Tcs Pattern With Answers

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Pattern 1: 1. (1/2) of a number is 3 more than the (1/6) of the same number?

a) 6 b)7 c)8 d)9 Solution: et the number be !" ((1/2)#!)$3%(1/6)#!" &hen sol'e ! 2. (1/3) of a number is 3 more than the (1/6) of the same number? a) 6 b)16 c)18 d)21 3. (1/3) of a number is 6 more than the (1/6) of the same number? a) 6 b)18 c)36 d)2( (. (2/3) of a number is ( more than the (1/6) of the same number? a) 6 b)8 c)36 d)2( ). (1/3) of a number is ) more than the (1/6) of the same number? a) 6 b)36 c)3* d)72 Pattern 2: 1. &here are t+o +ater tan,s - and ." - is much smaller than .. /hile +ater fills at the rate of 1 liter e'er0 hour in -" it 1ets filled u2 li,e" 1*" 2*" (*" 8*" 16* in tan, .. (-t the end of first hour" . has 1* liters" second hour it has 2* liters and so on). 3f tan, . is 1/32 filled of the 21 hours" +hat is total duration of hours re4uired to fill it com2letel0? a) 26 .)2) c)) d)27 Solution: for e'er0 hour +ater in tan, in . is doubled" et the duration to fill the tan, . is ! hours. !/32 2art of +ater in tan, of . is filled in 21 hours" 5e!t hour it is doubled so" 2#(!/32) 2art i.e (!/16) 2art is filled in 22 hours" Similarl0 (!/8)th 2art in 23 hours"(!/()th 2art is filled in 2( hours" (!/2)th 2art is filled in 2) hours" (!)th 2art is filled in 26 hours So ans+er is 26 hours. 2. &here are t+o 2i2es - and .. 3f - filled 1* liters in an hour" . can fill 2* liters in same time. i,e+ise . can fill 1*" 2*" (*" 8*" 16*. 3f . filled in 1/16 of a tan, in 3 hours" ho+ much time +ill it ta,e to fill the tan, com2letel0? a) 9 .) 8 c) 7 d) 6 3. &here are t+o +ater tan,s - and ." - is much smaller than .. /hile +ater fills at the rate of 1 liter e'er0 hour in -" it 1ets filled u2 li,e" 1*" 2*" (*"8*" 16* tan, .. 1/8 th of the tan, . is filled in 22 hours. /hat is the time to fill the tan, full0? a) 26 .) 2) c) ) d) 27 (. - tan, is filled +ith +ater. 3n first hour 1* liters" second hours 2* liters" and third hour (* liters and so on. 3f time ta,en to fill 7 of the tan, if ) hours. /hat is the time ta,en to fill u2 the tan,? a) ) .) 8 c) 7 d) 12.)

). 3f a tan, - can be filled +ithin 1* hours and tan, . can be filled 7 in 19 hours then" +hat is the time ta,en to fill u2 the tan, com2letel0? a) 21 .) 38 c) )7 d) 76 Pattern 3: 1. 6 2ersons standin1 in 4ueue +ith different a1e 1rou2" after t+o 0ears their a'era1e a1e +ill be (3 and se'enth 2erson 8oined +ith them. 9ence the current a'era1e a1e has become (). :ind the a1e of se'enth 2erson? a) (3 b) 69 c) )2 d) 31 Solution: &otal a1e of 6 2ersons is ! hours"after t+o 0ears total a1e of 6 2ersons is !%12 -'era1e a1e of 6 2ersons is after t+o 0ears is (3 So (!%12)/6$(3"then sol'e !" -fter 7th 2erson is added then (!%7th 2erson a1e)/7$() So +e +ill 1et 7th 2erson a1e easil0 2. 3n a mar,et ( men are standin1. &he a'era1e a1e of the four before (0ears is ()" after some da0s one man is added and his a1e is (9. /hat is the a'era1e a1e of all? a) (3 b) () c) (7 d) (9 3. 3n a sho22in1 mall +ith a staff of ) members the a'era1e a1e is () 0ears. -fter ) 0ears a 2erson 8oined them and the a'era1e a1e is a1ain () 0ears. /hat;s the a1e of 6th 2erson? a) 2) b)2* c)() d)3* (. 3n a mar,et ( men are standin1 .&he a'era1e a1e of the four before 2 0ears is ))" after some da0s one man is added and his a1e is (). /hat is the a'era1e a1e of all? a) )) b) )(.) c) )(.6 d) )(.7 Pattern 4: 1. 3n the readin1 room of a librar0" there are 23 readin1 s2ots. <ach readin1 s2ot consists of a round table +ith 9 chairs 2laced around it. &here are some readers such that in each occu2ied readin1 s2ot there are different numbers of readers. 3f in all there are 36 readers" ho+ man0 readin1 s2ots do not ha'e e'en a sin1le reader? a) 8 b) none c) 16 d) 1) Solution: 23 readin1 s2ots" <ach readin1 s2ot consists of 9 chairs 2laced around it so &here are some readers such that in each occu2ied readin1 s2ot there are different numbers of readers. :or each table different no of 2ersons are sat"so for first table 1 2erson is sit"2 nd table 2 2ersons are sit 36 readers means(1%2%3%(%)%6%7%8 so 8 tables are filled so 23=8$1) readin1 s2ots does not ha'e sin1le reader. 2. 3n the readin1 room of a librar0" there are 1* tables" ( chairs 2er table. 3n each table there are different numbers of 2eo2le seated. 9o+ man0 tables +ill be left out +ithout at least 1 2erson? a) 8 b) 6 c) 2 d) 7 3. 3n the readin1 room of a librar0" there are 1* tables" ( chairs 2er table. 3n each table there are different numbers of 2eo2le seated. 9o+ man0 +a0s the0 +ill sit in the librar0 so that no chair +ould be blan,?

a) 8 b) 6 c) 2 d) 7 Pattern 5: 1. - man 8o1s at 6 m2h o'er a certain 8ourne0 and +al,s o'er the same route at ( m2h. /hat is his a'era1e s2eed for the 8ourne0? a) 2.( m2h b) (.8 m2h c) ( m2h d) ) m2h Solution: -'era1e s2eed$(2#!#0)/(!%0) 2. - man tra'els from - to . at ( m2h o'er a certain 8ourne0 and returns o'er the same route to -" at ) m2h. /hat is his a'era1e s2eed for the 8ourne0? a) (.(( m2h b) (.8 m2h c) (.887 m2h d)) m2h 3. - 2erson is roc, climbin1 at an altitude of 8** m. 9e 1o u2 b0 7 m2h. and come do+n b0 9 m2h. +hat +as his a'era1e s2eed? a) 7.87) m2h b) 7.12) m2h c) 7m2h d) 7.) m2h (. :ind a'era1e s2eed if a man tra'els at s2eed of 2(,m2h u2 and 36,m2h do+n at an altitude of 2**m? a) 28.8 m2h b) 27.8 m2h c) 27.)m2h d) 3* m2h ). >erson tra'els to a hill" if he 1oes from - to . +ith s2eed of (,m2h and returns bac, to . +ith s2eed of ),m2h. /hat is his a'era1e s2eed of 8ourne0? a) (.),m2h b) (.((,m2h c) 9,m2h d) (.2(),m2h 6. - man tra'els from - to . at 7* m2h o'er a certain 8ourne0 and returns o'er the same route to -" at 8* m2h. /hat is his a'era1e s2eed for the 8ourne0? a) 7(.66 b)7) c)7(.33 d)7(.99 7. :ind a'era1e s2eed if a man tra'els at s2eed of 2(,m2h u2 and 36,m2h do+n at an altitude of 2**m. a) 28.8 b)28 c)27 d)28.6 Pattern 6: 1. Susan made a bloc, +ith small cubes of 8 cubic cm 'olume to ma,e a bloc, "3 small cubes lon1" 9 small cubes +ide and ) small cubes dee2. She reali?es that she has used more small cubes than she reall0 needed. She reali?ed that she could ha'e 1lued a fe+er number of cubes to1ether to loc, li,e a bloc, +ith same dimensions" if it +ere made hollo+. /hat is the minimum number of cubes that she needs to ma,e the bloc,? a) 11( b) 13) c) 21 d) 71 Solution: 3 do not ,no+ 2erfectl0 but 3 1ot some solutions from internet 3 do not ,no+ correctl0 +hether it is tru e or not"((3#9#)))=((3=2)#(9=2)#()=2)) so ans+er is 11(. 2. - bo0 +ants to ma,e cuboids of dimension )m" 6m and 7m from small cubes of .*3 m3. ater he reali?ed he can ma,e same cuboids b0 ma,in1 it hollo+. &hen it ta,es some cubes less. /hat is the number of the cubes to be remo'ed? a) 2*** b) )*** c) 3*** d) 7*** 3. Smita +as ma,in1 a cube +ith dimensions )#)#) usin1 1#1#1 cubes. /hat is the number of cubes needed to ma,e a hollo+ cube loo,in1 of the same sha2e? a) 98 b) 1*( c) 1** d) 61

