B', or SAP B. Here, I am )oin) to demonstrate how to use BRT''(S to chec% your Oracle Di database. $ou need to lo)on to your SAP R>= server usin) 'RA#S4&$ user. 1ype BR1OO<S on your console and then you?ll have this screen. 6or your information, I?am usin) A(IB OS. It mi)ht be different when you?re usin) 0indows OS.

4hoose number 9 option by typin) 9 and then press "(1"R.

1o chec% your database choose number 8 option and then press "(1"R.

In this screen, you mi)ht need to input some information about your database such as your SAP atabase profile, your database user and password, database owner, and somethin) you mi)ht not want to be chec%ed. 6or this moment, I am usin) default properties and press E)TER.

1his screen show you BRT''(S confirmation. 7ust type C and then press E)TER to proceed to the ne@t step.

Press E)TER to proceed.

(ow, you?ll see that database chec% process is runnin). 0ait until it finished.

1ype S to stop and e@it from BRT''(S menu. (ow you had learn how to chec% your SAP R>= database by usin) B8= tcode and BR1OO<S command. In the ne@t tutorial, I?ll show you another tips and tric% that mi)ht be useful and helpful. Stay there and always connected. 4ritics and su))estion are welcomed. Please feel free to contact me on Au)ust 'D, '&&C Posted by ardhian ; atabase Administration, SAP, Ani@ ; BR1OO<S, atabase B8=, ORASI , SAP, SAP R=, 14O ", 1RA(SA41IO( 4O ", Ani@, 0indows ; 89 4omments J Previous "ntries

7ust another )uy who wish to be an e@pert one day. Ased to live in Bandun) KParis van JavaK. (ow runnin) his own (inux, Co puter )et8or7, and SAP private consultant di Surabaya. 1ry to share his Basis %nowled)e to the real world. If this blo) information useful for you, please consider to donation to help me maintain and update this blo) re)ularly.

*y paypal account 2 0ant to contact me directly 2 Ard6ian

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