(. eena cut small cubes of 1* cm dimension each. She 8oined it to ma,e a cuboid of len1th 1** cm" +idth )* cm and de2th )* cm. 9o+ man0 more cubes does she need to ma,e a 2erfect cube? a) )** b) 2)* c) 7)* d) 6)* ). eena cut small cubes of 3 cubic cm each. She 8oined it to ma,e a cuboid of len1th 1* cm" +idth 3 cm and de2th 3 cm. 9o+ man0 more cubes does she need to ma,e a 2erfect cube? a) 91* b) 2)* c) 7)* d) 6)* 6. - lad0 builds 9cm len1th" 1*cm +idth"3cm hei1ht bo! usin1 1 cubic cm cubes. /hat is the minimum number of cubes re4uired to build the bo!? a) 73* b) 27* c) 72* d) 31* Pattern 8: 1. ((*#(*#(* @ 31#31#31)/((*#(*%(*#31%31#31)$? a)8 b)9 c)71 d))1 Solution:a3 =b3 $(a=b)#(a2%a#b%b2) so from this formula +e +ill find (a=b) 'alue 2. (98#98#98 @ 73#73#73)/( 98#98#98 @ 73#73#73)$? a).171 b).( c).(2* d).(1) 3. (2*9#1(()A2 % (2*9#2*9)%(2*9#1(()%(1((#1(() $ ? a)9*)863729 b)9*)368729 c)9*)729368 d)6) Pattern 9: 1. (((!%30)%()!%90))/()!%)0) $ ? as (!/20) $ 2 a)8 b)none c)16 d)1) Solution: substitute !$(0 in abo'e +e can find solution 2. !/20 $ 2a"then 2!/!=2a0$? a)( b)8 c)16 d)2 3. 3B/)C $ )C/3B6..:ind the 'alue of B/C a)3/) b))/3 c)2/) d))/2 (. /hat is the 'alue of (3B%8C)/(B=2C)" if B/2C$2 a)8 b)none c)1* d)13 ). ((!%30)%()!%90))/()!%)0) $ ? as (!/20) $ 2 a)(8/) b)(6/) c)(7/) d)(9/) 6. (((!%20)/((!=20)$ ? as (!/20) $ 2 a)8/7 b)9/7 c)11/7 d)6/7 Pattern 10:

1. - 1irl has to ma,e 2i??a +ith different to22in1s. &here are 8 different to22in1s. 3n ho+ man0 +a0s can she ma,e 2i??as +ith 2 different to22in1s? a) 16 b) )6 c) 112 d) 28

Solution: 8c2 2. - 2i??a sho2 made 2i??as +ith man0 fla'ors. &here are 1* different fla'ors" in that 7 fla'ors are ta,en to ma,e 2i??a. 3n ho+ man0 +a0s the0 can arran1e? a) 2(* b) 12* c) 6) d) 21* 3. - 2i??a sho2 made 2i??as +ith man0 fla'ors. &here are 9 different fla'ors" in that 2 fla'ors are ta,en to ma,e 2i??a. 3n ho+ man0 +a0s the0 can arran1e? a) 16 b) 26 c) 36 d) (6 Pattern 11:

1. 3" 22" 7" ()" 1)"? " 31 a) 91 b)1)1 c) 9* d) ) 2. 8 6 17 1( 3) 31 7) D 1(3? 3. 3ns2ired b0 :ibonacci series San1eet decided to create his o+n series +hich is 1" 2" 3" 7" 7" 22" 1)" 67" 31" D" 63? a) 2*2 b) 31 c) 76 d) (9 (. 3" 12" 7" 26" 1)" ? a) )( b) 27 c) 1*8 d) 31 ). 1E % 2E % 66. % )*E$? a)3.1*3)#1*A6( b)2.1*21#1*A6) 6. 1" 2" 3" 6" 7" 1(" D" 32? 7. )" 9" 12" 18" 26" 36" (7" 72" D? a) 7) b) 13) c) 1** d) )) 8. 3" 1)" !" )1" )3"1)9"161 a) 17 b) 3( c) )( d) 112 Pattern 12: c)3.1*3)#1*A63 d)3.1*3)#1*A62

1. Sim2le 4uestion but bi1 one on a'era1e a1e.sth li,e a" b" c +ei1hted se2aratel0 1st a" b" c "then aF b" then b F c "then c F a at last abc" the last +ei1ht +as 167"then +hat +ill be the a'era1e +ei1ht of the 7 readin1? a) 9) b) 9).(28 c) 9).() d) 9( Solution: ast +ei1ht abc is 167i.e three 2ersons +ei1ht is 167 .in first 6 combinations a"b"c"ab"bc"ac i.e a chec,ed +ei1ht for 3 times totall0 li,e that band c also so total +ei1ht in all 7 combinations is ((#167) -'era1e is (668/7)$9).(2 Pattern 13: 1. - to0 train 2roduces 1* different sounds +hen it mo'es around a circular to0 trac, of radius ) m at 1* m 2er min. 9o+e'er" the to0 train is defecti'e and it no+ 2roduces onl0 2 different tunes at random. /hat are the odds that the train 2roduces for consecuti'e music

tones of the same t02e? a) 1 in 16 .) 1 in ( c) 1 in 8 d) 1 in 32 Solution: 3nitiall0 it 2roduces 1* sounds and the defect came and no+ it 2roduces onl0 2 different sounds and consecuti'el0 so there are totall0 2 sounds and +e ha'e to select on sound and the 2robabilit0 is G and it 2roduces the same sound concecuti'el0 for 2 times so the 2robabilit0 becomes G#1/2 ie 7 2. - car manufacturer 2roduces onl0 red and blue models +hich come out of the final testin1 area at random. /hat are the odds that fi'e consecuti'e cars of same color +ill come throu1h the test area at an0 one time? a) 1 in 16 b) 1 in 12) c) 1 in 32 d) 1 in 2) Pattern 15: 1. - trian1le is made from a ro2e. &he sides of the trian1le are 2) cm" 11 cm and 31 cm. /hat +ill be the area of the s4uare made from the same ro2e? a) 28*.)62) b) 2(*.)62) c) 28*.12) d) 2(* Solution:add all sides 2)%11%31 to 1et ro2e len1th ro2e len1th $67"ro2e is made in to as s4uare So side of s4uare is 67/($16.7) and so area is 16.7)#16.7)$28*.)62) 2. - trian1le is made from a ro2e. &he sides of the trian1le are 21 cm" 2( cm and 28 cm. /hat +ill be the area of the s4uare made from the same ro2e? a) 28*.)62) b) 333.*62) c) 333.*12) d) (** Pattern 16:

1. /hat is the distance bet+een the ?=interce2t from the !=interce2t in the e4uation a!%b0%c?%d$* Solution:interce2t form e4uation 2. /hat is the distance of the ?=interce2t from the !=interce2t in the e4uation a!%b0%c?$d (3 do not remember the 'alues of a" b" c" d). Pattern 17:

1. - scientist +as researchin1 on animal beha'ior in his lab. 9e +as 'er0 interested in anal0?in1 the beha'ior of bear. :or some reason he tra'elled 1mile in north direction F reached at 5orth >ole. &here he sa+ a bear. 9e then follo+ed the bear around 1 hr +ith a s2eed of 2,m/hr in east direction. -fter that he tra'elled in south direction F reached at his lab in2 hrs. &hen +hat is the color of the bear? a) /hite b) .lac, c) Hra0 d) .ro+n Solution is: /hite. abo'e all the matter is nonsense Pattern 18:

1. Iut of 7 children the 0oun1est is bo0 then find the 2robabilit0 that all the remainin1

children are bo0s a)1/6( b)1/32 c)1/128 d)1/2)6 Pattern 19: 1. Jsha bou1ht a linen cloth and ro2e to build a tent. 3f the ro2e is 1)3 m lon1 and it is to be cut into 2ieces of 1m len1th" then ho+ man0 cuts are to be made to cut the ro2es into 1)3 2ieces? a)1)3 b)1)2 c)1)( d)1)) Solution:to ma,e it 1)3 2ieces +e ha'e to cut 1)2 times so ob'iousl0 after last cut +e 1ot 1)3rd 2iece 2. - 2erson has to ma,e 1(6 2ieces of a lon1 bar. 9e ta,es ( seconds to cut a 2iece. /hat is the total time ta,en b0 him in seconds to ma,e 1(6 2ieces? a) )8( b) )8* c) 73* d) 72) Solution: 1(6 2ieces means 1() cuts so for each cut it ta,es ( seconds means total time 1()#($)8* 3. - 2erson has to ma,e 1(1 2ieces of a lon1 bar. 9e ta,es 2 seconds to cut a 2iece. /hat is the total time ta,en b0 him in seconds to ma,e 1(1 2ieces? a) )6* b) 28* c) 112 d) 32( Pattern 20: 1. S2ores of a fun1us" called late bli1ht" 1ro+ and s2read infection ra2idl0. &hese 2atho1ens +ere res2onsible for the 3rish 2otato famine of the mid=19th centur0. &hese seem to ha'e attac,ed the tomato cro2s in <n1land this 0ear. &he tomato cro2s ha'e reduced and the 2rice of the cro2 has risen u2. &he 2rice has alread0 1one u2 to K() a bo! from K27 a bo! a month a1o. 9o+ much more +ould a 'e1etable 'endor need to 2a0 to bu0 27 bo!es this month o'er +hat he +ould ha'e 2aid last month? a) K27 b) K18 c) K() d) K(86 Solution: See last 3 lines onl0 ans+er is ()=27$18 Pattern 21: 1. - >erson bu0s a horse for 1) 2onds" after one 0ear he sells it for 2* 2ounds. -fter one 0ear" a1ain he bu0s the same horse at 3* 2ounds and sells it for (* 2ounds. /hat is the 2rofit for that 2erson? Solution: here +e cannot consider de2reciation or deca0 of item accto ans+er so 1o acc to ans+er &otall0 )%1*$1)K2rofit Pattern 22: 1. Lohn bu0s a c0cle for 31 dollars and 1i'en a che4ue of amount 3) dollars. Sho2 Mee2er e!chan1ed the che4ue +ith his nei1hbor and 1a'e chan1e to Lohn. -fter 2 da0s" it is ,no+n that che4ue is bounced. Sho2 ,ee2er 2aid the amount to his nei1hbor. &he cost 2rice of c0cle is 19 dollars. /hat is the 2rofit/loss for sho2 ,ee2er? a)loss 23 b)1ain 23 c)1ain )( d) oss )(

Solution: oss$ Nhan1e of mone0 1i'en to 8ohn((K)%actual c0cle cost 19K$23K loss Pattern 23: 1. - lad0 has fine 1lo'es and hats in her closet= 18 blue" 32 red" and 2) 0ello+. &he li1hts are out and it is totall0 dar,. 3n s2ite of the dar,ness" she can ma,e out the difference bet+een a hat and a 1lo'e. She ta,es out an item out of the closet onl0 if she is sure that if it is a 1lo'e. 9o+ man0 1lo'es must she ta,e out to ma,e sure she has a 2air of each color? a) )* b) 8 c) 6* d) (2 Solution: 3 am not able to ans+er this if i 1o in 2rocedure +a0 so search in net b0 searchin1 4uestion. .etter see belo+ +ebsite htt2://+++.m( O0 ans+ered 4uestions ma0 be ans+ered there. 2. - lad0 has fine 1lo'es and hats in her closet= 1( blue" 2* red" and 18 0ello+. &he li1hts are out and it is totall0 dar,. 3n s2ite of the dar,ness" she can ma,e out the difference bet+een a hat and a 1lo'e. She ta,es out an item out of the closet onl0 if she is sure that if it is a 1lo'e. 9o+ man0 1lo'es must she ta,e out to ma,e sure she has a 2air of each color? 3. - lad0 has fine 1lo'es and hats in her closet= 13 blue" 27 red" and (* 0ello+. &he li1hts are out and it is totall0 dar,. 3n s2ite of the dar,ness" she can ma,e out the difference bet+een a hat and a 1lo'e. She ta,es out an item out of the closet onl0 if she is sure that if it is a 1lo'e. 9o+ man0 1lo'es must she ta,e out to ma,e sure she has a 2air of each color? (. - lad0 has fine 1lo'es and hats in her closet= 2) blue" 7 red" and 9 0ello+. &he li1hts are out and it is totall0 dar,. 3n s2ite of the dar,ness" she can ma,e out the difference bet+een a hat and a 1lo'e. She ta,es out an item out of the closet onl0 if she is sure that if it is a 1lo'e. 9o+ man0 1lo'es must she ta,e out to ma,e sure she has a 2air of each color? ). - lad0 has fine 1lo'es and hats in her closet= 26 blue" 3* red" and )6 0ello+. &he li1hts are out and it is totall0 dar,. 3n s2ite of the dar,ness" she can ma,e out the difference bet+een a hat and a 1lo'e. She ta,es out an item out of the closet onl0 if she is sure that if it is a 1lo'e. 9o+ man0 1lo'es must she ta,e out to ma,e sure she has a 2air of each color? Pattern 24:

1. San1a,ara and >ontin1 selects battin1 b0 usin1 a dice" but dice is biased. So to resol'e" >ontin1 ta,es out a coin. /hat is the 2robabilit0 that coin sho+s correct o2tion? a)1/2 b)1/6 c)1/12 d)6/1* Solution is G. 2. &here is a die +ith 1* faces. 3t is not ,no+n that fair or not. 2 ca2tains +ant to toss die for battin1 selection. /hat is the 2ossible solution amon1 the follo+in1? a) 3f no. is odd it is head" if no. is e'en it is tail b) 3f no. is odd it is tail" if no. is e'en it is head c) &oss a die until all the 1* di1its a22ear on to2 face. -nd if first no. in the se4uence is odd then consider it as tail. 3f it is e'en consider it as head.

Pattern 25: 1. 3n a famil0 there are some bo0s and 1irls. -ll bo0s told that the0 are ha'in1 e4ual no of brothers and sisters and 1irls told that the0 are ha'in1 t+ice the no. of brothers than sisters. 9o+ man0 bo0s and 1irls 2resent in a famil0? a) ( bo0s and 3 1irls b) 3 bo0s and ( 1irls c) 2 bo0s and ) 1irls d) ) bo0s and 2 1irls Pattern 26: 1. 1* men and 1* +omen are there" the0 dance +ith each other" is there 2ossibilit0 that 2 men are dancin1 +ith same +omen and 'ice 'ersa? a) 22 b) 2* c) 1* d) none 2. &here are 1** men and 1** +omen on the dance floor. &he0 +ant to dance +ith each other. &hen +hich of the follo+in1 statements is al+a0s true: a) &here are 2 men +ho danced +ith e4ual no. of +omen;s b) &here are 2 +omen +ho danced +ith e4ual no. of men a) both a and b b)onl0 a c)onl0 b d)none Pattern 27: 1. Oiddle= earth is a fictional land inhabited b0 hobbits" el'es" d+ar'es and men. &he hobbits and el'es are 2eaceful creatures that 2refer slo+" silent li'es and a22reciate nature and art. &he d+ar'es and the men en1a1e in 2h0sical 1ames. &he 1ame is as follo+s. tournament is one +here out of the t+o teams that 2la0 a match" the one that loses 1et eliminated. &he matches are 2la0ed in different rounds" +here in e'er0 roundP half of the teams 1et eliminated from the tournament. 3f there are 8 rounds 2la0ed in ,noc, out tournament" ho+ man0 matches +ere 2la0ed? a) 2)7 b) 2)6 c) 72 d) 2)) 8 Solution: Qo not ,no+ 2erfect lo1ic 2 2. - 1ame is 2la0ed bet+een 2 2la0ers and one 2la0er is declared as +inner. -ll the +inners from first round are 2la0ed in second round. -ll the +inners from second round are 2la0ed in third round and so on. 3f 8 rounds are 2la0ed to declare onl0 one 2la0er as +inner" ho+ man0 2la0ers are 2la0ed in first round? a) 2)6 b) )12 c) 6( d) 128 Pattern 28: 1. Oetal stri2 of +idth R!; cm. 2 metal stri2s are 2laced one o'er the other" then the combine len1th of 2 stri2s is R0;. 3f R?; stri2s are 2laced in that manner. /hat is the final +idth of that arran1ement? 2. -" ." N" Q" < are there amon1 -" ." N are bo0s and Q" < are 1irls Q is to the left of - and no 1irl sits at the middle and at the e!temes. &hen +hat is the order of their sittin1s. Pattern 29: 1. &here is 7 friends (-1" -2" -3....-7).3f -1 ha'e to ha'e sha,e +ith all +ithout re2eat. 9o+ man0 handsha,es 2ossible? a) 6 b) 21 c) 28 d) 7

Solution: :or handsha,es t02e 4uestion i am confirmin1 0ou that if the there are n members are there 9andsha,es are 1i'en in linear manner $n=1(last 2erson cannot 1i'e hand sha,e to first 2erson) 9andsha,es are 1i'en in c0clic manner $n(last 2erson can 1i'e hand sha,e to first 2erson) .ut i do not ,no+ 2erfectl0 for re2etition it is nc2 2. (9 members attended the 2art0. 3n that 22 are males" 17 are females. &he sha,e hands bet+een males" females" male and female. &otal 12 2eo2le 1i'en sha,e hands. 9o+ man0 such ,inds of such sha,e hands are 2ossible? a) 122 b) 66 c) (8 d)1 28 Pattern 30:

1. . is taller than 8 and 3 2illars. > is shorter than . and 2 2illars is 8 shorter/taller than >? a) 0es b) no c) ma0 be d) can;t find 2. &here are 1*** 2illars for a tem2le. 3 friends inda" Nhelse0" Luli 'isited that tem2le. (Some unrelated stuff) inda is taller than Nhelsea and taller than 2 of 1*** 2illars. Lulia is shorter than inda. :ind the correct sentence? a) inda is shorter amon1 them b) Nhelsea is taller than Lulia c) Nhelsea is shorter than Lulia d) Nannot determine +ho is taller amon1 Nhelsea and Lulia Pattern 31: 1. <ntr0 tic,et to an e!hibition ran1es from 12 to 312. Cou need to 2ro'ide e!act chan1e at the counter. Cou ha'e 312 coin. 3n ho+ man0 2arts +ill u di'ide 312 so that u +ill 2ro'ide the e!act chan1e re4uired and carr0 as less coins as 2ossible? a) ( b) ) c) 6 d) 7 Solution: in btech +e studied 8 ( 2 1 code for binar0 s0stem in di1ital lo1ic 2roceed in that +a0 for ans+er it is 16 8 ( 2 1 if u add all +e +ill 1et 31 so ) coins re4uired Pattern 32: 1. >eter and >aul are t+o friends. &he sum of their a1es is 3) 0ears. >eter is t+ice as old as >aul +as +hen >eter +as as old as >aul is no+. /hat is the 2resent a1e of >eter? a) 8 b) 2* c) 16 d) 1) Pattern 33: 1. 2* men handsha,e +ith each other +ithout re2etition. /hat is the total number of handsha,es made? a) 19* b) 21* c) 1)* d) 2)* 2. 1* 2eo2le are there" the0 are sha,in1 hands to1ether" ho+ man0 hand sha,es 2ossible" if the0 are in no 2air of c0clic se4uence. a) () b) 9 c) 12 d) 1*

Pattern 34: 1. 3f there are 2 +heelers and ( +heelers 2ar,ed in a school located at the heart of the cit0" find the number of ( +heelers 2ar,ed there if there +ere 2* t+o +heelers 2ar,ed there a) (8 b) )* c) )2 d) 6( Solution: >roceed +ith ans+er is best in 4uestion the0 +ill 1i'e total no of +heels 2. 3f there are 2 +heelers and ( +heelers 2ar,ed in a school located at the heart of the cit0" find the number of ( +heelers 2ar,ed there if there +ere )8 +heels are 2ar,ed there a)1* b) 33 c) 22 d) none Pattern 35: 1. - man +hose a1e is () 0rs has 3 sons named Lohn" Lill" 8ac,. 9e +ent to a 2ar, +ee,l0 t+ice. 9e lo'es his sons 'er0 much. In a certain da0 he found the sho2 ,ee2ers sellin1 different thin1s. -n a22le cost 12enn0" 2chocalate costs 12enn0 F 3 bananas cost 1 2enn0. 9e has bou1ht e4ual number of a22le" chocolate F banana for each son. 3f the total amount he in'est is 7 2enn0 then ho+ man0 he has bou1ht from each 2iece for his son? a) 1a22" 1cho" 1 banana b)1 a22" 2cho"3 banana c)1a22" 2cho" 1banana 2. Ine 2erson had three children. 9e had 7 2ennies. :ind the distribution of the fruits amon1 the three children. - melon costs 1 2enn0" 2 oran1es cost 1 2enn0 and 3 1ra2es cost 1 2enn0 a)2 melons" 1 oran1e" 1 1ra2e b) 2 melons" 2 oran1e" 1 1ra2e c) 1 melons" 2 oran1e" 1 1ra2e. Pattern 36: 1) &he a1e of the t+o friends +ere in the ration of 6:). 3f the sum of their a1es is )). &hen after ho+ man0 0ears their ratio +ill become 8:7? a) 11 b) 7 c) 1* d) 12 Solution: 6!%)!$))" so !$)" 2ut first ratio after substitution is (6#))/()#)) and second ratio is (*/3) So difference in numerators (*=3*$1* 0ears 2)&he a1e of the t+o friends +ere in the ration of 6:). 3f the sum of their a1es is 66. &hen after ho+ man0 0ears their ratio +ill become 7:6? a) 11 b) 6 c) 1* d) 12 3) &he a1e of the t+o friends +ere in the ration of 2:3. 3f the sum of their a1es is )). &hen after ho+ man0 0ears their ratio +ill become (:)? a) 11 b) 33 c) 22 d) (( Pattern 37:

1) - 'olume of 1*936 l +ater is in a container of s2here. 9o+ man0 semis2here of 'olume (l each +ill be re4uired to tranfer all the +ater into the small semis2heres? a) 2812 b) 8231 c) 273( d) (222 Pattern 38:

1) - 2erson ismanufacturin1 a house. 9e bou1ht 2* ro2es of +ire +hich has a densit0 of 3** M1/m3. &he hei1ht of the buildin1 to be constructed is (* m. 3f the ca2acit0 of the current 2assed in the +ire is 2* - and the 'olta1e ca2acit0 is 8* Solts. &hen +hat +ill be the o22osin1 force to the current if the +ire is used? a) 2 b) ( c) 8 d) 16** Solution: ohms la+ S$3T" I22osin1 force of current is resistance" T$'/i Pattern 39: 1) - horse chases a 2on0 2 hours after the 2on0 runs.9orse ta,es 3 hours to reach the 2on0.3f the a'era1e s2eed of the horse is 81Mm2h.&hen +hat is the a'era1e s2eed of the 2on0? a) (6.( b) )1 c) )3.( d) (8.6 Solution: 9orse ta,es 3 hours to co'er the distance >on0 ta,es 3%2 $) hours to co'er the same distance" Selocit0$distance/time" distance tra'elled b0 them is e4ual it is 81#3$2(3,m" s2eed of 2on0$2(3/)$(8.6 3) - horse chases a 2on0 3 hours after the 2on0 runs. 9orse ta,es ( hours to reach the 2on0. 3f the a'era1e s2eed of the horse is 3) ,m2h" +hat is the a'era1e s2eed of the 2on0 Pattern 40: 1)&he difference bet+een t+o no is 9 and the 2roduct of the t+o is 1(./hat is the s4uare of their sum? a) 12* b) 13* c) 137 d) 1() Solution: a=b$9" ab$1(" (a=b)2$a2%b2=2#a#b 2) &he sum of t+o no is ) and the 2roduct of the t+o is 1(./hat is the sum of their s4uares? 3) &he sum of the s4uares of t+o no is 12 and their sum is 1).:ind the 2roduct of the t+o no?

Pattern 41: 1) In 2lanet ,orba" a solar blast has melted the ice ca2s on its e4uator. 9 0ears after the ice melts" tin0 2lanetoids called echina start 1ro+in1 on the roc,s. <china 1ro+s in the form of circle" and the relationshi2 bet+een the diameter of this circle and the a1e of echina is 1i'en b0 the formula d $ (#U (t=9) for t V 9 +here d re2resents the diameter in mm and t the number of 0ears since the solar blast.La1an recorded the radius of some echina at a 2articular s2ot as 7mm. 9o+ man0 0ears bac, did the solar blast occur? a) 17 b) 21.2) c) 12.2) d) 1(.*) Solution: radius $7mm" then diameter 2#radius" substitude diameter the in abo'e e4uation 0ou +ill 1et ans+er Pattern 42:

1) - man 1oes )*Mm north " then turned left +al,ed (*Mm" then turned ri1ht ? 3n +hich direction he is? a) 5orth b) South c) <ast d) /est Pattern 43:

1) 3n &.5a1ar the buildin1 +ere numbered from 1 to 1**.&hen ho+ man0 (;s +ill be 2resent in the numbers? a) 18 b) 19 c) 2* d) 21. Solution: Cou ha'e to count and ans+er but be 2re2are +ith ans+er 2) 3n &.5a1ar the buildin1 +ere numbered from 1 to 1**. &hen ho+ man0 6;s +ill be 2resent in the numbers? a) 18 b) 19 c) 2* d) 21 3) 3n &.5a1ar the buildin1 +ere numbered from 1 to 1**. &hen ho+ man0 1;s +ill be 2resent in the numbers? a) 18 b) 19 c) 2* d) 21 () 3n &.5a1ar the buildin1 +ere numbered from 1 to 1**.&hen ho+ man0 *;s +ill be 2resent in the numbers? a) 18 b) 19 c) 2* d) 11 Pattern 44: 1) - number +hen di'ided b0 Q lea'es a remainder of 8 and +hen di'ided b0 3Q lea'es a remainder of 21. /hat is the remainder left" +hen t+ice the number is di'ided b0 3Q? a) 13 b) cannot be determined c) 3 d) (2 Pattern 45: 1) :errari S.>.- is an 3talian s2orts car manufacturer based in Oaranello" 3tal0. :ounded b0 <n?o :errari in 1928 as Scuderia :errari" the com2an0 s2onsored dri'ers and manufactured race cars before mo'in1 into 2roduction of street=le1al 'ehicles in 19(7 as :errari S.>.-. &hrou1hout its histor0" the com2an0 has been noted for its continued 2artici2ation in racin1" es2eciall0 in :ormula Ine +here it has em2lo0ed 1reat success .Tohit once bou1ht a :errari. 3t could 1o ( times as fast as OohanWs old Oercedes. 3f the s2eed of OohanWs Oercedes is 3) ,m/hr and the distance tra'eled b0 the :errari is (9* ,m" find the total time ta,en for Tohit to dri'e that distance. a) 2*.72 b) 3.) c) 238.2) d) 6.18 Solution: S2eed of :errari $(#3)$1(*"time$distance/'elocit0" 2) :errari S.>.- is an 3talian s2orts car manufacturer based in Oarane llo" 3tal0. :ounded b0 <n?o :errari in 1928 as Scuderia :errari" the com2an0 s2onsored dri'ers and manufactured race cars before mo'in1 into 2roduction of street=le1al 'ehicles in 19(7 as :errari S.>.-. &hrou1hout its histor0" the com2an0 has been noted for its continued 2artici2ation in racin1" es2eciall0 in :ormula Ine +here it has em2lo0ed 1reat success .Tohit once bou1ht a :errari. 3t could 1o ( times as fast as OohanWs old Oercedes. 3f the s2eed of OohanWs Oercedes is (6 ,m/hr and the distance tra'eled b0 the :errari is 9)3 ,m" find the total time ta,en for Tohit

to dri'e that distance. a) 2*.72 b) ).18 c) 238.2) d) 6.18 Pattern 46: 1) - sheet of 2a2er has statements numbered from 1 to 7*. :or all 'alues of n from 1 to 7*. Statement n sa0s W -t least n of the statements on this sheet are false. R/hich statements are true and +hich are false? a) &he e'en numbered statements are true and the odd numbered are false. b) &he odd numbered statements are true and the e'en numbered are false. c) &he first 3) statements are true and the last 3) are false. d) &he first 3) statements are false and the last 3) are false. Pattern 47: 1) - man 1oes north 37,m.turns left 1oes 2,m.turns ri1ht 1oes 17,m.turns ri1ht 1oes 2,m. find distance b/+ startin1 endin1 2oint. a) )( b) 27 c) 81 d) 67 Pattern 48: 1) 3f there are 3* cans out of them one is 2oisoned if a 2erson tastes 'er0 little he +ill die +ithin 1( hours so if there are mice to test and 2( hours to test" ho+ man0 mices are re4uired to find the 2oisoned can? a) 3 b) 2 c) 6 d) 1 Pattern 49: 1) 3f a and b are mi!ed in 3:) ration and b and c are mi!ed in 8:) ration if the final mi!ture is 3) liters" find the amount of b? -) 13.3( b) 1).73 c) 16.73 d) 9.() Solution: Sol'e for a:b:c"then b ratio is b/(a%b%c)#3) Pattern 50: 1) 3f +e subtract a number +ith 0" +e 1et ( increase of number" once it 1ot di'ided b0 0 itself... :ind that number?? -) 13 b) 12 c) 1( d) 11 Pattern 51: 1) 3t is the class +ith the seatin1 arran1ement in ( ro+s and 8 columns. /hen the teacher sa0s WstartW the 1irl +ho is sittin1 in first ro+ and first column +ill sa0 1" then the ne!t 1irl sittin1 behind her +ill sa0 (" the ne!t 1irl sittin1 behind that 1irl +ill sa0 7" in a 2articular order each 1irl is tellin1 a number" the follo+in1 1irls told 1*" 13 ne!t turn is 0ours +hat u +ill sa0? a) 1) b) 17 c) 1( d) 16 Solution: 3t is a series 1" (" 7" 1*" 13. Pattern 52:

1) 3t is dar, in m0 bedroom and 3 +ant to 1et t+o soc,s of the same color from m0 dra+er" +hich contains 2( red and 2( blue soc,s. 9o+ man0 soc,s do 3 ha'e to ta,e from the dra+er to 1et at least t+o soc,s of the same color? a) 2 b) 3 c) (8 d) 2) 2) ad0 has 2 select 1lo'es F hat from a bas,et. 3n the dar," she can distin1uish hat F 1lo'es. 1( red" 2* blue" 18 1reen are there. :ind 2robabilit0 that an0 selected 1lo'e 2air has same color. 3) - lad0 had fine 1lo'es and hats. 2) blue" 7 red and 9 1e0. She had to select a 2air amon1 them. .ut there +as no li1ht so she had to select in dar,ness the correct 2air +ith a 1lo'e and a hat. &herefore ho+ man0 combinations of same color she can select? Pattern 53: 1) 3f the Salentine;s Qa0 in 2**) falls on Oonda0" then on +hich da0 +ill the Salentine;s Qa0 fall on 2*1*? -) Saturda0 b) &hursda0 c) /ednesda0 d) Sunda0 Pattern 54: 1. - 2erson run from - to ..9e too, 7 of the time less to reach . +hen com2are to run at normal S2eed.&hen ho+ man0 2ercenta1e he has increased his s2eed? a) (* b) ((.( c) 33.3 d) 22.2 Solution: i do not ,no+ 2erfectl0 but i ha'e sim2le lo1ic"1=(1/()$(3/()"then re'erse it so it is (/3$1.333"1.33=1$33.33 li,e this 2. -n athlete decides to run the same distance in 1/(th less time that she usuall0 too,. .0 ho+ much 2ercent +ill she ha'e to increase her a'era1e s2eed? a) (* b) ((.( c) 33.3 d) 22.2 Pattern 55:

1. 3n a buildin1 there are ) rooms.<ach ha'in1 a e4ual area .&he len1th of the room is (m and breadht is ) m.&he hei1ht of the rooms are 2m. 3f 17 bric,s are needed to ma,e a s4uare meter then ho+ man0 bric,s are needed to ma,e the floor of a 2articular room? a) 32* b) 38* c) 3(* d) 3**

Solution: area of the room is len1th#breadth$(#)$2*m2" :or one s4uare meter it ta,es 17 bric,s" :or 2*m2 total no of bric,s are 17#2*$3(*" Pattern 56:

1. Ine man +ant to build a +all .&he len1th and breadth of the +all are 2* and 3* res2ecti'el0. 9e need 3) bric,s for one s4uare centimeter then ho+ man0 bric,s he need? a) 21")** b) 3*"*** c) 21"*** d) 2*"*** Pattern 57:

1. 3n a hotel +e can order t+o t02es of 'arities" but +e can ma,e 6 more 'ariteis in home. Ine can choose the four 'arities +ith t+o from hotel as must. :ind ho+ man0 +a0s one can order. a) 1( b) 1) c) )6 d) 28 Pattern 58: 1. 3f a 2i2e can fill the tan, +ithin 6hrs..ut due to lea, it ta,es 3* min more. 5o+ the tan, is full then ho+ much time +ill it ta,e to em2t0 the tan, throu1ht the lea,? a) 78 b) )6 c) 66 d) )9 Pattern 59: 1. &he bacteria has the 2robabilit0 of s2lit into 3 and 2robabilit0 to die is 1/3rd of the total bacteria. et the 2robabilit0 is >.Some of them sur'i'ed +ith 2robabilit0 1/).&hen +hich amon1 the follo+in1 relation is true? a)>$1/3%1/)#3 b)>$1/)#(1/8=3) 2. &here is a bacteria +hich has the 2robabilit0 of die 1/3 of its total number or it ma0 tri2led. :ind out the 2robabilit0 -. >$1/3%(2/3#2A3) .. >$2/3%(2/3#2A3) N. >$2/3%(1/3#2A3) Q >$2/3%(2/3#2A3) Pattern 60: 1. &here +as a 1rand mother in a 'illa1e +ho had a 1rand child.J2on as,in1 her 1rand childs a1e she told that she is as older as man0 da0s old as her dau1hters a1e in +ee,s and as man0 da0s as her o+n a1e in 0ears.&he sum of the three is 13*.then ho+ old is the child.? Pattern 61: 1) 3n &.5a1ar the buildin1 +ere numbered from 1 to 1**.&hen ho+ man0 (;s +ill be 2resent in the numbers? a)18 b)19 c)2* d)21 2) 3n &na1ar man0 buildin1s +ere under residential cate1or0.for buildin1s the0 number as 1 to 1**. :or sho2s" cor2oration numbered bet+een 1)* and 2** onl0 2rime numbers. ho+ man0 time 6 +ill a22ear in buildin1 numberin1? Pattern 62:

1) -mrith told to -nand in front of a >hoto that X9e is the son of m0 father;s sonY.:ind +ho is in the 2icture if amrith ha'e no brothers and sisters. a) -mrith himself b) -mrith;s Jncle c) -mrith;s :ather d) -mrith;s son 2) Ine 2erson has no siblin1s and sa0s"Y the 1u0 in the 2hoto is the onl0 son of m0 father Rs sonY. /hat is the relation of the 1u0 to the 2erson? Pattern 63:

1) Ine 1rand father has 3 1rand children t+o of the a1e difference is 3.<ldest child a1e is 3

times the 0oun1est childs a1e and the eldest child a1e is t+o 0ear more than the sum of other t+o children. :ind +hat is the a1e of the elders child? a) 18 b) 22 c) 3* d) 1*. Solution: there are 3 childs"let the a1e of 0oun1er be !"elder be 3!"so the middle one be m"3!$2%!%m"then +e ha'e a=b$3 or b=c$3"or a=c$3" then for ans+er +e ha'e to 1o 'ia o2tions" substitute that in abo'e e4uations 2) Ine 1randfather has three 1randchildren" t+o of their a1e difference is 3" eldest child a1e is 3 times 0oun1est child;s a1e and eldest child;s a1e is t+o times of sum of other t+o children. /hat is the a1e of eldest child? 3) Ine 1randfather has three 1randchildren" t+o of their a1e difference is 3" eldest child a1e is 3 times 0oun1est child;s a1e and eldest child;s a1e is t+o times of sum of other t+o children. /hat is the a1e of eldest child? Pattern 64:

1) 3n a school" for a student out of 1** he 1ot 7( of a'era1e for 7 sub8ects and he 1ot 79 mar,s in the 8th sub8ect. +hat is the a'era1e of all the sub8ect? a) 76.2)1 b) 8*.2) c) 7(.26) d) 7(.62) Solution: &otal mar,s$7(#7$)18" then a'era1e$()18%79)/8$7(.62) Pattern 65:

1) 3 2ersons a"b"c +ere there - al+a0s sa0s truth". lies on Oonda0"tusda0"F /ednesda0.but N lies on thrusda0":rida0 F saturda0 .one da0 - saidYthat . F N said to - thatY . said X0esterda0 +a0 one of the da0s +hen 3 liesY"N said thatY0esterda0 +a0 one of the da0s +hen 3 lies tooY.then +hich da0 +as that? a) Sunda0 b) &hursda0 c) Saturda0 d) &uesda0 Pattern 66: 1) /hich is the smallest no +hich di'ides 288* and 1i'es a 2erfect s4uare? a) ( b) 9 c) 3 d) ) Solution: :or ans+er sol'e 'ia o2tions Pattern 67:

1) 9o+ man0 9 di1it numbers are 2ossible b0 usin1 the di1its 1"2"3"(") +hich are di'isible b0 ( if the re2etition is allo+ed? a))7 b))6 c))9 d))8 2) ho+ man0 13 di1it numbers are 2ossible b0 usin1 the di1its 1"2"3"(") +hich are di'isible b0 ( if re2etition of di1its is allo+ed? 3) .0 usin1 1"2"3"(")"ho+ man0 ) di1it no. can be formed +hich is di'isible b0 ("re2etation

of no. is allo+ed?? () :orm 8 di1it numbers from b0 usin1 1" 2"3"(") +ith re2etition is allo+ed and must be di'isible b0(? )) 9o+ man0 of 1( di1it numbers +e can ma,e +ith 1"2"3"(") that are di'isible b0 (. Te2etitions allo+ed. Pattern 68: 1) Nonsider t+o tumblers" the first containin1 /ater and ne!t contains coffee. Su22ose 0ou ta,e one s2oon of +ater out of the first tumbler and 2our it into the second tumbler. -fter mo'in1 0ou ta,e one s2oon of the mi!ture from the second tumbler and 2our it bac, into the first tumbler . /hich one of the follo+in1 statement holds no+? a) &here is less coffee in the first tumbler than +ater in the second tumblers b) &here is more coffee in the firs tumbler than +ater in the second tumbler c) &here is as much coffee in the first tumbler as there is +ater in the second tumbler d)5one of the statements holds true Solution: &hin, +isel0 and ans+er these are as,ed in m0 2a2er 2 or 3 4uestions 2) &+o bo+ls are ta,en" one contains +ater and another contains s2oon of +ater is added to second bo+l and mi!ed +ell" and a s2oon of mi!ture is ta,en from second bo+l and added to the second bo+l. /hich statement +ill hold 1ood for the abo'e? Pattern 69: 1) Si! friends decide to share a bi1 ca,e. Since all of them li,e the ca,e" the0 be1in 4uarrelin1 +ho 1ets to first cut and ha'e a 2iece of the ca,e. Ine friend su11ests that the0 ha'e a blindfold friend choose from +ell shuffled set of cards numbered one to si!. Cou chec, and find that this method +or,s as it should simulatin1 a fair thro+ of a die. Cou chec, b0 2erformin1 multi2le simultaneous trials of 2ic,in1 the cards blindfold and thro+in1 a die. Cou note that the number sho+n b0 the method of 2ic,in1 u2 a card and thro+in1 a real +orld die" sums to a number bet+een 2 and 12. /hich total +ould be li,el0 to a22ear more often @ 8"9 or 1*? a) 8 b) -ll are e4uall0 li,el0 c) 9 d) 1* Solution: Nalculate ho+ man0 times 8"9"1* +ill come +hen +e thro+ 2 dice" and ans+er Pattern 70:

Z1. Hi'en a collection of 2oints > in the 2lane" a 1=set is a 2oint in > that can be se2arated from the rest b0 a line" .i.e the 2oint lies on one side of the line +hile the others lie on the other side. &he number of 1=sets of > is denoted b0 n1(>). &he minimum 'alue of n1(>) o'er all confi1urations > of ) 2oints in the 2lane in 1eneral 2osition (.i.e no three 2oints in > lie on a line) is a)3 b)) c) 2 d)1 -ns: ) :or belo+ 4uestions" ans+ers i am not sure +hether the0 are correct or not 0ou ha'e to sol'e urself

Z2. &he citi?ens of 2lanet ni1iet are 8 fin1ered and ha'e thus de'elo2ed their decimal s0stem in base 8. - certain street in ni1iet contains 1*** (in base 8) buildin1s numbered 1 to 1***. 9o+ man0 3s are used in numberin1 these buildin1s? a) )( b) 6( c) 26) d) 192 -ns: 192 Some times base 'alue is chan1 li,e: 9fin1er" 1 to 1**(base 9) Z3. Hi'en 3 lines in the 2lane such that the 2oints of intersection form a trian1le +ith sides of len1th 2*" 2* and 3*" the number of 2oints e4uidistant from all the 3 lines is a)1 b)3 c)( d)* Z(. 9are in the other. &he hare starts after the tortoise has co'ered 1/) of its distance and that too leisurel03. - hare and a tortoise ha'e a race alon1 a circle of 1** 0ards diameter. &he tortoise 1oes in one direction and the. &he hare and tortoise meet +hen the hare has co'ered onl0 1/8 of the distance. .0 +hat factor should the hare increase its s2eed so as to tie the race? a) 37.8* b)8 c) (* d) ) -ns: 37.8* Z). 9ere 1* 2ro1ramers" t02e 1* lines +ith in 1* minutes then 6*lines can t02e +ithin 6* minutes. 9o+ man0 2ro1rammers are needed? a) 16 b) 6 c) 1* d) 6* Solution:(men#time)/+or,) -ns: 1* &his t02e of ZWs re2eated (times for me but 'alues are different. Z6. -lo, and .hanu 2la0 the follo+in1 min=ma! 1ame. Hi'en the e!2ression 5$9%B%C=[ /here B" C and [ are 'ariables re2resentin1 sin1le di1its (* to 9)" -lo, +ould li,e to ma!imi?e 5 +hile .hanu +ould li,e to minimi?e it. &o+ards this end" -lo, chooses a sin1le di1it number and .hanu substitutes this for a 'ariable of her choice (B" C or [). -lo, then chooses the ne!t 'alue and .hanu" the 'ariable to substitute the 'alue. :inall0 -lo, 2ro2oses the 'alue for the remainin1 'ariable. -ssumin1 both 2la0 to their o2timal strate1ies" the 'alue of 5 at the end of the 1ame +ould be a) * b) 27 c) 18 d) 2* &he ZWs conce2t is same but the e4uation of 5Ws is chan1in1. Z7. -lice and .ob 2la0 the follo+in1 coins=on=a=stac, 1ame. 2* coins are stac,ed one abo'e the other. Ine of them is a s2ecial (1old) coin and the rest are ordinar0 coins. &he 1oal is to brin1 the 1old coin to the to2 b0 re2eatedl0 mo'in1 the to2most coin to another 2osition in the stac,. -lice starts and the 2la0ers ta,e turns. - turn consists of mo'in1 the coin on the to2 to a 2osition i belo+ the to2 coin (* $ i $ 2*). /e +ill call this an i=mo'e (thus a *=mo'e im2lies doin1 nothin1). &he 2ro'iso is that an i=mo'e cannot be re2eatedP for e!am2le once a 2la0er ma,es a 2=mo'e" on subse4uent turns neither 2la0er can ma,e a 2=mo'e. 3f the 1old coin ha22ens to be on to2 +hen itWs a 2la0erWs turn then the 2la0er +ins the 1ame. 3nitiall0" the 1old coinis the third coin from the to2. &hen

a) 3n order to +in" -liceWs first mo'e should be a 1=mo'e. b) 3n order to +in" -liceWs first mo'e should be a *=mo'e. c) 3n order to +in" -liceWs first mo'e can be a *=mo'e or a 1=mo'e. d) -lice has no +innin1 strate10. -ns: d Z8. :or the :3:- +orld cu2" >aul the octo2us has been 2redictin1 the +inner of each match +ith ama?in1 success. 3t is rumored that in a match bet+een 2 teams - and ." >aul 2ic,s +ith the same 2robabilit0 as -Ws chances of +innin1. etWs assume such rumors to be true and that in a match bet+een Hhana and .oli'ia" Hhana the stron1er team has a 2robabilit0 of 2/3 of +innin1 the 1ame. /hat is the 2robabilit0 that >aul +ill correctl0 2ic, the +inner of the Hhana=.oli'ia 1ame? a)1/9 b)(/9 c))/9 d)2/3 -ns: )/9 Z9. 36 2eo2le \a1" a2" ..." a36] meet and sha,e hands in a circular fashion. 3n other +ords" there are totall0 36 handsha,es in'ol'in1 the 2airs" \a1" a2]" \a2" a3]" ..." \a3)" a36]" \a36" a1]. &hen si?e of the smallest set of 2eo2le such that the rest ha'e sha,en hands +ith at least one 2erson in the set is a)12 b)11 c)13 d)18 -ns: 18 Z1*. -fter the t02ist +rites 12 letters and addresses 12 en'elo2es" she inserts the letters randoml0 into the en'elo2es (1 letter 2er en'elo2e). /hat is the 2robabilit0 that e!actl0 1 letter is inserted in an im2ro2er en'elo2e? a)1/12 b)* c)12/212 d)11/12 -ns: b Z11. - sheet of 2a2er has statements numbered from 1 to (*. :or each 'alue of n from 1 to (*" statement n sa0s ^-t least and of the statements on this sheet are true.^ /hich statements are true and +hich are false? a)&he e'en numbered statements are true and the odd numbered are false. b)&he first 26 statements are false and the rest are true. c)&he first 13 statements are true and the rest are false. d)&he odd numbered statements are true and the e'en numbered are false. -ns:c Z12. &here are t+o bo!es" one containin1 1* red balls and the other containin1 1* 1reen balls. Cou are allo+ed to mo'e the balls bet+een the bo!es so that +hen 0ou choose a bo! at random and a ball at random from the chosen bo!" the 2robabilit0 of 1ettin1 a red ball is ma!imi?ed. &his ma!imum 2robabilit0 is a)1/2 b)1(/19 c)37/38 d)3/( -ns: 1(/19 Z13. - circular dartboard of radius 1 foot is at a distance of 2* feet from 0ou. Cou thro+ a dart at it and it hits the dartboard at some 2oint Z in the circle. /hat is the 2robabilit0 that Z is closer to the center of the circle than the 2eri2her0? a) *.7) b) 1 c) *.) d) *.2)

-ns: d Z1(. 9. - and . 2la0 a 1ame of dice bet+een them. &he dice consist of colors on their faces (instead of numbers). /hen the dice are thro+n" - +ins if both sho+ the same colorP other+ise . +ins. Ine die has ( red face and 2 blue faces. 9o+ man0 red and blue faces should the other die ha'e if the both 2la0ers ha'e the same chances of +innin1? a) 3 red and 3 blue faces b) 2 red and remainin1 blue c) 6 red and * blue d) ( red and remainin1 blue -ns: a Z1). In 2lanet ?orba" a solar blast has melted the ice ca2s on its e4uator. 8 0ears after the ice melts" tin0 2lantoids called echina start 1ro+in1 on the roc,s. echina 1ro+s in the form of a circle and the relationshi2 bet+een the diameter of this circle and the a1e of echina is 1i'en b0 the formula d $ ( # s4rt (t @ 8)for t $ 8 /here the re2resents the diameter in mm and t the number of 0ears since the solar blast. La1an recorded the time of some echina at a 2articular s2ot is 2( 0ears then +hat is diameter? a) 8 b) 16 c) 2) d) 21 -ns: 16 Z16. - sheet of 2a2er has statements numbered from 1 to (*. :or all 'alues of n from 1 to (*" statement n sa0s: W<!actl0 n of the statements on this sheet are false.W /hich statements are true and +hich are false? a) &he e'en numbered statements are true and the odd numbered statements are false. b) &he odd numbered statements are true and the e'en numbered statements are false. c) -ll the statements are false. d) &he 39th statement is true and the rest are false. -ns: d Z17. -lo, and .hanu 2la0 the follo+in1 coins in a circle 1ame. 99 coins are arran1ed in a circle +ith each coin touchin1 t+o other coin. &+o of the coins are s2ecial and the rest are ordinar0. -lo, starts and the 2la0ers ta,e turns remo'in1 an ordinar0 coin of their choice from the circle and brin1in1 the other coins closer until the0 a1ain form a (smaller) circle. &he 1oal is to brin1 the s2ecial coins ad8acent to each other and the first 2la0er to do so +ins the 1ame. 3nitiall0 the s2ecial coins are se2arated b0 t+o ordinar0 coins I1 and I2. /hich of the follo+in1 is true? a) 3n order to +in" -lo, should remo'e I1 on his first turn. b) 3n order to +in" -lo, should remo'e one of the coins different from I1 and I2 on his first turn. c) 3n order to +in" -lo, should remo'e I2 on his first turn. d) -lo, has no +innin1 strate10. -ns: d Z18. &+o 2i2es - and . fill at - certain rate . is filled at 1*" 2*" (*" 8*. 3f 1/( of . if filled in 21 hours +hat time it +ill ta,e to 1et com2letel0 filled -ns: 23

Z19. :ind a'era1e s2eed if a man tra'els at s2eed of 2(,m2h u2 and 36,m2h do+n at an altitude of 2**m. :ormula is 2!0/(!%0). Z2*. Ine 1randfather has three 1randchildren" t+o of their a1e difference is 3" eldest child a1e is 3 times 0oun1est child;s a1e and eldest child;s a1e is t+o times of sum of other t+o children. /hat is the a1e of eldest child? -ns: 18 Z21. :errari is leadin1 car manufacturer.#:errari S.2.-.# is an 3talian s2orts car. 3t has en8o0ed 1reat success. 3f OohanWs :errari is 3 times faster than his old Oercedes +ich 1a'e him 3),m2h if Oohan tra'elled (9* ,m in his ferrari the ho+ much time(hours) he too,? <as0 one tr0 it. Z22. .0 usin1 1"2"3"(")" ho+ man0 12 di1it no. can be formed +hich is di'isible b0 (" re2etation of no. is allo+ed? -ns: ())A11 Z23. &he cost 1 2lum is 1 cent" 2 a22les is 1 cent" 3 cashe+ is 1 cent. 3f father bu0s same amount of fruits for his 3 sons s2endin1 7 cent then +hat amount of fruit each child +ill 1et? -ns: 12lum" 2a22les" 1cashe+ Z2(. &here are some 2 +heelers and ( +heelers 2ar,ed total number of +heels 2resent is 2(* then ho+ man0 ( +heelers +ere there -ns: :or this 4uestion ans+er is deduced from the o2tions. Z2). Ine da0 -lice meets 2al and b0te in fair0land. She ,no+s that 2al lies on Oonda0s" &uesda0s and /ednesda0s and tells the truth on the other da0s of the +ee, b0te" on the other hand" lies on &hursda0s" :rida0s and Saturda0s" but tells the truth on the other da0s of the +ee,. 5o+ the0 ma,e the follo+in1 statements to -lice @ 2al. Cesterda0 +as one of those da0s +hen 3 lie b0te. Cesterda0 +as one of those da0s +hen 3 lie too. /hat da0 is it? a) &hursda0 -ns: a b) &uesda0 c) Oonda0 d) Sunda0

3nter'ie+:&hen comin1 to inter'ie+ m0 inter'ie+ is fine i am from O.&ech" 2o+er electronics and dri'es 3n m0 colle1e for non 3& branches se2arate technical 2anel came.:or 2o+er electronics and dri'es and 2o+er s0stems one technical 1u0 came and inter'ie+d us. .ut he too, around () min or more for each 2erson. :or me m0 inter'ie+ 1one for around () min. Oainl0 the0 as,ed 4uestions on electrical onl0 not on N" N%%" La'a Oainl0 i told to him about m0 2ro8ect both ..&ech and O.&ech ans+er some 9T 4uestions li,e tell me about 0ourself" +h0 0ou came to soft+are" tell me about &NS" +h0 0ou had ta,en 2o+er electronics" if i re8ect 0ou +hat +ill 0ou do" can 0ou relocate 0our self" some a22lications of our branch ie 2o+er electronics and some da0 to da0 a22lications in it and some basic electrical 4uestions li,e ,irchoffs la+s" ohms la+" motor 2rinci2le" 1enerator 2rinci2le" +h0 transformer is used. /hat are the recent trends in 2o+er electronics &hats it

-ll the best and see 0ou in &NS.

1. Indian National Congress formed in 1885 during the Governor General ship of? Lord Dufferin 2. irst !oman president of Indian National Congress? "nnie #esant $1%1&' (. !ho )as the first *uslim president of Indian National Congress #adruddin +, /. Indian National Congress held its first session in 1885 at? Go0ul Das +e.pal 1ans0rit College2 #om-a, 5. !hat does the 1affron 3olour in our National lag stand for? 4enun3iation $1a3rifi3e' 5. +he first session of Indian National Congress )as held under the presidentship of? ! &. !hen did the irst )ar of Independen3e start? 185& *a, 16 8. !hen )as the 7uit India movement started? 1%/2 "ugust 8 at #om-a, %. !ho )as the founder of Indian National Congress? ".8.9ume$"llan 83tavian 9ume' 16. !ho said :1)ara. is m, -irth right and I must have it:? #al Gangadhar +ila0 11. ;alian)ala #agh *assa3re too0 pla3e in the 3it, of? "mritsar2 "pril 1(2 1%1% 12. *ahatma Gandhi )as referred to as the < ather of the Nation: first -,? 1u-hash Chandra #ose 1(. !ho 3omposed the famous patrioti3 song <1are ;ahamse "3ha:? *ohammed I=-al 1/. !hen )as the Dandi *ar3h started? *ar3h 122 1%(6 15. !ho 3ommented <+he Cripps *ission )as a post dated 3he=ue dra)n on a 3rashing -an0? *ahatma Gandhi

15. " resolution as0ing 3omplete independen3e $<>oorna 1)ara.?' for India )as moved at )hi3h session of Indian National Congress? Lahore session $1%2%' under the presiden3, of ;a)aharlal Nehru 1&. !ho )as the president of Indian National Congress at the time of Indian Independen3e? "3har,a @ripalani 18. !ho )as the president of Indian National Congress at the time of GandhiAIr)in pa3t in *ar 52 1%(1? ;a)aharlal Nehru 1%. !hi3h )as the summer 3apital of India during the #ritish rule? 1imla 26. <Banar 1ena: )hi3h parti3ipated in freedom struggle of India )as led -,? Indira Gandhi 21. 1imon 3ommission 3ame to India in? 1%28 22. irst 4ound +a-le Conferen3e held in Cngland in ? 1%(6. 1e3ond in 1%(12 third in 1%(2 2(. irst Indian !oman president of Indian National Congress? 1aro.ini Naidu$1%25' 2/. +he Indian National Congress split into t)o groupsD eEtremists and moderates2 at the 1urat session in the ,ear ? 1%6& CEtremists )ere led -, #al2 >al2 Lal )hile the moderates -, G.@.Go0hale. 25. In the ,ear 1%1%2 the #ritish Government passed a ne) rule under )hi3h the Government had the authorit, and po)er to arrest people and 0eep them in prisons )ithout an, trial if the, are suspe3ted )ith the 3harge of terrorism. !hi3h is that rule? 4o)latt "3t 25. !ho started the 9industan 1o3ialist repu-li3an "sso3iation in 1%28? Chandra 1e0har "sad 2&. !ho represented Indian National Congress in the se3ond round ta-le 3onferen3e in 1%(1? *ahatma Gandhi 28. +he national leader of India )ho parti3ipated in all of the three round ta-le 3onferen3es? #.4."m-ed0ar

2%. !ho is the founder of or)ard #lo30 formed in 1%(%? 1u-hash Chandra #ose (6. 1u-hash Chandra #ose )as referred to as the <Netha.i: first -,? *ahatma Gandhi (1. Indian Independen3e "3t passed in the #ritish >arliament in? 1%/& ;ul, 1 (2. Ca-inet *ission 3ame to India in the ,ear? 1%/5 ((. IndiaFs National "nthem <;anaganamana: first sung in? 1%11 De3em-er 2& at Cal3utta session of Indian National Congress (/. IndiaFs National 1ong <Bandematharam: first sung in? 18%5 at Cal3utta (5. Gandhi.i )as referred to as the <*ahatma: first -,? 4avindra Nath +agore (5. >rime minister of #ritain )hen India got Independen3e? Clement "ttlee $La-or >art,' (&. !ho )as the leader of #ardoli 1at,agrah of 1%28? 1ardar Balla-hai >atel (8. 9o) man, follo)ers of Gandhi.i parti3ipated in Dandi *ar3h? &8 (%. Chauri Chaura massa3re too0 pla3e in? 1%22 in Gtharpradesh /6. Gandhi.i -e3ame the president of Indian National Congress in? 1%2/ at the #elgaum session of Indian National Congress /1. irst ele3ted president of Indian National Congress? 1u-hash Chandra #ose $1%(%' /2. irst foreign president of Indian National Congress? George Hule

/(. 9o) man, mem-ers parti3ipated in the first meeting of Indian National Congress? &2 //. !hi3h )as the most de3isive )ar that mar0ed the initiation of #ritish rule in India? #attle of >lasse, +he -attle o33urred on ;une 2(2 1&5& at >alashi of *urshida-ad2 on the -an0 of #hagirathi 4iver /5. !ho is 0no)n as the 9eroine of 7uit India *ovement ? "runa "saf "li /5. +he *ontaguAChelmsford 4eforms introdu3ed -, the #ritish Government in India to introdu3e selfAgoverning institutions graduall, to India in the ,ear? 1%1% /&. In )hi3h ,ear2 Indian National Congress 3ele-rated Independen3e Da, for the fist time? 1%(6 ;anuar, 25 /8. !ho set up the 1)ara. >art, in 1%22? C.4.Das and *oti Lal Nehru /%. !ho presided over 3ongress sessions three times? Dada #hai Naoro.i 56. "t )hi3h pla3e did the #ritish Government arrest Gandhi.i for sedition for the first time? "hmeda-ad

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